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Stealth Feedback & Suggestions Thread


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I do not like too much the current system of detection, for me when the enemies saw you they should group together into rooms around the position where you were discovered, and when you escape by secrets ways like pipes you could evade them or take them from the rear however, it does not mean that the alarm stops.

But if you are detected again the new location changes and you need to hide again.

To be capable of disappearing in the shadows without traces, like a ninja. :D


(a bit of reverso sorry ^^')

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I have a question, WHY I can kill enemies with one charged attack and can't kill enemies with the Stealth Kill?


Shouldn't way around? Or equal? Why can't we make stealth kills to be a 100% critical damage? or True Damage (Shield and Armor Bypass)? It will balance at least, because if you have a nice Organ Shatter mod (90%+ Critical Damage) that still can't one hit alot of things, but it is an start. I really feel bad about stealth in this game, if I want to stealth I go on low level missions just for the fun of it, because I know there I can insta-kill enemies (lvl 1 to 10 most of times) while 19+ level enemies you can't insta kill with the stealth gameplay...



That's a question that I also share... Why does Charge Attacks are more reliable to kill in one hit then Stealth Kill?

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The stealth just doesn't work right at all IMO. Cuz when you try to do a stealth kill there's most of the time a little f*** that spots you and them "they come in waves" literally. ALL the classes should have some kind of camo when crouch(something like, not equals as Ghost Recon future soldier) to at least fool the enemies that are far from you(5-10m from the enmy eye is the max limit of the camo index?)
There's one level I've gone throught, which has a thick fog. I barely could see enemies that were far from me. The soldier simply sppoted me from the lower floor meters away from me! THAT'S WAY TOO WRONG!
The level design also: want stealth with no Cloak or Camo? Make soldiers having a patrol route and put more places to hide, because without some sort of camo, it's almost impossible. The radar is mostly useless in terms of stealth, 'cuz is just a map showing the objectives. it could work withwin a certain range....
Like Vvildc4rd said:
"increase the time it(alarms) takes to turn it on."
Saw the son of a **** just go to the console panel. I was at his side(they spotted me somewhere else IDK where) he just dash at the panel and began attacking me. He didn't even TOUCH THE FRIGGIN PANEL!It frustates you because you just can't be a Solid Snake, Sam Fisher or Ayame!

The objectives also could be in the hud. Obviously, they can be disabled anytime

If you think I was in some way rude or agressive, just plz don't go flaming on me.

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The stealth just doesn't work right at all IMO. Cuz when you try to do a stealth kill there's most of the time a little f*** that spots you and them "they come in waves" literally. ALL the classes should have some kind of camo when crouch(something like, not equals as Ghost Recon future soldier) to at least fool the enemies that are far from you(5-10m from the enmy eye is the max limit of the camo index?)

There's one level I've gone throught, which has a thick fog. I barely could see enemies that were far from me. The soldier simply sppoted me from the lower floor meters away from me! THAT'S WAY TOO WRONG!

The level design also: want stealth with no Cloak or Camo? Make soldiers having a patrol route and put more places to hide, because without some sort of camo, it's almost impossible. The radar is mostly useless in terms of stealth, 'cuz is just a map showing the objectives. it could work withwin a certain range....

Like Vvildc4rd said:

"increase the time it(alarms) takes to turn it on."

Saw the son of a **** just go to the console panel. I was at his side(they spotted me somewhere else IDK where) he just dash at the panel and began attacking me. He didn't even TOUCH THE FRIGGIN PANEL!It frustates you because you just can't be a Solid Snake, Sam Fisher or Ayame!

The objectives also could be in the hud. Obviously, they can be disabled anytime

If you think I was in some way rude or agressive, just plz don't go flaming on me.



