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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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Your OC is caught doing something embarrassingly uncharacteristic of them! What is it, how embarrassed are they, and how do they react to being caught?

Belrev would be caught admiring himself.

If caught, he would hunt down the person who saw and blackmail them. If it was a friend who caught him, he would probably just look at them like this:


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Your OC is caught doing something embarrassingly uncharacteristic of them! What is it, how embarrassed are they, and how do they react to being caught?


Arthas: Would try to forget that it happen and if he got caught: try to explain why it happen


Erida: Pretend that it didn't happen and hide how embarrassed she felt.


Luna: She would hide in a dark corner and feel very embarrassed. 


Fang: Probably injure himself and in worse case; cut a limb off of his body to then re-attach the limb. The restoring process of Fang's limb would be somewhat of a painful experience to him. 

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Your OC is caught doing something embarrassingly uncharacteristic of them! What is it, how embarrassed are they, and how do they react to being caught?

Not getting drunk at a bar and ending up charming the trousers off several women at once, regardless of how impossible it may be in circumstance.

Not embarrassed at all, but rather annoyed that they aren't drunk yet.

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*By focusing raw willpower into a watermelon, the DM somehow manages to temporarily convert the OOC into an unstable IC!*


Suddenly, all of your OC's have been gathered here in this room! They were most likely in the middle of something before they were summoned, perhaps a shower or meal? Regardless, it was inconvenient!


From the look of things, this is space created by a Cephalon, what with all the floating geometry and endless space. Heck, if you squint hard enough at the floor or geometry, you can even read the coding. Also, watch your step. If you fall off the platform, you'll continue to endlessly fall through the skybox until someone catches you or you catch onto something. Yeah, it'll be funny at first, but after the third or fourth fall, motion sickness will set in, and it won't be pretty. The fake sun is also really bright up there, you could really hurt your eyes!


Anyways, react!

This was both meant to be a Meanwhile IC that I never got around to in order to celebrate Parkour 2.0. OOC will still function as normal, just indulge with me. It'll be a temporary arc, and it probably won't happen again.

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Two figures clad in compression shirts and sweatpants appeared. One of them was Belrev, the other was his spouse. Shay.

She had smooth porcelain skin, beautiful purple eyes, and a black ponytail. She stood at a rather short height, at 5'7 compared to the 6'2 Belrev.

Her smooth porcelain skin was blanketed with a thin layer of sweat, as her purple eyes glared at the male Tenno in front of her. Belrev replied with a cheeky smile.

"You never let me hit him."

"Of course I didn't. Look, I know Celorn is irritating. He really is a fu-"

Shay cut him off with a peck to the lips.

"If we weren't in the training room..." Belrev started, as Shay chuckled and turned his head to see his current situation.


"Why. Why now of all times."

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Hazun appeared balancing on the edge of his Excalibur horn, while Four appeared right under him. The Excalibur flailed as he fell forward on the napping Tenno.

Four: "Oof! Hey what's the big I–"

She looked around, seeing that this wasnt her trailer and one of her colleagues was on top of her. "Oh hey mutie, hows it going?" She said with apathy towards Hazun, who responded with a thumbs up.

A mirage appeared holding a script and a brush, stroking the air mindlessly. "Horror film at a resort station?....think about "dead island"? Hey Nibs, check–" she looked around, clearly confused until her eyes trained on Four. "Oh hi Cuatro! When did you get here?"

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Nium teleported in as his avatar having been out of his physical body. His cube looked and spun around, trying to make sense of what the hell just happened.


Sab teleported in crouched and mid sentence, her hysterical hands holding onto nothing with the thumbs hovering above.


"-ow you do-" She jabbed her thumbs downwards to realise nothing was there. She froze for a bit, looked around, stood up and then looked some more. She noticed her Cephalon, giving him a point and yell.


"What the f*ck did you do?"


Nium's cube shook. "It wasn't me."

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Souna appeared with her warframe on, but without a helmet. Albeit any tools have been stripped from her hands in the process of teleportation, it's pretty obvious what she was doing: Her hand is lifted toward her hair, which is still half-wet, and she looked intensely at the space in front of her - where just seconds before, a mirror had been, assisting her in combing her hair. Ten or fifteen minutes earlier, and the men might have enjoyed quite a show - and a beating afterwards.


"Controller, I have not requested a simulation. Put me back!" She commands in an annoyed tone. Apparently, she first thinks it a prank by her own Cephalon. But there is no answer - and there has never been a case when the machine had not answered her.


Only then, she lowers her hand and looks around to see what is a variety of Tenno and Tenno-leisure-activities.

"Who, by the void, are you?!" She's feeling seriously offended in terms of privacy by this, and thus sounds most intent on finding someone to put in guilt and punishment for this affront of interrupting her lady-routines.

Edited by ArrexDrandko
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Hm I totally forgot about my old Lounge character. Guess I'll just have a new guy. Btw, is there a new password for the Lounge? If there isn't...what's the old one? It's probably 100 pages away...

Name: Danny Hunt

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Syndicate: None

Frame: Red Veil suit and Izvara Syandanna

Weapons: Double-bladed Despair and Kogake

His suit and weapons are all black.

