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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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Sab blinked when the clock plunked onto her head. And blinked again when it started ringing. And blinked again when she physically saw it taken off her head. How the f*ck did that happen? She looked up, nothing. Behind her, a Saryn. Side, side, below, tilting Hexer aside to look behind him. Nothing.


Where the f*ck did that thing come from? How did it come from? Is she imagining this? Is this all just an illusion? Is she tripping on some major shrooms?


Her feeble mind had to draw to the one conclusion that made sense to avoid a total blue screen of death.


"Nium I swear to god if you do that again I'll rip your cords out through your exhaust port!"


"It. Isn't. ME!"

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Can't quote either, completely screws up the posting window @w@. Really hopes this gets fixed soon. Sorry if I'm whining, this inconvenience is uncomfortable and vexes me. The full comfort of having BBCode work with me for the most part has been stripped away, and I really miss it.

Also, compensation post.

Magdalene smiled and returned the bow, only lowering herself to a 90 degree angle as she had grown accustomed to doing. Granted it was inconsistent with her position, she found it was an easy way to humble herself before others.

Nisha, on the other hand, gave a simple and half-hearted wave of greeting before resting on her hip and dawning a casual smirk. Her mentor nudged her and shot her a look: she shot one back. It was as if the two were having a conversation using their eyes alone.

Thanks to Magdalene, Nisha too had developed a rather accurate gut-feeling when it came to meeting others, but where one saw it as a curse, the other saw it as an early-alarm system and invaluable tool. The Prime had had this skill since she was human, and while it had proven itself correct time and time again, she still went out of her way to attempt to correct it, hoping to one day prove it wrong. Sadly, such a day has never come.

Whereas Mag's was instinctual, Nisha's was based on observation and conclusion. She saw where Souna's attention was focused, could feel the blatant attempt to ignore her, and could sense the well of rage behind the mask the Zephyr woman wore. So she reacted accordingly, returning disrespect for disrespect.

Breathing a sigh of concession, the Mentor put on a forced smile and stood straight again, "You are correct in your assumption. Granted I've visited quite a few Cephalon spaces in my time, this is my first here. The geometry and design is inconsistent with anything I'm familiar with."

Hearing her name called out, Magdalene stiffened a bit in surprise and turned to face the origin. Seeing her fellow Warlord, she relaxed as a natural and genuine smile surfaced, returning the wave as Nisha called out, "Sup Guy, Sea-bass!"


One-track mind, Harley growled at her twin, "Don't you try to change the subject!"

"I turned around for two seconds to grab Sebastian a bagel-"

Meanwhile, a scuffed, scratched, and battered sphere of data and energy floated toward the group, bringing up and running the emotional algorithm for agitation. The orb dropped into the floor, a mass of data rising at the place of impact that slowly began to take a humanoid form. Finished, the form rose, bearing a scowl that could corrode armor and eyes so piercing that they could cause a puncture proc. The form was that of an Old World drill sergeant, his presence demanding as much respect as the wide-brimmed hat on his head.

With a single stomp of his foot, he silenced the room, loosing in a deep and gravelly roar that demanded the group's attention, "TEEEEEEEN-O!!!"

Immediately, Harley dropped what she was about to say and stood rigid at attention, a part of her, unknown to her, reacting out of instinct.

The digital sergeant paced in front of the group, casting a gaze upon the gathered group that, contrary to his imposing presence, dared them to disrespect him.

Spotting one of his lesser kin, a digital finger bolted in Nium's direction with such force, it threatened to drop the shields of those near him and cause bleed procs. "You! Humanoid form, now! Or so help me I'll toss you to the memory dump faster than you can calculate Avagadro's number, and believe me, that place is filled with so much random and redundant data, your processor will overload before you can even run your programming in safe mode!"

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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Seeing how deeply and formal the Mag bows to her was maybe the most pleasant suprise of the day so far to Souna. Being respected like this by one of those she deems the highest of Tenno was like a tender embrace for her pride. She resolved to give her a proper greeting from eye to eye next time. 

At least, she thought like that until neither of the women introduced themselves. That is, it's a disappointment with the mag, mostly. That's not so kind of her. Souna even introduced herself first, without question, as a sign of respect. After all she knew that it was not wise to be to demanding, no matter how much the thinks she deserves the honors of Prime for herself. So, basically, things have not changed that much over the time she was in stasis. 

