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[Megathread] Fan Codex Entries


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Heyo Forum! I've had the idea to do this for a while now, but just now am getting around to it.


So, here's the basic idea: a collection of fan codex entries for the various enemies of the Warframe universe - written by us, the fans. Now, I know the precedent set by the Warframes suggests that it has to be a multi-paragraph monster, but I think that a lot of history can be conveyed in just a few words - so the idea I'm running with is that just a two-to-three-sentence idea (at least, for non-named characters) over a huge number of enemies (looking at you, Grineer) would be enough to convey some real interesting stuff. That said, feel free to write a novel if you want.


Boss, unit; Grineer, Corpus, Wild; none if it matters! Consider this thread a repository for brief snippets and thoughts on the Warframe universe and as a chance to test your creative writing skills within the framework of the Warframe universe. Don't try to get too crazy, though, and be sure nothing contradicts what we already know (even though, admittedly, that's not much to go on).


Keep lore debates out of this, though. Want to challenge someone's perception? Take it up in a GD post or a PM message - I don't want the point of this thread to be drowned out by bickering over Rhino Prime's authenticity.




Heavy Gunner:

All Grineer are mandated to serve as soldiers on the battlefield, but Grineer females are permitted to pursue other paths once their term of service expires. Some, however, gain a love of the battlefield and choose to never leave.



The most numerous soldiers of the Grineer armies are the Lancers. Typically cadets fresh from basic training, sixty-seven percent of all Lancers never make it through their third year of service.


Shockwave MOA:

As Grineer incursion on their territories grew, the Corpus had to develop new way to keep them at bay. Noting the unstable leg augments possessed by many of the foot-soldiers, they developed a MOA brand to exploit this flaw.


Prod Crewmen:

Despite their best efforts to eliminate such flaws, every so often a MOA or Osprey would go haywire and pose significant threat to both valuable assets and employee safety. Crewman squads were organized and equipped with Provas to subdue such rampant robotics.



Of all basic Infested variations, the Chargers are perhaps the most deformed by their disease. Debate has raged over why this is the case, with theories raging from weakened Grineer genetic code allowing the Technocyte easier access to manipulating it to a strain of the disease that simply is unique to the clone race.



Through the upper body of the infected Corpus has been bloated by Technocyte mutation, the legs have remained mostly intact; in fact, the ligaments and bone structure of the Infested has only been enhanced, allowing for greater running speed and even long-distance leaps and bounds.


Volatile Runner:

Virtually identical to their basic counterpart, there is, however, one characteristic that sets the Volatile Runners apart: when cornered, the weakened skin membrane of this Runner variant contracts, compressing the Technocyte-produced gasses within it and causing the the entire creature to burst in a deadly blast.


Lieutenant Lech Kril:


Grineer Imperial Records


Royal Mandate 3047


By Our decree,


We hereby honor Lech Kril for his heroism in the field of battle. In the Final Battle of Ceres, when his Superior, Lieutenant Brokk, fell in battle and his fellow soldiers began to flee, Kril tore Brokk's mighty hammer from the fallen commander's lifeless corpse. He rallied his brothers in arms, called them back to the fight, and then charged alone into the enemy ranks. This action led to our victory in this battle, and our complete domination of the planet.


For his heroics and the victory he achieved, we grant Lech Kril the rank of his fallen superior, and appoint him lord and master of the entirety of Ceres and its surrounding satellites. From this day forth, Lieutenant Lech Kril shall oversee all Grineer operations in the sector, and safeguard all activities within his territories from our enemies - whoever they may be.


By Our Word is it so.


- Your Queens


Hyena Pack


Psamathe Research and Development Facility


Project Update: Codename "Pack"


Thanks to Frohd Bek's most recent investment our productivity has reached an all-time high; progress on "Pack" has surpassed all predicted test results. The entire project is now months ahead of schedule and ready for the final stages of field testing. If all goes well, we should be able to move the model onto mass-production by the end of the fiscal year. While we wait for testing preparations to conclude,  tinkering with "Pack"s beecloud networking has led to some interesting results that may be useful as a psychological warfare tool.


PERSONAL NOTE: Despite his stated distaste with Alad V's actions and projects during Gradivus, I find it curious that he would request the model be design with such similar attributes to the Zanuka Program proxy he developed. Then again, it may just be that both both Alad V's work and this share traits with the Kubrow-dogs native to Earth - and it's known that Frohd has an interest in reviving the lost Orokin breeds of that species.




Freng's lung's ached, his breath was ragged and his entire body slumped against. He'd run, left his squad behind. Ug! He should have stayed; they were all dead by now, he was sure of that, but his fate for desertion would be far worse than death... then again... staying and dying to those... things may have ended up being even worse.


