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Stealth Feedback & Suggestions Thread


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I think my biggest problem with stealth combat is that its not possible if you have a sentinel.

Not because they can see the sentinel but because the sentinel shoots when im sneaking on people. Would be great if the AI would wait for me to start shooting something before it starts to open fire.+

I hate when my bonus mission is stealth because I know its not possible if wyrm is with me.


Use Shade or remove attack precept from your sentinel's loadout. Shade's attack precept "Revenge" makes it shoot only if the player is shot at.
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I think it would be amazing if you could actually use walls and crates as cover, meaning, actually stick to cover and kinda peek from behind cover.

It would be an interesting feature but its been expressed on the live stream that it would slow down the overall game play.
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MOD drop rate has decreased in the recent update.

Than doing defense missions in cooperation thereby became the state rather doing a simple mission alone will earn.

This state is not very interesting.

I want you to co-op game is interesting as before if you can.

Please add a mission that can earn higher for co-op, the difficulty level.

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A lot of good ideas in the original post. 


Stealth gameplay level addition

-Control rooms spaced apart that has high level officers (SErgents) who commands patrols in a given section.  If the officer is taken out, you can direct hostile NPCs in a given section to reroute patrols so that the path you take would be clear.  After 20 mins other Sergents from other Control rooms get suspicious and send a squad to investiage.  If the player is found in that control room all Sergents in nearby control rooms send their squads to kill player group.  Entire mission stays on Alert (ready for a fight, actively patroling) for at least 30 mins.



I would only add mind control abilities that I think, Nyx, could use that would promote stealth.


-Mind control

 -Actions that the player can foce on the NPC...totall freedom of movement.

   -Take control of NPC to use NPC radio that a hostile may be in a false location

   -Make the NPC set off a grenade and hold it to his body causing hostiles to clear the area in a given location not near player group


Overall diverse missions that suport multiple ways to complete them, especially dynamic missions will make this a excellent game.

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The devs have mentioned that they want to increase the stealth options in game which is good. They fixed the shade for example with this last update i believe, at least i thought i read that it stealth it self now as well.

I agree with the OP that lots of it could be fixed with just level design. Those air ducts in corpus mission could be put to much better use if they actually connected to places more often and were used more frequently. I completely agree about there needing to be more routs ect. through levels to present the option of stealth.

Also more stealth kill options could be nice, I don't think there is one for a corpus walker yet, at least i never seem to see the option appear.

The OP's idea about enemies returning to "safe" mode is another great way to fix it. This way you can kill the enemies in the one room you got seen in, then hide and wait for the enemies to go back to basic patrols.

Also a note on the odd pathing of enemies. Ever notice if you kill one MOA by it's lonesome another will come through the doors from a room over and attack you, its like they have a 6th sense on when another of them is in danger.

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1 - Why not have an indicator straight on the HUD saying "Stealth"  if you are in the clean like the voice always says in the begining and "aggressive" if you then get noticed. i see the stealth being in a green box or inside a green item portraying stealth. and aggressive in red (flashing or not)


2 - i have a feel it would be interesting if there was an indicator of some sort  when fighting using the melee weapon. i know it may be cliche but something like in theground and pound games like a Combo system for multi-hits.


3 - can't talk about a multi-hit system without talking about Multi-Kills. It would be great having rewards for killing many enemies in a row in a small amount of time. maybe without going to a CoD approach and having killstreak attacks but it could be something simple as an xp bonus along with some credits.

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Little offtopic: Is there any stealth based clan?. I would like to join them. Or if anyone is searching for stealth partner, i am available (nick: Asko, warframe: Excalibur lv 20, weapons: Paris, Lex, Cronus). We can play missions with Greeners, because stealth is only effective aggainst them (aggainst Infected and Corpus not).

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I agree with some of this but I believe the only change to the ash abilities should be that you render like the loki or the ghost stealth effects and when you use teleport you should appear behind the enemy and it would be nice to get a backstab like you do on un alerted enemies.  Not being able to see my character while stealthed is annoying. If you want to get rid of an ability for some reason get rid of shurkien even though I really enjoy it.  Smoke screen can last for a long time when maxed and modded.  Taking bladestorm away would be terrible, that move is amazing.

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my idea on stealth is that stealth needs to be limited to segments of the area, instead of an entire map-wide alert

stealth right now seems very lazy and tacked on also there seems to be very little reward for stealthing or being involved or creative while playing the game, when you can just faceroll and hold down the attack button and spam melee all day instead

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My biggest issue in the stealth system is the auto flashlight. That has blown my stealth on darker levels more times than I can count. I think that it would be nice if you are in a dark area that you can turn it off and be able to move around in the dark without a big light shining across the room and alerting everyone in the room.

