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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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To keep the creative juices flowing and to hopefully tide you guys over a bit, how about a more difficult scenario for you guys's OC's?


Your character has died protecting the ones they love or defending something they believed in. The people closest to them come to the conclusion that they simply can't live without your OC, so they turn to the darker corners of Science to carry out this crime against humanity. They re-create and download your OC's consciousness into a cold machine of war and death because it's the only thing in sight as they're being shot at for breaking and entering a protected laboratory.


Gears turn, systems boot, and your character's consciousness comes online in the form of an operating system. But something's wrong. You can only remember what it is you died for, whether it be honor, vengeance, or protecting the ones you loved to the bitter end.


What is this defining memory, and how does it go so very, very wrong for the ones who worked so hard to revive this shadow of your memory?

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Sick and twisted scenario. I like it a lot. :D 


Souna is most likely to die because of / for the sake of her own pride. As such, she would remember the ideal of the fabled Primes she witnessed in her childhood (and which are mostly exaggerated, as most childhood-memories are) - and how far she has been put away from those, being a machine of war now. She'll be going on a rampage against those who put her back to life first, then everyone else. Only way to calm her: Give her her body back, or even better: a body and position worthy of what she believes to be.

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Well this is a change of pace.


Sebastian's final moments would probably have been fighting to complete his mission. His final moments would have been a mixture of regret and complacency. However, no matter how close he got to completing his mission, he will always feel regret for his failure. When he wakes back up in the body of an unstoppable war machine, he would be relentless. He would not care about who revived him, he would not care about those in the facility, he would blast his way out of there and go back to complete his mission, uncaring about those who were in his way. With time, he might become slightly more sane, only to the point where he was calm enough to actually plan and rally forces to complete his objective.


Quinn would be straight up crazy. Her final moments of trying to save her sister would be laced with fear, which would follow her into the war machine. Her consciousness inside the war machine would be one of fear and paranoia. She would awake pained and scared, killing all she saw in an attempt at self preservation.

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Belrev's final moments would be saving his family. At the cost of his own life. Even saving the brother who tried to kill him and his older siblings. His final moments would be a sense of unexpected peace, and a heavy feeling of sadness.

When he wakes up in the war machine, he would destroy all the inhabitants shooting at his family. He would then look to his family that revived him. He would try to convince them that they can live without him, and being the stubborn family they are, they don't listen. So he would destroy himself and watch his family from above.

It will take a while but his family would recover from the event. They would realize that instead of grieving over his death, they would honor him. His brothers would do as much good in the system possible, for their fallen brother, Belrev. His fiance would raise their adopted daughter.

(Belrev reclaimed a small colony from the Grineer, and saved a little girl in the process. This little girl is practically his adopted daughter. Sadly her real parents left her after the attack. She would grow up to be in the Steel meridian.)

His arch enemy would retire from her occupation, as with his death she has no one worthy to fight. His best friend would continue fighting the good fight, in honor for her fallen best friend.

Closure for my characters.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Vandal would die protecting his friends and allies, even if he was injured and broken.

When he wakes up in the War Machine he would destroy and crush anyone harming his previous comrades, even kill the ones who threaten him. But then when he recognises what he really is, a cold hearted killer he will try to destroy himself. There can't be a second Vandal.

Arino would probably die doing a robbery in a Grineer settlement or in a Corpus lab.

When he wakes up he will remember what he had to do, kill anyone who dares to oppose him and anyone who tried to kill his friends or even a competitor. He always needed a better upgrade.

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To keep the creative juices flowing and to hopefully tide you guys over a bit, how about a more difficult scenario for you guys's OC's?


Your character has died protecting the ones they love or defending something they believed in. The people closest to them come to the conclusion that they simply can't live without your OC, so they turn to the darker corners of Science to carry out this crime against humanity. They re-create and download your OC's consciousness into a cold machine of war and death because it's the only thing in sight as they're being shot at for breaking and entering a protected laboratory.


Gears turn, systems boot, and your character's consciousness comes online in the form of an operating system. But something's wrong. You can only remember what it is you died for, whether it be honor, vengeance, or protecting the ones you loved to the bitter end.


What is this defining memory, and how does it go so very, very wrong for the ones who worked so hard to revive this shadow of your memory?

Unity. Freedom. Hope.

Imperative command: Unify all sentient races under single banner. Liberate all perceived to be enslaved, physically or mentally. Give hope to those who have none.


In other words, the only difference between Hex and the Death Robot is memories that got that far and emotion. And any ability to actually lead anything (the robot would at least have some tactical knowledge)

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Alright guys, new question.

What would your OC wear when not in the frame? Or if they don't use a frame, what would they wear besides the usual?

Have fun with it too. Go Crazyyyy *fading away voice*

Bel would wear these outfits. With number three being his usual out of frame.:

1. White buisness shirt with black tie, rolled up sleeves, black dress shoes, and a pair of black pants. With a black vest on top. (Formal wear)

2. Red and black flannel with black jeans. He would add a hat. Maybe. Black and white sneakers.(Casual 1)

3. Black compression shirt with black sweat pants. Black sneakers.(Casual 2)

Now behold. The outfit of truth and justice.


