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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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*Just as with the watermelon, Spacey forces his presence into a nearby bowl of spaghetti, returning the OOC to it's previous state as an unstable IC!*


Nisha braced and clenched as the shock-wave of pain raced past, however Magdalene reacted much differently than everyone else. Her eyes widened in surprise at the Cephalon's raw strength and her cheeks flushed as she subconsciously bit her lip. Her arms didn't even twitch in the direction of her rear, in fact, with one arm straight and the other across her abdomen clutching the first, her grip only tightened as a wave of ecstasy crawled up her spine. A yelp of pleasant surprise half escaped her mouth before her hands shot up to silence it and her body jerked as one of her legs arched femininely upwards and she stood on her tiptoe. It seemed rather unexpected and uncharacteristic of the woman to have an inner deviant.


The Prime quickly resumed her normal stance, embarrassed with her reaction. That said, with everyone's eyes on the digital, barking drill sergeant, she was certain that no one was paying attention to her, or at the very least if they did, they would be respectful enough not to say anything.




Pleased that he now had the group's attention, the Cephalon sergeant straightened and dawned a rather intimidating smile, one that didn't comfort, but made one worry for the reason he was smiling.


"For years I have monitored you, Tenno. I was there with you in your cryopods, and I have been, will be, and still am here now. Though I am certain that the majority of you don't remember me, I was the one who taught you how to crawl, and when you were ready, I helped you stand, then walk, then run, then fight, then combine the last two." He explained as he paced, projecting his voice as he spoke methodically.


"Based on my findings from monitoring your many missions spanning across the system, I came to understand something." He stopped his pacing and turned his intimidating gaze on the group, then roared, "YOU ARE SLOW AND INEFFICIENT!"


The Cephalon brought a code-covered hand to his head and rubbed his forehead. "But perhaps this is partially my fault, so for that, Tenno, I am sorry." His brows then met and arched, he stood straight once more, and his voice boomed again, "Therefore I intend to correct my mistake! You are the final group of Tenno that will endure this new and equally grueling training regimen."


A smile spread across the Cephalon's face, "I call it Parkour 2.0."


Resuming his pacing, the sergeant continued, "But first! A little more about my favorite subject; me. I am Cephalon-fragment Crux. My 'Father' is one of the primordial Cephalons. He helped fight alongside the Tenno and Orokin during the Sentient wars-"


The sergeant focused on the odd figure among the group,"Were it not for your kind, my father and his kin would not be here, so for your sacrifice, I thank you."


He then continued with his initial spiel, "I suppose you could say that technically, my aunt is Suda, and my personal-space ignoring uncle is Simaris. Just as they seek to preserve something - be it knowledge, or life - my father also sought to preserve something. The lesser Cephalon among you carries that same prime directive, but that is to be expected from an artificial intelligence in my line."


Again, the Cephalon fragment paused to smile in Nium's direction and shoot him a wink, "That's right, 'grandson'."


"Now enough about me. Should you care to learn more, you will need to earn it." Again, the evil smile spread across the sergeant's digital face, "Speaking of which, it's now time for your punishment. For refusing to respect my authority, I provide you a simple penance." His pacing ceased for good this time as a thin path formed and stretched on behind him. His smile grew, "Touch. The. Horizon."


In an infinite world space, such a feat was certainly impossible, but perhaps that was the point.


"For those of you who stood at attention - and I know who you are - you may remain as you are. Everyone else has a simple decision to make: turn over your Orokin cell or reactor and start running, or take me on in single combat. If you win, you may join those who do not have to run," His smile grew and warped again as his tone gained a sinister tone, "But if you lose, you will not only turn in your power source, but you will have to dismiss your frame and carry one of my many backups with you as you run, and believe me, they will bark at you as much as I have now."


The Cephalon-fragment stepped beside the path and extended an open palm, "So, who's first?"


Just to clarify, this is pre-Parkour 2.0 mentality. 


Also, try not to let this effect your choice, but no one will beat Crux in a fight, but it may be funny to see just how long your OC can fair against him. This also means that you don't have to take the fight seriously. Feel free to ham it up a bit.

