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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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With her comb and mirror gone, there is nothing to distract Souna as all the people appear, scattered across the vicinity. For a moment, she thinks about materializing her helmet: Her dark-red hair does not fit the white, black and yellow-golden pseudo-prime-colors of the Zephyr-frame she wears. But as more and more faces show up, most of those unveiled just as her own, she decides against it, guessing that being one of the few to wear her helmet might bring even more questions onto her. 


With over 20 people present, there is no way Souna could possibly get acquainted with all of them quickly enough to put herself ontop of the group... or is it even a group? Considering that there is hardly any commonoalities, she rather calls it a 'gathering'. In fact, they were gathered here. Just like a Grineer-Salvager picks some random wrecks and tows them to safety, they were picked and brought here. It leaves a bad taste in her mouth.


Aided by nothing but gut feeling, she walks towards the two women who were interrupting their practices. She instantly notices the graying of the elder's skin, causing her to automatically straighten her back even more, despite her usual posture is very straight-up already. Time to prove herself, once again.

"Please, don't hesitate to finish your practices properly. It is important." She adresses them with no greeting, just an inviting wave at some free space nearby, looking at the elder woman at first, but at the smaller one a little longer. It is apparent that her age probably lies in between those of the two women, but her manners definitely tend towards the elder. She has, after all, spent most of her later youth and adulthood on imitating and trying to blend in the most honoured Tenno. The prime-y colors of her equipment hint at this, and it has nearly become an instinct for her.

Her other instincts meanwhile gave her the feeling that coming to reasonable terms with the mentor might be easier if she uses the girl. 

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Belrev looked around slowly, and took in all of the familiar faces, save for a few newcomers. One notable face was a Ash who he called a brother, even though they aren't related. He walked up to Vandal, guiding Shay along with his hand.

"Better than a trash compartment eh?"

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Erida was in a holding position as she was holding a kubrow, when she suddenly got teleported to the room. She looked around and saw tennos, some familiar and some less familiar. Where am I?.... Erida said as she looked around the room where she stood.


Luna got teleported in while she was wearing a beret hat and holding one painting pallet in one hand and a paintbrush in the other one. She looked around in confusion. Then she saw Erida and went to her. Erida saw her and asked immediately her: Let me guess...you were painting something.

The hat and my painting tools gave it away huh? Luna said and giggled.

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While everyone was happy and getting along (with a few exceptions, $20 on Harley by the way) the dynamic duo were still shouting at each other across the platform.


"Seriously Nium I'm going to paint your damn Liset pink if you don't get me out your stupid simulation. You didn't even have the courtesy to add a damn butcher!"


"I'm telling you it wasn't me!" He shouted back. "I was busy doing my own thing and now I'll probably have to start over!"


"Then why did you start the damn simulation!"


"It wasn't me!"


"Then why are you the only Cephalon here!"


"Why in the VOID would I know that!?"




"Oh by the Void and all its damnable corrupted YOUR IMPOSSIBLE!"

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"Good old Arino right?" Belrev asked Vandal in a calm tone. Upon hearing the yelling match going on between a familiar Valkyr and a unknown second party, Belrev turned his attention to the verbal sparing combatants.

"Well. It seems we have encountered Sab."

"Who's Sab?" Shay asked in a deadpan.

"Friend of mine. Likes explosives and pulled off one of the best pranks I have ever seen." Belrev replied, pecking the Nyx on the forehead.

"Don't worry."


"Oh and there's a Saryn." Shay said in a mild tone of excitement. Just as she smiled, it fell when she realized what the Saryn was doing. To the Loki.


"Ohhh. Never mind then."

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Aided by nothing but gut feeling, she walks towards the two women who were interrupting their practices. She instantly notices the graying of the elder's skin, causing her to automatically straighten her back even more, despite her usual posture is very straight-up already. Time to prove herself, once again.
"Please, don't hesitate to finish your practices properly. It is important." She addresses them with no greeting, just an inviting wave at some free space nearby, looking at the elder woman at first, but at the smaller one a little longer. It is apparent that her age probably lies in between those of the two women, but her manners definitely tend towards the elder. She has, after all, spent most of her later youth and adulthood on imitating and trying to blend in the most honored Tenno. The prime-y colors of her equipment hint at this, and it has nearly become an instinct for her.
Her other instincts meanwhile gave her the feeling that coming to reasonable terms with the mentor might be easier if she uses the girl. 


