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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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Hello all! I'm posting to tell you all that i haven't been killed in some horrible accident involving a microwave or some other kitchen appliance, and have in fact, just been busy with classes starting up again.

Rest assured that I will not be leaving, I am simply going to be busy.


I'll get around to replying soon, I promise. But in the meantime I suppose I'll answer the recent question




I honestly can't choose. I also had way more but If I posted them all I'm sure that the thread would end up crashing.

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I return!


But not with fish and chips this time.

Sorry guys.


Ah, welcome back Silver! <3 



 I. K.[size=2]N[/size].O.[size=2]W[/size]. W.[size=2]H[/size].A.[size=2]T[/size] Y.[size=2]O[/size].U.'V.[size=2]E[/size]. D.[size=2]O[/size].N.[size=2]E[/size]E...




Though, I am disappointed in the lack of edibles...

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Okay thank you Amber. I wrote my way out of the story since I ran into a wall in days of yore so that was a good recap...if such can be called one.

Also a bit of a cry for the medic...I was wondering how my posts could be, well, better. Since I'm generally ignored or forgotten (my perception) I was wondering how to make what I write a bit more appealing. Interesting at the very least. I ask because I accidentally made Four an Unfolding Character. Any help please anyone? I ask because of a certain "incident" I rather not have repeat.

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I wouldn't say that Four gets "forgotten" persay, it's just that, due to your rather infrequent posting (no offense) and that fact that your characters don't really interact with many people apart from Spacey's characters.

I would say that the best course of action for getting back on track (if you don't have any other things you must do) is just making Four/Jazz (that was her name right?) appear in the canteen where Krenn, Volun and Sab currently are.

This applies to you too Silver, since Qwerty [who your character was interacting with] left the RP.

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Well, I'm back, guess those busy things lasted for a while only...but they will come back, I know.

That being said I don't think I wanna join the RP again, life will go back to how it was earlier.

Well, I'll still be watching this thread for some random questions that come to the crazy minds of y'all...Those won't take too much time to answer, let's just say I'm an extra :P

And I see everyone posting soundtracks, what did I miss...

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OOh! That gives me an idea for a new OC question!

What would your character do at what is basically the systems largest party? Everyone conceivable is there, but weapons are not available in case someone decides to get stabby
Example: Hekles is there, spouting Nazi Grineer Propaganda, but you can't stab him to shut him up.  Only punch him in a drunken stupor.


Hexer would try as hard as he could to avoid the alcoholic drinks.
If he's successful, he'll just discuss topics with everyone while occasionally raiding the food tables.

If he's unsuccessful, something random will happen that will most likely ruin his credibility if anyone saw when whatever happens happens.


Umbra would probably team up with Sab in a prank war, provided Sab starts one.

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Jazz would have spiked as many beverages with Luna's kiss <dried moonlight dragon lily petals and moonlight threshcone pollen ground into a fine, lavender powder> to see how many people she could engage her in dream logic before spazzing out (they were big doses okay?)

Four would have sat quietly watching tube tube videos in her sound filtering helmet, trying to ignore the obscene amount of noise. Aaaaaaand Hazun would probably have been dancing.

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