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The Bronco, The Lex, The Vasto And The Sicarus Primes.


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The sicarus is a bad prime weapon. Not worthy of ten cells. 


The Akbronco is bad and 20 cells. 


Now, Can I just say this; Prime weapons are best kept at under 15 cells. There's a rough correlation there: If you need to get lots of different parts (Hikou,paris,fang) the weapon willl cost less than ten cells. Three parts and a blueprint is normaly about ten cells, and less than three parts is sometimes fifteen cells. 


But the pistols fall into the 'less than three parts' category. They should be 15 cells each! Right? Wrong (well, Maybe not wrong in the case of one) 


The Bronco, Lex and Vasto are single handed pistols that can be dual wielded. Essentially a single pistol is half the final product. That final product being seven parts, including blueprints and the akblueprint. (maybe 8 if 'link' is a part) Add 20 cells on that andDual pistols are easily arguable to be the most expensive prime weapon to create. But should they be? The single pistols  aren't quite great, and the dual pistols aren't legendary in comparison to the rest of the prime weapons, nor should they be. 


Simply put: dual pistols should be 7 cells each. The ak-blueprints should link them together with a single cell. That way they're 15 cells total. 

The sicarus should be 10 cells with an additional part, or 15 cells as it is. (it should also be buffed to be somewhere at or slightly below the value of ak-prime pistols.



Now, Rather importantly: 

The Sicarus needs a buff. It's a big heavy gilded burst pistol of expensiveness. No longer should it be 'that item' you continuously get when looking for someone valuable.  

The Bronco and Akbronco needs a re-do. Why art thy so mediocre? Howabout 3 shots per gun (it is tripple barreled) and increase damage accordingly. These should rival the brakk. They're prime weapons! 

The single vasto needs a dual wielded version. It's asking for one both with it's mediocrity and commonness (the receiver being the only part that's difficult. The others I have in piles) 



*this is from someone with more than enough cells and enough parts to build each pistol at least twice over* 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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Not going to lie, I find Sicarus Prime to be sweet. it's fun, for me, at least. I love how it fires, and how smooth it is when you dump nine rounds into an enemy ;p


It may need a minor touching-up or two, but, for the most part, Lethal Torrent and Barrel Diffusion just cause OBSCENE amounts of hell for most enemies at the other end.

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AkBronco is the only secondary I have not ranked up, apart from the Vasto prime (for now) simply because of how uninteresting, expensive, and underpowered compared to cheaper guns it is.

The Sicarus was fun and had amazing animations, but it doesn't stand out at all.


Definitely too expensive for "mastery fodder".

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As I've said before, the main thing that bothers me about Prime weapons is the lack of consistency. For example, why is it that the Sicarus only goes from dealing 30 -> 32 damage per bullet, while other weapons like the Boltor Prime go from 25 -> 55 damage? You could argue that there are utility upgrades to consider as well, but very rarely do they make up for such large discrepancies.


If DE wants prime weapons to be beasts like the Boltor/Latron/Soma Prime and mop the floors with enemies that's fine. If they want them to be sidegrades to their normal counterparts that offer minor damage boosts or have some form of tradeoff that's also fine. But at least be consistent about it, I don't see why weapon A gets to trivialize the game while weapon B is barely a step above a starter weapon in terms of usefulness (especially when they're supposed to be of the same tier, in this case Prime weaponry).

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I normaly am all for buffs, but you do realize that thing can hit 88k dps right?


If you buff that i'll be better than synoid and people will $#*(@ and get it nerfed down to uselesness.

And you do realize that it's got worse damage than the Bronco Prime right?


How does your damage drop by adding another of the same thing?


Also, no shotgun will ever beat SG.  Its damage is made up of pellets, inaccurate firing, and damage drop-off.  You're fooling yourself if you think you're getting anywhere near the amount of damage output a DPS-calculating website is giving you for a shotgun.




Just as DE_Adam doesn't seem to realize how skewed his accuracy chart is on the latest edition of "By The Numbers".  Of course shotguns have higher accuracy Adam.   When you blast a load of flak at the target, and only a pinch of it hits, it's still counted as a hit.  It has nothing to do with aiming more and everything to do with AoE targeting.  (Brought Adam into this for no reason except for that chart and his explanation was bugging me. :p)

Edited by Thaumatos
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The sicarus is a bad prime weapon. Not worthy of ten cells. 


The Akbronco is bad and 20 cells. 


Now, Can I just say this; Prime weapons are best kept at under 15 cells. There's a rough correlation there: If you need to get lots of different parts (Hikou,paris,fang) the weapon willl cost less than ten cells. Three parts and a blueprint is normaly about ten cells, and less than three parts is sometimes fifteen cells. 


