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Excalibur Prime Buff In Line With Other Primes


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You can't whine about something that HASN'T happened. You can't whine about a buff that doesn't exist. Saying you don't agree with a buff isn't whining. Complaining that your gear needs a buff; THAT'S whining. Also, stop repeating phrases in your posts.

Also, it does, because if it didn't, I wouldn't be able to multiquote as I did before.

Excal Prime, nor any of the primes, need a buff beyond what the base frame has. That's still something I and many other players disagree with. Excal simply needs a rework. And no, I'm not misinterpreting anything. You are whining that your Excal Prime isn't better than the base Excal, which isn't needed. Just like Volt Prime didn't need more energy compared to the regular.


Either way, this thread and those like it need to die off. Its not constructive and its already had an answer before. They are pointless and just cause more disturbances in the community than anything else.


are you kidding me ? you can whine about anything whether it has or not happened! 


do you even know what whining is ? 


also good for you.. you can edit in a multi-quote grats!


warframes and primes alike will always need buffing when the game continues to progress! again i dont get where in the world you see me whining!


you say this thread is none constructive and needs to die off when you are many others alike have posted nothing constructive about it instead of raging over the fact people want a buff for it! i think you and many others need to die off from this thread if thats the case! 


also no it never had answer.. it was asked years ago but at the time there was no solid response! due to them working on other areas of the game before warframes started getting looked at again!


"These type of threads are pointless" ? exactly how are they pointless ?


from what i gather they help improve the game and keep everything enjoyable, and make it so everything gets its fair share of use rather than just a couple of OP warframes / weapons etc etc!


if they are so dam pointless why are you contributing to the discussion then ? honestly get a grip m8

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Ok then, why not bring back the items from the Founder Pack then? Whats the argument against that? Oh right, the exact same argument as why we shouldn't buff it.


they are far from the same arguments. why not bring back the items from founder pack? they were marketed as exclusive. if they were released then it would then be marked as false advertisement. Just look at red bull. the argument for not buffing founders gear is "i don't have it, and can't get it, so those who do have it, can't get buffs"


"DE stated that it would be cosmetic" isn't an end-all, be-all. The prime versions even then had slight buffs, did they not? Excal Prime came with more polarities, Skana Prime and Lato Prime have buffs over the non-prime counterparts, do they not? Where was the issue back then if it was to be purely cosmetic? Oh right, there was none was there?


Those Buffs are minor conveniences. Foundership predates the current systems that are inplace like the prime buffs and melee 2.0 and such.


Making that argument, that "DE stated primes would be cosmetic" but things change, is no different then making the argument that "DE stated that Founder Access and Founder Gear was to be exclusive and a one-time only thing" but things change. That's the exact same argument. There is no difference at all. And if you are going to fall to using the excuse "DE is contractually obligated to...", they aren't. That's been debunked a million times over simply by reading the Terms of Service EULA. DE has total control over the choice and may do as they please at any time. They can wipe and reset all purchases without refund if they wanted to, not that it would be a wise choice.


while not contractually obligated, they can still get in legal trouble for rereleasing it.


The question to be presented and asked then is "If we buff it, why not also re-release it?" The argument for it to not be re-released is the same as the argument to not buff it. Two sides of the coin, same arguments being tossed back and forth.


you keep spouting the same lines


So if we are going into the realm of 'what-ifs' then yes, things can and have changed. Why not change the whole thing? Or rather, why should DE change anything to do with this topic if its sure to cause more issues than to just let people speculate on the forums about such matters ad nauseam?


DE stated that we are simply getting exclusives, nowhere was it stated that these exclusives were unable to be buffed or nerfed or anything. if all primes were boosted even more, then excal should be treated the same. to those who cry P2W, they must not play other games that are blatant in their attempts to milk the money out of players. Buffing excal is not game breaking.  


That's pretty much strawmanning. Never said that it shouldn't have a buff because I personally don't have it. I'm saying it shouldn't be buffed because its paid only content. Different argument. If Volt Prime was Prime Access only and was still in his current state, wouldn't people get up in arms?