I do share some of this anger about stealth system my friend... But there is a lot of game breaking so far (if you want to stealth of course) that makes this gameplay almost impossible if you are not a MOFO-FULLGEAREDSPACEBADASSNINJAWITHASHADEGHOST


A lot of issues are in the AI and some others in the gameplay itself. So far the game wasn't designed to be a Stealth-Game, so far all what the Devs have made is add some features to make you feel stealthier, nothing more... The game is focused on a Gun-Blazing-Hack-Slash gameplay (no one can argue with that, because I really doubt anyone can make one single pluto mission in full stealth killing mobs). I understand that they need to work the other issues in the game, issues like, major bugs, new content and other stuff. But I do ask to my self: Why can't they make an update to complete the Stealth system, focusing on the issues that the forum is poiting, to make a viable gameplay, and not just some features to add. I noticed one thing, every month (so far) they are launching a new weapon, or something "new" to buy. I understand the "We need money to keep up" thing, but can't they just stop making new items and focus on the Fixing issues? The Devs do a great work when they want to fix a bug and that was already proved, so why they can't take one update (U8 maybe) to re-balance stealth system?


Add some decent gameplay to that, stealth is about not been seen and capable of killing fast and unnoticed. Things that the game just don't give to the players. There are no secondary ways to get on the objective, no safe way to know if you will manage to kill someone in stealth, because you can manage to pierce the enemy body with your sword, or slash his back of the neck with a Fang and so far they stay alive. Other point that I feel the urge to point about stealth is: Charged Attack is way more effective then stealth kill animation. Why? Because Stealth kill is based on a calculation far more different then Charged Attack. (In my way to see that's just wrong... Stealth kill should be able to insta-kill enemies, [no need to argue with this point of view of mine just stating])


Another point to put, some enemies like Grinner Powerfists, MOAS and Grinners Shieldmans can't be stealth-killed with animation, that's a bug or the Devs wanted that way? Any of the two, that is a gamebreak too, because you are forced to charge attack the enemy, and alert every other troop nearby because of the sound, not to mention that you can't also be sure that you will kill a high level mob with that...


These are my, and I guess, most of people thoughts about Stealth-Gameplay in Warframe. Sorry if I manage to make a few typos and mistakes in my written. English is not my native language

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Another point to put, some enemies like Grinner Powerfists, MOAS and Grinners Shieldmans can't be stealth-killed

Damn grinners. That really makes any sense. The MOAR is "mostly okay", it's a machine, but still could be hacked/cracked in some way to explore/use against the enemy, at least for a certain time, and after that time runs out(or plug out from it) it breaks(if seen by enemies, they go suspicous)(and it's like in Ghost in the Shell:SAC(PS2), where you could hack some enemies and use it against themselves). The optional mission "Kill the unware enemies", is impossible because of that BUG!

I'm not saying the game should be a "Tactical espionage action:Metal Gear Solid 3:Substance(IM ADVERTISING! :D)", but if they are going to implement stealth, the Devs could have done it right.
I remembered something right now: If you guys/girls have played Halo, you know there's some levels that you can be a pure silent assassin. No enemy was aware of your presence, you have your motion tracker, to keep track of them and you could keep hiding from them, and backstab everyone, as you see fit, without being spoted.

Another idea that came here now: Since this is a Hack'n slash game, with some "stealth" methods, Some missions could be something turned into TOTAL stealth, and others could be "IMRAMBONRAIDENMIXEDINONERGHTAATATTKKKK"".

That's what I have to say for now. At least I still enjoy teh game :D
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My biggest issue in the stealth system is the auto flashlight. That has blown my stealth on darker levels more times than I can count. I think that it would be nice if you are in a dark area that you can turn it off and be able to move around in the dark without a big light shining across the room and alerting everyone in the room.

so much this. only came here to see if someone else posted something similar. it's not that i have the feeling the flashlight blows my stealth, but it totally ruins the atmosphere. on teamspeak with 3 friends, everyone sneaking crouched through a dark hallway between the enemies...and the enemies don't care for 4 lightcones moving through the room....meh.

it would be awesome if it could be turned off and on by myself, but therefore having it turned on would put much more attention on me. so that if i have it turned of, it's less likely that i get discovered, but at the same time, i can see much less what's in front of me, if i'm in a really dark room. and if i turn it on, and an enemy looks at me, he will discover me. simple as that.

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hello warframe...
i would like to give a suggestion for your game..
i think soon or later i will get boring with this game...there is no quest added to game so the is no point go to one planet to the other planet..i would like to see a quest in the next update so i cant easily get bored
thanks :)

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Grenades would be very helpful in some emergencies, or crowded areas with enemies(e.g.: the level with the sporus aliens)
2 grenades at least it would be good :/ I found places crowded with enemies and intestead of killing them all with a single blow, no I have to kill them, one by one and with that they already used the alarm and keep coming.... BUT THEY DISPERSE!