But the pistols fall into the 'less than three parts' category. They should be 15 cells each! Right? Wrong (well, Maybe not wrong in the case of one) 


The Bronco, Lex and Vasto are single handed pistols that can be dual wielded. Essentially a single pistol is half the final product. That final product being seven parts, including blueprints and the akblueprint. (maybe 8 if 'link' is a part) Add 20 cells on that andDual pistols are easily arguable to be the most expensive prime weapon to create. But should they be? The single pistols  aren't quite great, and the dual pistols aren't legendary in comparison to the rest of the prime weapons, nor should they be. 


Simply put: dual pistols should be 7 cells each. The ak-blueprints should link them together with a single cell. That way they're 15 cells total. 

The sicarus should be 10 cells with an additional part, or 15 cells as it is. (it should also be buffed to be somewhere at or slightly below the value of ak-prime pistols.



Now, Rather importantly: 

The Sicarus needs a buff. It's a big heavy gilded burst pistol of expensiveness. No longer should it be 'that item' you continuously get when looking for someone valuable.  

The Bronco and Akbronco needs a re-do. 

The single vasto needs a dual wielded version. It's asking for one both with it's mediocrity and commonness (the receiver being the only part that's difficult. The others I have in piles) 



*this is from someone with more than enough cells and enough parts to build each pistol at least twice over* 


The Bronco and Akbronco weren't really meant for major damage. You're suppose to bring that to the void and rek Heavy Gunners with the 100% Status chance + Corrosive + Heat, instantly lowering their damage, armor, setting them on fire which stops them from attacking and does constant damage, slashing them, doing more so, and impacting them, which does another stagger ontop of them panicking from being on fire.

Sicarus is literally a burst fire Braton Prime, meant for quick, accurate damage and not high DPS. 


The Vasto, Lex, and Lato Primes (even though the last is unobtainable to us) All need ak- versions of themselves. 

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I normaly am all for buffs, but you do realize that thing can hit 88k dps right?


If you buff that i'll be better than synoid and people will $#*(@ and get it nerfed down to uselesness.

Can people stop quoting theoretical DPS numbers and give actual feedback about equipment, please?




The Bronco and Akbronco weren't really meant for major damage. You're suppose to bring that to the void and rek Heavy Gunners with the 100% Status chance + Corrosive + Heat, instantly lowering their damage, armor, setting them on fire which stops them from attacking and does constant damage, slashing them, doing more so, and impacting them, which does another stagger ontop of them panicking from being on fire.

Sicarus is literally a burst fire Braton Prime, meant for quick, accurate damage and not high DPS. 


The Vasto, Lex, and Lato Primes (even though the last is unobtainable to us) All need ak- versions of themselves. 

Except the status chance is broken ever since they made it per all pellets and not per pellet, so you'll be lucky to get one of those, let alone all of them on each shot.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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As I've said before, the main thing that bothers me about Prime weapons is the lack of consistency. For example, why is it that the Sicarus only goes from dealing 30 -> 32 damage per bullet, while other weapons like the Boltor Prime go from 25 -> 55 damage? You could argue that there are utility upgrades to consider as well, but very rarely do they make up for such large discrepancies.


If DE wants prime weapons to be beasts like the Boltor/Latron/Soma Prime and mop the floors with enemies that's fine. If they want them to be sidegrades to their normal counterparts that offer minor damage boosts or have some form of tradeoff that's also fine. But at least be consistent about it, I don't see why weapon A gets to trivialize the game while weapon B is barely a step above a starter weapon in terms of usefulness (especially when they're supposed to be of the same tier, in this case Prime weaponry).


And this is my main gripe with primes. DE can't decide what they want to do with primes. On one side we've got Frost and Sicarus Prime, on the other it's Rhino and Boltor Prime. The difference is staggering.


Meh idk, i'm missing like 30 orokin cells to craft the remaining three prime weapons, so i don't really care and i don't think its an issue.

Work for your damned weapons, stop crying that they require too many mats.


-10 points for not reading the disclaimer at the bottom. Try again, good sir.

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Can people stop quoting theoretical DPS numbers and give actual feedback about equipment, please?



Except the status chance is broken ever since they made it per all pellets and not per pellet, so you'll be lucky to get one of those, let alone all of them on each shot.  


I get all of them in one clip. I didn't mean one shot. 

Of the 6 shots, I usually proc those. 

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Inaccurate firing, yes, but the Bronco and Pyrana series have no damage falloff. They're unique among shotguns for that.

They didn't for a while but I thought they fixed that.  Last time I used my akbronco prime I thought I noticed a difference in damage at a distance.


How cool would akpyrana be... I want dual pyranas sooo badly.

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I'd like an explanation. Give me something that doesn't tell me you're flat-out wrong. 