Magdalene smiled uncomfortably as she bent down to help Nisha up.


"I appreciate it the go ahead, but I feel the time has passed," she said with a dry laugh. Looking down at her now wet hands, she grimaced and wiped them on her tank, but due to its nonabsorbent nature, it made little difference. Sweat one; Warlord zero, Magdalene turned to her breathless friend and decided it would be best to go ahead and equip her warframe. After all, the two of them were wearing considerably less than the rest, which made them stick out like Nullifier in a crowd of MOA's.


Emerald energy gathered at her fingertips as green particles gathered and formed her gilded shoulder plates, holsters, and spurs, all of which floated several inches away from her skin. The energies gathered at her fingertips raced down her hands and spiraled up her arms, leaving a golden trail behind as they moved across her skin. A dot of shimmering energy stopped on each forearm, spiraling up and forward as they created her magnetic focusing guards and dissipating once they reached the end of the gilded prongs. Swirling down her body, the golden trails formed the pattern on her frame, midnight blue material seeping out from the trails with sky blue secondaries and violet accents, ending with a gold and emerald eruption that loosed her gilded Yomo Syandana. 



After she finally caught her breath, Nisha decided to follow Magdalene's lead, the result of which may surprise Souna. While Magdalene's summoning was graceful, Nisha's was more fun and energetic. She brought her ring fingers and thumbs together, gathering a small orb of cyan energy where her fingers met, then snapped her fingers, detonating each orb. Cyan rings raced out from each hand, traveling down her arms and leaving behind white material and chrome bits that coursed with energy. Hers ended when the energy left the trim of her suit and the vents on her back erupted violently, her Asa Syandana extending with the cyan pillars. Even though she was young and without a trace of greying, there was no denying that she, too, was a Prime.



Nisha chuckled.


"What?" Magdalene chuckled back.


"Nothing... Showoff," she giggled as she gave her friend a playful shove.


"Hey, I can't help it, it's pre-programmed!"


The two laughed at each other, however their cheerful laughs slowly transitioned into awkward chuckles, then uncomfortable silence. 

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Shizukana was about to break Arino's arm until Vandal pulled her back. "Hey... What? I can speak here?" He asked himself, his voice sounded a bit more cyber though. He then payed attention to Shizukana again and grabbed her. "Don't fight it... He didn't mean it." He said putting her in a human shield type stance, holding her right arm.

Arino got up and stumbled back a few steps. "What the hell was that for you... You thing!" He shouted as he breathed heavily and slowly. Vandal sighed and looked at Belrev. "Can you help?"

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Hearing aggravating shouting to her left and something that could end in a full-grown brawl to her right, Souna can not help but inwardly agree with the elder woman. Unless you want to practice keeping your calm in the midst of battle, such a noisy place is not one fit for meditation - and at least to her, the nartas are just that.

"I trust you will make up for it later on. There is nothing more important than unfolding your potential to the fullest."


As Souna notices that the two Tenno are preparing to summon their warframes, Souna takes a respectful step back to give them the necessary space. It's simple gesture of manners, to not obstruct the forming of the frame or its attachments.

That the elder woman formed a prime warframe did not suprise her. Most tutors she had known in her time of studies - that is, before the orokin's fall - were Primes, so the teachery behaviour she had observed did spark her suspicion. 

However, her composure slips for a split-second as she notices that the younger one wields a prime-frame as well. One that has deviated from the classical golden ornaments to some more humble chrome, but nevertheless, there's just one question in her mind: ~How did she earn this honour with such minuscule age and skill?!~ It was the skill that bugged her much more than her age. If that girl were a progidy - as she thinks herself of one, too - and able to back the honorable equipment up with skill and grace, she would not have complained for a single moment. But not even being able to complete the Aquarid Narta? It is unbearable for Souna, who had made countless requests to be granted a higher position all of which were denied despite her impressive account of successes.


