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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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On 7/25/2017 at 6:08 AM, Ghost333 said:

Uh, no. No it isn't.
There's still Tyranids...literally out the window. There goes a Termagaunt.
And a Chaos Warband getting eaten by...I wasn't aware that you could get space-bound Hierophants.
And some Tau off the starboard bau-bow. @(*()$ Tau.


Seems fitting given the reaction


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Irish is back too!

On 7/25/2017 at 10:15 AM, SpaceHelicopters said:

Well, though I'm not in a position to begin making promises yet, I'm confident enough to say that I can probably do something about that. Everything, of course, comes down to majority interest, and while I may be in the business of supply, I must have a demand to meet it.

Spacey i'm pretty sure there is plenty of demand here now

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15 hours ago, Agent_Maine said:

Spacey, I'm pretty sure there is plenty of demand here now.

Well, you never know. After all, I'm nothing but a relic from another time with a reputation that's more fiction than nonfiction. ;w;


Or maybe I'm just being cute.

Now, I believe it's time for a text wall!

So, let me begin by point-blank firing upon the endangered pachyderm crammed within this proverbial living space: though I am attempting a return, I will be unable to continue the Setup story arch (If you would call it that; more on that in a bit) or any other Rp I may have had operating prior my year-long absence. Shocker, right? To be frank, even a year-younger incarnation of myself would be unable to continue it because, though current me has had a year to lose his notes on progression, the Setup and all my other Rps were dead to begin with because they lacked a very crucial component to any story; a foreseeable end. And I don't mean my laziness, I mean that in a literal, narrative sense, there was no end-game (much like Warframe #Spacey went there). Some of you reading this may see that and not consider it an issue, but believe me: if all you do is build and build without lasting direction, then the story as a whole won't be very stable in the long-run. Just some wisdom I picked up and hope to reflect in time to come.

To get all the bad news out of the way, I should also mention that due to real-life events, I'm on a different schedule from a year before and am therefore active at very different times. Further, though not explicitly bad news - just thought I should account for lost time - Next week I'll be going out of country for an indeterminate number of weeks and I have been all but assured I won't have access to the internet from the location. Knowing this, why would I stage my foretold return, you may ask? Because like most things in my life, it was decided on a whim. I saw I had an opening, and with the planets aligned and proper average temperature across the globe achieved, I slipped in while I could because I felt at the very least one of you would appreciate it (^3^).

Now, to show off how much I've matured in a year, it's time to get a little mushy. I want to make one thing clear to you guys, and that is while there were a number of factors leading to my disappearance a year ago, you were not one of them. Yeah, I could get into all the details and really dissect my reasoning for leaving again, but I doubt you'd be interested in that in the slightest. Surprise, surprise, my interest in writing about Tenno, for Tenno fluctuates with my interest in the game, and at around the time of my leaving, I was getting pretty burnt again and calling for a break. Even then, though I had no interest in Warframe for a while, I always thought back on the forums with fondness. Of all the internet-based communities I've been a part of, this one with you lot were and still are one of my favorites, and I feel that's worthy of commendation (more on that in a bit). Now before we get too carried away, I'd like to make another thing clear (and excuse me for the sudden shift in emotion), and that is while I do apologize for any way my absence inconvenienced you, creatively, emotionally, or otherwise; I will not apologize for leaving. Looking back on my initial return those some years ago, I absolutely abhor the apologetic little milquetoast I was the first couple of days back. Some of you may not have seen it as that big a deal or maybe found it endearing, but I felt it showed how little spine I had and really ignored the heart of the issue in favor of building image, and I won't be doing that again.

To reiterate, I'm not sorry I left. After all, this is a hobby, and one that I choose to pursue on my own time. If you happen to not agree with this sentiment, that I'd like to take the moment to remind you of my open door policy/mentality. My door is always open; and that means that as eager as I am to sit you down, welcome you to my creative works, and work with you to make it better as a whole at the very least in each other's eyes, there is also nothing preventing you from taking your parts and leaving. I'm not the kind of person to beg, anoint my head with ashes, and convert myself into a pitiable sack of self-hatred to appease someone's ego or guilt them into staying against their will or interests. Plain and simple, if we don't agree, you can leave, and that's the end of it.