The fact that mag prime takes three orokin cells to make and yet Excalibur takes only one, even though Excalibur's radial blind is immensely more useful against all factions, where as shield polarize is only helpful against corpus and corrupted and pull only works in one direction. 


Rhino Prime takes three orokin cells to make as where Loki prime only takes one, even though Decoy and radial disarm is much more helpful than Rhino Stomp for CC. 


Rhino Prime, like Mag Prime, takes three orokin cells even though Mag is a more team oriented frame, which much better CC and powerful syndicate mod that can put her tanking ability past Rhino Prime against the right enemies. Rhino can only boost himself with most of his abilities and one of his abilities gives less of a bonus than Mag's bullet attractor does. 


Boltor Prime takes 10 orokin cells to make, the same as the Soma Prime, but the Boltor Prime scales infinitely better than the Soma Prime, as it's main damage type is Puncture and at a better base damage, which is more moddable than the Soma's Crit rate against higher leveled corrupted and grineer enemies. 


The Soma and Latron Prime both require 10 orokin cells to make, even though the Latron Prime scales better against armored enemies, much like the Boltor Prime, and has high crit chance that goes well with it's accuracy, excelling against Corrupted and Grineer where the Soma fails. 


The Paris Prime, compared to most other buildable Primes, requires no orokin cells, even though it's much more useful than the Latron as it scales much further than it and with a proper build, can do damage about as fast, not counting that it has innate punchthrough and in any orokin defense, can cut through 20 enemies and carry their bodies to hit more. 


Braton Prime, which takes 10 orokin cells like the Burston Prime, is much less useful than the Burston Prime, considering it has a syndicate mod, nearly 3 times it's fire rate alone with 4 more base damage and more balanced stats, making it more moddable for all factions instead of just infested and corpus. 


Resources, namely orokin cells, are normalized between prime firearms that don't require more than four parts. 

Resources, namely orokin cells, are normalized between prime warframes. 


Usefullness with or without a team is not taken into account when the resources for building are implimented. 

Edited by (PS4)theelix
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Can people stop quoting theoretical DPS numbers and give actual feedback about equipment, please?



Except the status chance is broken ever since they made it per all pellets and not per pellet, so you'll be lucky to get one of those, let alone all of them on each shot.  


Its not theoretical, its stacking attackspeed, and It does work, but it lowers your total damage in doing so.


Why are you even arguing with me, I want it buffed too, I just dont want people to go "oh its a gamma core now, and its a shotgun pistol, cant have that" and get it nerfed to ak lato status.

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I get all of them in one clip. I didn't mean one shot. 

Of the 6 shots, I usually proc those. 

That's fair.  I imagine the shotgun status duration mods pay off in this situation.

Its not theoretical, its stacking attackspeed, and It does work, but it lowers your total damage in doing so.


Why are you even arguing with me, I want it buffed too, I just dont want people to go "oh its a gamma core now, and its a shotgun pistol, cant have that" and get it nerfed to ak lato status.

I understand; it's just that people tend to advocate for equipment with sensational claims like these, which just end up being ammunition for the naysayers and common wisdoms for the uninformed.

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I normaly am all for buffs, but you do realize that thing can hit 88k dps right?


If you buff that i'll be better than synoid and people will $#*(@ and get it nerfed down to uselesness.

 109K now actually




but you have to be close to an enemy to get all the effectiveness and the gun has a terribly small clip. sure you killed the first guy but the second guy killed you while reloading (which you will be doing more than firing)

i think the only buff this gun needs is to not be a shotgun because shotguns are usually bad :( one bullet would most likely kill anything and you could hit at a distance. it would be a marlok big brother.


I know however, that this would be overpowered. how sad is it that being a shotgun is a nerf?! i hated having to craft this thing anyway.

I hope that prime side arms do get help, too many other side arms are over shadowing them


EDIT: spelling

Edited by Wawazat
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Braton Prime, which takes 10 orokin cells like the Burston Prime, is much less useful than the Burston Prime, considering it has a syndicate mod, nearly 3 times it's fire rate alone with 4 more base damage and more balanced stats, making it more moddable for all factions instead of just infested and corpus. 

I'd actually say that the Braton Prime is better due to its status chance and the fact that it's base slash damage. Slash/corrosive/cold is the closest you can get to a universal damage mix in this game when starting from a physical damage type.

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I'd actually say that the Braton Prime is better due to its status chance and the fact that it's base slash damage. Slash/corrosive/cold is the closest you can get to a universal damage mix in this game when starting from a physical damage type.

I meant when setting up based on faction. Since the Burston doesn't have overweighed slash damage as opposed to everything else, you could increase the puncture to be more then the slash for grineer, the slash to be greater for infected and the impact to be higher for Corpus. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

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