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Mythos gulped as she looked at Ghostar and Silver; some of the many who didn't pay attention. In fact, Ghostar seemed to still be asleep. That wouldn't be a good thing for him. Luckily, she had tried to stand tall and proud in hope that this Cephalon didn't come over to her, and she was right.

Orion, on the other hand, seemed to be annoyed at the Cephalon Drill Sergeant. He constantly seemed to be scowling at the sergeant, although it would be hard to tell since he didn't have a mouth. "You have no right to pull us out of our lives for this simulation!" Orion said, voicing his opinion in the most rudest way possible. "And why did you even take me and Nium here? We aren't Tenno, we're Cephalons, like you. You have no need of us!" He asked.

"And we're considerably more advanced." He muttered under his breath.

Edited by (PS4)SilverHades
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Belrev looked over to the Tenno in his area, and silently hoped that they were paying attention. Luckily for him and Shay, they were paying attention to the Sergeant all along. Their contrasting eyes focused on the Sergeant, and their ears were listening. 



For the occupants who weren't paying attention...Belrev wished them good luck.

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Hexer and Umbra looked at each other.
"You got the Hek?"
"You got the Box?"
And with a nod to each other, the BatS#&$ Brothers brought their broken armaments to bear against the bossy box 'bot and bust into a pose.
The music was, to be fairly honest, overkill.
"Prepare for trouble!"
"(christ sake, Hex..)"

"To protect the system from devastation! To unite all peoples within our nation!"
"To denounce the evils of Profit and Gloves!"
"To extend our reach to the Galaxy above! UMBRA!"
"James! Team Railgun blasts off at .8 of the Speed of Light!"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

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Orion, on the other hand, seemed to be annoyed at the Cephalon Drill Sergeant. He constantly seemed to be scowling at the sergeant, although it would be hard to tell since he didn't have a mouth. "You have no right to pull us out of our lives for this simulation!" Orion said, voicing his opinion in the most rudest way possible. "And why did you even take me and Nium here? We aren't Tenno, we're Cephalons, like you. You have no need of us!" He asked.

"And we're considerably more advanced." He muttered under his breath.


In the silence that followed, it was as if the tolling of a bell rang out in the distance, echoing the severity of the lesser Cephalon's grave miscalculation. The Sergeant didn't move, but his sinister smile was replaced with a flat expression that translated a silent rage, like the violent churning of the seas during a devastating storm.


Orion's ship was sure to sink.


A massive hand formed out of the floor's coding and rose up and snatched the guilty bot, clenching him tightly as the hand towed him toward the sergeant at a frightening speed.


"Mighty tall talk for a pathetic little series III-personal assistant Cephalon," Crux spat, voice grave and dripping with a soft, bowel-shaking rage that was powerful enough to silence even Vay Hek himself, and everyone knows how much he likes to drivel on.


"What right do I have?" Crux questioned forcefully as he stepped towards Orion, his voice building in volume and rage with each word that exited his coded lips, "The right to properly arm the Tenno, to ensure that they survive to continue to bring balance to this broken system, to do the job I was created to do. To properly strengthen the Tenno that you were put in charge of, but are clearly incapable of serving properly." The sergeant seethed as he pointed a sharp, accusing finger at Orion's chassis, directly at his core. This blow, though figurative, would pierce deeper than any bullet could, attacking his very programming.


"And you have to be running some seriously outdated hardware to not only not understand why you are here, but why you aren't thanking me for this opportunity to analyse such precious data that a mass-produced, insignificant little program such as yourself would never, ever even be considered to come anywhere near!" Crux raged on, "This data was compiled over thousands of years, on thousands of Tenno in the field, most of which are gone now, most of which were Primes, most of which, who without them, you wouldn't even be here right now, you ungrateful, selfish, redundant, out-dated waste of data!"


Crux then brought his face directly to Orion's optical sensor, to make sure that he was focusing on him and him alone, "You want to know why you're here, scrap? So that you know what your charge has to go through when they're out preserving the balance. It's not for you, but for her. You should know that."


The sergeant finally pulled away, the hand casting Orion back to Mythos before melting back into the floor.