With that in mind, that also means that since there are no bonds to keep you, loyalty means so much more to me. Seeing people still here, still interested despite a year's absence warms my heart and really validates me as a creative individual, and for that I can't thank you enough. In truth, I feel that there is nothing I can truly give without a substantial amount of money and resources to repay, but seeing as how I'm currently a college student who can barely afford Ramen noodles, that may be a bit of an issue. Regardless, it shan't stop me from making an attempt, which leads me to my next and final topic I'd like to touch on.

Prior to my leave, I did much to my embarrassment, act hastily and may have taken measures to sever my ties to certain individuals in a paradoxical act despite my supposed love for these forums and it's inhabitants. It was a tad unprofessional and childish, and for that I'd like to say, "My bad." Should you choose to forgive me, do know that from here on out, I'd like to be a bit more transparent with you individuals and have no intent to repeat the fore mentioned action. Building off this move for transparency, to you few who remain, I do have something I'd like to give as thanks for your loyalty. I hear these Discord servers are all the rage nowadays, so I've taken the liberty of fashioning one for those interested. Don't feel as though this is a must for contacting me; much like this thread, though it is in my name, it was built for you and ultimately belongs to you. I'm not going to force it upon you, if merely taking comfort in it's existence is enough, then by all means, do so. My mentality for the creation of this is that no man may live on bread alone, and as much as I love Warframe, I'm not going to lie to you and say I won't get burnt again - at this point I've just come to accept it as something that comes with the game. My fondness for you all has not been exaggerated, and unlike the past year, should I leave I wouldn't like to sever myself from this community completely. I feel as though I've come to find true friends in some of you, and so I'd like this to be evidence of it. Should you be interested in joining the server, simply say so and I'll Pm you a link; I'd rather not make it public and potentially open it up to certain unsavory individuals.

Other than what I've mentioned above, not much has changed with me personally - I will say my narrative talents have been further honed thanks to the fact that the classes I'm taking happen to assist with this, plus I've had the opportunity to build more skill as a DM by taking part in various tabletop ventures with some of my closer friends. I can't honestly think of anything more to say other then, "Welcome back."

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Link me! Real-time sharing of madness and mayhem is better untilIinevitablygetboredandslowdownchatterfornoreasonexceptboredomandthenImakeagrandreturnbutanywayLINK ME PLS

And don't you welcome us back! You were the one that disappeared because sheisse went down! Saying 'welcome back' is our thing!
So welcome back! And may your voyages be blessed with potatoes and decidedly bereft of worm cthulhus!

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17 hours ago, XionicoRX said:

By the way, I wanted to ask you people about the stream of WF someone did long time ago, where some of us played WF together. Maybe there's a recording of it and if there is... Maybe I could get a copy for scientific purposes?

Ah, that was I. I regret to inform you that, at the time, I saw no need in saving the recording, so I failed to do so. Twitch also doesn't keep stream recordings past a week or so, so I'm said to say that the only place the stream recording exists is in the NSA servers.


4 hours ago, Arunafeltz said:

Welcome back

Aruna! It's good to hear that you're still kicking about these parts! Might I inquire on the quality of your going ons, Senpai?

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21 minutes ago, Arunafeltz said:

S-senpai? Where did that come from D=


And eh, been lurking as always, idly looking for an RP to jump into(and never actually doing so). Maybe I'll jump on you instead ^^

Well, far as I can remember, you were here and with a presence before the likes of me, so until proven otherwise, I'm considering you my elder. (^u^)

I'll do my best to prove an accommodating host, but do know that I'm currently not in a position to get up and operating just yet. Until then, my proverbial home is proverbially yours in case you'd like somewhere default to stalk during your free time. I can vouch for this lots' ability to keep one entertained.

22 minutes ago, Arunafeltz said:

Maybe I'll jump on you instead ^^

(o_o) Huh?

28 minutes ago, Arunafeltz said:

jump on you instead ^^

Uwah! You can't just say those things, b-baka! What if someone hears!?

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