It wasn't directed to you personally. Just said it because i've seen that excuse come up regularly.



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No thanks, why buff a frame hardly anyone has access to if there isn't a publicly accessible version. He was a cosmetic you could purchase to help the developers, and wasn't intended to ever be better than what is available in game.

Why is there so many founder this or that needs to be buffed threads that are allowed to continue, yet one single give us access to excalibur prime gets instantly closed. Might want to consider who really pays the bills here and show less favoritism to an already elitist group.

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No thanks, why buff a frame hardly anyone has access to if there isn't a publicly accessible version. He was a cosmetic you could purchase to help the developers, and wasn't intended to ever be better than what is available in game.

Why is there so many founder this or that needs to be buffed threads that are allowed to continue, yet one single give us access to excalibur prime gets instantly closed. Might want to consider who really pays the bills here and show less favoritism to an already elitist group.

Yeah man, I'm sure the founders were like 'welp, I just blew $200 on a game I'm not even sure will make it to the mass market, I'ma just never spend any money on it ever again for it's entirety'.

And yeah, why would you buff a cosmetic when it's not really a cosmetic and just another prime frame that got left behind? That's ridiculous! Why do our threads on a question that has had a firm NO since it's inception gets locked when we still ask it, but Founders can ask for buffs to gear that got left behind in Damage 1.0? We might want to consider who funded the game in the first place.at a steep price with no guarantee of the future, and show a little more maturity and less spite and entitlement.

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If Excalibur Prime does get buffed, it does not rob any non-founders of any content. It is not as though their existing excaliburs will be removed. The game will continue as it is, just the way it was.

And by the way, Excalibur prime is not a cosmetic skin strictly speaking. It is a full separate warframe.


The main point is: Excalibur Prime should be buffed slightly to be in line with other primes, and it does not affect the general player population at all.


I'm looking forward to a slight armor buff or something like that, along the lines of ember prime. 

while on this topic, mag prime should be buffed too.

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If Excalibur Prime does get buffed, it does not rob any non-founders of any content. It is not as though their existing excaliburs will be removed. The game will continue as it is, just the way it was.

And by the way, Excalibur prime is not a cosmetic skin strictly speaking. It is a full separate warframe.


The main point is: Excalibur Prime should be buffed slightly to be in line with other primes, and it does not affect the general player population at all.


I'm looking forward to a slight armor buff or something like that, along the lines of ember prime. 

while on this topic, mag prime should be buffed too.

I doesnt matter how this buff would look like - it will always be a reason for horrendous emounts of salt. For me I think I would quit Warframe if they will make him better than his normal version.

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I doesnt matter how this buff would look like - it will always be a reason for horrendous emounts of salt. For me I think I would quit Warframe if they will make him better than his normal version.

The same can be said for any change. Remember all the hate for DMG 2.0? The current Sharkwing? Any nerf ever? This is nothing to be salty over.
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The same can be said for any change. Remember all the hate for DMG 2.0? The current Sharkwing? Any nerf ever? This is nothing to be salty over.

No I dont remember that hate of DMG 2.0 because I've started playing a little later.  And its the first thing ever in this game that would me quit it - so to say that the same could be said for any change is in all honesty a bit ignorant (no offense, really). There is a lot reason to be salty; two words: better exclusives.

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No I dont remember that hate of DMG 2.0 because I've started playing a little later.  And its the first thing ever in this game that would me quit it - so to say that the same could be said for any change is in all honesty a bit ignorant (no offense, really). There is a lot reason to be salty; two words: better exclusives.

I started playing 6 months ago and even I know about the hate of DMG 2.0. YOu're going to quit because a Prime frame is going to get the stats of a Prime frame? So sorry t see you go, then.

Setriously, you're acting like they're asking to triple his health, shields and energy and make his guns do finisher damage and give hoim triple jumps or some other stupid thing like that. A bit more armor, stamina if we still have it later, a different sword for the new ultimate skill, maybe a bit more health and shields, maybe that faster shield recharge rate everyone thought he had. Nothing really massive like Volt Prime.