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Anyone else notice the enemies know where you are even if they can't see you? I use ghost with my sentinel, and once I trigger alert state and cloak in a group of enemies, the group of enemies seem to follow me from room to room. It's almost like they are just keeping an eye on me while pretending not to notice. When that happens, by the end of a mission, I end up with seemingly every enemy that has spawned all gathered around me at the EP "searching."

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I was going to post a screenshot in the thread about transparent terrain and then realized that my sentinel was hovering up above the terrain. I know Sentinels can get attacked and they fixed Shade not going invisible a while ago, but it should probably be invisible unless attacking.

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Anyone else notice the enemies know where you are even if they can't see you? I use ghost with my sentinel, and once I trigger alert state and cloak in a group of enemies, the group of enemies seem to follow me from room to room. It's almost like they are just keeping an eye on me while pretending not to notice. When that happens, by the end of a mission, I end up with seemingly every enemy that has spawned all gathered around me at the EP "searching."


That's the AI flaws that I mentioned on my post... One of many others stealth-gamebreaking so far

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Here are my thoughts on the stealth aspect of Warframe (and I'm more than willing to bet that this has been said already, but I'm just throwing in my two cents because the issue has been bugging me for a while):


I appreciate that they threw in stealth options into this game, like a detection system or the ability to stealth kill.  What I have problems with is, if they're gonna throw in stealth as an option, they ought to at least make it a more feasible option.  Like, the ability to turn off the alarms when a Grineer or Corpus Crewman goes to a console to turn it on.  Or even the ability to wait it out by hiding.


Plus, unless you have Paris and you're very very good with it and it's rather powerful at the higher levels, it's nigh impossible to actually pull off a stealth kill.  Because, if the bow isn't powerful enough and the target just has an arrow sticking out of his shoulder, you're detected.  And more often than not, if you opt for the melee stealth kill, someone you didn't see detects you and sets off an alarm anyway.


There's my two cents.  Apologies if I'm just parroting what other people are saying.

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Plus, unless you have Paris and you're very very good with it and it's rather powerful at the higher levels, it's nigh impossible to actually pull off a stealth kill.  Because, if the bow isn't powerful enough and the target just has an arrow sticking out of his shoulder, you're detected.  And more often than not, if you opt for the melee stealth kill, someone you didn't see detects you and sets off an alarm anyway.


Melee Stealth is way out of perspective so far...

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i agree. stealth should be a more viable approach to warframe. i don't think bonus xp is needed, but perhaps have a cooldown. for example, if the player triggers an alarm near the start of the game, u could still have gone back to unalerted status by the end of the game.

-i say silencers should be an option on weapons, making it so that EVERY warframe could be used stealthily.

-i think that any room successfully cleared while in stealth should have a 3-5 "safe" time, where no enemies will respawn into those rooms. (perhaps change it's map color to a blue tint, and the chick that says stuff to u could tell u that the room is cleared)(i don't know her name, i think i have amnesia or something [laughs])

-i think that while undetected, enemy spawning should be far less frequent. (sometimes i run out of ammo before i reach the end ot the mission, that isn't right.)

-i think that after sy 90sec(or more depending on the intelligence of the faction) of no activity, the enemies should say over the comm system that the target has vanished, and is assumed dead. this would return the enemies to a semi-alert state, where they don't know where u are, but have upped security 

-i think that any invisibility could be used to re-enter "safe" rooms and instantly drop alarms (assuming the player is close enough to the doors).


anyway, that's all i have for now, but stealth really needs to be fine tuned, and i think that it could be a defining factor in what could make this game great. thanks for your time, and i hope the dev's check the feedback threads. who want's to play a game where the devs don't care about their community right?