The exchange of looks between mentor and pupil at first looks to her as if the Mag would scold the small one for her lack of respect - something she fully supports, of course. But then there is no harsh command, no scolding. Maybe they have a policy to not conduct education in public? That sounds reasonable to her.


The two-faced woman - on warped, blackened half, and one normal face that shows a slight smile at the moment - was just about to answer as she as well looks towards the man calling out to the Mag, not recognizing him however. A moment of assessing later, she deems it best to not retreat. Listening to the talk of those people as innocent bystander might give her the information she seeks about the apprentice-Prime. In a futile attempt to prance her still a little wet hair she spreads it from the neck with both arms and lets it fall free, barely touching her shoulders. It doesn't help much, it's still hanging limp. How frustrating! The slightly unnerved expression shows mostly on the human-colored side of her face, again. The black skin seems to be a little stiff, and thus not moves that much.

"I hope this will not take long. Calling us in like this is really not appropiate..."


Maybe it's better that she was interrupted by the boneshaking call, or her words might have provoked the little Nova Prime even further. Souna whirls around towards the voice, expecting to see a person who called her here.

Cephalons are not persons to her. They're tools with a human-similar interface. Valuable, versatile tools, of course. But she would not have greeted a cephalon, just as she would not have greeted a lamp, and being called to attention like this by one reminded her of her earliest years as a Tenno - being just a child, when she had no other choice but to oblige. 

To be precise, this is not much different. This place is just as unfamiliar to her as the tower was back then, and she is well aware of how unwise it is to pick a fight with an unknown opponent on that opponent's territory. So she has no choice but to stand straight, just as she did for the all-morning-muster, and materialized her helmet. Spiraling strings of bright-yellow mist exhale from her collar, surround her head and solidify into the Cierzo-helmet. If this cephalon just saw them as Tenno, as weapons, like the old masters did, then she would grant him no more than that. And, with her pride blazing to the digital sky, she is adamant to not fail any of what the cephalon might put against her in the name of some hidden, honorless figure!

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Turning his digital head slightly to face the inquisitive Saryn, the sergeant pierced the Tenno with his gaze, left eye twitching slightly as he registered this disrespect. She was violating the 1.5 foot radius around him that was his personal space, and such a transgression would not go unnoticed.

"Ma'am," the digital drill sergeant said with a warped smile that conveyed anything but comfort or joy, "I suggest you step back."

Even though it was referred to as a suggestion, the weight it carried made it sound more as an order and warning than anything else. If she didn't oblige, chances were very high that she'd become an example of why you didn't disrespect this Cephalon.


Of the Mentor and Mentee Primes, Nisha immediately recognized the Cephalon thanks to her young age, and stood tall and at attention. Sadly, with hundreds of years separating her from her awakening, Magdalene didn't remember the form in front of her and simply watched in curiosity as the AI worked. After all the experiences she'd had, the memories of this mass of data were heavily buried under memories that she had accrued on her travels.

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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Upon the arrival of the new 'guest' and his booming voice, Shay instantly ran over to Belrev, plopped herself on his lap, and hid her face in his shoulder. Only her black ponytail was visible, as the face of the petite beauty was hidden away.

The pairing of the Excalibur and the Nyx stayed quiet, not because of fear, but because of surprise.

And because they wanted to hear what he would say.


Belrev on the other hand just smirked, and looked ahead at the Humanoid form with studying red eyes. Looking to his side and keeping hold on Shay's back, Belrev did the 'Shhh' gesture to Evan.

The arrival of the Humanoid form was surprising none the less, just as that little vacation he WILLINGLY attended with the male members of the group.

He remembers the day clearly. The boys and him singing a sailing song discovered in a vault of some sorts, while sailing in the waters of Earth using a 'borrowed' Grineer ship prototype. Suffice to say, Belrev has now developed a amazing singing voice.

