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Do You Trust The Lotus?


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Lotus is our purpose. Without her instructions tenno wouldn't survive, or even if they would- they'd be extremely ineffective and weak.


Yes, Lotus is the embodiment of tennos' purpose.


Similarly, the same thing can be said about serious love relationship between a man and a woman, but in this case the connection is mostly pure and platonic, akin to relationship between mother & children. She is a part of every tenno.


Without Lotus tenno have no purpose. Meaningless, undirected, non-cooperative weapons of destruction which are caught off one by one by factions as technological artifacts, unable to keep balance between themselves, much less in solar system.


She's not your "friend", she's much more than that. And much more than your would-be girlfriend or mother. It's beyond all of that. She's a part of your existence. If it weren't for her, as mentioned before, you wouldn't learn how to use weapons, you wouldn't know anything about your warframe, you wouldn't have any sort of ship and would be instantly captured by grineer as soon as you got out of your cryopod. She gives purpose and freedom in exchange for nothing. I don't remember when she ever said that you aren't able to 'try' leave your life as a tenno and try to live among humans. But you were designed to wage war, to maintain the balance. That's exactly what Lotus is there for. To help her "children" in a fight against the leverage of weights of power between various factions.


So in light of it all, the question "do you trust lotus?" sounds very inappropriate.

yes but remember one fact in all this meta philosophy,your only allowed to speak for yourself,or those who directly agree with your "interpretation"

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yes but remember one fact in all this meta philosophy,your only allowed to speak for yourself,or those who directly agree with your "interpretation"

I am trying to be as modest as possible so I fully agree with your statement. It's only my own opinion, and you are free to disagree.


Well, I only interpreted facts that I see. My points of view always change, and shift slowly as more and more facts are unveiled, so everything I've written is a subject of change with time.

Edited by JackVernian
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Why would I trust someone who's responsible for masterminding the slaughter of millions? "Balance" in the Lotus' eyes seems to be "keep everyone attacking each other so we can get money and potatoes from both sides." That's one step away from the Corpus; we might not worship Profit, but we're just as dependent on it as any of them.


That's not to say I dislike the Lotus. I get paid too well for that, and after all, "profit numbs the feeling". But at least the Perrin are honest about it.

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Why would I trust someone who's responsible for masterminding the slaughter of millions? "Balance" in the Lotus' eyes seems to be "keep everyone attacking each other so we can get money and potatoes from both sides." That's one step away from the Corpus; we might not worship Profit, but we're just as dependent on it as any of them.


That's not to say I dislike the Lotus. I get paid too well for that, and after all, "profit numbs the feeling". But at least the Perrin are honest about it.

Best way to maintain balance is to let the river run free. Best way is to not interfere. Obviously you can mean a lot of things under "balance". Maybe Lotus is clearing a space for a new faction to come into play.

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I think the Lotus is merely a proxy to a bigger organization and I'd love to find out more about her background and motivations.

However, in Vor's prize quest it's hinted that the Lotus actually cares about us


"Tenno, Tenno can you hear me? I thought I lost you"



I consider her a Patreon, perhaps a caring mother to the tenno. Without her we're lost, so even if it's only stockholm syndrome, i'm ready to fight to death for the sake of the Lotus.

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Lotus is our purpose. Without her instructions tenno wouldn't survive, or even if they would- they'd be extremely ineffective and weak.


Yes, Lotus is the embodiment of tennos' purpose.


Similarly, the same thing can be said about serious love relationship between a man and a woman, but in this case the connection is mostly pure and platonic, akin to relationship between mother & children. She is a part of every tenno.


Without Lotus tenno have no purpose. Meaningless, undirected, non-cooperative weapons of destruction which are caught off one by one by factions as technological artifacts, unable to keep balance between themselves, much less in solar system.