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I like the ideas for AI improvements, equipment (not necessarily that dart gun) to handle stealth play, and the idea that some skills need adjustments. Level design needs heavy adjusting for stealth's ease of play, and pointing out these routes with mini-map (or a world map would be nice) would make it a lot more viable. They fixed Shade so that isn't as big of a problem anymore. I agree with many of the ideas here, so here's what I want to add:


First of all for Ash:

1. His Shuriken needs momentum (in the direction of the enemy) to strike the enemy from a farther distance, just to handle normal play and to pick off far off enemies where a gun can't do the trick silently enough. Making it silent would be the top priority though.


2. Smokescreen is too short, but it's also weak against normal gameplay escapes of sorts, just due to the fact that it can be interrupted without being cast after say, a knock down for example. Melee units being put into this game would make it far more penalized. Lengthening the time is top priority, but every other skill in the game gets a recast upon knock downs and whatnot except for certain instacasts. Could use the finishing touch of stealthing any nearby friendly units, making Shade possible to bring. I want to say this skill should be silent, but it shouldn't. It should be considered soft contact and make them investigate the specific area.of smoke, even if you're sprinting (this makes Reach much more effective on this skill, rather than just the stun).


3. Blade Storm is a particularly good skill for the "kill everyone" initiative, but the enemies only see you for a quick second or two. The skill itself may not seem stealthy, but that's because of its current state. If it gave invisibility (a reasonable amount after you finish casting) and was adjusted to be cost per cast instead of "cast once to kill things," it would be a great stealth alternative for certain short range encounters (and I wouldn't be unnecessarily hitting already dead enemies). If you spam the ability button, you can proceed to do the current way of doing the skill, and further casts will always be a lesser cost than the first (adds up to a total of 100 energy wasted no matter the lv of the skill, but initial cost decreases as it gets to higher lvs).


4. Teleport is a skill that is unusable on normal circumstances. The fact that you do a flip is cool and all, but the fact that you receive no invincibility from using it means that it's strictly only useful for travelling across safe areas with teammates, not to enemies themselves. Not to mention the fact that it isn't silent.



I don't have much to say about Loki. Your Decoy should make you invisible, and the decoy should disappear on contact to unalerted enemies (this is similar to your casual "rock throw"). Invisibility shouldn't be given such a high leverage on how you want to play. Switch Teleport shouldn't alert, yes. Radial Disarm can be ignored since it at least gives him a greater shot at normal play.


Now, for stealth xp:

The system should really be based on how fast you do it, which in turn, gives you a great amount of bonus xp instead of regular xp. This would be sort of a "rank" type thing, but as it is now, neither the AI nor the level design allow for great stealth speeds (which is one of the reasons that it's uncomfortable).


As for general stealth play:

Adding that Vision as an item or skill would be bad. Banshee already has one that's ineffective though. The better idea would be to incorporate the enemy's field of vision with Enemy Radar and release it as another Artifact (namely Enemy Sense, which is a mod that should incorporate the same aspects), effectively making a stealth-specific artifact. Having an item to detect enemy walking patterns would be more viable.


There are currently some stealth areas, but they are only in specific areas in an already randomized particle map. If we had no pregenerated maps on things like Spy and Assassination missions, stealth play would be a lot more synchronized. The only modes that shouldn't have complicated stealth parts added are Exterminate, Defense, Raid, and Infested maps. That being said, since I'd like stealth to be a flexible choice, we should have the option to pick if we want a stealth-oriented map, so Spy missions could still be played shooting everyone.


I don't know how Infested systems work, but the flashlight (which is only randomly given to your rifle) makes it impossible to stealth in those missions. Plus they have no specific alert notifications; if one sees you, they all do. I think that can be fixed by forcing individual sight for them, although that might slow the gameplay a ton (works perfectly fine for stealth players, and the added option on UI to have stealth orientation helps this idea). Sounds of certain enemy deaths such as "Runner"(only explosion from hard contact) and enemy cries from "Leaper" (with a reasonable delay before use) should alert them, not Crawlers themselves or Ancients. The bigger issue with this and normal stealth play are the amount of currently spawned enemies and respawn rate, something way more common in Infested areas as a problem but still very much a big issue.

Shade needs to only unstealth after you and it are out of the enemy's line of vision, not general range (to handle cameras). The cooldown on Ghost needs to be lowered based on how many enemies are present as well.

If by backstab you mean a new animation for stealth kills while having more effective kills, then all my yes.