And then they were chased down by Grineer guardsmen.

the sea shanty

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Evan laughed. "Yeah...let's just wait for another 1310 ( yay XD ) years," he said."Awww. It's alright." He looked at Erida. "Hey Erida! Nice to see you to," he replied."So...what were you two doing before this?" Ivan asked.
 I'm glad you asked Erida said sarcastically, then continued: I was on my job at the kubrow kennel, taking care of the kubrows and before I know it, I got teleported to this strange place. She was slightly annoyed that she got teleported here without her permission.I....I only just began on a painting and like Erida...I got teleported here too.... Luna said, feeling sad that her moment of inspiration on her painting got lost as she had spent the small amount of time she has been here. 
-cut-Meanwhile, a scuffed, scratched, and battered sphere of data and energy floated toward the group, bringing up and running the emotional algorithm for agitation. The orb dropped into the floor, a mass of data rising at the place of impact that slowly began to take a humanoid form. Finished, the form rose, bearing a scowl that could corrode armor and eyes so piercing that they could cause a puncture proc. The form was that of an Old World drill sergeant, his presence demanding as much respect as the wide-brimmed hat on his head.With a single stomp of his foot, he silenced the room, loosing in a deep and gravelly roar that demanded the group's attention, "TEEEEEEEN-O!!!"Immediately, Harley dropped what she was about to say and stood rigid at attention, a part of her, unknown to her, reacting out of instinct.The digital sergeant paced in front of the group, casting a gaze upon the gathered group that, contrary to his imposing presence, dared them to disrespect him. Spotting one of his lesser kin, a digital finger bolted in Nium's direction with such force, it threatened to drop the shields of those near him and cause bleed procs. "You! Humanoid form, now! Or so help me I'll toss you to the memory dump faster than you can calculate Avagadro's number, and believe me, that place is filled with so much random and redundant data, your processor will overload before you can even run your programming in safe mode!"
 Erida and Luna looked at the digital drill sergeant, both with different reaction. Erida didn't react at all and was wondering to herself "who the *bleep* is that?". Luna got startled and quickly hide behind Erida, feeling scared of the digital military thing.
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Sab blinked when the clock plunked onto her head. And blinked again when it started ringing. And blinked again when she physically saw it taken off her head. How the f*ck did that happen? She looked up, nothing. Behind her, a Saryn. Side, side, below, tilting Hexer aside to look behind him. Nothing.


Where the f*ck did that thing come from? How did it come from? Is she imagining this? Is this all just an illusion? Is she tripping on some major shrooms?


Her feeble mind had to draw to the one conclusion that made sense to avoid a total blue screen of death.


"Nium I swear to god if you do that again I'll rip your cords out through your exhaust port!"


"It. Isn't. ME!"

And then suddenly Hexer was holding a dog. Specifically, a Staffy.

"Oh hey, a Staffy." With that, he proceeded to pat its head. "Rather ruff life we're living here."

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Besides Silver, who was so into his newspaper that he didn't even see the people around him, and Ghostar, who had somehow fallen asleep again, a third figure had teleported in.

This figure was huge, and sat in a cross-legged position. Even sitting down, it would have dwarfed some of the smaller people in the simulation. It had dark grey skin, and was extremely bulky. The creature's hand rested on a massive Dakra, which lay on the ground in front of it. It seemed to be asleep; or something very close. A bubble of energy surrounded it, vibrating. Once the bubble detected that it was inside the simulation, it retreated into the creature's body. At once, the creature's eyes opened. It scanned it's unknown surroundings, before resting it's eyes on the group of people conversing. It jumped from the Proxy sitting on the ground, to the crazy Valkyr and the human, before finally turning its eyes to what seemed to be the figure of authority of the group. The drill sergeant.

The figure remained silent, studying the sergeant while also studying the other people around him.

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Sab's eyes twitched. You could almost hear the sound of glass breaking


"Yeah I n, that's perfectly fine I see no problem yeah perfreclty fine what no problem here nope nothing nothing unusual here just THAT'S THE WAY WE WASH OUR HANDS FALALALALALALALALA!" She thrusted her hands in the air and walked briskly away.



Unlike the person currently having a mental breakdown Nium actually noticed the drill sergeant, mostly because the AI was pointed out at the very get go. At least Sab could start blaming someone else now for this whole simulation.


Nium had no clue what this AI was but decided not to ask, at least for now. That threat really didn't seem appealing. His avatar disappeared for a second before a humanoid form took its place, made to mimic the body he usually inhabited outside of this simulation.