She's not your "friend", she's much more than that. And much more than your would-be girlfriend or mother. It's beyond all of that. She's a part of your existence. If it weren't for her, as mentioned before, you wouldn't learn how to use weapons, you wouldn't know anything about your warframe, you wouldn't have any sort of ship and would be instantly captured by grineer as soon as you got out of your cryopod. She gives purpose and freedom in exchange for nothing. I don't remember when she ever said that you aren't able to 'try' leave your life as a tenno and try to live among humans. But you were designed to wage war, to maintain the balance. That's exactly what Lotus is there for. To help her "children" in a fight against the leverage of weights of power between various factions.


So in light of it all, the question "do you trust lotus?" sounds very inappropriate for me.



1.) It's kind of demeaning to say that a person is unable to define their own purpose in life without being told what it ought to be.


2.) Children trust out of naivete. It is not a quality that people with the capacity to massacre millions should emulate. The more power you have, the more you must consider the practical and ethical implications of what you do.


3.) Lotus gathers and organizes the Tenno, but giving people a purpose doesn't in itself make you benevolent. What we must consider is the WHY of things....  and we don't know WHY Lotus does anything, because she won't tell us.  It should be slightly worrying that the "bad guys" in this universe are more straightforward about their objectives than our leaders.


4.) I'm really tired of this phrase "maintain the balance".  For one thing, as far as we know the Tenno and their warframes were built to serve the Orokin, and the Orokin are now gone. This whole "balance" thing is Lotus, and it leads to the question: balance of what. Are we trying to prevent any faction from becoming significantly stronger than the others? Then why aren't we busting both the Grineer and the Corpus down to the point that they are on equal terms with these colonies that we hear so much about?  For that matter why do we constantly kill and destroy, slapping people on the wrist when they try to deploy new super weapons, instead of trying to promote research, trade, and cultural exchange to bring lasting peace? Again: if Lotus would share the thought process that motivates our strategic orders, then that would really help the whole trust issue.

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Tenno are mercenary, lotus pays so we do the job. If there was someone else that paid we would do job for them. If we could do the job for ourselves it would be even better. Lotus is no better than anyone in the game. Heck stalker might be more truthful than she is.

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Lotus is our purpose. Without her instructions tenno wouldn't survive, or even if they would- they'd be extremely ineffective and weak.


Yes, Lotus is the embodiment of tennos' purpose.


Similarly, the same thing can be said about serious love relationship between a man and a woman, but in this case the connection is mostly pure and platonic, akin to relationship between mother & children. She is a part of every tenno.


Without Lotus tenno have no purpose. Meaningless, undirected, non-cooperative weapons of destruction which are caught off one by one by factions as technological artifacts, unable to keep balance between themselves, much less in solar system.


She's not your "friend", she's much more than that. And much more than your would-be girlfriend or mother. It's beyond all of that. She's a part of your existence. If it weren't for her, as mentioned before, you wouldn't learn how to use weapons, you wouldn't know anything about your warframe, you wouldn't have any sort of ship and would be instantly captured by grineer as soon as you got out of your cryopod. She gives purpose and freedom in exchange for nothing. I don't remember when she ever said that you aren't able to 'try' leave your life as a tenno and try to live among humans. But you were designed to wage war, to maintain the balance. That's exactly what Lotus is there for. To help her "children" in a fight against the leverage of weights of power between various factions.


So in light of it all, the question "do you trust lotus?" sounds very inappropriate for me.

without the lotus we would turn into complete mercenaries, we are already partly mercenaries now, accepting payments from grineer/corpus to kill either 1 of them and then now and then preventing bad stuff(fomorians and stuff) , so remove the lotus and we would be full made mercenaries

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1.) It's kind of demeaning to say that a person is unable to define their own purpose in life without being told what it ought to be.


2.) Children trust out of naivete. It is not a quality that people with the capacity to massacre millions should emulate. The more power you have, the more you must consider the practical and ethical implications of what you do.


3.) Lotus gathers and organizes the Tenno, but giving people a purpose doesn't in itself make you benevolent. What we must consider is the WHY of things....  and we don't know WHY Lotus does anything, because she won't tell us.  It should be slightly worrying that the "bad guys" in this universe are more straightforward about their objectives than our leaders.


