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Stealth Feedback & Suggestions Thread


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OK I just had an idea. Not sure how to implement. Basically the idea is that you have a "decoy body" ability that leaves a dead copy of you on the floor. The reason this suggestion is in the thread is that this would then allow the enemy to think you are dead and stealth mode comes back on. Does that make sense? It could be combined with a warframe called "Chameleon" that enables you to take the form of the enemy too. Like a warframe that specializes in deception. Not invisibility but actual blending in with the enemy. Now that would be awesome.

way too op

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I think that there needs to be silenced pistols and another long gun. These weapons should do a huge amount of damage to unalerted enemies. Also, enemies shouldn't be able to run to the panel and the .01 of a second they get there start the alarm. I think it should take them 1 second to activate. That has gotten me more than a handful of times.


It wold also be helpful if the doors would open while I am standing next to it so I can see inside without standing directly in front of it.

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Biggest issue with stealh right now is not how it's executed. Right now I can play through raid missions quite effectively with only shade by my side. Smoke from Ash is always good extra when needing to take few extra steps into precense of enemy so shade will cover me.


Problem I have is that stealth takes so much time and effort with so little reward. If I get perfect game with 0 enemies killed and no allerts. I only get what I find as a loot (wich is even more rare with my lack of effective way of destroying containers.) from closets. And only reward I get is the single mod from possible raid and the cash.


To be honest right now it's more profitable to just rampage through the whole game because you have to kill for most loot.


You could introduce No detection and No Kills bonus (at the end) and possibly expotentially growing loot drop chances on successive stealth kills.

The problem though would be with infected because they don't have "Alert consoles". Possibbly give them time based alert rather than the consoles. Or possibly collective Alert when more than 5 creatures are alerted at same time.


Edit: I would also like to note that the random enemy spawning in areas I Know I have already explored is bleeding anoying when playing stealthy. If the number of enemies keeps changing as I move through the map unnoticed, the stealth becomes more and more obsolete gameplay style.


I'm telling you man, these issues are why stealth cannot be an avoidance method. If stealth avoids enemies, the rewards are too small to do, and it contributes nothing to and gains nothing from a team. If stealth is a means of killing enemies, then you are getting the same rewards and contributing to a team.

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Can we simply get the about to do stealth kill animations when we (Loki) go invisible even under alerted conditions , the enemy stops tracking once I vanish. I should be able to get an undetected attack of opportunity. Maybe back stab damage would be nice.

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What do you think of making stealth an optional objective for some missions where if you are not detected you gain a big bonus for affinity, credits and may be a mods or a blueprint; but if you fail you just lose the bonus?

And it can be a good alternative to the alert ? mission who are the only way to get rare blueprints.

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I would like to see a channel time for enemies to activate the alert.  Once they reach the console, they should actually have to USE it and type something in for about 3 seconds before the alert goes off.  This would give you an opportunity in an "oh S#&$" moment to stumble or kill them and prevent them from just instantly activating the alarm.

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it is not hard to hit a panic button. They are designed to be quick and easy. I always make sure to put myself between the nearest console and the enemy I am sneaking on though...it works if you keep their locations in mind. Maybe adding them to the map would be useful though.

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The hacking mechanic doesn't get enough credit, or use.  A few mechanics I'd like to see:


1. Hacking alert terminals.

-You would be able to do this to make all alert consoles temporarily useless.

-VERY short "no alert" window (20 seconds perhaps? Less? Slightly more?) and trigger an internal cooldown.

-Would cause baddies to investigate the malfunction.

-You would not be able to "refresh" this no alert window for a while after doing it, so you'd have to make sure the ambush worked.  "Security firewalls" or a "system reboot" could work as an excuse.


2. Hacking alert terminals during an alert.

-You would be able to turn off the alert, applying a sort of "mulligan" to screwing up the stealth.

-Enemies outside the immediate area remain suspicious for a while afterwards.

-It would also trigger/retrigger the aforementioned no-alert window and it's subsequent cooldown.

-Gives stealth-minded players a target besides trying to sneak-attack 30 guys rushing the room.

-Gives players the ability to stop 30 guys rushing the room over, and over, and over...


3. Hackable/destructable clown closets enemy spawns.

-If hacked/destroyed, will no longer spawn enemies.

-Hacking only temporarily prevents spawning.  Forces the player to move quickly to a new target, instead of camping out.

-If destroyed, immediately causes an alert.  

-If already on alert, causes them to stop spawning and allows for breathing room.