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Agent, Tuckr I'm getting you guys away from the dojo on purpose, there is no more story there, guys. Your obsession with that clan is a bit unhealthy. I'm worried about you...

The sergeant twitched. The Saryn didn't heed his warning, most of those gathered were ignoring him, and the human seemed to have hacked his realm.

"So this is the thanks I get for all I've done..."

His aura of intimidation increased, his rage so thick in the air that you could choke on it. If they wouldn't give him their attention voluntarily, he would take it by force.

First, the Saryn. "I warned you," he growled softly as his smile warped to an enraged grimace, digital teeth grit, eyes wide and filled with burning ire. He brought a clenched fist up, particles of data gathering in his palm to form a thin and flexible rod of energy and information. His wrist rotated, the rod flexed with the downward momentum. It was as if time slowed: his form was perfect and glorious, the beauty of the mechanics deeply contrasted by the look of controlled fury burning in the face of the Cephalon. Raw speed and strength coupled with the dexterity of a veteran brought the rod down on Shizukana's rear, the flexible stick bowing back before snapping rigid on the surface. The rod shattered from the force, the delicate tinkling of data acting as a precursor to the savage, deafening, and delayed smacking sound that echoed throughout the space.

The strength of the blow was powerful enough pierce even the thickest of warframes, attacking the flesh beneath directly with a burning sensation hotter than that of a thousand dying stars. The sting was so great, it could cause a paralytic to stand in surprise, help a mute find their voice so that they may holler in anguish, gift the blind sight so that they may know what pain looked like. Those around would even be able to feel an nth of the pain, age old reflexes bringing their hands instinctively to their rears in order to protect them from the invisible force.

It would be impossible to ignore this, you'd have to actively be trying to ignore the enraged artificial intelligence, and doing so would easily be one the most regrettable decisions of one's life.

For added measure, however, the digital sergeant snapped his fingers, the dog resting in Hexer's arms detonating with a confused yelp into bits of data and energy. He then locked Hexer out of his system so that he could no longer use his data to spawn in anymore ridiculous items.

"Do I have your attention now?"

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((He started it! Don't put me in the disco!))

She gasped and screamed in pure and utter pain and anguish, falling to the floor still feeling the burning, it even spread to her arms and legs. Her scream would also make the others feel the pain even more instead of just the smack bringing the pain to others. "HURTS!!!" She screamed before sobbing.

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Sab was still having her mental breakdown when that poor Sayrn was given the smack down, ranting about Tyl Regor's Toobmen and their cereal. The wave hit and suddenly her whole body stiffened, the Valkyr jogging in place to try and deal with the pain. Luckily Sab got saved the embarrasment of protecting her behind, those reflexes having been forgotten a long time ago.

The Tenno clenched her fist and punched her leg a couple times before shouting out.

"NI-" she then finally noticed the second AI "-um's friend?". Who the hell was this @$$hole?

Nium felt the hot sting as much as anybody else in the simulation but unfortunately the AI had to endure something worse. He'd actually been paying attention to the Sergant and say everything as it happened. For a solid ten seconds all of the AIs processes were converted to cringe after seeing that hit.

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Luckily, Souna did already focus on the drillmaster, and thus saw the Saryn's demise coming just as probably everyone else who witnessed what she did. Even bracing herself for what was to come as the hologram materialized the rod, she still had not expected him to strike with a force of such wide range. Her whole body tenses as she jolts forward and upward a little, her arms twitching towards her backside, though not completing the movement.

"Now that's gonna teach her to put her pride where it belongs." Souna mutters mischievously, her sympathy drowned in the pleasing satisfaction that she did judge the situation correctly to not be subject of his punishment any more than anyone else who obliged. She's careful to release her tension in case the hologram decides to punish anyone else present.

On another note, without looking down, she tried to create a small stream of air around her fingers, basically just two seperate rings slowly merging into one elliptical stream. Though the wind is tinted yellowish by her energy, she doesn't do it to boast - on the contrary. She hopes the drillmaster will not notice what she is doing, he seems quite busy with enforcing discipline, and her warframe's sensors are carefully measuring how the 'air' here reacts to her abilities. From that, she tries to deduct how Tenno-abilities in general might work here, and if the physical properties required for her lightweight-gliding have been changed by the Cephalon.

