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Fite me 1v1 Crimson dojo, Sab & Nium Vs Kardin & Elderith.

Kardin & Elderith would win since Sab would "accidentally" start pounding Nium into the ground

Kardin would laugh hysterically almost doubled over, and elderith would be stand there confused as S#&$.

up fuking wut m8? I'll 360 noskope u. I'm part of faze and.... eh... screw it I'm not good at imitating that level of stupid, and I don't feel like copy and pasting em

Edited by (PS4)akirayokoshima
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Kardin would laugh hysterically almost doubled over, and elderith would be stand there confused as S#&$.

up fuking wut m8? I'll 360 noskope u. I'm part of faze and.... eh... screw it I'm not good at imitating that level of stupid, and I don't feel like copy and pasting em

A part of faze? You cheeki skrub casual, git gud, i'll rek ya, 1v0, and that 0 is me, cuz I dun need to be present to rek ur s***

No, seriously, I don't even need to be present for things to start breaking down. In fact, I tend to try and fix the crap that does break down, and somehow contribute to the breakdown.

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A part of faze? You cheeki skrub casual, git gud, i'll rek ya, 1v0, and that 0 is me, cuz I dun need to be present to rek ur s***

No, seriously, I don't even need to be present for things to start breaking down. In fact, I tend to try and fix the crap that does break down, and somehow contribute to the breakdown.

Hash tag thestruggleisreal

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Another for S#&$s and giggles idea;

What kind of ending would you envision for your oc's? Would it be a happy ending, where they live happily ever after, or a sad endin?

obviously don't spoil your characters ending if you've already planned it out, unless you want to.

Kardin's I'd like to see him fighting an unwinable fight, one where everyone around him can only watch as he fights until the very end, and still holds on to life long enough to have his death speech.

Elderith I'd like to see her disappear, and become a housewife, where she would adopt a few kids, and lead a peace filled life. She would honor the fallen, and have a shrine dedicated to her comrades lost, and a separate one dedicated to her master.

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Hexer would create a massive galaxy-spanning empire where he is the sole ruler.
However, his pragmatism does let him note that he cannot be everywhere at once, and thus control everywhere...unless he has AI advisors in every region, turns himself into an AI program or has liaisons act in his stead when controlling entire systems.

As such, he goes for the third option because it results in much better PR than a lifeless machine, but has to constantly be vigilant for anyone who seeks to profit unduly from the hard work of his soldiers, mercenaries and other assorted hired help.

And he would find a way to remain immortal, thus ensuring the empire would last until the demise of existence itself, then sink some resources into ensuring that doesn't happen.

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Actually, for Souna it's kinda open. If successful, she'll end up with a Zephyr Prime, a very high and noble position in the ranks of the Tenno, maybe even of similar influence than the Lotus, and of course a lot of freedom to do as she pleases. She'll probably have a lot of quirks and strange habits by then.


On the other hand, more likely is that she'll be struggling to achieve her 'true potential' endlessly, never completely content with herself and her surroundings. Depending on how emotional she gets (this is linked to how things develop with her tainted half, I have nothing planned and no clue there yet) she might even begin to hate Prime-wielders, instead of just envying them, and go on a hunt to destroy all direct relics of the Orokin. That is, reverse-engineered warframes and weapons are not included, but Prime-Equipment is.


Worst thing to happen would be, her tainted half takes over and she simply goes mad. I'ld be very disappointed if that happened, and it's not very likely atm either.

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Sab would die fighting like Kardin, but instead of it being honourable and her being at terms with it it would turn out more like putting down a cornered animal that's just fighting to survive. Her Jat would mangle hundreds to thousands of bodies that got in her way, enemy, innocent or comrade as she would try to survive.



Nium wouldn't have a happy ending. He would give his existence to save and preserve the Tenno, both from destruction and any major threats that may oppose them. Should he fail and the Tenno parish Nium would scour ancient Towers for the knowledge needed before repeating the atrocities of the Orokin to bring the Tenno back to life.

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Belrev's happy ending would be quite nice. He would be living with his family, the splinter group he leads, and his pets. His brainwashed younger brother is fully reformed, as is Nyssa. After everything he's done in the system, Belrev would be honored with a statue, along with his brothers. He and his family would rest and heal. Together.

BADDDDD ENDING: The bad ending would take place during a time of TOTAL chaos. The Sentients have arrived, the rest of the enemy factions have dwindled close to elimination, and the Tenno are fighting their biggest battle yet. Belrev would be the sole defender of the colony he saved. Of course the colonists in this colony honor Belrev as their savior. The colony is fairly large also. Before the battle the colonists would be locked in their homes, as they watch the battle.

