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Excalibur Prime Buff In Line With Other Primes


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I still see nothing wrong with making Excal Prime in line with the other Primes = not buffing him, just making him equal to the other Prime like Nova, Nyx, Loki, Rhino and Volt.


So far, the only argument against has been that "It's not fair to non Founders."  Not having access to the Founders package isn't "fair" to non Founders either.  


Nothing will ever be "fair" to everyone involved.  It's not "fair" to the non Founders to see excal Prime running around and they can't have him but how is it "fair" to the Founders?


Excal Prime is a dying breed.  Founders are everywhere in this game, but outside of events, I have never seen Excal Prime played in public matches, or even preplanned ones.  How is a 'frame that's barely played getting a passive or two "unfair" to non Founders?

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Ouh then lets be !-holes shall we? So if we can't get our buff then nerf all the primes. Make them purely cosmetic that would solve everything.

TBH, that wouldn't bother me. If it just got extra starting polarities, I'd be cool with that. Giving a paid only, no longer available frame a buff when DE has stated that Founder's items were to be cosmetic and not much more bothers me. The constant whining over it though? That bothers me the most.

Edited by Heaven_Smile
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To all people who think Excal Prime should need better stats than vanilla Excal:
Imagine that the rework of Excal will only apply on normal Excal, not on Prime - you wouldnt welcome that, hm?
I know, this example is not so great, but I think you guys could imagine now with that thought how people will react if Excal Prime would get better stats.

Both things are just not fair, thats all.

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I still see nothing wrong with making Excal Prime in line with the other Primes = not buffing him, just making him equal to the other Prime like Nova, Nyx, Loki, Rhino and Volt.


So far, the only argument against has been that "It's not fair to non Founders."  Not having access to the Founders package isn't "fair" to non Founders either.  


Nothing will ever be "fair" to everyone involved.  It's not "fair" to the non Founders to see excal Prime running around and they can't have him but how is it "fair" to the Founders?


Excal Prime is a dying breed.  Founders are everywhere in this game, but outside of events, I have never seen Excal Prime played in public matches, or even preplanned ones.  How is a 'frame that's barely played getting a passive or two "unfair" to non Founders?

Excalibur Prime deserves a "buff" simply because he is a Prime. So I agree. BUT, you are wrong when you say "like other Primes". Putting NOVA and NYX Prime together and saying they have received EQUAL buffs is total bullsh!t. Nova clearly received MUCH more than Nyx. Or Loki. Or Rhino. Volt and Nova Prime didn't just get a little more "oomph", they got gigantic bonus stats compared to the others, that not only make them stronger, but also completely erase their regular counterparts' weakpoints. How is this fair? The answer is simple : it's not. And let's not even talk about those who are still waiting ("Frosty the Snowman" and "Attractive Lady"). How hard is it to tweak a few numbers? I mean ignoring the whole "equal treatment" thing, of course.


Either EVERY Prime gets EQUAL bonus stats (or better yet, let US, the players, choose the stats we want, that way everyone is happy, and honestly I don't understand how the devs haven't thought of that one...), or NONE gets any. Everything else is just unfair to someone at some point.

Excalibur Prime is just another victim. He just happens to be exclusive to Founders. Which understandably has non Founders a tad salty. And so they say "no buff, because unfair to us!". I agree. Except Founders can say the exact same thing the other way around : "no buff? Not fair to us!".


My point is, we're screwed, and so is DE, no matter what their choice is. Some players will get the raw end of the deal, no matter what. It's a simple fact. I feel for you dear devs, I really do. Because no matter what happens, chances are ultimately you will end up taking the blame.^^'

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Excalibur Prime deserves a "buff" simply because he is a Prime. So I agree. BUT, you are wrong when you say "like other Primes". Putting NOVA and NYX Prime together and saying they have received EQUAL buffs is total bullsh!t. Nova clearly received MUCH more than Nyx. Or Loki. Or Rhino. Volt and Nova Prime didn't just get a little more "oomph", they got gigantic bonus stats compared to the others, that not only make them stronger, but also completely erase their regular counterparts' weakpoints. How is this fair? The answer is simple : it's not. And let's not even talk about those who are still waiting ("Frosty the Snowman" and "Attractive Lady"). How hard is it to tweak a few numbers? I mean ignoring the whole "equal treatment" thing, of course.


Either EVERY Prime gets EQUAL bonus stats (or better yet, let US, the players, choose the stats we want, that way everyone is happy, and honestly I don't understand how the devs haven't thought of that one...), or NONE gets any. Everything else is just unfair to someone at some point.

Excalibur Prime is just another victim. He just happens to be exclusive to Founders. Which understandably has non Founders a tad salty. And so they say "no buff, because unfair to us!". I agree. Except Founders can say the exact same thing the other way around : "no buff? Not fair to us!".


My point is, we're screwed, and so is DE, no matter what their choice is. Some players will get the raw end of the deal, no matter what. It's a simple fact. I feel for you dear devs, I really do. Because no matter what happens, chances are ultimately you will end up taking the blame.^^'

I was trying to avoid bringing up specific stats on other Primes because it's a mess as is and a totally different conversation...

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I sincerely do not understand the "us vs them" mentality that some folks seem to have taken.  I also sincerely do not understand why I have to disguise my Excal when I take him out to use so that some person I've never talked to or seen before wont get salty and start pissing and moaning about it and put a smudge on my fun.


