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Hotfix 15.13.1


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Out of curiosity, is there gonna be something done to boost the base levels on the gunfire sounds?  I cannot hear a Grakata going off 10m away over the sound of bullet whine and ricochets.


Also, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give the Akjagara some accuracy love.  This thing needs to fire like the Tenno Dera, not a Furis.


P.S., thank you very much for the hard work.  I can appreciate the difficulty of redo-ing all the gunfire sound layers, and I didn't expect them to be "just right" straight out of gate.

Edited by Cytobel
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Because nobody was doing the dailies, like at all.


I enjoyed doing most of the syn missions on top of the Draco farming, as it meant extra rewards not limited to a cap. Setting it to solo and taking my time through them while hunting for the medallions was quite relaxing. However, I do mind them dropping in two syndicate mercs along with me now making it impossible to stealth it through. They help me during survivals and excavations, but I'd rather they don't tag along during Sabotage, Ext, or Captures.

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He + me ;)

And all my friends that already know about changes.


Cause you gain twice as much from the dailies and medallions which don't count towards your daily cap...?

And it takes 5x more time.. grind grind grind... (yes.. repeating same daily missions 200x times is grinding.. same as Draco rep-farm.. only _longer_)

Edited by SmerfMaruda
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Seems niv physX got nerfed or it's bugged, now looks washed out and ugly.


Also, I just did two rep missions and got...400 rep so I suppose with my cap lowered to 16k and with 3 max rep missions I will get 17k-18k a day now? I have never seen a medallion drop, not even once. It's not fun to be punished for things other players abused to no end. :(

Edited by fizbit
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Guest ---Excalibur---

No reward from Broken Dreams. And I am stuck when replaying at the Corpus mission. I finish it and it gives the Corpus again instead of the Greener mission.

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He + me ;)

And all my friends that already know about changes.


And it takes 5x more time.. grind grind grind... (yes.. repeating same daily missions 200x times is grinding.. same as Draco rep-farm.. only _longer_)

Rep farm was the epitome of boredom though. All you did as excali was mash 4 like an idiot while a trinity fueled you with energy.


That is a true grind.

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* Defense and Interception Syndicate Missions are now worth 50% more Standing, due to a lack of Medallions in this Mission type.


Well this makes me happy!

I admit I thought it might have been an oversight at first, but I'm glad to see this was fixed right away.

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Still no fix for losing connection to host while joining missions.

Here is a picture of the problem I am experiencing: http://imgur.com/4gNhcXv

I have started to experience this problem, almost a week ago, with joining every type of mission with a squad, I can join any mission by myself, but this is not a game to play completely solo, nor do I want to play solo anyway. When I try to join a mission with a squad (no matter what mission it is) I get to the loading screen and my loading bar in the bottom loads to about 75% then stops for like 10 seconds then loads fully but shows the error of "Connection to the host has been lost. Returning to multiplayer menu." Even after this most recent patch and hotfix that happened a few minutes ago, I have experienced this problem. What makes me mad the most is I have spent money on this game, only $4, and I can barely even play it. My computer is much more than capable to play this game, I can play CS:GO and other online games fine. I have looked for fixes on the internet but i dont think this can be fixed truely unless done by the devs. Please fix this problem because i know i am not the only one with it, i love this game and want to play it really bad with my clan.

I posted this on the update 15.13 forum post but I am reposting here hoping a for a dev to see *hopfully*

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* Fixed AFK players not receiving End-of-Mission Quest rewards.


Uhh... What? Wasn't the purpose of the afk-system to make this people unworthy of the reward, not to get the end reward?

Edited by PezL
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