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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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Hrm. Souna in Charge of the system. On one hand, that's the only way her dreams can become even _more_ than true. On the other hand, she has quite a glorified image of the higher-ups, so those delusions are going to be shattered very quickly. 

If Souna is on her own, she'll simply be overwhelmed by paperwork, throw it all, go do her own thing and leave it for someone else to fix. 
If there's a comitee of advisors and such, who can bear working for her and are capable, she might even fit the role of a charismatic, energetic and highly resolute leader. 

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Hexer: Never. He had dreamed of setting up such a system and has taken great pains to implement it (in the universe I originally invented him in, anyway.) As such, the only reason it would collapse into a firey ruin is due to any unforeseen variable entering the fray. Like an extra-galactic empire of lizard gods.


Umbra: Practically instantly. Umbra's a mercenary, not a civil planner.

While my OC's would like to "try" to run the system, it could lead to corruption in the end (even if none of my Oc would go power hungry, maybe Fang would).

Also, this question reminded me of this music video:

((Fun fact: This is a rock /metal cover of the original one made by Genesis))

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If Sebastian were to be in charge, then it would take a battle. If he lost it, then all would collapse their, but if he won, then never. 


If Gaius were in charge, it would last past his own lifetime. He would be unable to secure things for the future that goes beyond himself, but while he was still breathing, peace would be maintained.


For Quinn? Probably about a week if she has no advisers. She is sadly 0/0/0

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Well, I created her with the understanding that she had just been awoken and now that she's come to remember that she is a more human-being, those emotions of need to communicate with others have returned. When I dream, my dreams are usually devoid of other people. I don't feel the need to socialize in my dreams. When awake, I do. Orina would be no different.

Also, I created her post-U18 with my interpretation that the Operator is the one true being, and the Warframe is simply a host for the mind of the Operator. Which is where my confusion lies with the IC forum. Would it break the session to have that be the case, or should I just re-write her as a body inside a Warframe suit?


Not to stifle your creativity or ruin your head cannon, but regardless of being recently awoken, both the Operator and the Tenno would still be independent.


Since I fear we all may not be on the same page, allow me to clarify the current usage of U18 cannon;

The Warframe wearer, who I’ll be referring to as the Operator (Because it rolls off the tongue easier than ‘Frame Bearer’ and is already used in game. Though used in terms of addressing the Tenno on the other side of the link, it can also be seen as addressing the warframe if you ignore the eyes on the other side. Also, the Operator ‘operates’ the warframe, orbiter, and liset for the Tenno, so hopefully you can kinda see my reasoning) and the Tenno are independent entities that are dependent on one another for survival; in essence, a manufactured symbiotic relationship. Whether you want to look at the Operator as a truly independent personality or a dedicated split-personality from the Tenno projected upon them doesn’t affect how this works and is decided based on your own choice.


Operators come in two flavors; pre-war survivors and lovingly (assumed) hand-crafted. Pre-war survivors are the Operators awakening from cryo-sleep with pre-war histories and buried memories while manufactured Operators can be made via foundry along with the warframes themselves. Whichever you choose is entirely up to you. Assume the warframe and Operator blueprints are separate and that the Operator genetic blueprints are only accessible to Tenno and are a well-guarded secret. No matter how bad they need money, or how crazy they may seem, they know better than to share that information.  Like, ultra-super-mega taboo.


Other details to touch on:


  • Sorry to go back on what I said, Bats, but pain is shared between the two, meaning if one feels it, so can the other and vice-versa. Pain tolerance does come into play, however, so an Operator with a high pain tolerance will transfer pain at the same rate. This also means that a Tenno will transfer pain to their Operator at their level of pain tolerance, which pretty much stresses “keep them out of direct danger.”



  • Speaking of pain, ailments and consciousness are also shared, meaning that if one is knocked out or gets space flu, so will the other. In terms of stasis-Tenno, the body is at rest and the mind is unaware (or perhaps aware if you want to take that route) but still conscious, therefore as long as an Operator is linked, they will remain conscious. Somatic link-rules and all that.