-Would allow players to sneak into areas for a reason besides the mobs themselves.

-Gives players the option of blasting it during chaos, or hacking it away quietly.

-Gives devs the option of putting spawn lockers with bosses to elevate challenge if players do not hack/destroy the spawns.

-Moa lockers, Grineer troop teleporters/elevators, and infested cocoons.


4. Make stealth an optional mission type, not simply a mission phase that lasts all of 5 seconds- if at all, with self-destruct modifier.

-This would be a modifier players could vote on.

-All the aforementioned mechanics would be in place only if the option was active.

-Would make solo'ing a lot more interesting.

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UPDATE 29-04-2013


30 stealth kills

current stealth breakers:

make it less enemies spawning while undetrected. skills of all stealth warframes should not cause alarm


- being able to turn off the alarms


-decrease the ammount of spawnignenemies while undetected

-enemies patchfinding is random and unpredictable


-doors should open from further distance


-there is no reward for completing sections undetected.

-opening doors for 2 players still cause alert

-in cautious state enemies spawn you from 90 bearings, shich mean that their view is more like 270


-BANSHEE SONAR IS USELESS, unless you will make it to show ALL the enemies on ONE SECTION you are in PER USE.

should not be too difficult, and it will make banshee actually usefull warframe

- The Loki and Ash invisibility should cloak the Sentinel too, for the same reasons as above. If stealth requires not to take your Sentinel with you, fine, but I doubt this is the intended use of a Shade...



really major downfall, please make enemies ignore shade unless they spoted the owner






being able to turn off warframe's flashlight to decrease chance of spoting


silent sidearm

crossbow / dual crossbows





-xp bonus for completing section undetected

since levels consist of segments, we propose to recieve xp for completing each segment/level undetected.

if there are enemies in section then

if you pass from one section to another you recieve some xp bonus for each enemy, it may be fixed value or percentage of xp you recive for killing it.

if there is no enemies - you recieve nothing

if you completed this section already you would not recieve xp again

if you will kill enemies in already completed section you will recieve small percentage of xp you get normally, so you would not be able to farm it.



-level restart option in solo.

just one more button in menu to restart level

- enemy view cons if you are undetected

if you are undetected you should see enemies with cons of view on your minimap untill you got detected,

if you got detected radar turns out red and you see only minimap + alarm cooldown countdown

just look at metal gear solid series as reference



- backstab

this will be very comfortable way to kill enemies instead of strong attack which may cause detection on miss or hitting surrouninngs.

- alert system.

if one enemy seen me for a second, everyone else gets alerted, even tho i killed him in half of second later then i supposed to.

this is really annoying when one mistake fucks up whole my mission, may be there should be an alert cooldown


-opening door that require 2 players activation trigger alert.

not fixed yet

-alarm is triggered instantly if mission location is damaged ship

thats alright, and enemies should be suspicious, but they should not instantly run at you untill you revail yourself

-alarm cooldown still doesn't work proper.

after some time enemies DO stop run at you and music changes to peacefull but in cautious state they spot you even if you are behind them

-enemies still can spot you from back when they check their gear/legs

-ash teleport cause alert


-no respawning enemies if undetected,

there should be a difference between 'normal patrol' and 'alarmed security' spawn system. In 'normal patrol' - fixed amount of enemy in the map and no respawning. In alarmed state, a reinforcement will be arrived through 'wall panel' similar to moar spawning in corpus faction. However, if player can escape from the engagement and remain undetected, patrol force will be increased (well, make more sense than 'nothing to see here' or 'must be my imagination').

i was stuck in the beginning for quite awhile and cut around 5 same types of enemies coming from doors.

Also dead enemies spawn again after hacking terminal or picking up data cache. not fair at all.


timer should start to run only after you started to click on stuff, so it will give you a little bit of time to think what to do and do it fast.

Look at alien swarm for refference



-more predictable patchfinding

currently ai moves around randomly which creates alot of unpleasant situations due inability to predict their movement

video with example will be added later

-enemies should not spot you while they scratching/checking their legs

this is just annoying and illogical. they stop feeling safe enought to check their gear/whatever and it should be perfect moment to strike.

-"ready to fire" state cooldown

currently, you encountered enemy directly once - all other enemies even in different sections turn into in "ready to fire" state. this is alright, but there should be a cooldown for that so they will turn back into normal "safe" mode.


if you get to a boss undetected, the boss is unprepared. IE Jakal is not yet assembled fully, other bosses aren't wearing a helmet, etc etc.





you can see through the walls for brief period of time

this skill can be added/replaced for ash or loki, or it could be a consumable item in shop, so all players will be able to use it.