His side... it ached. His put his hand to it and then brought it in front of his face. Blood and hydrolic fluid. One of those things had clawed him in the fight, he was bleeding badly... He may not even live long enough to escape at this rate... He was not NOT just going to sit and wait to die! His head was fuzzy, his vision blurring, he could hear the voices of the creatures. They were getting closer. He pulled himself up and stumbled ahead.


He didn't make it far. He collapsed onto all fours. He tried to stand but his limbs failed him. His augments were failing. Too much fluid had been lost. He... he had to keep going. The voices were louder now. They were practically upon him. Chittering voices. Hungry voices... Flesh, so starved... Hungry...


He stumbled. He crawled. On all fours. He had to keep going. He had to. He had to. Voices. Hungry. Starving. Hungry. Consume. Consume. Consume. Flesh. Flesh. Consume flesh. Spread.


Spread flesh.


Consume flesh.


Consume and spread.

Edited by Morec0
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Kril and Hyena Pack updates:


Lieutenant Lech Kril:


Grineer Imperial Records


Royal Mandate 3047


By Our decree,


We hereby honor Lech Kril for his heroism in the field of battle. In the Final Battle of Ceres, when his Superior, Lieutenant Brokk, fell in battle and his fellow soldiers began to flee, Kril tore Brokk's mighty hammer from the fallen commander's lifeless corpse. He rallied his brothers in arms, called them back to the fight, and then charged alone into the enemy ranks. This action led to our victory in this battle, and our complete domination of the planet.


For his heroics and the victory he achieved, we grant Lech Kril the rank of his fallen superior, and appoint him lord and master of the entirety of Ceres and its surrounding satellites. From this day forth, Lieutenant Lech Kril shall oversee all Grineer operations in the sector, and safeguard all activities within his territories from our enemies - whoever they may be.


By Our Word is it so.


- Your Queens


Hyena Pack


Psamathe Research and Development Facility


Project Update: Codename "Pack"


Thanks to Frohd Bek's most recent investment our productivity has reached an all-time high; progress on "Pack" has surpassed all predicted test results. The entire project is now months ahead of schedule and ready for the final stages of field testing. If all goes well, we should be able to move the model onto mass-production by the end of the fiscal year. While we wait for testing preparations to conclude,  tinkering with "Pack"s beecloud networking has led to some interesting results that may be useful as a psychological warfare tool.


PERSONAL NOTE: Despite his stated distaste with Alad V's actions and projects during Gradivus, I find it curious that he would request the model be design with such similar attributes to the Zanuka Program proxy he developed. Then again, it may just be that both both Alad V's work and this share traits with the Kubrow-dogs native to Earth - and it's known that Frohd has an interest in reviving the lost Orokin breeds of that species.

Edited by Morec0
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Rakta Ballistica


The Red Veil variation of the ballistica was designed specifically to combat corrupt Corpus. The original weapon was already powerful to begin with, but this specialization enables Veil agents to complete Corpus assassinations with ease. The rakta's synergy with corrosive projection in the void should also be noted.

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Of all basic Infested variations, the Chargers are perhaps the most deformed by their disease. Debate has raged over why this is the case, with theories raging from weakened Grineer genetic code allowing the Technocyte easier access to manipulating it to a strain of the disease that simply is unique to the clone race.



Through the upper body of the infected Corpus has been bloated by Technocyte mutation, the legs have remained mostly intact; in fact, the ligaments and bone structure of the Infested has only been enhanced, allowing for greater running speed and even long-distance leaps and bounds.


Volatile Runner:

Virtually identical to their basic counterpart, there is, however, one characteristic that sets the Volatile Runners apart: when cornered, the weakened skin membrane of this Runner variant contracts, compressing the Technocyte-produced gasses within it and causing the the entire creature to burst in a deadly blast.




Freng's lung's ached, his breath was ragged and his entire body slumped against. He'd run, left his squad behind. Ug! He should have stayed; they were all dead by now, he was sure of that, but his fate for desertion would be far worse than death... then again... staying and dying to those... things may have ended up being even worse.


His side... it ached. His put his hand to it and then brought it in front of his face. Blood and hydrolic fluid. One of those things had clawed him in the fight, he was bleeding badly... He may not even live long enough to escape at this rate... He was not NOT just going to sit and wait to die! His head was fuzzy, his vision blurring, he could hear the voices of the creatures. They were getting closer. He pulled himself up and stumbled ahead.


He didn't make it far. He collapsed onto all fours. He tried to stand but his limbs failed him. His augments were failing. Too much fluid had been lost. He... he had to keep going. The voices were louder now. They were practically upon him. Chittering voices. Hungry voices... Flesh, so starved... Hungry...


He stumbled. He crawled. On all fours. He had to keep going. He had to. He had to. Voices. Hungry. Starving. Hungry. Consume. Consume. Consume. Flesh. Flesh. Consume flesh. Spread.


Spread flesh.


Consume flesh.


Consume and spread.

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