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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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I do apologize for sullying this thread with my presence, but I have a few question to ask, if anyone has the time.

Firstly, Are there any positions open? There is a deficiency of decent roleplay threads, and its looking like the Setup is one of the only ones left that are worth the effort.
Secondly, would my presence be tolerated? Considering my post history, I am uncertain as to whether or not I would fit in with this crowd.

Thirdly, if only because of the above two - What is the opinion global on 'Self-Insert' apps? If it's profoundly negative, the alternative character happens to be J'kotal Miinek, having escaped from the Brimstone Labyrinth, otherwise, for those who know about my previous app, it might be interesting to start prior to the infestation, taking The Second Dream into account.

Now then, in return for me taking up your time, Have Force Commander Boreale demonstrate his incompetence even further.

Or is he secretly creed?

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15 minutes ago, InfiniumV said:


The problem I have often experienced with self-insetions (even when they were done by otherwise very experienced roleplayers) is that they often lead to things being taken too personally. The more similar your character is the player, the harder it gets to differentiate between the two, adapt to the world being played in, think about what consequences a character faces objectively, etc etc. And IC-/OoC-Confusion like that can lead to immense anger, frustation and hostility, shutting down whole RPs.
Secondly, we (the players) have lived in a certain surrounding that has shaped our values, abilities and beliefs. People in warframe grow up in a totally different setting, so self-insertion might lead to a character who's totally out of place in the world. 

Overall, self-instion in itself is not a bad thing - if it is done properly. But to do it properly is incredibly hard. It's like walking down a street on your hands: It's not forbidden, it might look cool - but unless you're absolutely proficient, you'll probably break a bone somewhere along the way.

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Drandko makes a very solid point. What makes us able to have our characters at each others throats while us the RP'ers engaging in merrymaking, the glorious WAAAGH and the occasional Swedish Metal is because we can distant ourselves from our characters. The more personal we make it, the more room there is for pettiness to overtake our creative input. 

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welp, my internet has been on vacation for the past week and a bit....so I have had to read through the last few pages of the thread just then. (and by read, I mean, read the first 2 pages and skim through the rest)


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Okay then - So option one is a no-go, it seems - Apologies for asking initially, Just wanted some clarification on the issue in order to make a correct judgment as to whether or not to do the whole 'self-insert-fantasywhatever' thing.

That still leaves one character option, that being the hapless Bombard, J'kotal - All that remains, I suppose is to wait for Spacehelicopters and ask him whether or not J'kotal will fit in with the whole setting.
Let alone survive it, considering the usual adversaries are completely grineer in origin.

Anyhow, thank you for answering my query, I shall resume lurking here until otherwise requested.

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You do not need to apologize for asking, Infinium. There is no shame in asking for help. Imagine you had simply tried blindly - things could have become much worse! You did the absolutely right thing. 

Yeah, waiting for Space and entertaining each other with videos an d stupid questions is the only option for now... except, you might put J'kotal's character sheet (description) here, so Space does not need to search for the required information. :)

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Planetside 2 updated a little while ago adding base building


  • You can build huge bases that are nigh-impenetrable and waste hours of an alert tying up the enemy when they could actually be doing S#&amp;&#036;.
  • You can earn money by doing bugger all
  • Mining
  • Mining
  • You can build HIVE Generators which accumulate victory points over time, so you can literally do nothing except hold the fort and conquer an entire continent.


  • See the Pros, and realize the enemy can do the same thing, usually better.
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Hmm, All righty then - Though it might take some time to set up & all, as I never managed to see the conclusion to the Brimstone Labyrinth, I'll have to tinker with the previous app, so I'll reserve the app space in this here spoiler tab.


Name: J'kotal Miinek

Age: Less than a solar cycle, if only because he is fresh out of the cloning vat. Sort of, He is nearing his first year.

Profession: Grineer Bombard, Mercenary worker, Explorer, Tinkerer.