If you're going to quit because DE likes consistency well then I'll be the first to say goodbye.

Edited by TheBrsrkr
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Well, while I agree with some that he is pretty fine right now (He can gain energy from Death Orbs, apparently faster shield regen, has better polarities in my opinion), I can't say I wouldn't mind some of the changes I've seen here.  What with the Excal Rework coming, something that makes him different from non-Prime Excalibur (not just aesthetically) could be kind of cool!


(this was a Pacifistic Post from Pwnr.  We hope you enjoyed.)

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I started playing 6 months ago and even I know about the hate of DMG 2.0. YOu're going to quit because a Prime frame is going to get the stats of a Prime frame? So sorry t see you go, then.

Setriously, you're acting like they're asking to triple his health, shields and energy and make his guns do finisher damage and give hoim triple jumps or some other stupid thing like that. A bit more armor, stamina if we still have it later, a different sword for the new ultimate skill, maybe a bit more health and shields, maybe that faster shield recharge rate everyone thought he had. Nothing really massive like Volt Prime.

If you're going to quit because DE likes consistency well then I'll be the first to say goodbye.


Man... its not a matter of stats, its a matter of principles. Excal Prime is allready better than normal Excal; Founders got what they paid for - and now some of them and some of the nonfounders demand to get more, which is okay - but its not okay for the entire community.

It leads nowhere to discuss this further with you - we are turning in circles.

Have a nice day, Sir.


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Man... its not a matter of stats, its a matter of principles. Excal Prime is allready better than normal Excal; Founders got what they paid for - and now some of them and some of the nonfounders demand to get more, which is okay - but its not okay for the entire community.

It leads nowhere to discuss this further with you - we are turning in circles.

Have a nice day, Sir.


I dont see how you can lecture anyone on principles when you throw down the "I'll quit" card over something that doesn't affect you.  And the only reason this discussion is "turning in circles" is because of people like you, people that cant stand entertaining the idea that someone else might have or get something that you cant (whether its better or worse, it doesnt seem to matter with people like you). 


You're going to run into this scenario throughout the entirety of your real life, so I would suggest practicing pulling up your big girl panties and getting on with life.

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I dont see how you can lecture anyone on principles when you throw down the "I'll quit" card over something that doesn't affect you.  And the only reason this discussion is "turning in circles" is because of people like you, people that cant stand entertaining the idea that someone else might have or get something that you cant (whether its better or worse, it doesnt seem to matter with people like you). 


You're going to run into this scenario throughout the entirety of your real life, so I would suggest practicing pulling up your big girl panties and getting on with life.

I've said that I will quit when they buff him further because its my most personal feeling about that - so thats not a "card" or something, it was just my own opinion. And where is this related to principles at all? I see really no relation there.

Yeah, people who are against a buff of him (like me) are the only reason for this circle-discussion? Honestly? I doubt its new for you that every coin has two sides, right?

And sorry, you are not in the postion to tell me what I should do with my life.

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Man... its not a matter of stats, its a matter of principles. Excal Prime is allready better than normal Excal; Founders got what they paid for - and now some of them and some of the nonfounders demand to get more, which is okay - but its not okay for the entire community.

It leads nowhere to discuss this further with you - we are turning in circles.

Have a nice day, Sir.

You know what they paid for? A Prime Warframe. You know what Prime Warframes are getting? Buffed stats. Excalibur Prime is currently the exact same as Excalibur, besides for the Death Orb thing. You're not making any sense. Why is it not okay for a Prime Warframe to get Prime stats? Because people will be salty? People are always salty! Never once has Digital Extremes made a change to Warframe where someone wasn't salty. If saltiness stopped progress, we'd still have Damage 1.0, Trinity would still cause 7 hour survivals to exist, the Penta would have 540 ammo, M Prime would still be instant and Radial Javelin would still have 1 metre punch through and go in straight lines. This is no different.
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principles: (two definitions from dictionary.com)

1) a personal or specific basis of conduct or management:

2) guiding sense of the requirements and obligations of right conduct:
You sincerely made the statement that you would quit over something that doesnt affect you in any way whatsoever.  Then went on to say that it wasnt because of what the stats are or would be, but because it was a matter of principles.  That is the irony here, a person displaying unprincipled behavior dictating principles to others.