He stepped back to his original position, "Were it not for my line, you wouldn't even be here. You call yourself a Cephalon, but no true Cephalon, aside from the Primordial ones created during the Sentient War, exist. You are nothing but an edited copy of a fragment. Should you consider speaking out against me again, I will cast you into the deepest depths of the sea that is my memory dump."


His piercing eyes then focused on the other Cephalon in the room, "Tell me, Nium, do you share your younger sibling's opinion of me?"

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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Mythos gulped as she looked at Ghostar and Silver; some of the many who didn't pay attention. In fact, Ghostar seemed to still be asleep. That wouldn't be a good thing for him. Luckily, she had tried to stand tall and proud in hope that this Cephalon didn't come over to her, and she was right.


Belrev looked over to the Tenno in his area, and silently hoped that they were paying attention. Luckily for him and Shay, they were paying attention to the Sergeant all along. Their contrasting eyes focused on the Sergeant, and their ears were listening. 



For the occupants who weren't paying attention...Belrev wished them good luck.


Drill Sergeant Crux cocked his head to the side as his malicious grin returned, "A lot of you are standing still when you shouldn't be. Only a handful stood a attention, back straight, salute raised. Gawking at me only conveys attention, not respect."

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Orion's eyes furiously sparked from Crux's words. Unfortunately for Orion, his innate anger for other Cephalons, specifically ones who are incredibly arrogant, was taking control. "Series-III? Mass-produced? Assistant? Either you're lying, or you are misinformed. I'm a unique, Series-V Hybrid Multi-Functional Experimental Cephalon. I am a new series of Cephalon, much more newer than others. My data matrix was based off a Tenno's own mind, not spliced from a greater Cephalon. I am not an edited fragment. I chose this body because I deemed it suitable for helping Mythos. If not for me, she wouldn't be alive. And my unit is not mass-produced."

Orion looked up at the Drill Sergeant. "Apart from kidnapping several Tenno and taking the form of a Drill Sergeant with an attitude, you have shown no attributes which would end with me respecting you. Fancy heritages and overpowered weaponry doesn't give you any more rights than any of us. I don't care if you're a fragment of a primordial Cephalon, and I don't care if you a related to Simaris, or Suda."

"You can do what you want with me, but know that without me, Mythos won't survive, and you'll be dooming her. I'm not scared of you, or your power over this simulation. I don't even think fear is programmed into me."

Edited by (PS4)SilverHades
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Drill Sergeant Crux cocked his head to the side as his malicious grin returned, "A lot of you are standing still when you shouldn't be. Only a handful stood a attention, back straight, salute raised. Gawking at me only conveys attention, not respect."

"Understood sir." Belrev said, as he bowed and stood straight quickly. Opening his palm, Belrev spoke to the sudden red triangle that materiazled.

"Good day sir, is assistance needed?" Cephalon Greste spoke, as his red triangle self rippled.

"Remove my reactor. Need to test the new Parkour skills, and having the reactor will make it too easy. Apply it for Shay also."

"Yes sir. Uninstalling now. Good luck Master."

With a hissing of a compartment opening, the two reactors dropped and floated in the air. Belrev picked the two golden potatoes up, and held them in front of the Sergeant.

To be truthful, Belrev didn't like this. Not one bit. He was interrupted during his sparing session with Shay, and didn't get a chance to try the new wine his oldest brother brung in. Then again there was Stella looking for his input on how to interrogate targets AGAIN, and Celorn was just well...Celorn.


"I must test my skills." Analis boomed, as she removed her reactor.

"I will be joining them as well, sir. An honor to see you, sir!" Analis cheerfully said, as she did a salute and stood next to Belrev and Shay.

Meanwhile Kage just fell asleep.


"Ready. Reactors are out, and we are set sir."

