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Please Make Limbo's Banish Ability Aoe


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For us console plebs.  You won't let us use mouse and keyboard so we have to use the controller which makes it extremely difficult to move the cursor with pinpoint accuracy to target mobs to bring into the rift one at a time.  Even when remapping the controls to use the D-pad for abilities (which should be made default btw) it's still difficult to target enemies.  It should be a ground cast AOE or a straight line AOE like frost's ice wave.  To balance, just remove the knockdown effect.  The added challenge of "accidentally" banishing too many enemies at once also would provide balance.

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Please don't. Limbo needs to be able to knockdown and deal with INDIVIDUAL targets because he's so incredibly fragile that he can't fight them fair on the same plane. It leads to a very interesting assassin playstyle that is very unique to him and a lot of players (myself included) enjoy.

I would be more than happy if there was a Banish augment that made it AoE, but I would be very unhappy were the base ability made AoE, ESPECIALLY if the knockdown were removed. The knockdown is the only thing that lets him fight heavy units like Bombards and Heavy Gunners.

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I agree with the difficulty of aiming it, but the proposed changes would entirely remove its usefulness in my opinion. It is designed to take heavies into the rift where you either don't have to worry about them or are waiting to kill them. If it is AoE then you are bringing trash mobs in too, which defeats the purpose. If you remove knockdown to compensate, that just makes things worse because then the heavies will kill you before you can get a shot off.


They need to find a better way to aim single-shot abilities, not make them all AoE.

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That true but it's costs 100 energy with a huge AOE.  Banish should stay at 25 with a tiny AOE

They go down to 25 and ~7 energy respectively with max efficiency, and are already really similar. They both do the same thing, but over different areas. Banish is intended as single target, and Cataclysm is intended as an AoE that covers a broad swath of space. 

Edited by Imaru12
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Please don't. Limbo needs to be able to knockdown and deal with INDIVIDUAL targets because he's so incredibly fragile that he can't fight them fair on the same plane. It leads to a very interesting assassin playstyle that is very unique to him and a lot of players (myself included) enjoy.

I would be more than happy if there was a Banish augment that made it AoE, but I would be very unhappy were the base ability made AoE, ESPECIALLY if the knockdown were removed. The knockdown is the only thing that lets him fight heavy units like Bombards and Heavy Gunners.

ooh that's a good idea.  Banish AOE augment.  I like that

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This is a bad idea, just straight bad as it counteracts the reason behind why Banish works as it does.


Beyond that, do not use the controller as an excuse in this regard.  You already must aim at foes to strike them whilst firing your weaponry, doing the same for a pinpoint skill is no different.  Also, before you assume I'm saying this only as a mouse player, I started Warframe on PS4 and have always been against every suggestion of assisted aim on precision skills.


Of course, as was noted above, there's nothing against having this as an augment for those who want it.  This way you can sacrifice a mod slot if you wish for this trait, while others can continue Banishing normally without suffering such a change.

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This is a bad idea, just straight bad as it counteracts the reason behind why Banish works as it does.


Beyond that, do not use the controller as an excuse in this regard.  You already must aim at foes to strike them whilst firing your weaponry, doing the same for a pinpoint skill is no different.  Also, before you assume I'm saying this only as a mouse player, I started Warframe on PS4 and have always been against every suggestion of assisted aim on precision skills.


Of course, as was noted above, there's nothing against having this as an augment for those who want it.  This way you can sacrifice a mod slot if you wish for this trait, while others can continue Banishing normally without suffering such a change.

Pretty much this. 

I don't see much reason for this as it's bound to get you killed more than it's actually going to help you. You have Cataclysm for mass-rift-death, and the cost can be made completely negligible, couple that with the insane energy-regen you get in the rift and you'll reach the conclusion where you really don't need Banish to drag multiple targets into the rift. 


But sure, augment for those who want it. 

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I don't know why people are giving you such a hard time, OP. I agree with you. One of the biggest complaints I have about Limbo is how tedious it is to banish individual targets when just shooting them would be faster. I think making banish work similar to Frost's Ice Wave, as you suggested, is an excellent idea. This is NOT redundant to cataclysm since that ability shifts an entire area into the rift plane. However, I think the properties of the "rift mechanic" need to be reworked first before any big changes are made to Limbo's abilities. 


I think a good compromise would be to leave Banish as it is but, make "Rift Surge" a constant and inherent trait of the rift since no one likes to spam that ability anyway. Then replace Limbo's 3rd ability with this new proposed AOE Banish.



Also, anyone who has played Warframe on PS4 knows that you need take your thumb off the right stick in order to swipe abilities on the touchpad which has ALWAYS made aiming single target abilities an absolute chore. 

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