Hopefully they'll do some of the suggested changes to boost stealth adequately. Level designs are long-term and AI improvements are hard to synchronize without revamping the entire system of aggression (which is a great suggestion), so this will take quite some time.


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My thoughts are this: either the devs need to put A LOT of effort into making the stealth system viable or take it out completely.



Now for the details. Please bear with me as I will probably echo some of the afore mentioned thoughts.



First: The Stealth Attacks

While I appreciate their existence in the game, the current set-up has soooooo many friggin problems. First, while I know this game is in vein of being over-the-top action, current stealth attacks are impractical. I mean, the dagger attack is you hopping onto their shoulders and stabbing them in the neck all showy-like. I believe the attack animations should be quicker and ruthlessly to the point (ie: seizing their free hand so that they can't radio and stabbing them in the throat). Next, the stealth attacks should be insta-kills. It is EXTREMELY disappointing to spend all your time positioning yourself and and waiting for the right moment, only to stab them and have all your hard work go up in flames instantly as the alarms begin to blare. Now, of course to make it not completely game-breaking, the stealth kills should only be able to be performed on light units, not heavy units, or at least have the stealth kill animation for the heavy units be significantly longer--either way forcing players to pick off the units around the heavy unit before sweeping in to take them out.


Speaking of animation times, I think it would be neat to have the stealth kill animation vary significantly depending on the size and power of the weapon, for instance daggers would be quickest and heavy weapons would be slowest, giving an efficiency incentive.


Along the lines of making the stealth kills more stealthy, I've noticed that enemies become alerted when they see the bodies of their fallen comrades. This is a cool little aspect...if stealth wasn't already so friggin difficult. In order to work around that, I think it might be neat if completeing a stealth kill either throws the body backwards a little bit or gives you the option of dragging the body out of sight. Or at least making the body despawn instantly, or something.


Another thing, one of the reasons I often find that I cannot be stealthy is, in combination of the randomness of the AI paths, there often ends up being a cluster of enemies that JUST WON'T DISPERSE. I think it might be a worthy venture to create stealth kills, with weapons that can connect with more than one person, that take out two close together enemies at once.


And another short little tidbit: I think the command for stealth kills should be issued to X instead of E, to prevent the non-stealth-misfires I seem to end up doing so very often.


Lastly, and this is an idea I was toying around with quite a bit, I think that stealth should be able to be weaved seamlessly into open combat. Given the general pacing of the game and the shoot-first-ask-questions-later mentality of all the other players on the online matches, I believe this to be a highly viable option. Basically, what I was imagining was something much akin to playing the spy in TF2--sneaking up behind people who are focused on shooting at other people and backstabbing them. This would allow all players to play the way they want within the same match, whether it be stealthy and catching them unaware or just running and gunning. What this would probably require is a more forward focused AI--I mean with the Grineer's massive shoulder pads and the Corpus's massive helmet, I doubt either of them would have a good sense of what was happening behind them. This should allow players to flank them and perform stealth attacks for at the very least crits instead of gauranteed insta-kills.


Second: Enemy Awareness

I highly agree that there should be some sort of cool-down for the alertedness of enemies after an alarm has been sounded, allowing you to go back to performing stealth kills. I mean there have been times I have come upon a room after triggering an alarm where I've found the enemies just patrolling normally. But when I sneak up behind them, it's like their Grineer-sense starts tingling and they instantly notice me. That and it doesn't even give me the prompt for stealth attack. The black and white, on/off structure of enemy awareness for enemies with an alarm system is frustrating, and makes stealth rather impractical. I good way to remedy this might be to enable some way of deactivating the alarm. I mean, the Tenno can hack through doors, sensitive data consoles, airlock shutters, lock down protocols, etc, etc--why can't they deactivate the alarm, sending a false all clear sign, or even disable the alarm functions of the control panels of a given room? That or else, it'd be kinda neat if you would occasioanlly come across an enemy you just felled, whose comm is blaring out demanding a response, and your Tenno could pick up the comm device and play some sort of voice loop giving an "all clear" transmission. Now granted, if a deactivation system for the alarms is implemented, it should have a limited number of times it can be pulled off (say 1-3), before the enemies catch on to what you're doing and maintain the ship-wide alarm, blocking you from whatever countermeasure.

