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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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Ah, the fruits of roughly two weeks of work. This is what has been half of the reason of my absence. Mechanics were hard enough, but BBCode just had to go and throw a hissy fit at me. Finally got it to work as close as to where I wanted it, but it's got quite a few awkward spacing issues.


But then again, when do things ever go to plan? 


So here comes the bad news: sorry I'm having you guys wait longer, but after all this toil and trouble, I'm creatively drained. Regular posting should resume tomorrow, and if not then, than Thursday.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take a nap. =w=

*Reads the Tenno part*

*Cries because Umbra would break that scale*

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*Reads the Tenno part*

*Cries because Umbra would break that scale*


I'm rather reluctant to join there, simply because I'm not good at sacrificing one OC and quickly coming up with another... It just defies my slight sense of overly explicit drama. :D

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I'm rather reluctant to join there, simply because I'm not good at sacrificing one OC and quickly coming up with another... It just defies my slight sense of overly explicit drama. :D

I honestly can't use Umbra because he'd break the system.

He's completely robotic, has every munchkin item you can think of, mundane utilities for his abilities (which makes him into a horrifying Loki/Ash hybrid) and the healing nanites can also disassemble anything in front of them.

In other words, the only thing that kills him is either hubris or a nuke.

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Well, I design my characters with some kind of general balance by principle, simply because I think it's one of the foundations of RP to have weaknesses that other characters can link into. (that second half is important!)


But as they say: To each his own, and I have (luckily) disposed of the habit to judge people by their roleplaying habits. xD (had many discussions about that in my earlier stages or roleplaying, elsewhere)

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Ah, the fruits of roughly two weeks of work. This is what has been half of the reason of my absence. Mechanics were hard enough, but BBCode just had to go and throw a hissy fit at me. Finally got it to work as close as to where I wanted it, but it's got quite a few awkward spacing issues.


But then again, when do things ever go to plan? 


So here comes the bad news: sorry I'm having you guys wait longer, but after all this toil and trouble, I'm creatively drained. Regular posting should resume tomorrow, and if not then, than Thursday.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take a nap. =w=

-reads thread post-




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Hey peeps

Character question time.

What is your character's WORST nightmare? I'm talking the absolute WORST. Basically pure terror/sadness/despair/loss/etc

Witnessing the death of everyone who trusted him, who put their faith into him, and seeing his dreams burn to ash around him, and surviving it all.

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Souna has actually quite a lot of subtle elements of fear, but it's hard to put them together into one 'absolute nightmare'.


The closes I can come up with is a situation in which she is completely helpless, irrelevant, and it was because of her own mistake. Like, being struck down because she toyed with an enemy, and then being spared by the one who could have killed her. That would render her half-insane, I think. The more she hates that enemy, the worse.

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Hey peeps

Character question time.

What is your character's WORST nightmare? I'm talking the absolute WORST. Basically pure terror/sadness/despair/loss/etc

I guess my characters nightmares would be something like this:




Fang: Being humiliated by the stalker and that none would take him serious anymore afterward.


Erida: Seeing her closet friend Luna being tortured by Alad V and she can't do anything to save her.


Luna: Being laughed at for being the biggest coward of all tennos or that she doesn't get help by her friends when she needs them most, causing her to panic and maybe go insane, as in feeling useless and lose hope for herself.

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Sebastian does not really have an absolute worst fear. He has some fears, like losing those he cares about but Sebastian just doesnt have much in the way of fear. He has seen a lot, so not much phases him.


Quinn's would be losing her sister, thats an easy one. Even though she will fight with her on a dialy basis, Quinn would be nothing without her sister, and would fight to the ends of the earth for her.

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Time to answer another question, guys. Gotta keep the thinking train moving.

How did you name your characters?

I was just trying to think up a badass name for Ghostar. And I ended up with that. A ghost and a star.

For Silver, I based it off the colour of his warframe.

And Omnipotence, I was trying to get something sinister.

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Time to answer another question, guys. Gotta keep the thinking train moving.

How did you name your characters?

I was just trying to think up a badass name for Ghostar. And I ended up with that. A ghost and a star.

For Silver, I based it off the colour of his warframe.

And Omnipotence, I was trying to get something sinister.

I got the name for Hexer because of what he is.

To Hexer, the more enemies that surround him, the luckier he is.

This causes him to be effectively immortal when stuck smack-dab in the middle of an enemy camp, but blunders around when surrounded by allies.

The luck manifests in all manners of misfortune to the enemy: gun jams, grenade detonations (with the pins still in,) magazine explosions, that sort of thing.


As such, he is a walking curse. Thus, Hexer.

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Hi, guys. I'm back. :)


Oh and for the question,

I wanted to name my character with something related to sniper rifles and their firepower, so I thought of Lightning, but then I remembered where that was used. Later I thought of Thunder, because you know how it sounds like, when you shoot from an Anti-Material rifle to someone in-game, but then it didn't really sound like a name itself. So I used my best helper "Google Translate" and named my character "Lightning" anyway, but in latin.

That's the whole story.


The End

Edited by XionicoRX
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Nium's name I recycled from an earlier character I had who was also named Nium. As for how that character got its name for some reason I was thinking of Uranium when I came up with him, so I just removed the "Ura" and thought what was left sounded good enough.



As for how Sab got her name it was actually Xionico that came up with it. It was in an earlier thread that I came up with Sab's character but she just went nameless. Eventually Xionico's character decided to call her Sab, short for "Saboteur" (as she was still a prankster even in that thread) and I've just been using that since.

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