Are we so freaking petty and selfish that the piss and vinegar in this thread (and all threads like it) is actually necessary? I hope not, but maybe :(

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I sincerely do not understand the "us vs them" mentality that some folks seem to have taken.  I also sincerely do not understand why I have to disguise my Excal when I take him out to use so that some person I've never talked to or seen before wont get salty and start pissing and moaning about it and put a smudge on my fun.


Are we so freaking petty and selfish that the piss and vinegar in this thread (and all threads like it) is actually necessary? I hope not, but maybe :(


That's because the entire point of the Founder Access was to distinguish the haves and the have-nots. This is the result of it. You think its different in any other gaming community that had exclusive, 1-time purchasable content? Please, Warframe is not the first time this has happened. And I'm over here, enjoying the salt from both sides.


I mean, even with when new frames and weapons come out, there are the people who get it legitimately through hard work and determination, and then there are the people who throw around stupid amounts of plat to get it 3 days earlier than the rest of the "peasants". The wait wall on Chroma, Mesa, Limbo with the quests/grind/build-fest isn't because its for good gameplay. Its so that impatient people get the shiny new stuff first and throw cash for it. Even if you make plat like I do through trading, its still throwing around what amounts to cash in-game. Hell, Prime Access is no different. Its sincerely the largest grind wall skip in game that's paid for. The only difference is that one is obtainable for those with the determination to get them, and the other is not allowed to be handed out again. And its a rather large difference. (Disclaimer: I don't blame DE for putting in said grind walls because its promotes plat sales which promotes their business. I can't be mad when someone found a way to make money.)



Buff it or don't, but I will say DE has already taken a stance on this in the past and its the best one imo. And that is that it will NOT receive any buffs. It would cause the bigger side of the Warframe community to get uppity, so its not a smart move. But keep these terrible threads going, they are good popcorn makers.



TL;DR: Keep on keeping on with the popcorn. Its salty and delicious.







My point is, we're screwed, and so is DE, no matter what their choice is. Some players will get the raw end of the deal, no matter what. It's a simple fact. I feel for you dear devs, I really do. Because no matter what happens, chances are ultimately you will end up taking the blame.^^'



This guy gets it. Its a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, and DE biting the hand that feeds them (majority playerbase) isn't a smart move. On a related note, I see less Founders in-game and more on the forums. And the majority I see show up constantly in these threads just to whine and moan about "muh faunders itemz" and not give real feedback or, if on this topic at least, real understanding as to how complicated this issue is in terms of the Dev's point of view. So thank you Marthrym,

Edited by Heaven_Smile
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Yes, just yes.


I'd like him to have more stamina than the default Excalibur. It'd make sense, imo. More stamina for his melee attacks. That way, it's not something game-breaking but it's something that's useful.


But then when they remove the stamina bar we'll be back to square 1.

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As long as older frames also get buff, idc about Excal Prime that much (you hardly see one nowadays).  The only thing that you have to watch out for is the base stats in PvP (Volt and Volt Prime differences in PvP).  If I have to buff Excal Prime I'll give him more energy (since DE cap energy at 100 for PvP)

Edited by Hueminator
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People are confused about passive and buffs.


Prime buff are what the prime have over the non prime (usually by a base stats).  So far DE only mess with armor, speed, and energy capacity.


Passive applies to both prime and non prime.




Excal now jump higher than other frames.  This is a passive


Excal Prime have 200 energy base.  This is a buff

Edited by Hueminator
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he needs to have SOMETHING better than excalibur, he doesnt need 100+ power like volt p, (850 energy.. really?), maybe some speed / armor , just make it a little better than normal exc, im not a founed and im ok with that 

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What if a new Excalibur prime was added, but had a different skin and acquirable to all players. That way founders could still use their exclusive skin(which is all it is now) on a buffed Excalibur. Problem solved.

Edited by Aldisun
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Faster shield regen on Excal Prime is a myth which has been disproven and stricken from the wiki after repeated tests.  


That being said, Primes getting better stats is just more powercreep to sell prime access packages and make people farm the void even harder for high value parts.  Never should have happened in the first place and was not DE's original intent.  

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What if a new Excalibur prime was added, but had a different skin and acquirable to all players. That way founders could still use their exclusive skin(which is all it is now) on a buffed Excalibur. Problem solved.


I've proposed this before multiple times. Founders whine about it because they no longer feel special.

Edited by Heaven_Smile
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excalibur prime such looking good that, i feel bad when i look at him because i never get that one :/ but yes excalibur prime need buff just like other prime frames, founders paid for this

Founders didn't paid for a better version of Excalibur - just saying.

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Yes they did. 

They paid for Excalibur Prime. Prime meaning better than the original.

Therefore, founders paid for a better Excalibur.

Ah, could you please remember that time period where the founder package was available? In this time was obviosly no primed frame existent with buffed stats - right? This fact alone makes your argument invalid.

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Ah, could you please remember that time period where the founder package was available? In this time was obviosly no primed frame existent with buffed stats - right? This fact alone makes your argument invalid.

IF the definiton of Prime has changed, then Excalibur Prime should also change with the definitions. YOUR argument is invalid. Using that same argument, does that mean that Mag and Rhino Prime should not get buffed?

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