People like you are the reason for the circle discussion, harping about wanting Excaliber Prime in one thread, and then rejecting the notion that hes actually a prime (and shouldnt have the stats of one) but instead a cosmetic because hes not available to you in another.  Its a "I cant have it, so no one can" discussion with people like you. 


And in this one statement you may actually be right.  I might not be in a position to tell you what to do with your life.  Consider it a suggestion that will save you discomfort later down the road when you realize that there will always be people that have more of X than you ever will, and have the only known copies of Y and Z and you will never ever get to see or touch them.


Edit for clarity:  I dont have an issue with the "I dont think he should be buffed" part. I dont personally even care if hes buffed or not.  Everyone has an opinion, so whatever.  I am rather irked, however, at this overall attitude of petty jealosy and BS displayed by so many people over something that doesnt make even one iota of difference whatsoever in any part of gameplay for them. 

Edited by Malikon
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Excal prime with game changing stats? I have a better idea... make excal wraith vandal with stat buffs that everyone can get. Keep excal prime an exclusive "skin" (as everyone likes to put it), and everyone is happy.

or rename excal prime to founder excal prime, buff the stats, and release a normal excal prime with the same stat buffs that everyone can get.

If this argument is not about making the exclusive thing nobody can get better than everything else, then I challenge someone to tell me this is unreasonable

Edited by (PS4)buterz56
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principles: (two definitions from dictionary.com)

1) a personal or specific basis of conduct or management:

2) guiding sense of the requirements and obligations of right conduct:
You sincerely made the statement that you would quit over something that doesnt affect you in any way whatsoever.  Then went on to say that it wasnt because of what the stats are or would be, but because it was a matter of principles.  That is the irony here, a person displaying unprincipled behavior dictating principles to others.


People like you are the reason for the circle discussion, harping about wanting Excaliber Prime in one thread, and then rejecting the notion that hes actually a prime (and shouldnt have the stats of one) but instead a cosmetic because hes not available to you in another.  Its a "I cant have it, so no one can" discussion with people like you. 


And in this one statement you may actually be right.  I might not be in a position to tell you what to do with your life.  Consider it a suggestion that will save you discomfort later down the road when you realize that there will always be people that have more of X than you ever will, and have the only known copies of Y and Z and you will never ever get to see or touch them.

You should really stop interpreting my words because it seems that you are not good at that. How could you know that a buff of Excal Prime will not affect me? As a player who mains Excal this will affect me (I was against his buff when I've mained Rhino too - just for information) - heck, it affects me now because my Excal will never be able to gain energy from death orbs... so tell me, why will a buff of Excal prime stop affacting me?

To principles... you do say because I've said A its ironic that I've said B? This is not right. To clarify that:

A is "I say I will quit if they buff him further (without buffing the vanilla one too), because I'm against this form of exclusive items." This is a very personal possible consequence.

B is "it doesnt matter how this stat increase will look like, because a better exclusive item is this: a better exclusive item." This is the reason of said possible consequence - this is the principe. To be fair; the founder weapons are better than their originals - but this is a thing I can live with, because these are weapons and not my alter ego, which is the only ironic point of my statement - not the correlation of A and B.

So let me tell you why players like you are part of this circle too: because you dont want to share Excal Prime with not-founders. Dont get me wrong, I'm not particulary against his exclusivity - I'm totally okay with that. But for me and many others its not okay when these exclusive will be more powerful.

People want that Excalibur Prime stays exclusive to founders - okay.

People want that Exclaibur Prime is available to everyone - not okay.

People want a buffed Excal Prime while he still stays exclusive to founders - not okay.

So please dont be so foolish to think that we are the only reason for this neverending discussion.