After that very short moment of staring at the small one - did they notice? Hopefully not, their joking might have distracted them - Souna regains her poise and takes a short, traditional bow: Palms pressed against each other in front of her chest, tilting her upper body forward stiffly and just barely enough to conform to traditions.

"It is an honour to meet you." Think of the Mag. Think of the Mag. Think of the Mag, so she doesn't choke on her own words, because it is hard for her to feel any respect towards the Nova. In the back of her head, she still searches for an explanation. Heritage? Maybe she is destined by some tradition of that specific enclave of Tenno to become a leader, and has trouble living up to that expectation? There has to be some trick.

"I am Souna. I take it you experience this for the first time and without any context as well?"

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Shizukana was about to break Arino's arm until Vandal pulled her back. "Hey... What? I can speak here?" He asked himself, his voice sounded a bit more cyber though. He then payed attention to Shizukana again and grabbed her. "Don't fight it... He didn't mean it." He said putting her in a human shield type stance, holding her right arm.

Arino got up and stumbled back a few steps. "What the hell was that for you... You thing!" He shouted as he breathed heavily and slowly. Vandal sighed and looked at Belrev. "Can you help?"

"They argue all the time?" Belrev asked Vandal, as he calmed the Loki down.

The way the two argued reminded him of something. Such as the recent argument he had with Celorn, over a damn slice of cake. Said argument was right before he was teleported here, and right before Shay was about to kick his brother in the throat.

Keeping his mind focused on the situation, Belrev stood in front of Arino.

"Arino. Calm down. She is restrained." Belrev said in a calm voice, keeping his arms folded.


Shay turned her head towards Vandal and Shizukana, and nodded. "My name is Shay. What's yours?" She asked curiously, eager to know the Tenno her partner was allies with.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Kardin slammed his foot down as he roared, every grineer around him being flung helplessly into the air. He took his galatine off his back, he wasn't aware that he had not used his stomp while in the grineer galleon like he was moments ago, but in this new place that he had been teleported to. He lowered his sword and replaced it on his back. He made his best attempt to wipe away grineer blood from his suit, but it only smeared around. He made a nervous laugh, and started whistling

elderith was just about to drop in when kardin roared, but instead she jumped on top of hexer, with her flailing through the air, she accidentally lost her weapons, save for her Nikana.

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Wrong thread, I think, akira? ^^

Oh no, wait, I get it now. That's cheeky, referencing the setup. xD Well done!

Nein actually. Kardin lives T9 hunt grineer and elderith follows him. If I had referenced the setup, kardin would be partially dead, and gasping for air, since he was blasted into space and was being slowly killed by asphyxiation. Volun and ivan were helping him, but I haven't seen them post in a while

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Arino sighed. "She's supposed to be in a cell..." He said. Shizukana sighed and walked off to another part of this strange place.

Vandal looked at Shay. "I'm called Vandal... She's called... Not sure but she's a mute." He said looking back at Shizukana.

"A CELL?" He asked, looking back at the Saryn. His mind dwells on the fact, but is halted by a beep.

Belrev reads the message and sighs.

"Shay, can you text Ms Queen of the Primes to not feed Kage? He already had food!" Belrev called out to the Nyx, who put a thumbs up.


"Nice to meet you, Vandal." Shay said with a small thumbs up.

"A mute? What happened? I'm curious!"

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Quinn pushed her sister off of her, eyes glaring menacingly. "I called dibs on it! That means its mine, Gaius said so!" Quinn pointed over at where Sebastian was, and was confused when she saw him instead of Gaius. She finally looked around and dropped her jaw when she realized the situation she was in. "Harley..." She said in a hushed and scared voice. "Do you have any idea where we are right now?"


