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Eight Player Missions Will Really Highlight The Flaws Of Warframe.


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The raids are coming, The raids or coming! 



Or are they. Y'know. Increasing the playercount for a mission requires several minor changes. I'd assume they've already done that. What are they doing now? Admiring how broke everything is. 


the first thing that comes to mind is that you've got impossibly broken power combinations. Map clearing ultimates, infinite energy, multiple crowd controls in layers.Eight players will allow for even more problematic combinations than four. DE will be needing to add things like 

-enemies don't stupidly run into vortexes/puddles/fireblasts/sound quake (No qualms with them running in intelligently)

-Enemies can take cover to avoid certain radial abilities (molecular prime?) 

-No radial insta-death abilities. (Javelin of the radial kind could be made projectile rather than hitscan, or be LOS+some punchthrough) 

-Enemies have a chance of resisting some CC effects like chaos. 

-Needs special Enemies with abilities they can intelligently use to counter  you. 


second thing: damage 2.0 is pretty broke. Moding weapons is all about increasing DPS a hundred fold. Then enemies respond by getting more health and armour. But seriously: Imagine you being the top bloke and using a skill-needing weapon, and all your seven teammates are boltoring It (we're making that a verb. Please make that a verb). Unless that game is dividing players up and giving you space, you're not going to kill a thing.  It's going to be made pretty clear that mods and weapons will need a good check. 



Lastly, UI. We're going to need it easier to use. Main problem: Not being able to tell players apart by avatar, minimap icon or anything like that. Not having quick access to what everyone's equipped with in the lobby and... ohh. We're just going to need more practical things. 



Quite simply it can't be done without significant changes to abilities, enemies, a damage 3.0 and some nice UI updates. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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8 player raids are not going to really be designed for PuP runs as you will need to have a solid team together in order to make it happen.


Impossibly broken power combinations? I would not be to concerned with that, but rather the majority of the playerbase not even understanding how a true MMO raid works. As this game was designed co-op shooter and not MMO (Wow/DCUO/Rift/etc.) There are plenty of bigger issues in this system. 


The theory on Damage 2.0 being broken is completely wrong, and while you or maybe the vast majority of players only seem to care about DPS, not everyone builds that way or cares because in the end it is the combination of your loadout/team that will make the difference in a mission.


The UI allows you to see each players current configuration of frame/gear all you need to do it look at the mission start screen by hovering over the player icon.

Edited by DogManDan
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Or maybe we should wait and see what these 8-player raids actually are? Then critique and provide feedback..

Words of wisdom in regards to feedback.


As for the raids, I've been getting the impression that the raids will involve some degree of puzzle solving, and that it won't just be an 8-player defense or 8-player survival. That there will be teamwork and timing necessary to pass certain obstacles or enemies, maybe even involving the group having to split into smaller groups mid-mission to complete multiple objectives at the same time in order to prevent some sort of super death moa 9,000 from steamrolling the team.

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If you actually think damage 2.0 Broke warframe, damage 1.0 was worse, it was Armour ignore of the weapon is useless beyond all means.


How do enemies take cover for Molecular Prime when it goes through walls?

Why rant on something that's not even here?

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Or maybe we should wait and see what these 8-player raids actually are? Then critique and provide feedback..

Classic line written in these forums before every bad release of anything.




Without knowing anything about raids, I can say I agree with the OP in that adding 4 more players will most definitely bring problems that were not problems (or just not as big) in 4 player matches.  It isn't hard to see that.

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Really, you telling what raids will need without even knowing what they will have. I think DE realize all the inconveniences and will test new mode enough to make it playable. After all, there are some hints that raids won't be just "8 players storming the barn" but "2 squads cooperating towards the common goal"

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Words of wisdom in regards to feedback.


As for the raids, I've been getting the impression that the raids will involve some degree of puzzle solving, and that it won't just be an 8-player defense or 8-player survival. That there will be teamwork and timing necessary to pass certain obstacles or enemies, maybe even involving the group having to split into smaller groups mid-mission to complete multiple objectives at the same time in order to prevent some sort of super death moa 9,000 from steamrolling the team.


Except instead of a car, it's y'know...a moa.

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With eight players. 


One needs not the supernatural powers of foresight to make reasonable assumptions. 

I can understand where your heart is, but you're jumping to conclusions. Making assumptions on no valid facts doesn't get anyone anywhere

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Or maybe we should wait and see what these 8-player raids actually are? Then critique and provide feedback..

Being wary never hurt anybody. Better to brace for impact that be caught unaware :P


ie: maybe it helps with the raid development, if something that could actually be negative is pointed out.

Edited by The_Doc
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