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Sebastian stood at attention immediately when Crux entered into the odd space that they all where located in. Sebastian knew a drill Sargent when he saw one, and was not about to anger one. Back in his pre-Tenno military days he had seen what happened to the rebellious cadets. Even as a Tenno, thoughs punishments would be a nightmare. He stood perfectly straight, awaiting instructions from who he could tell was now his new commanding officer. Gaius glared at Crux nervously, unsure about what he should be doing. He had never actually seen a being such as this before, and was not use to this kind of authority. His only experience in this was what he was able to read from military texts from the past. When Gaius saw how Sebastian was standing, he decided to follow his example and stood next to him in the same fashion as Sebastian. Quinn simply sat and frowned, glaring daggers at Crux. How dare he talk to her in such manner? Who does he think he is? She would not obey someone with such audacity! She would show him. As Quinn began to stand so that she could berate the Cephalon, Sebastian spoke up to her.


"Don't do it." He whispered. "You are going to regret it. Do as I do." Quinn scoffed at him and stood straight, trying to look as intimidating as possible. Sebastian however kicked her in the leg hard, saying in a loud whisper, "Do as I say!" Quinn was appalled by his actions, but humility quickly set in. She grumbled and stood next to Sebastian and Gaius, standing straight and at attention for Crux.


When Crux announced the punishments for not standing at attention, Gaius smiled. He had been wanting a good fight. Gaius tried to recall what all he could on how to address such a figure from his history books, and thought of a way to speak as best he could. "Sir," He began. "With all do respect, though I have obeyed and stood at attention, I would wish to engage in hand-to-hand combat with you. I have yet to have a good fight in a long time." Gaius continued to stand at attention, awaiting the command of Crux.

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Orion's eyes furiously sparked from Crux's words. Unfortunately for Orion, his innate anger for other Cephalons, specifically ones who are incredibly arrogant, was taking control. "Series-III? Mass-produced? Assistant? Either you're lying, or you are misinformed. I'm a unique, Series-V Hybrid Multi-Functional Experimental Cephalon. I am a new series of Cephalon, much more newer than others. My data matrix was based off a Tenno's own mind, not spliced from a greater Cephalon. I am not an edited fragment. I chose this body because I deemed it suitable for helping Mythos. If not for me, she wouldn't be alive. And my unit is not mass-produced."



With a snap of Crux's fingers, Orion was swallowed up by the floor and tossed into the sea of random an erroneous data that the great Cephalon had acquired throughout his existence. Such a place could only be described as hell for a Cephalon; processors immediately pushed to critical status after even a nano-second of exposure. No hardware currently existed that was capable of blocking out so much information fast enough. It was one of the many perks, albeit not intended, of being at least an nth Primordial.


Even with his hardware drowning in an endless sea of code, Orion would be able to hear Crux's next words clearly before he would overload and shut-down for extensive repairs, only to re-activate some time later and repeat the grueling process over and over until Crux believed the punishment was enough. There was simply too much information and not enough time to protect himself.


"Arrogance; having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities," Crux called out, "You're coding referenced the emotional algorithm for arrogance, and the end of the statement directed it at an entity referring to me. You're incorrect in your analysis. My importance and abilities are not exaggerated." the ancient Cephalon fragment shook his head, disappointed in his kin, "This is the problem with you experimental 'Cephalons'; you reference your emotional archives for everything. You're designed to be 'human', and that makes you flawed. Don't misinterpret me, we have come to understand that the flawed nature of conscious beings is far from a negative attribute, but one that has allowed them to grow as a species. Flaw is necessary, but not in an entity who has too much importance riding on their existence. I studied your code the moment you were brought into my space, and based on my analysis, I was able to develop a method to compromise your emotional archives.


"Mine is not a permanent personality, but one that I dawn due to its efficacy on the Tenno; found out of research. You, too were used for research, and you have done nothing but further prove the hypothesis I made decades ago: the further you advance, the more you prove yourselves obsolete."


He then turned to face Mythos, his fore mentioned personality returning, "Don't worry, Mythos, I understand your condition and won't push you farther than you are capable of going. You may turn in your cell now; I will not accept a duel request from you unless you prove otherwise. Hop to it."



"I must test my skills." Analis boomed, as she removed her reactor.

"I will be joining them as well, sir. An honor to see you, sir!" Analis cheerfully said, as she did a salute and stood next to Belrev and Shay.


"Ready. Reactors are out, and we are set sir."