-aural decoy

In current state aural decoy is useless and even dangerous for stealth mission, since it cause enemies to alarm too, what makes it pretty much useless.


while you are undetected aural decoy bring enemies attention and makes them move for its location to investigate, just like throwing stones in farcry or coin in hitman. If you got detected it starts to work exactly same way it does normaly.

-swith teleport SHOULD NOT CAUSE ALARM

In current state switch teleport cause alarm, which doesn’t help stealth at all.

We suggest to make switch teleport stealthy and cause only confusion while you are undetected


invisibility should be turned off on attack,

so you would not be able to kill all the enemies remaning invisible and it will be more evading tool if you stealth or defensive tool when you play normal and would not work as somewhat "notarget all cheat". i would like to suggest different mechanics on smoke screen.

lets say if you press and hold smoke screen, it will shows alot of smoke and stun opponents and turn you invisible for short period of time.

if you click on smoke screen once you will turn invisible for same duration as loki does, and the only difference will be that you dissapear in bits of smoke instead of loki yellowish invisibility.


since ash is supposed to be stealth class i have a couple of ideas on re-designing it to fit stealth in most efficent way.

skills list:






turns your warframe invisible

duration: 5s, 7s, 9s depending on upgrade level. turns off on attack.

energy cost: 25

don't cause alarm on activation


stuns opponents around.

stun duration: ???

energy cost: 50

don't cause alarm on activation


supposed to instantly kill regular enemy while undetected (may be some damage modifyer for regular enemies x5/x7)

energy cost: 50

don't cause alarm on activation


teleport you behind the enemy

energy cost: 50

don't cause alarm on activation


you can see enemies through the walls for brief period of time

duration: 3s, 4s, 6s.

energy cost: 10-15

don't cause alarm on activation




-game needs more places to hide for example get on high ground etc.

we have an ability to climb on obstacles, but we can't use it more then on occasion due current level design and it becomes useless on practice.

there need to be a lot more hiding places, more alternate routes through the map. Currently, there's very little hiding place and no creative way to get through the map. It's not hard, just irritating.

Look at MGS, Tenchu for refference.


-enemies can see through some obstacles

http://youtu.be/yv_tFaljb2c <-- blade runner spot me behind barel



-silencer for singleshot secondary weapons

-dart gun

single shot handgun with total 11 rounds for whole mission 1/10 (1 in clip and 10 in magazine)

this weapon don't cause enemies to alert.

no reload speed or ammo clip size or total ammo upgrades.

basicly it should instakill regular enemy if you are undetected and if you are detected it becomes useless and don't cause much (if any) damage .


1. Clean Slate

- The ship has been notified of the presence of threats. Enemies have no idea where you are at the current moment, however, they are more actively patrolling are keeping their eyes open for anything suspicious. Enemies in the alerted state will adjust their lines of sight towards a door if are within range to hear it open. (So don't just walk straight through a door as it opens, wait a moment, or follow behind an enemy before the door closes behind them.) Enemies in the alerted state will enter the "hunting" state if they recieve any sort of contact, soft or hard.

- Your exact location has been compromised; you either stayed in one room for too long after a firefight and reinforcements arrived or an enemy got a hard contact on you and reported it to his allies in the near vicinity. Enemies will flank you and close on your last known location.

1. Audible Contact - An enemy heard you running(not sprinting) within 10m. The enemy and any others within 10m will enter an "alerted" state. They will stop their previous patrol route and begin to search the location the sound came from.

If sound suppressors are added as a weapon attachment then if an enemy within 10m hears you fire a suppressed weapon it will be considered a "soft audible contact".

Audible Contact - An enemy heard a gunshot or heard you full-out sprinting. They will enter the "hunting" state and will call for the assistance of allies in the same room. In addition, enemies in adjacent rooms will enter the "alerted" state if the contact was a gunshot.

- Soft- Hard Regarding alerting the ship to your presence:

There should be a set amount of time (3 seconds?) that the enemy must stay at the terminal before the alert is actually sent out. As it currently stands an enemy only has to be at a terminal for a mere instant for the alert to get out.