  • Along with pain, Death is also shared, so be careful (Or don’t ;3).



  • Negatives aside, skill is also transferable between the two, though effectiveness of transferred skill is effected by the Tenno’s general health. I recommend daily strength training and aerobics for at least an hour. Sitting in that link all day isn’t healthy!



  • Operators can project their Tenno for social stuff. They can also be there in person, but physical contact with their Operator is required to keep them conscious with the absence of the Somatic Link.



  • Tenno can see through their Operators eyes and communicate telepathically. Operators can’t see through their Tenno’s eyes, but they can communicate telepathically back.



Now if you don’t like this, fear not, there is an alternative. If you don’t want the Tenno, you can simply have them misplaced, meaning you don’t know where they are and are actively (or not) looking for them. If you choose this option, you do however have to at least acknowledge the Tenno’s existence for those of us who don’t choose this option. If you can come up with another reason for lack of Tenno without completely demolishing my or actual canon, then by all means, make sure I and others are okay with it.


If I’ve missed something, go ahead and bring it to my attention.



Now getting to you specifically, Rehtael, I really need you to sort of adhere to the above canon in order to avoid ‘but my OC is special’ arguments. It’s not specifically you, but future potential Rpers, so I hope you understand.


Assuming Orina is the Tenno, then your Operator will need a separate name and personality. Now, stay with me and don’t freak out; while I say that, I’m not forcing you to come up with another new OC. What I mean by separate personality is that it needs to be established that the Operator is independent from Orina, however if they’re fresh from the foundry, they can have a carbon-copy personality of Orina’s, or perhaps be a little blank and bland until they can form their own identity and embrace individuality.  In terms of names, that’s on you, but feel free to ask for help should you need it.


As for being out for companionship, I suppose that’s fine, but in my personal opinion, I wouldn’t be so quick to answer with that if asked. Might I suggest a white lie? ;3 Joking aside, the only thing you need to establish before I give you my final blessing is why the Donn Waystation in the middle of nowhere as opposed to one of the more populated and popular Relays.

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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My previous answer of "I'm okay with this" is now:

"Uh oh."


What would a:

let's say Bel gets shot. How would that affect the Tenno? Would the Tenno magically hav . abullet lodged in them? Or would it be less severe? Because Belrev has sustained A LOT of injuries, and with this in play it makes things complicated for me.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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My previous answer of "I'm okay with this" is now:

"Uh oh."


What would a:

let's say Bel gets shot. How would that affect the Tenno? Would the Tenno magically hav . abullet lodged in them? Or would it be less severe? Because Belrev has sustained A LOT of injuries, and with this in play it makes things complicated for me.


We all have U18, so the need for spoilers is no longer necessary, Bats. I only did it to conserve space.


Regarding damage Operator to Tenno, as I said in the post, it's transferred at the same rate as the Operator. Operator's level of hurt is identical to the transferred pain. As for damage, it's all mental. No magic bullet, but the pain and consequences will be real.


But not, like bleeding, I mean like lethal amounts of pain, like getting shot in the head. Tenno's head doesn't explode, but the pain would flay their mind, essentially making them a brain dead.


So Space, I'm not sure if this was mentioned (and I'm a bit too lazy to find out myself) but is the Tenno/Operator situation common knowledge in our current RP or not?


Yes, I mentioned it at the end.

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Oh okay!

Then im good with this.

So in short:

Tenno and Operator(Belrev) share pain. Its mental pain for the Tenno guy though.

Tenno CANT feel what Belrev feels(that isn't pain), so good for that. Cus Belrev and Shay are a very..active couple.

Alright I'm good with this.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Not to stifle your creativity or ruin your head cannon, but regardless of being recently awoken, both the Operator and the Tenno would still be independent.