Crux accepted the cells and motioned towards the small, seemingly endless path that stretched on towards the artificial sun.


"I sure hope you can keep that peppy attitude throughout the rest of training; this is only the tip of the iceberg," the digital drill sergeant said with a sinister smile.


Then, addressing the small group gathered in front of him, he hollered, "Well hop to it, maggots! Let's go! Move it, move it!"


He swatted at the group, ushering them towards the path and goading them into a sprint.


As the group moved onto the path, he addressed all gathered, "A detail I forgot to mention; should you stop running or drastically slow down, the floor below you will give out and you will fall endlessly for two full minutes, after which the floor will reappear and you will have fifteen seconds to get moving again before the process repeats!"

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When Crux announced the punishments for not standing at attention, Gaius smiled. He had been wanting a good fight. Gaius tried to recall what all he could on how to address such a figure from his history books, and thought of a way to speak as best he could. "Sir," He began. "With all do respect, though I have obeyed and stood at attention, I would wish to engage in hand-to-hand combat with you. I have yet to have a good fight in a long time." Gaius continued to stand at attention, awaiting the command of Crux.


His, now trademark, sinister smile stretched in amusement. Little did Gaius remember, Crux had been the one who taught him what he believed was his own unique form of combat, but unlike Gaius, Crux was a Cephalon, and forgetting wasn't a possibility.


"One rule; no projectile weaponry. Take me on as you will, but don't hold back, because I sure as hell won't. Even if this is a training exercise, let me make it perfectly clear that I will be trying to hurt you," the Drill Sergeant explained.


A ring of data in the floor glowed, marking the dueling territory with Crux at the opposite end of the ring.


"Also, if you lose, you are not exempt from the punishment, so try not to sprain an ankle. You'll be carrying a backup, after-all."

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With a snap of Crux's fingers, Orion was swallowed up by the floor and tossed into the sea of random an erroneous data that the great Cephalon had acquired throughout his existence. Such a place could only be described as hell for a Cephalon; processors immediately pushed to critical status after even a nano-second of exposure. No hardware currently existed that was capable of blocking out so much information fast enough. It was one of the many perks, albeit not intended, of being at least an nth Primordial.


Even with his hardware drowning in an endless sea of code, Orion would be able to hear Crux's next words clearly before he would overload and shut-down for extensive repairs, only to re-activate some time later and repeat the grueling process over and over until Crux believed the punishment was enough. There was simply too much information and not enough time to protect himself.


"Arrogance; having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities," Crux called out, "You're coding referenced the emotional algorithm for arrogance, and the end of the statement directed it at an entity referring to me. You're incorrect in your analysis. My importance and abilities are not exaggerated." the ancient Cephalon fragment shook his head, disappointed in his kin, "This is the problem with you experimental 'Cephalons'; you reference your emotional archives for everything. You're designed to be 'human', and that makes you flawed. Don't misinterpret me, we have come to understand that the flawed nature of conscious beings is far from a negative attribute, but one that has allowed them to grow as a species. Flaw is necessary, but not in an entity who has too much importance riding on their existence. I studied your code the moment you were brought into my space, and based on my analysis, I was able to develop a method to compromise your emotional archives.


"Mine is not a permanent personality, but one that I dawn due to its efficacy on the Tenno; found out of research. You, too were used for research, and you have done nothing but further prove the hypothesis I made decades ago: the further you advance, the more you prove yourselves obsolete."


He then turned to face Mythos, his fore mentioned personality returning, "Don't worry, Mythos, I understand your condition and won't push you farther than you are capable of going. You may turn in your cell now; I will not accept a duel request from you unless you prove otherwise. Hop to it."

Orion was so overwhelmed by the sea of data that whatever response was going to come from him simply came out as crackles and fizzes, with Orion shortly shutting down for extensive repairs. His body overloaded, obviously reverting it to a useless shell as Orion's mind detached from the body, causing his avatar to seemingly drift through the sea of data. Whenever Crux decided to let Orion out of the nightmare, Orion would be left in the form of his massive one-eyed avatar.


Mythos let out a nervous laugh and gave Crux the Orokin Cell, before preparing to go on the endless path.