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My thoughts are this: either the devs need to put A LOT of effort into making the stealth system viable or take it out completely.



Now for the details. Please bear with me as I will probably echo some of the afore mentioned thoughts.



First: The Stealth Attacks

While I appreciate their existence in the game, the current set-up has soooooo many friggin problems. First, while I know this game is in vein of being over-the-top action, current stealth attacks are impractical. I mean, the dagger attack is you hopping onto their shoulders and stabbing them in the neck all showy-like. I believe the attack animations should be quicker and ruthlessly to the point (ie: seizing their free hand so that they can't radio and stabbing them in the throat). Next, the stealth attacks should be insta-kills. It is EXTREMELY disappointing to spend all your time positioning yourself and and waiting for the right moment, only to stab them and have all your hard work go up in flames instantly as the alarms begin to blare. Now, of course to make it not completely game-breaking, the stealth kills should only be able to be performed on light units, not heavy units, or at least have the stealth kill animation for the heavy units be significantly longer--either way forcing players to pick off the units around the heavy unit before sweeping in to take them out.


Speaking of animation times, I think it would be neat to have the stealth kill animation vary significantly depending on the size and power of the weapon, for instance daggers would be quickest and heavy weapons would be slowest, giving an efficiency incentive.


Along the lines of making the stealth kills more stealthy, I've noticed that enemies become alerted when they see the bodies of their fallen comrades. This is a cool little aspect...if stealth wasn't already so friggin difficult. In order to work around that, I think it might be neat if completeing a stealth kill either throws the body backwards a little bit or gives you the option of dragging the body out of sight. Or at least making the body despawn instantly, or something.


Another thing, one of the reasons I often find that I cannot be stealthy is, in combination of the randomness of the AI paths, there often ends up being a cluster of enemies that JUST WON'T DISPERSE. I think it might be a worthy venture to create stealth kills, with weapons that can connect with more than one person, that take out two close together enemies at once.


And another short little tidbit: I think the command for stealth kills should be issued to X instead of E, to prevent the non-stealth-misfires I seem to end up doing so very often.


Lastly, and this is an idea I was toying around with quite a bit, I think that stealth should be able to be weaved seamlessly into open combat. Given the general pacing of the game and the shoot-first-ask-questions-later mentality of all the other players on the online matches, I believe this to be a highly viable option. Basically, what I was imagining was something much akin to playing the spy in TF2--sneaking up behind people who are focused on shooting at other people and backstabbing them. This would allow all players to play the way they want within the same match, whether it be stealthy and catching them unaware or just running and gunning. What this would probably require is a more forward focused AI--I mean with the Grineer's massive shoulder pads and the Corpus's massive helmet, I doubt either of them would have a good sense of what was happening behind them. This should allow players to flank them and perform stealth attacks for at the very least crits instead of gauranteed insta-kills.


Second: Enemy Awareness

I highly agree that there should be some sort of cool-down for the alertedness of enemies after an alarm has been sounded, allowing you to go back to performing stealth kills. I mean there have been times I have come upon a room after triggering an alarm where I've found the enemies just patrolling normally. But when I sneak up behind them, it's like their Grineer-sense starts tingling and they instantly notice me. That and it doesn't even give me the prompt for stealth attack. The black and white, on/off structure of enemy awareness for enemies with an alarm system is frustrating, and makes stealth rather impractical. I good way to remedy this might be to enable some way of deactivating the alarm. I mean, the Tenno can hack through doors, sensitive data consoles, airlock shutters, lock down protocols, etc, etc--why can't they deactivate the alarm, sending a false all clear sign, or even disable the alarm functions of the control panels of a given room? That or else, it'd be kinda neat if you would occasioanlly come across an enemy you just felled, whose comm is blaring out demanding a response, and your Tenno could pick up the comm device and play some sort of voice loop giving an "all clear" transmission. Now granted, if a deactivation system for the alarms is implemented, it should have a limited number of times it can be pulled off (say 1-3), before the enemies catch on to what you're doing and maintain the ship-wide alarm, blocking you from whatever countermeasure.



Loved your thoughts about Stealth gameplay, alot of things makes sense and aren't game-breaking. Thumbs UP

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