Personal Info:

Having fled the oppressive war machine that is the Grineer Empire (Or is it a Diarchy?), J'kotal has since been wandering around the solar system, taking up an odd job here & there and living day to day contemplating existence, and his place in it. Recently though, he has gotten more involved with combat & salvage ops, seeing them as a new means of gleaming some truth about his situation. Extra pay helps too.
His vocabulary has also vastly increased, being mostly fluent in English having had time to practice pronunciation and sentences thanks to general interaction with others, and able to practice without fear of being shot by a superior for 'Vocal Treason'

However, lately he has been peering at the outer sectors of space, and has set his sights on the Donn Waystation as a potential hub, as the area around it has seen increased activity, not to mention the potential for exploration. And such it is, that he sets out with the intent to explore.
If he's accepted, he has no idea what he's in for.

Personality: More curious and pondering than anything, Empathetic, kind and patient. though due to his time at Brimstone Labyrinth, he has become quite cautious - After all, managing some of the worst prisoners of the Empire can leave one paranoid of their own survival, even the most good natured. As a result, J'kotal tends to take a backseat to most encounters, content to let them play out unless they escalate to the point of intervention, or if he just wants to 'pop in' so to speak.

Also has a growing fondness for tinkering with equipment, if only to see what happens, rather than actually build new things. Or simply repair it.
This usually ends badly.

Equipment: Standard Bombard armor - Modified Ogris specced for ammo mutation & rapid fire, Twin Grakatas & a new Serro.
Additionally, armor now has multiple pockets & satchels that hold multiple tools, bits, pieces & duct tape for patching up anything as best he can.

Also carries a specialized container on his lower back that holds & maintains a flowering desert plant he's kept since leaving the Labyrinth. Its very precious to him.

Companion: A somewhat-functional Dethcube that J'kotal picked up secondhand, he has since taking a liking to 'Toasty' as he calls him now - Due to the fact that when upset, the Dethcubes heat jumps up a few thousand degrees centigrade due to a faulty Vaporize module, though occasionally it functions properly and mostly fails hilariously but rarely, it fires with such ridiculous power it has no right to have.

Despite this, Toasties temperament is quite level headed like his leader, and also functions as a storehouse for any artifacts internet related, after a discovery of a tinysection from a site only known in myth as "TVTropes" among various other memetic artifacts.

In the interim though, you that moment where you can't participate in any in game events due to circumstances? - Doubly so because the Meridian might be the favorite syndicate?

Edited by InfiniumV
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- imprisonment thread
The roots of Daltrey seems like gonna follow it soon.

Thoughts about launching own thread began to visit me more often due to some strange set of reasons...

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That's nice, always good to check your pulse every once in a while, never know when it's gonna disappear.

Anyway, in honour of the Rathuum event, a character question. To who would your character give the Grineer defector's coordinates to, and why?

Sab would give them to Steel Meridian, simply due the fact she has no strong ties to any of the syndicates and can't be arsed to take anything but the easiet was out.

Nium would also give the defectors to Steel. While at  first he would've thought to give them to Suda due to the fact their deconstruction and examination could prove to be beneficial in the long run, however Suda's passiveness and hoarding of knowledge could mean that any information gained never gets used to full effect for the Tenno cause. Also the fact that giving defectors to a malevolent AI to be forcibly deconstructed wouldn't really be enticing anyone to turn away from the Twin Kweens.

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32 minutes ago, IceDragonofAmber said:



Would it be fine if I write reactions of the characters who don't take part in this story arc?

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Hexer'd keep them for himself. Always handy to have more bodies, especially if those bodies actually know how to use a gun and are instilled with some decent training from 'birth.'

Umbra'd just give them to the Steel Meridian for a load of dosh. Handing them to anyone else would just be wasting resources in addition to the fact he's being paid to give them to the Meridian, not some other tree-f**ker, megalomaniacal AI, Edgy McEdgerson, Lawful Stupid or MONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMOTHERF**KER* bastard for no good reason whatsoever.




Edit: Also, I have found out how absolutely balls-to-the-wall difficult it is to make the Arbalestian Union fleet in any setting. Typically, they are long-range high-damage bastards, but I can't make them tougher than sugar glass for some god damn reason.
The closest I have come is making a fleet of artillery fighters in Istrolid backed up by fast-moving point defense fighters and occasionally a wall of a ship that is pretty much made of weapons, but again, can't take a hit.

On the plus side, artillery > everything that isn't a suicide fighter.

Edited by Ghost333
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