How about making a silencer mod for side arms that shows a cosmetic silencer which cost 0 mod points. A cross bow would be cool but it isn't that attractive as the bow but most likely be over powered and render Paris obsolete. I would rather have a scorpion rope dart and chuck it so I can say Get over here and then slice the guys head off. Kunai and gravity chain should be a weapon. But I'm sure the animation would be complex

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How about making a silencer mod for side arms that shows a cosmetic silencer which cost 0 mod points. A cross bow would be cool but it isn't that attractive as the bow but most likely be over powered and render Paris obsolete. I would rather have a scorpion rope dart and chuck it so I can say Get over here and then slice the guys head off. Kunai and gravity chain should be a weapon. But I'm sure the animation would be complex

instead of slicing it would be funny to see the animation show a chuck norris round house kick or a drop kick but it has to be quick or the movements would be hard to get use to because if it was locked into the kunai charge ability it would be very limited in movement.

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Was going to post in here with a pile of suggestions, but most things have been brought up already, so I'll keep it brief.

I love the idea of the stealth kill mechanic, but as it stands, it's flawed.  In high level missions, when you execute a stealth attack on an enemy, they'll just take 50% damage, turn around, and set off the alarm.  If the stealth kill was an instagib attack, regardless of enemy level, it'd make it much more practical for use in high level areas.  I can understand it not instagibbing heavy units like Ancients, though, so it shouldn't instantly take down everything.

Second was an idea I had for a silent secondary weapon - throwing knives.  Throwing knives would consume pistol ammo - with a lower max cap, probably - and would arc once thrown.  They should hit for mid to high damage, given the challenge associated with a slow, arcing projectile, and should probably be sufficient to kill most low to mid level mobs with one knife.  They probably shouldn't nail mobs to surfaces, though.  That'd be kinda silly.

Anyway, that's just my two cents.  Carry on!

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Was going to post in here with a pile of suggestions, but most things have been brought up already, so I'll keep it brief.

I love the idea of the stealth kill mechanic, but as it stands, it's flawed.  In high level missions, when you execute a stealth attack on an enemy, they'll just take 50% damage, turn around, and set off the alarm.  If the stealth kill was an instagib attack, regardless of enemy level, it'd make it much more practical for use in high level areas.  I can understand it not instagibbing heavy units like Ancients, though, so it shouldn't instantly take down everything.

Second was an idea I had for a silent secondary weapon - throwing knives.  Throwing knives would consume pistol ammo - with a lower max cap, probably - and would arc once thrown.  They should hit for mid to high damage, given the challenge associated with a slow, arcing projectile, and should probably be sufficient to kill most low to mid level mobs with one knife.  They probably shouldn't nail mobs to surfaces, though.  That'd be kinda silly.

Anyway, that's just my two cents.  Carry on!


probably one of the best suggestions here +1 to you my friend

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I agree there should be a slight xp boost given if the player completes the mission stealthily. It gives players an incentive to play stealthily, as the game was intended, it also makes up for the lack of items you will collect, as you will not be killing everything. If not an xp boost, maybe a special item or an increase in credits received at the end of a mission. Nothing overbearing, just a slight nod to the player for doing something different. It might also decrease the boredom of early full party missions, as not every single run through will be the same "guns blazing, super easy approach".


To put in my two cents on the topic as a whole, I think there should be a change on how alerted enemies react. For example, if you accidently alert an enemy as Loki, a set amount of time is given to you; if you stealth before the time is up, they will be unalerted, and maybe look around, saying "thought I saw something" (Grineer only, Corpus would probably just say "Woah Sebulba" like they always do.)


Or, if youre not a stealth warframe, before the time runs out, hide behind cover. This would not be as effective as invisibility, and the enemy would patrol to try and find you. Eventually giving up if you aren't found.


Also, enemies should take a few seconds to set off the alarm. This is rediculous how many times I almost successfully stealth, and then one enemy gets to the control panel just   1 millisecond too fast for me. I kill him before he would ever be able to press any buttons, but the alarm is still set.


If the alarm is set, there should still be a WEAK option of stealth to make it more interesting. Enemies shouldn't instantly know where you are, but ARE on the lookout, changing enemy behavior to a "patrol", where instead of just walking, they will stop every so often and look around.


Also, I think it would be cool if the corpus missions made it semi-harder to stealth by the cameras not just activating turrets, but after a few seconds of spotting you, they activate an alarm. This could be interrupted if the player destroyed the camera before the alarm was set. If a camera spotted a player, an icon showing the location of the camera would appear on the player's minimap, allowing for the player to dispose of the threat easier.


And one last thing. Stealth attacks need to be improved a bit on enemies with shields. Either change the attacks to where they instantly kill the enemies or they could stun them momentarily, allowing for a combo attack.