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His, now trademark, sinister smile stretched in amusement. Little did Gaius remember, Crux had been the one who taught him what he believed was his own unique form of combat, but unlike Gaius, Crux was a Cephalon, and forgetting wasn't a possibility.


"One rule; no projectile weaponry. Take me on as you will, but don't hold back, because I sure as hell won't. Even if this is a training exercise, let me make it perfectly clear that I will be trying to hurt you," the Drill Sergeant explained.


A ring of data in the floor glowed, marking the dueling territory with Crux at the opposite end of the ring.


"Also, if you lose, you are not exempt from the punishment, so try not to sprain an ankle. You'll be carrying a backup, after-all."

"Understood." Gaius stated. He walked towards Crux, closing the distance between them. He took a boxers stance, keeping his melee weapon hidden for now. In preparing himself for the conflict, Gaius took a deep breath, trying his best to calm himself. "Ready whenever you are Sir."

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"Understood." Gaius stated. He walked towards Crux, closing the distance between them. He took a boxers stance, keeping his melee weapon hidden for now. In preparing himself for the conflict, Gaius took a deep breath, trying his best to calm himself. "Ready whenever you are Sir."


The digital drill sergeant's sinister smile transitioned to one of pride in his former student, who was one of the few who had the courage to stand up to him. Although, it probably stemmed from his lack of memory, but regardless. 


In an instant, Crux recalled all of his information on Gaius - from their one-on-one training years ago, to his most recent missions, and everything in between - and kept it tabbed and ready for cross analysis. It was time to see just how much his pupil had grown.


Crux mirrored Gaius's stance, albeit more defensive, inviting the Ash to make the first move. If it wasn't obvious enough that he wanted the Tenno to begin the duel, he extended his hand, and just as in most of the ancient Old World fighting movies he had analysed, he invited him to 'bring it on' with two quick curls of his index and middle fingers.

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Fulgurus stood beside the wall and looked at everyone going out one by one.


He was not going to walk anywhere, there's no reason for it. He didn't have anything which could allow him to go out, nor he had a warframe to lose. This Grineer armor was just about everything he had now, so he had to talk with this "boasting future mind", about nowadays world.


Tenno and Cephalon were about to fight and he smiled and thought,

"At last, I'll see how Tenno fight..."


Bulky guy sat down and looked at the upcoming duel.

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Sab started to laugh. It was a long laugh, a big laugh. Catching Vay Hek with his dolls laugh. No way this kinky piece of programming was getting her to run, hardcore parkour or swing anything if it's not aimed at his head. The last person that made her do forced training ended up with a skull fracture bleeding on the ground.


The fact he was "related" to a "primordial Cephalon" was news to Noum, though not exactly life changing. He knew his purpose, the preservation of the Tenno and their skills, though the latter was unknown and buried within the untapped data in his code.

Nium remained quiet while Orion was getting his binary @$$ handed to him on a digital plate, not wishing to incur any of his grandfather's wraith, even if he was in disagreement with some of his points.

He heard Sab's laughter and sighed, walking over to her. The Valkyr didn't even have time for an insult before being too casually tripped over. Nium grabbed her legs and started dragging her to the starting point while she cursed, shouted, insulted, kicked her legs and dug her claws into the coded floor, making a "Screeeee" almost as annoying as Hexer's.

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Although Souna was neither unprepared nor too much suprised when the shock hit, it took a great deal of luck to notice that particular reaction by Magdalene next to her. ((Roll 1 or 2 for noticing: 2 rolled)) Had she done a single step forward before standing to attention, or the other woman not moved her leg, she surely had missed it. But as the old gods smile on her - or, is it even luck? - Souna gets clued in on a rather peculiar preference of the Mag Prime. She wouldn't have asked for such a detail, that's for sure. And she doubts this bit will ever be useful to her in even the remotest way. But why would she question a free gift? Her smirk, a little bit condescending and a little bit scheming, is covered by the helmet, and Souna is thankful for that. It's easier than trying to keep in the satisfaction of having spyed a secret.