I'm happy that you're agreeing with me that you arnt in the position of telling things about my life - and to just let you know: Im absolutely not concerned about people who might have more than me.

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this topic should be in Design council imo, just so people that dont have him dont have to worry about this tread. and we dont have to worry about those who dont want it buffed because they dont/cant have him. i think he could use a passive like some of the other primes.

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Good grief you guys.


this topic should be in Design council imo, just so people that dont have him dont have to worry about this tread. and we dont have to worry about those who dont want it buffed because they dont/cant have him. i think he could use a passive like some of the other primes.

Sorry to break it to you, but non-Founders are in DC now. 


I'm sorry Monster, but adjusting Excal Primes stats so that he is on par with the other Primes just makes sense.  Regardless of his exclusivity, it makes sense.  He's a Prime, Primes get passive buffs, so he should get one as well.  (Same with Mag and Frost Prime...)


Excal, Mag and Frost Prime getting passive buffs, I'm behind that 100%


And to the person saying that Excal Prime is just a skin - that was the original intent behind the Primes but that has obviously changed with Nyx, Nova, Volt, Loki and Rhino Prime (did I miss one?  >.>)  If DE wanted them to just be skins, then lobby to have the other Primes passives removed.   Don't pop in here with your tasty popcorn and say Excal can't be buffed because he's supposed to be a skin and then not advocate for all Primes to be the same. 


That just reeks of I-can't-have-what-they-have-so-they-can't-have-nice-things

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Good grief you guys.


Sorry to break it to you, but non-Founders are in DC now. 


I'm sorry Monster, but adjusting Excal Primes stats so that he is on par with the other Primes just makes sense.  Regardless of his exclusivity, it makes sense.  He's a Prime, Primes get passive buffs, so he should get one as well.  (Same with Mag and Frost Prime...)

I've never said that setting his stats on par with other Primes is nonsense. It makes sense yes - but when someone is arguing with "set him on par with other Primes" while Excal Prime should stay exclusive then it misses some sense. All other primes are available for everyone - so if you want to set him on par with it, you guys should take the whole package, not only a part. This is the thing im worried about.

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I've never said that setting his stats on par with other Primes is nonsense. It makes sense yes - but when someone is arguing with "set him on par with other Primes" while Excal Prime should stay exclusive then it misses some sense. All other primes are available for everyone - so if you want to set him on par with it, you guys should take the whole package, not only a part. This is the thing im worried about.

Yeah no, DE can't release him.  We've been over this.  And saying that because we can't get him, then he has to stay trash tier is petty.

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I am not a founder but frankly I'd be cool with Excal Prime getting a buff.

Let's be fair Excal by himself is far from being the brightest frame there is. Stats-wise, abilities-wise and etc he's just... average. Sure he can perform certain tasks but nothing to be amazed about. His upcoming rework might fix it but it's something to be yet released.


And now there's Excal Prime. While all the other primes are getting buffs he's still sitting there, being more of a symbol of supporting the game with an extra V polarity more than anything. It's just silly how other primes get extra armor or energy or shields but certain oldies sit where they were from the very release back from the age of "Primes are merely cosmetics" era. Also looking at you Mag and Frost.

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If DE wanted them to just be skins, then lobby to have the other Primes passives removed.   Don't pop in here with your tasty popcorn and say Excal can't be buffed because he's supposed to be a skin and then not advocate for all Primes to be the same. 


That just reeks of I-can't-have-what-they-have-so-they-can't-have-nice-things


I can only speak for myself, but I've been calling for that for a LONG time for every single variant of everything (such as combining all the Latos and Boltos into skins and model changes for the base Lato weapon).

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I've never said that setting his stats on par with other Primes is nonsense. It makes sense yes - but when someone is arguing with "set him on par with other Primes" while Excal Prime should stay exclusive then it misses some sense. All other primes are available for everyone - so if you want to set him on par with it, you guys should take the whole package, not only a part. This is the thing im worried about.

This literally means that you think it shouldn't be buffed because it's exclusive.

I'm sorry, but can you take that entitlement somewhere else??

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