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UPDATE 29-04-2013


30 stealth kills

current stealth breakers:

make it less enemies spawning while undetrected. skills of all stealth warframes should not cause alarm


- being able to turn off the alarms


-decrease the ammount of spawnignenemies while undetected

-enemies patchfinding is random and unpredictable


-doors should open from further distance


-there is no reward for completing sections undetected.

-opening doors for 2 players still cause alert

-in cautious state enemies spawn you from 90 bearings, shich mean that their view is more like 270


-BANSHEE SONAR IS USELESS, unless you will make it to show ALL the enemies on ONE SECTION you are in PER USE.

should not be too difficult, and it will make banshee actually usefull warframe

- The Loki and Ash invisibility should cloak the Sentinel too, for the same reasons as above. If stealth requires not to take your Sentinel with you, fine, but I doubt this is the intended use of a Shade...



really major downfall, please make enemies ignore shade unless they spoted the owner






being able to turn off warframe's flashlight to decrease chance of spoting


silent sidearm

crossbow / dual crossbows

throwable knives that don't impale enemies to walls, with curve trajectory




-xp bonus for completing section undetected

since levels consist of segments, we propose to recieve xp for completing each segment/level undetected.

if there are enemies in section then

if you pass from one section to another you recieve some xp bonus for each enemy, it may be fixed value or percentage of xp you recive for killing it.

if there is no enemies - you recieve nothing

if you completed this section already you would not recieve xp again

if you will kill enemies in already completed section you will recieve small percentage of xp you get normally, so you would not be able to farm it.



-level restart option in solo.

just one more button in menu to restart level

- enemy view cons if you are undetected

if you are undetected you should see enemies with cons of view on your minimap untill you got detected,

if you got detected radar turns out red and you see only minimap + alarm cooldown countdown

just look at metal gear solid series as reference



- backstab

this will be very comfortable way to kill enemies instead of strong attack which may cause detection on miss or hitting surrouninngs.

- alert system.

if one enemy seen me for a second, everyone else gets alerted, even tho i killed him in half of second later then i supposed to.

this is really annoying when one mistake fucks up whole my mission, may be there should be an alert cooldown


-opening door that require 2 players activation trigger alert.

not fixed yet

-alarm is triggered instantly if mission location is damaged ship

thats alright, and enemies should be suspicious, but they should not instantly run at you untill you revail yourself

-alarm cooldown still doesn't work proper.

after some time enemies DO stop run at you and music changes to peacefull but in cautious state they spot you even if you are behind them

-enemies still can spot you from back when they check their gear/legs

-ash teleport cause alert


-no respawning enemies if undetected,

there should be a difference between 'normal patrol' and 'alarmed security' spawn system. In 'normal patrol' - fixed amount of enemy in the map and no respawning. In alarmed state, a reinforcement will be arrived through 'wall panel' similar to moar spawning in corpus faction. However, if player can escape from the engagement and remain undetected, patrol force will be increased (well, make more sense than 'nothing to see here' or 'must be my imagination').

i was stuck in the beginning for quite awhile and cut around 5 same types of enemies coming from doors.

Also dead enemies spawn again after hacking terminal or picking up data cache. not fair at all.


timer should start to run only after you started to click on stuff, so it will give you a little bit of time to think what to do and do it fast.

Look at alien swarm for refference



-more predictable patchfinding

currently ai moves around randomly which creates alot of unpleasant situations due inability to predict their movement

video with example will be added later

-enemies should not spot you while they scratching/checking their legs

this is just annoying and illogical. they stop feeling safe enought to check their gear/whatever and it should be perfect moment to strike.

-"ready to fire" state cooldown

currently, you encountered enemy directly once - all other enemies even in different sections turn into in "ready to fire" state. this is alright, but there should be a cooldown for that so they will turn back into normal "safe" mode.


if you get to a boss undetected, the boss is unprepared. IE Jakal is not yet assembled fully, other bosses aren't wearing a helmet, etc etc.





you can see through the walls for brief period of time

this skill can be added/replaced for ash or loki, or it could be a consumable item in shop, so all players will be able to use it.




-aural decoy

In current state aural decoy is useless and even dangerous for stealth mission, since it cause enemies to alarm too, what makes it pretty much useless.


while you are undetected aural decoy bring enemies attention and makes them move for its location to investigate, just like throwing stones in farcry or coin in hitman. If you got detected it starts to work exactly same way it does normaly.

-swith teleport SHOULD NOT CAUSE ALARM

In current state switch teleport cause alarm, which doesn’t help stealth at all.

