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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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Chryssalids are like my trigger, and when I hear them skittering around, I get a little savage. 


I remember one mission I had one of my favorite snipers up on a roof picking off the buggers on the edge of the fog of war, when a couple I missed thought it'd be a good idea to pick on daddy's little girl. Poor Canadian Death lost half her health. So as retribution, my twin assaults charged up that roof and planted two alloy canon shells in both their sorry, chitinous hides.


Then I had my Heavy, Mec, and Medic storm their little nest and blow it to high hell. Lost to many civilians and favored soldiers when I was inexperienced. My skill grew, but my rage remained.

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The first time I met chryssalids, I knew S#&$ was gonna go down (because I read about them while reading about the original XCOM)
They killed two of my guys and about 4 civilians, but none of them managed to turn into anything but zombies.

I was gonna lose a third, but RNGesus smiled upon me and gave me a pistol critical hit to my assault, who ran out of shotgun ammo killing Floaters.

Immediately after that, I lost the country I was repelling the terror attack from, so I just reset the game.
The one after that went much smoother.

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Something that has always tickled me are the moments when you're playing really carefully and you have your squad all close together, moving as a unit, never ending a move without hitting overwatch. Then, the door opens, or an enemy strays too close, and everyone. Pulls. The. Trigger.


Even if it's just a Sectoid or Thin Man, the "Oh, you dun goofed," feeling you get when six soldiers empty their respective laser, plasma, etc. guns into some sod who thought they were just getting to a better position is always worth a couple evil chuckles.

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-Play hostage extraction council mission

-Get the hostage to the exit

-still have to fight one last wave of aliens

-Put everyone on Overwatch

-Alien Activity

-All of the aliens land outside of Overwatch range

-except one

-he lands in the middle of everyone

-Cue every single bullet heading his direction


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I just got back from killing a Cyborg Siegemech, and I find this.
Not to mention the mission was completed with 0 casualties and under 5 minutes.

Starnsy, you could not have timed that any better.

(Achievments get: Helldive and Back In Time For Dinner)

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On the back cover of the CD case, there's what is basically a @(*()$ Gellopod from Rising Tide.
I am now convinced that the Aliens are Purity/Supremacy codswallops who need a right royal Laser Cannon blast to the crotch or equivalent genitalia-mounting region of an organic body.




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Meanwhile, in Save Scum Easymode town

I killed that thing nearly the exact moment it appeared.
I didn't even know it could clone itself until the second time I encountered one.


By the way, I'm at the point Archons are appearing.

And I have Plasma weapons :3

All dis in about 7 hours of gametime

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The Sharpshooters in XCOM 2 are seriously OP

They have two skill trees: one that enhances their long-range sniping, and another that makes them into cowboys. With laser pistols.

Oh, and they start off with Squadsight the moment they hit Squaddie rank (first level up from Rookie)


So you can have an ungodly lord of death who eliminates entire armies from afar, or a squad of cowboys who run out into the open, fire off two free shots at whoever is nearby and handy, and then they open fire on EVERYTHING THEY CAN SEE. (Quickdraw (firing pistol as first action does not consume a move) Lightning Hands (Firing pistol does not consume an action, 3 turn cooldown) and Showdown (Fire on all visible enemies))

Oh, sure, the pistols when upgraded to plasma/beam only deal 4-7 damage and at that point you got S#&$ that can easily tank it.
Not when there's 2 or 3 Gunslingers with full levels in the Gunslinger tree capable of KILLING A GOD DAMN BERSERKER BY DOING THE 'DANCE FOR ME BOY' ROUTINE ON ITS &#!

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(This computer hates the forums)


All's going well. The RP has just taken a brake for a little while everyone gets their sh!t together recuperates.





I'm playing on normal, though I'm 5 Hours in bit haven't even attacked that base in Africa yet. I'm very slow when it comes to the story stuff, took me three times to get the Overfiend in XCOM: Enemy Within.

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Meanwhile, in Easy Town
Completed the final mission.


All I did was grab two snipers, two heavies, a support and an assault (with cloak/concealment) and scout out the final area.
The final bosses just constantly ran into my fields of Overwatch-laden death.

I got the 'win the game' achievement before the enemy turn even finished because the third guy registered as dead before all the overwatch shots fired.


But to sum up the finalie in as few words as possible...
VIGILO CON-F**KING-FIDIO, *@##$ES! *diabolic laughter*

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We're no strangers to love.


You know the rules, and so do I.


A full commitment's what I'm thinking of.


You wouldn't get this from any other guy.



I, just wanna tell you how I'm feeling,


Got to make you understand.



Neve gonna give you up,


Never gonna let you down,


Never gonna run around and,


Desert you.



Never gonna make you cry,


Never gonna say goodbye,


Never gonna tell a lie,


And hurt you!

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We're no strangers to love.


You know the rules, and so do I.


A full commitment's what I'm thinking of.


You wouldn't get this from any other guy.



I, just wanna tell you how I'm feeling,


Got to make you understand.



Neve gonna give you up,


Never gonna let you down,


Never gonna run around and,


Desert you.



Never gonna make you cry,


Never gonna say goodbye,


Never gonna tell a lie,


And hurt you!

Bravo, what beautiful song and how beautifully you sang! Oh... That was me...
-gets embarrassed and goes to sit down in the corner to cry-

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