4.) I'm really tired of this phrase "maintain the balance".  For one thing, as far as we know the Tenno and their warframes were built to serve the Orokin, and the Orokin are now gone. This whole "balance" thing is Lotus, and it leads to the question: balance of what. Are we trying to prevent any faction from becoming significantly stronger than the others? Then why aren't we busting both the Grineer and the Corpus down to the point that they are on equal terms with these colonies that we hear so much about?  For that matter why do we constantly kill and destroy, slapping people on the wrist when they try to deploy new super weapons, instead of trying to promote research, trade, and cultural exchange to bring lasting peace? Again: if Lotus would share the thought process that motivates our strategic orders, then that would really help the whole trust issue.



I trust stalker more.I'll join him even if it means killing you or lotus.



Trust her? Not really. She keeps saying that an Orokin Cell is an awesome find in the Void. Either she is a little crazy or she is trying to deceive us while taking the best loot.


In loot we i trust.

all of these people are correct...all of these people have learned to see beyond what everyone else is so willing to beleive


balance means death for all living things,maybe not now,maybe not in one hundered years,but sooner or later even if your mind has given up your body gives in and you stop withering,and simply crumble


i say the idea of balance itself is an error!a travesty!a threat upon all mankind! (lets be realistic here,orokin are still human to some extent,and we are orokin,void deep fryed though we maybe)


who has advocated for balance in the past?i ask you who!puppet master dictators who are addicted to there own power,who are to scared of what would happen if there own people knew what they were up too.These puppet master dictators manipulate one faction after another,having them eternally fighting each other like two snakes eating each others tails! all the while calmly and coolly ignoring the eternal and unmatched suffering that this breeds!


we must break free from these balance obsessed puppet masters and take back our own lives...Because with this current system of our balance obsessed puppet master lotus all of these innocent people across the star systems,not grineer nor corpus,suffer endlessly with no chance nor power over there own lives


without the lotus not only could we be free,but the cycle would be broken...these people would have a fighting chance!even more so if the truly awakened tenno,you,me,your brothers and sisters,would break the shackles of balance with our newfound swords of freedom and save lives for once!



Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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The BIGGEST issues with the Lotus is that there's no force to really bounce her opinions and ideas back off of to get a greater context. The Syndicates all have this, Red Veil with Suda and Hexis, Mereidian with Sequence and Loka, but the Lotus is just... there, saying things and we're left to sort of try and interpret what they mean.


This is why I advocate for the creation of a second Mission Director character - one we can choose to listen to instead of the Lotus. They wouldn't have to be SO dramatically opposed to one another that they'd be enemies and divide the Tenno at their core, but maybe have different methodologies and thoughts about what is best for the Tenno, and so we can sort of start to paint a picture about bot of them.


But, then again, such a thing MAY undermine what the Lotus is meant to represent and be for the Tenno: a singular mother figure, protecting us but also having to send us out into the larger world.

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The BIGGEST issues with the Lotus is that there's no force to really bounce her opinions and ideas back off of to get a greater context. The Syndicates all have this, Red Veil with Suda and Hexis, Mereidian with Sequence and Loka, but the Lotus is just... there, saying things and we're left to sort of try and interpret what they mean.


This is why I advocate for the creation of a second Mission Director character - one we can choose to listen to instead of the Lotus. They wouldn't have to be SO dramatically opposed to one another that they'd be enemies and divide the Tenno at their core, but maybe have different methodologies and thoughts about what is best for the Tenno, and so we can sort of start to paint a picture about bot of them.


But, then again, such a thing MAY undermine what the Lotus is meant to represent and be for the Tenno: a singular mother figure, protecting us but also having to send us out into the larger world.

really,thats a good one


but you forgot one point


if the lotus is our mother..where is our father?


(and dont say there is no father of the tenno,i doubt DE wants to make that kind of implication)

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