Since I fear we all may not be on the same page, allow me to clarify the current usage of U18 cannon;

The Warframe wearer, who I’ll be referring to as the Operator (Because it rolls off the tongue easier than ‘Frame Bearer’ and is already used in game. Though used in terms of addressing the Tenno on the other side of the link, it can also be seen as addressing the warframe if you ignore the eyes on the other side. Also, the Operator ‘operates’ the warframe, orbiter, and liset for the Tenno, so hopefully you can kinda see my reasoning) and the Tenno are independent entities that are dependent on one another for survival; in essence, a manufactured symbiotic relationship. Whether you want to look at the Operator as a truly independent personality or a dedicated split-personality from the Tenno projected upon them doesn’t affect how this works and is decided based on your own choice.


Operators come in two flavors; pre-war survivors and lovingly (assumed) hand-crafted. Pre-war survivors are the Operators awakening from cryo-sleep with pre-war histories and buried memories while manufactured Operators can be made via foundry along with the warframes themselves. Whichever you choose is entirely up to you. Assume the warframe and Operator blueprints are separate and that the Operator genetic blueprints are only accessible to Tenno and are a well-guarded secret. No matter how bad they need money, or how crazy they may seem, they know better than to share that information.  Like, ultra-super-mega taboo.


Other details to touch on:


  • Sorry to go back on what I said, Bats, but pain is shared between the two, meaning if one feels it, so can the other and vice-versa. Pain tolerance does come into play, however, so an Operator with a high pain tolerance will transfer pain at the same rate. This also means that a Tenno will transfer pain to their Operator at their level of pain tolerance, which pretty much stresses “keep them out of direct danger.”



  • Speaking of pain, ailments and consciousness are also shared, meaning that if one is knocked out or gets space flu, so will the other. In terms of stasis-Tenno, the body is at rest and the mind is unaware (or perhaps aware if you want to take that route) but still conscious, therefore as long as an Operator is linked, they will remain conscious. Somatic link-rules and all that.



  • Along with pain, Death is also shared, so be careful (Or don’t ;3).



  • Negatives aside, skill is also transferable between the two, though effectiveness of transferred skill is effected by the Tenno’s general health. I recommend daily strength training and aerobics for at least an hour. Sitting in that link all day isn’t healthy!



  • Operators can project their Tenno for social stuff. They can also be there in person, but physical contact with their Operator is required to keep them conscious with the absence of the Somatic Link.



  • Tenno can see through their Operators eyes and communicate telepathically. Operators can’t see through their Tenno’s eyes, but they can communicate telepathically back.



Now if you don’t like this, fear not, there is an alternative. If you don’t want the Tenno, you can simply have them misplaced, meaning you don’t know where they are and are actively (or not) looking for them. If you choose this option, you do however have to at least acknowledge the Tenno’s existence for those of us who don’t choose this option. If you can come up with another reason for lack of Tenno without completely demolishing my or actual canon, then by all means, make sure I and others are okay with it.


If I’ve missed something, go ahead and bring it to my attention.



Now getting to you specifically, Rehtael, I really need you to sort of adhere to the above canon in order to avoid ‘but my OC is special’ arguments. It’s not specifically you, but future potential Rpers, so I hope you understand.


Assuming Orina is the Tenno, then your Operator will need a separate name and personality. Now, stay with me and don’t freak out; while I say that, I’m not forcing you to come up with another new OC. What I mean by separate personality is that it needs to be established that the Operator is independent from Orina, however if they’re fresh from the foundry, they can have a carbon-copy personality of Orina’s, or perhaps be a little blank and bland until they can form their own identity and embrace individuality.  In terms of names, that’s on you, but feel free to ask for help should you need it.


As for being out for companionship, I suppose that’s fine, but in my personal opinion, I wouldn’t be so quick to answer with that if asked. Might I suggest a white lie? ;3 Joking aside, the only thing you need to establish before I give you my final blessing is why the Donn Waystation in the middle of nowhere as opposed to one of the more populated and popular Relays.