He would fight the Sentients who have invaded the colony to his last breath. Slice after slice, shot after shot, and punch by punch. The battle would be long and painful, with Belrev sustaining MULTIPLE wounds. After cutting down the last Sentient, Belrev would stand shaken. He will then fall to his knees, bleeding out from his wounds. With his last bit of strength he would throw his helmet off, as it lands next to him. Then the colonists would slowly come out of their homes and form in front of Belrev. His face would be scratched, bruised, and bloodied. He would roll onto his back, and put his damaged helmet on his chest. With a final breath, Belrev would close his eyes for the last time. And feel the hundreds of eyes that he has saved on him. The colonists would break down in grief, and carry his body. They will then bury him beside the statue they made for him.

The colonists would then build a memorial for him. They would put his helmet on display, as a symbol of the savior who perished saving his people. Of course his family would take this very hard, and will vow to defend the colony in honor of Belrev.

The colony would then become a symbol of hope. With the death of one of the greatest Tenno who ever existed, it would be a symbol for the Tenno to continue fighting.

It would be Belrev's best death, and worst death molded into one.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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I have a rough idea how my oc's could have their ending (which means of course that this is not the real ending)


Arthas: Would probably sacrifice himself in order to save his friends and everyone who he cares about, a hero's death (The "good" ending)


Fang: Would fall in battle and as he slowly dies from lack of blood, he would confess everything he regret not telling Arthas, Erida and Luna about. Then he would die...


Erida: Not sure, maybe she would use the very last of her energy in order to help her friends in her hysteria, ultimate meaning her final breath after all of her energy is depleted, including her very own life force.


Luna: Probably the same as Erida, uses too much energy and that kills her (kinda hard to find a fitting ending for her)

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Depending on if Sebastian survives any of his ordeals and completes his goal, I'd say that Sebastian would just retire. He would try and find a quite, far away place that he could spend the rest of his days peacefully. But, thats only if he is really lucky. Sebastian would probably die fighting the Grineer in an attempt to liberate Earth, hoping to reclaim his small land and house where he used to live.


No idea of an ending for Quinn. Right now my best answer for her would be to die in a large scale battle, a galaxy changing battle. She would be much older, being more mature and wiser than she is now. Or I could just say screw it and say that she dies in a random explosion on a a corpus taxi taht was caused by a bagle.

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Haven't thought of an ending for Silver yet.

Ghostar's end would probably come with the price of his life, as a sacrifice to save others.

Omnipotence wouldn't probably end and live forever, and would try to kill the Tenno all the time, and would escape when defeated.

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For the characters that have the 'not so human sounding' names in the RP, what would their human name be?

Belrev: Logan


What's their favorite food/hobby :3

He likes pizza. He will literally fight someone for pizza. His hobby is working out. Oh the irony. His other two hobbies are causing as much trouble as possible to give his older brothers a hard time, and...


Edit: +Chants happy birthday for Hz+

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Hrm.... I think Souna's Name is ok. No need to change taht. For her favourite food... I think it's fish. Somehow that's the first that comes to mind. 


As for her hobbies, she doesn't really have hobbies. She only has different fields she educates in to extend her abilities. Some of them she's not really ambitious about, for example programming applications to run on Liset- or Warframe-Hardware. That's something like a 'hobby' for her.


Purely OoC info: If she had not become a Tenno, she would have become a rock- or metal-guitarist. That's also her favourite type of music.

Edited by ArrexDrandko
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Hm.....I have only a few couple that could go for a name change, mainly:


Fang --> Wade, Jack, Jason or the really odd one: Rasputin.


Arthas --> Arthur ((Wouldn't see that coming herpa derp)), Merlin, Bruce or Tony.


Erida --> Mikasa or Robin.


Luna --> Rukia.


Fang has a hobby to collect and paint skulls from the enemies he slays.

Erida works at a kubrow kennel when she is not in a dojo or at missions.

Luna likes to paint at her spare time.

Arthas likes to make blacksmith related stuff during his free time ((They got an old, medieval looking blacksmith room in their dojo just for that reason. Source; their dojo's library)).

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Kardin would be kardin, since his name is a ye old English band rather than anything else. If he had a modern name , it'd be Victor Amelia . His hobby is fighting , and playing chess.

elderith is also old English , giving her a name that benefits her ethnicity would be hiroko tachibana. Her hobbies range from kendo, studying, practicing martial arts (muay thai, judo , jeet kun do, and capoeira) to stuff like fixing and building new things , and gardening. She pretty much likes doing a lot of things.

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