Background: His parents were both Red Veil operatives, unfortunately, they were both killed by enemies during a mission, leaving Danny alone. The Red Veil came to him after a while and he became an operative as well. The Stalker found him during a mission and abducted him. He trained him to become the ultimate killer, but, Danny knew that killing people would not make him any better than the people that killed his parents, and he finally found a chance to escape, taking some gear he found in the Stalker's dojo. He did not go back to the Red Veil and went to join the Tenno instead. He wasn't given a Warframe as he was a human. He painted his suit and gear black after a while as doing so would aid him in his stealth missions. He doesn't kill, as he didn't want to become a monster like the people that killed his parents.

Edited by (PS4)qwerty1310
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(Canon is that there are many stalkers, right?)


Krenn teleported in on all fours, hunched over what was something. As it was, said something was what he was using to support his head, so when he teleported the first thing he did was smack his head into the floor. Standing up, one could see that his mouth was spattered with blood, much like the rest of his Warframe, which was currently his Stalker armor. Sighing, he scooped up his helmet and placed it on his head.


"Who, what, where, how, why." He stated, each finger on his right hand raised as each word was said.

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Mythos teleported in, holding the latest copy of Fifty Shades of Hek. Upon realising that she was no longer locked away in the confined closet of her Liset, she quickly threw the book off the edge off the platform. She turns to see all the other people being just as generally confused as she was.

"Wait, what?"


Orion teleported into the area in a sitting position, as if typing at a computer. Although, he would be typing at a computer, if not for the sudden teleportation. It took him a second to process the fact that he was no longer sitting on anything, and he fell to the ground. He looked around, seeing all the other people, including his rather confused Operator.

"Okay, now this is just getting ridiculous. ORDIS!"

Obviously, he was thinking that this was part of the feud between him and Ordis to become Mythos' favourite cephalon. He was wrong, as no obnoxious and obviously annoying Class-2 Cephalon nicknamed 'Ordis' seemed to be anywhere in the vicinity.

Edited by (PS4)SilverHades
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Ghostar teleported into the area, falling flat down onto his face, as he was sleeping. Was. He groaned as his face had hit the hard floor of the platform below him. He slowly opened his eyes, seeing the glowing platform.



"Did you install a light unit into my bed again?"


"Well everything is really bright."



"Just sleep it off."


Silver teleported in, reading an antique old-earth newspaper and sitting on a stool. His helmet was off, and seemed to be so into the newspaper that he didn't even realise that his body had transported at the speed of light into an unknown dimension.


Silver sighed as he heard Ghostar call his name. He was supposed to be sleeping!


"Did you install a light unit into my bed again?"


"Well everything is really bright."

Silver sighed a second time. Seriously?

"Just sleep it off."

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Vandal teleported while throwing a knife in the air, he looked around before jumping backwards to avoid the now non-existant knife. He bumped into Arino who was still holding a glass of beer, he sighed. "Where are we now freak?" Arino said with a noticeable hint of anger in his voice.


Vandal shrugged and sat down, crossing his legs and before he closed his eyes he saw Shizukana, she was getting up from the floor soaking wet in her under armour probably in the middle of showering. "Want a drink?" Arino asked, not knowing about the broken arm he'll be getting in a few seconds.

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(My turn!)


Two more Tenno women poofed into existence, eyes shut in concentration, but one visibly struggling more than the other. Neither currently had their warframes equipped, both instead clad in neon shorts and compression tanks of respective colors; the taller of the two who had wavy, shoulder-length, midnight-blue hair, lightly grayed skin, and a lithe figure had neon green shorts and a pale-blue tank, while the shorter with a short bob, stark white hair, pale skin, and a 'skubby' figure had neon yellow shorts and a gray tank.


Any Tenno could recognize that they were performing Aquarid Narta, albeit at a slow crawl. The blue-haired Tenno kept her composure as she led the other through the motions, however the white-haired girl was shaking violently from fatigue and had accumulated a significant amount of sweat.


"Alright, deep breaths," the blue Tenno directed calmly as she dropped to a left-facing lunge and moved her arms accordingly. The other followed suit, legs shaking from strain as she squeezed her closed lids tight in concentration.


"Now, stand up tall on your left leg and try to bring your right leg to 180 degrees," she continued. The blue-haired woman carried it out flawlessly and effortlessly, but when the other tried, her left leg trembled the moment her right leg left the ground and she flopped to the floor in a tired mess. Breathing hard, she finally opened her luminescent cyan eyes and noticed the others for the first time.


"Um, Maggie?" she called out, confused.


"I heard you, Nish, just stand up and resume the pose, you're distracting the others."


"The others aren't here..."


Exasperated, she dropped the pose and brought a hand to her forehead, "Aw, don't tell me they skipped out in the middle again!" She then opened her shimmering, emerald eyes and took in her surroundings. "Gah! What happened? Did we reach enlightenment and transcend, or something?"




Meanwhile, in the background, the Mirage twins rolled about, still completely blind to their surroundings. Harley wrestled Quin into a top mount, struggling with a hooked finger in one of her sister's cheeks and the other clutching a handful of long, blond hair.


"I called dibs! You were there! Why the hell did you eat it!?" Harley grunted, enraged.

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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