Sebastian looked over at the quarreling twins and frowned. When Quinn pointed at him he gave a small wave and looked around his surroundings. He shrugged his soldiers and tried to ignore it. 'Today is my day off, I've earned this paper.' He went back to reading his paper when a particular article caught his eye. 'Troopers stormed the base and successfully captured it, however upon its capture, a mysterious figure descended upon the base and killed all inside. Many assumed it was a Tenno, but further investigation suggested otherwise. Detectives instead theorize that it was-' The reading was cut short when a man in an Ash suit descended down from above, smashing down in-front of Sebastian and ripping the paper from him, shredding it. The man groaned painfully as he was face down on the floor. Sebastian sighed, frustrated that his day off was now ruined. He knew who the man was, so he wouldn't feel bad about what he was about to do. Sebastian stood up and kicked the man in his side. "Get up."


Gaius jolted upward. "Owwww... Sebastian? SEBASTIAN!" Gaius stood up and grabbed the aged Tenno by his collar. "Oh thank god you are here too. The mirage twins were about to fight an- and I was going to try and calm them down since Mag wasn't there, which was a bad idea, and so I teleported to try and get between them I didn't reappear between them but in the air and I started falling and screaming and do you know where we are?" Gaius breathed after his panicked dialogue and looked around. A lot of people where in this area, more than from when he started falling. He saw the Mirage twins who also looked confused. "Sebastian we gotta find a way out of here I mean the Dojo is unattended and Xenophon's gonna starve and-" Sebastian slapped Gaius across the face. "Get a hold of yourself!" He ordered. Gaius stopped in his tracks and stood up straight. "Thanks I needed that." Gaius looked up and began to analyze the people around him, but stopped when he spotted Mag. "MAG, OVER HERE!"  He shouted very loudly, probably getting the attention of other people. He waved over at Mag in an attempt to grab her attention.

(Completely forgot to include Gaius.)

Edited by IrishHades1798
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The verbal battle between AI and b!tch continued for a while, just continuously cycling between Sab accusing Nium and Nium denying it until he eventually could take no more.


"THAT'S IT! I'M DONE! " His avatar stormed off in the other direction. "Go jump off the edge and fall forever!".


"I hope you get infected with Corpus Adware!"


As Nium floated away the AI was still complaining under his audio. "Crazy psycho b!tch one of these days i'll toss you out the airlock and throw you into the god damn sun."


Sab headed in the opposite direction and found her way to Elderith and Hexer, in fact just in time to winch at the Valkyr jumping onto the poor sleeping fool.


"Ooof, that's gotta leave a mark."

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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elderith was just about to drop in when kardin roared, but instead she jumped on top of hexer, with her flailing through the air, she accidentally lost her weapons, save for her Nikana.

To which Hexer subconsciously detects. In response, he rolls over and continues sleeping as she lands on the spot he used to be.

((I honestly wasn't paying much attention to all this, too busy Payday 2'ing))

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Shizukana looked at Hexer and the rest surrounding him, sighing as Sab jumped on him.

Vandal shrugged. "We don't know, she just came from nowhere. We think she works for Corpus or something but... That's just a theory." (A game theory)

Arino chuckled and looked at Belrev. "This sure is a fine settlement... We're all here with a how I say, very bright sun." He said as he walked slowly around him. "Do you know why we are actually here?" He asked. "I have no damn clue."

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Shizukana looked at Hexer and the rest surrounding him, sighing as Sab jumped on him.

Vandal shrugged. "We don't know, she just came from nowhere. We think she works for Corpus or something but... That's just a theory." (A game theory)

Arino chuckled and looked at Belrev. "This sure is a fine settlement... We're all here with a how I say, very bright sun." He said as he walked slowly around him. "Do you know why we are actually here?" He asked. "I have no damn clue."

"The corpus? Eh.." Shay said, keeping her voice at a light tone. She loathed the Corpus, for the sole reason of Alad V. Or 'Salad V' as everyone else says.


"No idea. I was training with my girl then we teleported here. Lucky that we did, or else my brother would have a hole where his neck used to be."

"That would have been caused by Shay by the way." Belrev finished, sitting on the floor.

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