This is a somewhat rough (and some not really that rough) idea on what my oc's would wear without their corresponding warframes;


Arthas: Similar clothing style as Asura from Asura's Wrath (Since he already has the same hair as Asure without his helmet, so I thought "why not?")


Fang: Think Alucard from ultimate hellsing (the Anime)


Erida: She would probably wear a purple kimono (look it up if you don't what a kimono is) or a purple hoodie with black baggy pants and sport sneakers


Luna: Moon/nightsky inspired clothing or dress (Mostly dark coloured clothes)

To keep the creative juices flowing and to hopefully tide you guys over a bit, how about a more difficult scenario for you guys's OC's?


Your character has died protecting the ones they love or defending something they believed in. The people closest to them come to the conclusion that they simply can't live without your OC, so they turn to the darker corners of Science to carry out this crime against humanity. They re-create and download your OC's consciousness into a cold machine of war and death because it's the only thing in sight as they're being shot at for breaking and entering a protected laboratory.


Gears turn, systems boot, and your character's consciousness comes online in the form of an operating system. But something's wrong. You can only remember what it is you died for, whether it be honor, vengeance, or protecting the ones you loved to the bitter end.


What is this defining memory, and how does it go so very, very wrong for the ones who worked so hard to revive this shadow of your memory?

I will come back and think about this another time (no offence), since this "what would you oc do" scenario is a tricky one :3

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Kardin would have a vague memory of why he died and realize that he was reanimated. Then his natural instinct would overwrite his system parameters. He would be rogue and became an unspoken legend , as he obliterated grineer forces as the "requiem of Saturn"

However the possibility of that happening is like zero for him , since the only person who would know of his demise would be Elderith, and even she may not know if his death.

Elderith would constantly be fighting her core parameters, she isn't a cold hearted killer, and her memory would be of her protecting as many allies before she succumbed to her wounds. Her body would be found behind enemy lines , sword painted red , and her laying against the wall , with a blissful smile.

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Sab would perish with one defining feeling in her mind. The truth of how powerless she'd felt as the enemy struck her down, dying completely helpless. This is what would carry over to the death machine and with such a weapon at her disposal the power would swiftly get to her head. She would start destroying everything in sight, enemy, ally and neutral, until she was either destroyed or nothing remained.



Nium would die protecting the Tenno and this prime directive would carry over to his transference to the death machine. In his new existence Nium would dedicate his life to protecting and conserving the Tenno, but he would not be entirely benevolent. The AI would only care about the Tenno and noone else, and seeing the need he would without hesitation turn on the Tenno, imprisoning them back into their pods while the rest of the system burned, only to ensure their survival.

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-Double Post-


Who is holding Azelia again? Is it Nium or Ghostar?



Firstly, don't say that being British is weird.

Secondly, I'm British.





Forgot to mention welcome back Silver *Silently removes Silver's gravestone*


Unfortunately Ampere has gone MIA, so you might have to continue without him.

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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(A little story about finally getting around to making that post)

Meanwhile on Exoterans top floor...

The manager is shaking the new intern quite violently as he sits at a computer. "Weeks...it's been BLOODY. WEEKS. since that Amber person helped move things along! And you STILL have yet to do anything?!" The manager wrapped his big, meaty hands around the interns head.

Two floors below...

The librarian was calmly storing new memories and discarding or re-shelving older ones from the Hippocampus. He put a new one of Psychology classes on the new releases shelf when he heard the loud crashing. The Librarian took a cart of to be discarded memories he was near and placed it under the intern who was quickly falling through floors of Exo's Brain. What resulted was a cracked but happily not broken floor and a mildly hurt intern.

"Is the manager angry again?" The Librarian calmly asked as he caught the new book that shot from the tube to be shelved. "Yes...I kind of waited too long to do something..." The intern sheepishly responded.

"Was it that "finish what I started" memo that came up from the short term memory? Because you know—"

"Yes! I know! It's been weeks and I didn't do anything but fart around the idea! But the CEO–"

"Don't misunderstand, I run the library and know what the CEO said about that memo. But still, the manager wanted that to be done as soon as possible..."

The intern scrambled off the discarded memory cart, said his sorries and thank you's, and ran out of the door with a Homunculus in his fist.

He ran to the edge of the Neural speedway, holding out a thought bubble. "Taxi!" He shouted, and one of the Neuro-Tranzit brand Taxis skidded to a halt. He boarded it with haste. Happy to be out of the gray quarters and in the white line he breathed out. The Transmitter turned back to him with a cheery smile. "What do you want to happen?" She asked. He handed her the thought bubble; the Transmitters eyes narrowed in realization before responding. "New intern?"

"Eh...yeah..." The intern meekly responded as the thought bubble went into the Limbic map. The Taxi sped off with the thousands of other cars running along the Neural system.