I get what you mean exactly. I just wasn't sure what version of the Warframe canon we were going on so I've been a little confused by it since everyone had formed various conclusions prior to U18.

I don't personally agree with the notion of the Operator being independant of the Tenno, (Because to my understanding, the operator is the child in the back who is somatically transfering their mind to a pile of muscles and metal, the same way we as real people control an in-game avatar) but I'm no stranger to having to flex my understanding of the world for the sake of RP.


The need for interaction with others was intended to spring from being freshly awakened, and feeling alone as a single consciousness with no one to talk to but a broken ship AI which is on mute for a good reason. I'm really trying to figure this out, honestly. As for awhy a lower population Waystation and not a relay, it's for the same reason people go to pubs to meet people, and don't try to make friends on the street. To me, the seperation of Tenno and Operator and Warframe is somewhat confusing. I don't see the purpose of having an Operator, a TRUE operator, and a suit when only two of those things need to exist, so I'm doing what I can to figure out where to go with this.

Edited by Rehtael7
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I get what you mean exactly. I just wasn't sure what version of the Warframe canon we were going on so I've been a little confused by it since everyone had formed various conclusions prior to U18.

I don't personally agree with the notion of the Operator being independant of the Tenno, (Because to my understanding, the operator is the child in the back who is somatically transfering their mind to a pile of muscles and metal, the same way we as real people control an in-game avatar) but I'm no stranger to having to flex my understanding of the world for the sake of RP.


The need for interaction with others was intended to spring from being freshly awakened, and feeling alone as a single consciousness with no one to talk to but a broken ship AI which is on mute for a good reason. I'm really trying to figure this out, honestly. As for awhy a lower population Waystation and not a relay, it's for the same reason people go to pubs to meet people, and don't try to make friends on the street. To me, the seperation of Tenno and Operator and Warframe is somewhat confusing. I don't see the purpose of having an Operator, a TRUE operator, and a suit when only two of those things need to exist, so I'm doing what I can to figure out where to go with this.


I'm glad you understand, and if it's any help, I'm not saying there are 3 entities. The warframe is merely a suit that can only be worn by the Operator it's bound to.

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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I'm glad you understand, and if it's any help, I'm not saying there are 3 entities. The warframe is merely a suit that can only be worn by the Operator it's bound to.

Right, I mean that it's a distinct entity from whatever organic -thing- is wearing it.

I built Orina with the understanding that the suit isn't a suit, rather part of the body.

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Right, I mean that it's a distinct entity from whatever organic -thing- is wearing it.

I built Orina with the understanding that the suit isn't a suit, rather part of the body.

 While (with this canon, mind you) that isn't quite true in a literal sense, there's nothing stopping you from pursuing that ideology. It's like how most warriors view their weapons; they're an extension of them. The Operator is basically pre-U18 canon. This is the best I can offer as a compromise. I'm trying my damndest to please both sides.

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 While (with this canon, mind you) that isn't quite true in a literal sense, there's nothing stopping you from pursuing that ideology. It's like how most warriors view their weapons; they're an extension of them. The Operator is basically pre-U18 canon. This is the best I can offer as a compromise. I'm trying my damndest to please both sides.

And I respect that.

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great went off track with that poorly thought out meme reference...





"Damnit, thought whatever was in that bucket would've been filtered out by now." Hexer said. "I even showered with the coat on and used three bottles of detergent and two more of body wash to get the smell out."


Perhaps that is why you smell like a Dhrak and NOT the rancid corpse of Vay Hek?

But Vay Hek is alive.

He's a face on a box with no body.

Fair enough.


"Though I am suddenly reminded of the Chiclids. Weren't we supposed to talk about those again at some point? I can't rightly remember if it was the guns or the ship itself."


It was the guns. You left enough DNA at the dojo to clone yourself seventeen times just looking at it.



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great went off track with that poorly thought out meme reference...






Ghost333.exe is not responding.

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