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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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If they're not to return to help the others, it is, yes.

And I know only Belrev gets the messages - but that doesn't change the fact that he is there, one hand holding the health-restore to heal his ribcage, the other typing and typing and typing.

Maybe it's just the way I was brought up concerning RP, but I have learnt that even if you have the opportunity to post all over again, you keep an eye on how much time passes for the characters, and at the point where the others should be reacting (or at least have the chance to resonably do so), you halt for a moment.

That's why I don't tell you to stop, I just ask if I'm the only one feeling like that, or if I missed something, or whatever. I want to clarify, not denounce or reprehend.

Its all good Arrex!


As you can all see.

I discovered how to post GIF'S.

For the recent question: Vay Hek. For the sole reason that he is in a damn bird machine.

Oh and he was the one who ordered Belrev's imprisonment too.


Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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On one hand, of course that is the perfect gif, batman. On the other hand that is really NOT a smile meant to ease worries. xD I'll rather take your word. :D

Vay Hek would probably be on Souna's list too, rank 2 or 3. Most of the Grineer-biggies are. She hates them. An awful lot.

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When Quinn got pissed at Belrev it was also for that sole reason Arrex.


Quinn would probably let Belrev die. I have no idea who Sebastian would let die. His mentality is save others, than save yourself. I guess if he had to pick one, it would be Krenn at the current moment, simply because his slumped over unconscious body is being an incredible pain.

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On one hand, of course that is the perfect gif, batman. On the other hand that is really NOT a smile meant to ease worries. xD I'll rather take your word. :D

Vay Hek would probably be on Souna's list too, rank 2 or 3. Most of the Grineer-biggies are. She hates them. An awful lot.

*searches for better batman smile gif/pic*



Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Hrm. Good question. Did I ever mention I really like questions like that? They help you flesh out your character. 


Well, in this RP obviously Souna doesn't trust any of the characters, since they are strangers to her. 


In general, she once did trust the Orokin/the Primes, and though that has diminished over the last years before her stasis, she still values their word more than a 'normal' Tenno's word out of habit.


There are not many others, since she has not many acquaintances in any RP yet. In a strange way she trusts the Corpus, because she knows they are after the biggest cash, and thus are somewhat predictable. So it's not really 'trusting', but more of a 'I know what they'll do'. (at least, she believes so)


I guess, she really only trusts herself and her Liset's Cephalon. Though that is just because she hasn't met many people yet. She is not very mistrusting in general.

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Tuckr, Arino ain't in the dojo. The Prime shot him on the walkway of the Liset, he's with Omnipotence and the lady Tenno flying away.


As for your OC, I'm not entirely comfortable with her. I feel that as of late, what with all the infested Tenno in the Rp, the whole "My character is special!" trope is overplayed and is really vexing me.

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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Tuckr, Arino ain't in the dojo. The Prime shot him on the walkway of the Liset, he's with Omnipotence and the lady Tenno flying away.

As for your OC, I'm not entirely comfortable with her. I feel that as of late, what with all the infested Tenno in the Rp, the whole "My character is special!" trope is overplayed and is really vexing me.

Well I can just keep the marksmanship and get rid of the super jump if that's better for you. She won't be very special, just something a little more different. Edited by (PS4)TheCrimsonTuckr
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Sebastian doesn't really trust anybody, he just sorta expects them to carry out their duty. There is no one who has his entire faith, so he just expects practical things of them.


Quinn only trusts her sister. She is very suspicious and condescending to anyone else. The only other person who she tolerates is Sebastian, which is only because they are in the same Dojo. The same thing for Azelie.

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Four generally trusts everyone in her group and rather trusts herself less. For obvious reasons I have no doubt >.>

As for Duo, it doesn't really "trust" any of the group granted it was only fed a minimal amount of information from Fours working and long term memory, and has barely interacted with of the others.

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As for your OC, I'm not entirely comfortable with her. I feel that as of late, what with all the infested Tenno in the Rp, the whole "My character is special!" trope is overplayed and is really vexing me.

Oh shoot, there's more? I've must have been in a chlorine gas tank for the last few months because that detail has flown over my head.....or I've just forgotten.

Edited by Exoteran
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Who does your character trust in the RP?


Sab doesn't trust very many people, she lives the life of a prankster. Always have to watch your back so someone doesn't enact revenge with a worm laced pie.


The one I'd say she trusts the most would be Hexer, mainly due to thinking he isn't capable of doing anything to her with him being a hooman.



As for Nium the one he trusts most would be Gemini and their creator.

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Most uncharacteristic for Souna would be her to beg. For someone's attention, for help, just begging from her knees in general. And she would be so embaressed she would use any means necessary (that are not equally disgraceful in themselves) to silence all witnesses: Money, Blackmail, if it's a person she's not attached to even murder.

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Your OC is caught doing something embarrassingly uncharacteristic of them! What is it, how embarrassed are they, and how do they react to being caught?

Vandal would be very embarrassed if he was caught trying to flirt, he would try to blackmail them or bribe them.

Arino would be embarrassed if he was caught singing, not too embarrassed but would threaten the person who saw him.

Also I'm awaiting approval Space!

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