After getting getting off on Exit Dend-H, the taxi skidded to a stop at its Syn-App emporium. The intern looked in awe at the huge building with wires and satellite dishes riddling its surface all crackling with electricity. He thanked the driver and got the thought bubble back, heading inside. What he saw was quite surprising: nothing. Well until he took a step forward and was knocked onto his butt that is. The thought bubble got snapped up in the amount of high speed activity there is. The intern didnt want to risk getting snapped in half so he just walked out. Another taxi down the many Axo-roads and he ended back up in the gray Quarter.

He slipped by Bella's ballet class, he always liked how she could keep her balance in almost any situation. And she had closer ties to the more active bit of the companies capital: the nervous system, so that was cool. He slipped into his little office and sat back at his computer. The secretary came in (as she was doing every day till now) to swat him on the back of the noggin until she saw the green checkmark on his to do list. She simply turned and walked out afterwards. Great, saved him 6 hours of pain.

The intern took his memo from the CEO from behind the computer and read with quiet reflection:

For my newest employee

I know its going to be hard saying you're an intern but you need to keep that guise up so the manager will leave you alone for long enough. I have a reply that needs to be done but I don't have the time or attention to sink into it that I need. I'm leaving it up to you to make that happen, however long it takes. Just make sure IT GETS DONE. When time permits, go for it and don't think about it. Do this and I'll inform your boss about your recent transfer from Long Term.

Neural Speed,


The newest operator of the somatic nervous branch sat back in his chair as he watched Exoteran type out the response, proud of his endeavor this day.

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Nium would die protecting the Tenno and this prime directive would carry over to his transference to the death machine. In his new existence Nium would dedicate his life to protecting and conserving the Tenno, but he would not be entirely benevolent. The AI would only care about the Tenno and noone else, and seeing the need he would without hesitation turn on the Tenno, imprisoning them back into their pods while the rest of the system burned, only to ensure their survival.

I'm curious how nium would die in the first place and survive a transplant. he's a combot he can't technically die in the first place... wait this isn't tekken? Oh... right....

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I'm curious how nium would die in the first place and survive a transplant. he's a combot he can't technically die in the first place... wait this isn't tekken? Oh... right....


Well I've made it so that NIum can technically die. He's slightly corrupted in the sense that he can't create any copies or backups of himself, so if his host body got obliterated before he could transfer his AI to somewhere else Nium would be gone for good.

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Nope, totally nothing to see here. Even Scorpion said,"Get out of here!"

So...random question time! Superman ( 1980s? I think? Idk XD. Let's just say...the old one ) or Man of Steel. Which one do you guys prefer? I'm sorry batman but this question doesn't involve Batman XD

Though the 1989 Batmobile is the best among all in my opinion.

I would say the old one cause the new one doesn't really bring out the justice side of Superman. Just to introduce his background and...stuff...

Erm hi?

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To keep the creative juices flowing and to hopefully tide you guys over a bit, how about a more difficult scenario for you guys's OC's?

Your character has died protecting the ones they love or defending something they believed in. The people closest to them come to the conclusion that they simply can't live without your OC, so they turn to the darker corners of Science to carry out this crime against humanity. They re-create and download your OC's consciousness into a cold machine of war and death because it's the only thing in sight as they're being shot at for breaking and entering a protected laboratory.

Gears turn, systems boot, and your character's consciousness comes online in the form of an operating system. But something's wrong. You can only remember what it is you died for, whether it be honor, vengeance, or protecting the ones you loved to the bitter end.

What is this defining memory, and how does it go so very, very wrong for the ones who worked so hard to revive this shadow of your memory?

Volun-tai would die fighting. Die fighting a near endless swarm of infested, relieving memories of the cell he had left for dead.

And when he becomes a fighting machine, the memory will drive him berserk with rage and grief. He would slaughter everything in sight, each kill driving him further into madness.

He would not stop until he starts on the very people who brought him back. In a brief moment of clarity, he drops his Kronen, and forcibly wipes his memory before madness takes over again.

His new life begins just like when he was rescued from the cryopods; without memory of what he did, except for his name.

Edited by DK_Tenno
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Ah, the fruits of roughly two weeks of work. This is what has been half of the reason of my absence. Mechanics were hard enough, but BBCode just had to go and throw a hissy fit at me. Finally got it to work as close as to where I wanted it, but it's got quite a few awkward spacing issues.


But then again, when do things ever go to plan? 


So here comes the bad news: sorry I'm having you guys wait longer, but after all this toil and trouble, I'm creatively drained. Regular posting should resume tomorrow, and if not then, than Thursday.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take a nap. =w=

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Ah, the fruits of roughly two weeks of work. This is what has been half of the reason of my absence. Mechanics were hard enough, but BBCode just had to go and throw a hissy fit at me. Finally got it to work as close as to where I wanted it, but it's got quite a few awkward spacing issues.


But then again, when do things ever go to plan? 


So here comes the bad news: sorry I'm having you guys wait longer, but after all this toil and trouble, I'm creatively drained. Regular posting should resume tomorrow, and if not then, than Thursday.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take a nap. =w=

Dang it. Well I guess you deserve it.

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