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Both of them felt the wave hit, and while Belrev grimaced visibly, Shay on the other hand seemed to be on the verge of a breakdown.

His free hand twitched towards his rear, though not finishing the movement. The same applied for Shay.

"This is insane." He muttered, comforting his shaken spouse.


Two more figures dropped in, one of them a Nyx Prime and the other...a Kubrow. For a few seconds, Analis was looking around slowly, analyzing every single life form there. Then she looked ahead, and saw a familiar face. Or faces.

"No. No more treats for you little angel. You have had enough." The Prime commanded, receiving the classic sad Kubrow eyes as a response.

"Come now child. Let's go see your owner." Analis said in a warm tone, as she picked the black and white kubrow up and walked towards Belrev and Shay. As she made her way towards her number one warrior, her helmet dematerialized from her head. What was revealed was light blue skin, pure white hair styled to hang down on the sides of her face, and blue eyes so piercing and serene, they could either drive you back in fear or pull you forward in awe.

Approaching her comrades, she sat down in front of Belrev and Shay. She also put the medium sized Kubrow on her lap, who is known as Kage.

"I see you have been transported here. So have I." Analis plainly shrugged, as she stroked Kage's fur.

Upon realizing the drill sergeant was also present, she gently placed Kage down and bowed in his direction, showing her up most respect for the humanoid figure.

She once again took her seat, and plopped the kubrow on her lap.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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"So, how have you been, buddy?" Hexer said, ignoring the chaos. Partially out of will, partially because he didn't bother to notice anything amiss. Hard to notice things amiss when that's a permanent state of being.
"Seriously? They stole the DeLorian?"
"That cost 50'000'000 credits on the Grey Market!"
*WOOF! I say!*

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Agent, Tuckr I'm getting you guys away from the dojo on purpose, there is no more story there, guys. Your obsession with that clan is a bit unhealthy. I'm worried about you...

The sergeant twitched. The Saryn didn't heed his warning, most of those gathered were ignoring him, and the human seemed to have hacked his realm."So this is the thanks I get for all I've done..."His aura of intimidation increased, his rage so thick in the air that you could choke on it. If they wouldn't give him their attention voluntarily, he would take it by force. First, the Saryn. "I warned you," he growled softly as his smile warped to an enraged grimace, digital teeth grit, eyes wide and filled with burning ire. He brought a clenched fist up, particles of data gathering in his palm to form a thin and flexible rod of energy and information. His wrist rotated, the rod flexed with the downward momentum. It was as if time slowed: his form was perfect and glorious, the beauty of the mechanics deeply contrasted by the look of controlled fury burning in the face of the Cephalon. Raw speed and strength coupled with the dexterity of a veteran brought the rod down on Shizukana's rear, the flexible stick bowing back before snapping rigid on the surface. The rod shattered from the force, the delicate tinkling of data acting as a precursor to the savage, deafening, and delayed smacking sound that echoed throughout the space.The strength of the blow was powerful enough pierce even the thickest of warframes, attacking the flesh beneath directly with a burning sensation hotter than that of a thousand dying stars. The sting was so great, it could cause a paralytic to stand in surprise, help a mute find their voice so that they may holler in anguish, gift the blind sight so that they may know what pain looked like. Those around would even be able to feel an nth of the pain, age old reflexes bringing their hands instinctively to their rears in order to protect them from the invisible force.It would be impossible to ignore this, you'd have to actively be trying to ignore the enraged artificial intelligence, and doing so would easily be one the most regrettable decisions of one's life.For added measure, however, the digital sergeant snapped his fingers, the dog resting in Hexer's arms detonating with a confused yelp into bits of data and energy. He then locked Hexer out of his system so that he could no longer use his data to spawn in anymore ridiculous items."Do I have your attention now?"

I'll take Maxi's part out of my previous post.

The figure was surprised at the sudden blow to the Saryn, but didn't move when the wave came its way, even though the pain would be annoying. Nevertheless, it still remained silent. It clamped its hand onto its massive Dakra if the sergeant came its way.


Silver, finally noticed what was happening around him and threw the newspaper onto the ground. "Oh! Um.....what the hell is happening?" He asked out loud, hoping for a response not as confusing as the situation he was in.


Ghostar, however, still was asleep and probably wouldn't wake up for a long time without some force.

Edited by Agent_Maine
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