We suggest to make switch teleport stealthy and cause only confusion while you are undetected


invisibility should be turned off on attack,

so you would not be able to kill all the enemies remaning invisible and it will be more evading tool if you stealth or defensive tool when you play normal and would not work as somewhat "notarget all cheat". i would like to suggest different mechanics on smoke screen.

lets say if you press and hold smoke screen, it will shows alot of smoke and stun opponents and turn you invisible for short period of time.

if you click on smoke screen once you will turn invisible for same duration as loki does, and the only difference will be that you dissapear in bits of smoke instead of loki yellowish invisibility.


since ash is supposed to be stealth class i have a couple of ideas on re-designing it to fit stealth in most efficent way.

skills list:






turns your warframe invisible

duration: 5s, 7s, 9s depending on upgrade level. turns off on attack.

energy cost: 25

don't cause alarm on activation


stuns opponents around.

stun duration: ???

energy cost: 50

don't cause alarm on activation


supposed to instantly kill regular enemy while undetected (may be some damage modifyer for regular enemies x5/x7)

energy cost: 50

don't cause alarm on activation


teleport you behind the enemy

energy cost: 50

don't cause alarm on activation


you can see enemies through the walls for brief period of time

duration: 3s, 4s, 6s.

energy cost: 10-15

don't cause alarm on activation




-game needs more places to hide for example get on high ground etc.

we have an ability to climb on obstacles, but we can't use it more then on occasion due current level design and it becomes useless on practice.

there need to be a lot more hiding places, more alternate routes through the map. Currently, there's very little hiding place and no creative way to get through the map. It's not hard, just irritating.

Look at MGS, Tenchu for refference.


-enemies can see through some obstacles

http://youtu.be/yv_tFaljb2c <-- blade runner spot me behind barel



-silencer for singleshot secondary weapons

-dart gun

single shot handgun with total 11 rounds for whole mission 1/10 (1 in clip and 10 in magazine)

this weapon don't cause enemies to alert.

no reload speed or ammo clip size or total ammo upgrades.

basicly it should instakill regular enemy if you are undetected and if you are detected it becomes useless and don't cause much (if any) damage .


1. Clean Slate

- The ship has been notified of the presence of threats. Enemies have no idea where you are at the current moment, however, they are more actively patrolling are keeping their eyes open for anything suspicious. Enemies in the alerted state will adjust their lines of sight towards a door if are within range to hear it open. (So don't just walk straight through a door as it opens, wait a moment, or follow behind an enemy before the door closes behind them.) Enemies in the alerted state will enter the "hunting" state if they recieve any sort of contact, soft or hard.

- Your exact location has been compromised; you either stayed in one room for too long after a firefight and reinforcements arrived or an enemy got a hard contact on you and reported it to his allies in the near vicinity. Enemies will flank you and close on your last known location.

1. Audible Contact - An enemy heard you running(not sprinting) within 10m. The enemy and any others within 10m will enter an "alerted" state. They will stop their previous patrol route and begin to search the location the sound came from.

If sound suppressors are added as a weapon attachment then if an enemy within 10m hears you fire a suppressed weapon it will be considered a "soft audible contact".

Audible Contact - An enemy heard a gunshot or heard you full-out sprinting. They will enter the "hunting" state and will call for the assistance of allies in the same room. In addition, enemies in adjacent rooms will enter the "alerted" state if the contact was a gunshot.

- Soft- Hard Regarding alerting the ship to your presence:

There should be a set amount of time (3 seconds?) that the enemy must stay at the terminal before the alert is actually sent out. As it currently stands an enemy only has to be at a terminal for a mere instant for the alert to get out.


I would like there to be more stealth parkour! Kind of like hanging on to a ledge like you do but then you stay there! You dont just go up but you stay and from there you could do a stealth kill! Other things is that some weapons if isnt enough upgraded it wont "1 shot KO" which will alert your enemy if it isnt!

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I agree with a lot of the concepts stated here. I really like how Warframe is a game that regardless of the weapon, mod and warframe choices there really isn't a...I guess..."right way" to play and being able to complete a mission undected should be an option.


Although I do think granting affinity for stealth kills wouldn't be the best way to go about it, in the end a kill is a kill and it doesnt matter if I'm sprinting or sliding or even soaring through the air like an eagle.


This also opens opportunities for the Loki/Ash warframe, and for stealth missions such as Spy and Deception, which could grant more affinity for completing the mission without being detected.

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