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Has anyone mentioned having bonus XP at the end of a mission for completing it undected? I mean I would love stealth to be more viable. Currently stealth works out like this for me and my bros while playing:


"S#&$, I got the 10 stealth kill bonus objective..."

"All right man, I'm getting my creep on. Let's get you those kills. Go for that first guy."

"Aight, *Snaps neck* got him, on to the nex-F***. there's robots."

"Welp, not gonna be kil-DAMMIT I'VE BEEN SPOTTED GO LOUD!"


As far as I'm concerned stealth is nearly impossible in this game at this point especially in the later levels. I'd love to see a rework done to allow that 10 stealth kill mark to become achieveable. LET ME ASSASSINATE THOSE DAMN ROBOTS.

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There's a few issues I ran into with stealth as it currently stands. I was reading through all these, but I am at work and they don't appreciate that. I'll add screenshots/videos later if I have the time to back up my claims (working a lot of overtime this week).

There isn't always a place to hide (all elevators)
Doors will open to multiple people facing the door
Some terrain can be spotted through
Enemies respawn behind you and then path towards you
Alerts are automatically triggered at the start / in the middle of some missions (particularly when when they bring in the other faction. Sometimes this is caused by spawning with an enemy/camera looking at you)
Backstabs aren't instakills (I was going to make a video of me chaining together something like 20 backstabs trying to kill someone)
Can't backstabs all enemies
Doors clogged with enemies (can't get through even when invisible sometimes)
Edited by kaizer0002
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you know, a polearm-like weapon or some sort a scythe would be amazing in this game. it would fit too. with the awesome animations you have with this game it does't seem like it would be too hard for you guys >:D

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you know, a polearm-like weapon or some sort a scythe would be amazing in this game. it would fit too. with the awesome animations you have with this game it does't seem like it would be too hard for you guys >:D

Yeah that would be great! maybe if you slice they arms off there could be a cool animation of them screaming and desperately trying to Re-attach it.

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Don't forget the standing up on fall/jump/stealth kill. When you toggle ducking, the frame should stay in that stance. Even though it's easy to crouch again while rolling from a deep fall, small jumps/executes/falls render you HIGHLY VISIBLE for half a second if you are fast, but that often suffices as the visibility of a standing frame is basically room-wide if the enemy looks in it's general direction. Stealth kills un-stealth you, that's not how I imagined it.

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paris silent kill is acceptable but not entirely!


2 grineers walking around facing each other, you shoot one in the head with a charged arrow, the remaining grineer's reaction? "wow..joe flew away...thats pretty normal..i guess.."


and i think its asking too much but...can bladestorm be stealthy too??

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Backstab/sneak attack does less damage than a charge attack on my dual zoren. Developers mentioned that instantkill would be broken and should only work on enemies lower level than you. My sneak attacks only kill the very weakest of enemies, even when fighting things 10 levels lower than me. 

Edited by kaizer0002
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The low damage of backstabs is quite ridiculous in my eyes as well. I am not asking for an instakill on everything, but what if a backstab attack would be a kill on mooks (unarmored grineers, corpus crewman, lesser infested, basically enemies who are almost always instakills on stronger hitting weapon backstabs) and deal a % max health damage against hard targets while knocking them down so a quick follow-up allows a half-save kill before the target inevitably runs away attracting all the attention in the world? Or how about a "knockdown" attack on hard targets (or anything that is not instantly killed), dealing only medium damage but stunning/making them unconscious so they are not immediately alerted and can either be backstabbed again a tad more easily(backstab chaining is my way of killing harder targets at the moment, but that doesn't feel neither look really "ninja") or better, stay lying and unalerted until something wakes them up or you attack them. It's hard to stay stealthy and you don't get rewarded for it at all (regarding both in-mission and post-mission payment) at the moment, so they could as well just make it a tad more of a responsive/rewarding mechanic to have smoother runs without all the shooting once in a while.

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My biggest qualm is using ash and the shurikens alerting the enemy. I love ash, since the skills are still useful in combat, but I want to be able to stealth a mission and right now that is hard.

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I would definitely like some drop attack options other than the Link-esque sword plant moves currently in-game. If we drop directly on an opponent we should at LEAST knock it down, and then can follow up with a sword or weapon strike. Even better- if we time a press of the melee button to impact of the enemy while falling, instant stealth kill. This would allow us to utilize the extended vertical options in the new tilesets for a more tactical purpose.

Edited by SFkenny
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