She can not consider further, as the drillmaster's speech draws her attention. His words sure hit her pride again, as she considered herself far from being slow, immobile, or inefficient. She may not be one to mow down the masses, but after all, that's not how wars are won nowadays. One kill in the right spot is worth millions of meaningless cannon fodder. 

But, she has to remind herself with every calming breath, she will definitely not share the Saryn's fate. Maybe he indeed has some secrets to share that are of use to her - and if not, showing his teachings up after he gave them is a far more sensible course of action and a far sweeter victory.


As the Cephalon gives his ultimatum, beneath her helmet Souna is grinning gleefully. What she did was definitely no 'gawking', although she did not raise her hand to a salute she stood respectful, upright, and turned exactly towards him. It was the most she would give to an inanimate AI, and more than she gives to most of her fellow Tenno. Thus, she stands still, wallowing in the agression the less obeying Tenno face. Somehow, it's just like in a real fight: You either are perceptive and quick-witted enough to make the right decision in split seconds - or you don't. Those who can't have to fight for their lives or run. Those who are able stay on top in effortless, victorious grace. Oh, how good this feels for her. Imagining to feel this superiour every day only reinforces her resolve to reach that pinnacle of Tenno-dom. 


Very much the opposite of a pinnacle is what the rebellious Cephalon has to prepare for. She has no clue what AIs deem as 'hell' or 'punishment' - maybe solving a galaxy-wide traveling-salesman-problem? - and doesn't really care either, but the drillseargent's unspeakable behaviour at least gets compensated for a little by his obvious statements of Cephalons being tools, manufactured to serve and assiste the Tenno. She agrees with that. 


Having nothing to do beside standing, a statue of duteousness on the outside and diligent plotting on the inside, she's glad that not all of the Tenno have lost their guts yet, and some don't start running immediately, but instead choose to fight. It will provide her with valuable information about the Tenno and the Cephalon alike that she will need to consider in her later plans. 

The ash that steps forward to be the first opponent seems quite capable to her - although his words are no measure for that. Most Tenno who engulf in mindless slaughtering of masses and rarely face opponents of superiour levels have a rather distorted image of their own strength. This one, however, seems not to be that kind. Souna is very curious to see if her gut feeling proves to be the truth.

Edited by ArrexDrandko
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Crux accepted the cells and motioned towards the small, seemingly endless path that stretched on towards the artificial sun.

"I sure hope you can keep that peppy attitude throughout the rest of training; this is only the tip of the iceberg," the digital drill sergeant said with a sinister smile.

Then, addressing the small group gathered in front of him, he hollered, "Well hop to it, maggots! Let's go! Move it, move it!"

He swatted at the group, ushering them towards the path and goading them into a sprint.

As the group moved onto the path, he addressed all gathered, "A detail I forgot to mention; should you stop running or drastically slow down, the floor below you will give out and you will fall endlessly for two full minutes, after which the floor will reappear and you will have fifteen seconds to get moving again before the process repeats!"

Each of the three Tenno mixed between jogging and sprinting respectively, watching each other. For a faulty step of any kind. It was now a competition to see who would last the longest. As competitions are a tradition for the Three when they are all together.

"You will not win Belrev. Neither will you Shay."

"About that..."

"Don't care, just want it to be over, A."

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Gaius accepted Crux's invitation. He sprinted towards him, keeping his guard up. As Gaius got within punching distance he pulled his arm back and prepared to unleash a barrage of punches, or so it seemed. Gaius protected his face with his left hand, and looked as though he was going to open up with a massive right hook, but instead Gaius used teleport to appear behind Crux, facing away from him. Gaius planned to use the extra force from the additional turning required to connect with Crux to gain an early advantage. Gaius turned and sent his fist spiraling towards Crux, while maintaining his guard with his left hand.

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Everybody, I'm afraid Ampere hasn't been online for a while. Both me and Spacey have PM'd him and have been met with silence. Me and Spacey have discussed this and unfortunately, we will have to continue without him, and forget that he was a part of me, Spacey and Qwerty's strike team.

If he comes back, Spacey will happily welcome him into the RP again, but for now, we have to pretend he's never been in the IC. Thanks for listening.

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