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Update 15.13


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Hmm played survival and had to extract early: not enough LS and far less enemies than before...


Also, wow did they buff enemy accuracy lol. Totally changed the way I play, now I will only use Loki while solo.


And finally...I thought patch notes says game should be prettier....not for me, I had to mess with gamma to lighten the brightness since it looks all washed out now; now it looks pretty ugly. Is there a way to revert my client? Nividia GTX 660 ti.

Edited by fizbit
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  • Daily Standing caps for non-Syndicate missions for have been reduced by half (remember, this cap is determined by Mastery Rank).  For example:
    • MR 0 could earn 2000 Standing before, now 1000.
    • MR 1 could earn 4000 Standing before, now 2000.
    • MR 2 could earn 6000 Standing before, now 3000.


And like that, I'm a week behind on my Steel Meridian rep.

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Kick like a Marelok,

Punch like a Vasto,

Accurate as a Furis,

Sharp as a spoon.


So, can I do damage if I throw them?  Seriously, they're innacurate, weak, recoil-mongering pieces of JUNK.  The damage they turn out is nowhere NEAR on par with the Akbolto they replace.  Heck, it's not really on par with a Bolto.


On the flip side, I love the sound effect, the look is solid, and the CONCEPT of an over-under double-barrel pistol got me from the start.




If they were more accurate and had SLIGHTLY reduced recoil, I'd love them DESPITE the fact that I'm never going to be able to use them up past ~level 40-ish enemies.


Truely, I WANT to want to use them.  I want to love them.  I'd settle for liking them in that I've-already-got-a-serious-pistol kind of "lets still be friends" sort of way.


Sidenote:  Thanks for the VFX update to Shock.  I didn't read the patch notes before playing him, and I about freaked out.  IT'S AWESOME!!!!


Also, I sincerely hope the "scaling with level" on the mutalist MOA's abilities means they've been TONED BACK, rather than buffed in any nominal fashion.  They will flat-out drop me one-shot around level ~35-ish AS IS if all the Tar projectiles spawn under my feet as my Volt.  They were DOOM CANNONS on bird-like legs.


Edit 2.0:  I can't hear a Grineer doofus firing a Grakata at me from 10m away through all the tinny echos and ballistic paint-scraping.  I'm not kidding.  This needs a looking into.

Edited by Cytobel
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Why did the Nvidia Physx change?


The old one was so sharp and pretty this one is blurry :´(

It changed because they added in a cheap knockoff version of it for AMD users. Now nVidia's PhysX doesn't even work at all. It's made the game unplayable for me at this point. The PhysX option; turning it on or off does nothing. They need to fix that mess ASAP.

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It changed because they added in a cheap knockoff version of it for AMD users. Now nVidia's PhysX doesn't even work at all. It's made the game unplayable for me at this point. The PhysX option; turning it on or off does nothing. They need to fix that mess ASAP.


This. This this this.

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This spy mission was awesome, team! Great work! And the cliffhanger at the end has piqued my curiousity! Who was that speaking? What did they mean by womb of the sky? Why was this message repeated? And the piece floating in the machine looked like an ancient piece of armor...the voice was sinister. I wonder, does that mean the Grineer queens are about to show? Notice the message was repeated twice. Womb of the sky...females have wombs, and we had the Fomorian threat recently. Ruk said that the Grineer "rule all, they protect all." The womb is the protective place that females have for their young, so does this mean the Grineer queens are going to "give birth" to some horrendous onslaught? And it's going to take 8-man units to put a stop to it? Questions indeed.

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Dynamic Exposure enabled



Dynamic Exposure disabled



Is this normal? Dynamic Exposure is just broken. And it re-enabled itself on its own after I turned it off while in the options it still said it was off.



About Spy 2.0: Sound good, but I still don't know what is where, what to do and where to go. Alarms are tripped every time and I don't know why. I will probably wait for a proper explanation on wiki, as always.

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