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Excalibur Prime Buff In Line With Other Primes


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Nothing would disgust me more than if Excalibur Prime was buffed. The elitism he creates already is bad enough without the founder "master race" having even more of an advantage over the people who were unlucky enough to discover this game after the founder packs were discontinued.


It's hilarious how the only people who say he needs a buff are founders, while everyone else hates the idea.

Typically its players that missed out that fuels said elitism. I think I've seen one founder acting like a D-bag over it in my entire time playing this game.

So no, there wouldn't be any perceived elitism if people could chill out and move on.

But no, thats too hard, if the other kid has a red truck I have to have one too, because everyone knows red trucks go faster then blue trucks.

Note of all the non-founders that are fine with the idea.

Take your entitlement elsewhere and stop breeding this "us vs them" attitude.


Back on topic: If excal P didn't get a buff I wouldn't be too fussed. That being said it would be nice just to make him a proper prime. just something small and not too crazy though. 

Honestly not sure if the community is grown up enough to handle that yet though.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Don't be selfish ppl, Excalibur Prime NEEDS a buff, even if you can't obtain him anymore.

Seriously, why can't Excal Prime have a buff befitting of his prime status?


Exclusive or no, he's a prime so he needs his own buffs.


I can see jealousy or whatever lol. How sad.

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There are many, many problems with this idea


- Game is supposed to be set up so that, without paying real money, someone can obtain the best of everything stat-wise. Will a minor buff to excal prime be gamebreaking? No, but it'd ruin this statement. 


- Many players would have bought prime access if they had played warframe during the time it was available. Hell; I started playing late november 2013, and excalibur access ended on the first of that very month. 


- Prime doesn't always mean best. It could mean 'of first importance'. Excalibur prime was the first warframe in the lore. Perhaps for excalibur in particular the tenno were able to make a frame of equal quality? 



Thus, For such reasons, Excalibur prime with buffs would only be truly acceptable if the common people could either obtain it (through grind, or at the least a S#&$-ton of plat), or we had something else like 'Excalibur Dragon' 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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This thread is a very, very bad idea. Excalibur Prime threads only lead to hate.

Hate, why? those who payed a lot of money in the founders pack should have it for themselfs. i dont have excalibur prime. i want hi but i respekt that it is not avalible for me and most other players.


i honestly think that excalibur prime should be much more powerful then the ordinary excalibur since he should be the symbol of the game. not just some better stats, more or less everything in my oppinion should be better with him so that he will be a true symbol of how good this game is.


i hope people will respect the founders that helped so this game would be, not give them hate for that they have something u dont.

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25 more stamina or 25 more energy or a bit faster sprint speed would do him good.



All the primes that dont yet have it should get a buff. I was pleased when I saw the patch notes for Ember Prime, perhaps DEs year of quality will include some consistency among the various items in the game.

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Make it so original founders can trade/sell their exclusive items, and sure (this way, there is no net increase in exclusive items, but anyone with a ton of plt can get them, this wouldn't hurt founders).


I don't want to be a second-class Excalibur just because I didn't know about Warframe until a year after launch. If its just some shield regen its not a big deal, but lets not get crazy, please. Either give us all a way to get Excalibur Prime (however difficult) or leave it as is.

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Nothing would disgust me more than if Excalibur Prime was buffed. The elitism he creates already is bad enough without the founder "master race" having even more of an advantage over the people who were unlucky enough to discover this game after the founder packs were discontinued.


It's hilarious how the only people who say he needs a buff are founders, while everyone else hates the idea.

OH I'm sorry, am I a Founder? No, I'm not. Do I support that Excalibur Prime and the other Prime items should be buffed to a level comparable to the other prime items? Yes. So please, don't lump me with that kind of toxicity you spread.


The Founders items are Primes, thus, they should be on par with other Prime items.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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The Founders items are Primes, thus, they should be on par with other Prime items.

Pyra syndana is just as good as pyra syndana prime. True story. There is no consistency to how much better a prime item is than the original, so I don't see why excalibro would need a buff by any stretch of logic. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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Pyra syndana is just as good as pyra syndana prime. True story. There is no consistency to how much better a prime item is than the original, so I don't see why excalibro would need a buff by any stretch of logic. 

Are those not cosmetics? Is Excalibur Prime a cosmetic? By your logic none of the primes should have good traits then.




He's a Prime WarFrame, not a Prime Cosmetic, he deserves to be on par with the other buffed Prime WarFrames.

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To the non-founders saying it would be pay-2-win:


You're saying that an exclusive prime intentionally shouldn't be in-line with other primes just because you can't get it?


Do you not see how silly that is?


He's a prime, he deserves to be like other primes.

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To the non-founders saying it would be pay-2-win:


You're saying that an exclusive prime intentionally shouldn't be in-line with other primes just because you can't get it?


Do you not see how silly that is?


He's a prime, he deserves to be like other primes.

By being shiney and coming with an extra polarity. What more does he need? 

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To the non-founders saying it would be pay-2-win:


You're saying that an exclusive prime intentionally shouldn't be in-line with other primes just because you can't get it?


Do you not see how silly that is?


He's a prime, he deserves to be like other primes.


That's exactly what they're saying, and it was their same argument against Excalibur Prime, along with Frost Prime and Mag Prime, getting visual updates so that they'd be on par, visually, with the other Primes.

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No, Just No.


Nothing would disgust me more than if Excalibur Prime was buffed. The elitism he creates already is bad enough without the founder "master race" having even more of an advantage over the people who were unlucky enough to discover this game after the founder packs were discontinued.


It's hilarious how the only people who say he needs a buff are founders, while everyone else hates the idea.

this thread does not apply to you, nor does it affect you, as you do not have excalibur prime. please desist.

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Non-founder here, go ahead and buff Excal Prime, i think its a great idea, why shouldnt the original prime be as strong as his other prime counter parts? I mean seriously its not like the primes are ridiculously stronger than their normal variants, this wouldnt be that big of a deal

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