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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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"Squad mate. Mirage user, has a twin sister." Belrev sighed. He looked around for any trace of the Mirage, finding none so far. Making matters worse, his abdomen was freshly battered with many bruises and cuts. Closing his eyes, Belrev felt the familiar form of Kage laying on his lap.

He thought about laying in bed back at his Liset, or doing pranks on other Tenno with his brothers. He thought about the gala that he and Shay attended together, which brought a smile to his lips.

Just as quick as it came, the graceful memories left his mind. He could only think of two words.

Good times.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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At the breach...


"Shut yer gob, you nutter," the imposing crimson Grineer leader spat at Quin, raising her up a little higher, only to let her go as he clamped his metal hand under her jaw, effectively silencing her cries for her sister. Motioning for the rest of his troops to fall in, the hulking Grineer exited the room, all the while carrying his Tenno captive by her head, using her own weight to put stress on her neck. 


As they entered their ship, which had been docked and hidden in the shadow of the cargo freighter, the group of crimson Grineer walked through their ship's holding area. The cries of other pained and incarcerated Tenno echoed about the dimly light room. Red lights shined down on the group, the light coming from the occupied re-purposed Grineer storage lockers containing the Tenno that would become test subjects for Dr. Tengus's research. 


The group finally came to a stop at the end of the row of lockers on the ground level, the leader tossing Quin into the final unoccupied locker rather unceremoniously with a foul grin.


"Welcome home, girlie," the leader hissed, the other Lancer's around him chuckling as they stripped her of her equipment forcefully, then held her down on her knees with her back facing their leader. With one massive, metal hand, he crushed the rear access plate to her warframe and tore away the guts of her suit, including her mods and orokin cell, leaving her in a glorified skin suit with a massive hole in the back. With a forceful kick, he launched her into the locker, rocking the heavy container back slightly.


One of the Lancers kneeled down to her level, forcefully grabbing her by the chin as he pulled her face close to his helmet, "What's the matter, Tenno? Has the mighty warrior-god gone and lost all her fight?" The Lancer threw her head back as the others laughed at the broken warrior, slamming the locker door shut as the lights flashed from green to red, signaling that it was locked. A soft hiss could be heard as fresh air began to pump into the locker, the sound mixing with the laughter and obscenities directed toward her and her kin as the Grineer continued down the corridor.


Not too long after, she would feel the ship lurch, signaling that it had detached from the main ship. Outside, the only evidence of the ship's departure would be a small flash as it jumped, but one would only find it if they were actively looking for it.


"Sir, we're out of scanning range."


"Tell em' they can spring their trap."




"I repeat: we are issuing a full-"




As Vay Hek's voice played on all comm channels, the Grineer Cargo Freighter lurched forward, the entire ship rocking as it began to move forward. All comms were suddenly filled with static as the Galleon above began to transmit a jamming signal, blocking out even local channels. More fighters began to flood out with renewed vigor, attacking what remained of outside forces. Merciless shelling broke out, mainly directed at the General's knife fighters as the Grineer worked to prevent all hopes of escape.


Down in engineering...


A hum began to resonate from deeper within the bowels of the ship as it's drive-core began to warm up. With Ampere being the only conscious member of his Strike-team, their survival rested in his broken hands. Perhaps Orion could prove useful, however. Granted the primary computer in the room was destroyed, there were at least twenty other terminals in the room that would have access to useful ship information, perhaps even where the nearest escape-pod bay was?


Meanwhile, Odessa stirred slightly in her unconscious stupor as she relived an old memory.


She was hugging her knees beside the pneumatic door to the kitchen. The seal may have been airtight, but it was far from sound proof. The two of them were always fighting, it was a wonder why they even got married in the first place. Then again, it wasn't really either of their choices. Their marriage was nothing more than a publicity stunt to help market her mother's family's weapons. Who wouldn't want to buy weapons endorsed by a famous and decorated Sniper? 


Even if their marriage was arranged, why the hell did they have to go and bring a child into the mess? Though, I suppose a night of alcohol and regret could do that for anyone, even two people who so vehemently hated each other. Still, though, she wasn't supposed to have been there, Mom made sure to be very clear about that. It was all Dad's doing, and the man was hardly around. He was always on tour, behind the front lines with his eye in a scope. Maybe it was guilt?


She heard both doors open. Luckily, it was her father who stepped out from the one beside her. He let out a mechanized sigh, running a hand across his tattooed scalp. She could tell he was tired. He was always tired. He looked at the balled up little girl near the door and knelt down to her height.


"So it's gotten to the point where you don't cry anymore," the man said with a somber tone, "I'm sorry we fight so much, kiddo, I really am."


"Do you ever wish you hadn't married mom?" a young Odessa asked.


"All the time," her father replied tiredly.


"If you could stop yourself, would you?"


"Nope," he answered surprisingly casually.


The little girl stared back at her father with a confused expression, "Why not? You obviously aren't happy with her."


"Oh-ho," he chuckled with a warm smile, "No I am not." He then looked at her with such a soft and warm expression as he lovingly caressed his daughter's cheek, saying, "But I don't see me living in a reality in which you don't exist, kiddo."


He then dropped his hand, looking his precious daughter in the eye, "I'm sorry I'm not around a lot. And I'm sorry you've had to spend so much time with your horrible mother. You've seen more fu-" he coughed as he corrected himself, "messed up stuff than I would have wished for you to see because of her." The sniper let his pale-blue, cybernetic eyes drop to the floor, "I'll never be able to forgive myself for missing so much time with you. For that, I am eternally sorry." 


Wetness began to form at the corner of her father's eyes as a sudden pain began to form in the young girl's chest. She leaned closer to him, placing her small hands on top of her father's  as she tried to smile through the tears streaming down her face. With an uplifting sigh, he brought his little girl into a warm embrace. She squeezed him back as she wiped her face on the front of his suit. "I love you, sweetheart. I will always love you."


"I love you too, dad," the little Odessa sniffed, 'love' being a word that she didn't use often.


The Corpus man pulled away from his daughter, wiping the wetness from her cheeks with his thumbs. Suddenly suspicious, his head darted around, looking down both ends of the hallway and listening carefully for his wife. Once he was sure the two of them were safe, he leaned in close to his daughter. "Alright, Kiddo. I haven't told anyone this, but I can finally retire once I complete this last tour. I go back tomorrow, but about a month from now, when I finish, I promise you I'm divorcing your mother. I'll do everything I can to get custody of you, and I promise you we'll move as far away from your mother and her evil family as possible. That sound good, sweetie?"


The little Corpus girl's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Was this true? Was she actually going to finally be free from her wretched mother? Her father smiled, "I knew you'd like that." 


Her father stood and patted her on the head, "I hate that I can't take you right now. Think you can hold out?"


Excited, the little Odessa quickly jumped to her feet, which slightly scared her father, "I can handle another month, easy! You promise we'll do it?"


"Sweetie, I swear on my life."




Three days later, his commanding officer paid the family a visit. He'd broken his promise...

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Orion felt the hum and rumble as the ship around him came to life. Ampere seemed to be not paying attention to the world around him. He went up to Ampere, and shocked him with electricity. Sure, Ampere is a volt, and it wouldn't do much, but it would at least cause him to pay attention.


Orion looked at the volt. "You need to help Mythos! This ship is starting to activate, and soon it'll jump to Grineer space, supposedly. I need to find a way to get off this ship before it leaves, otherwise we'll be stuck here and Mythos won't be able to help either of us to fend the Grineer off. You'll be a prisoner and I'll probably be destroyed. I don't like to think on what they'll do to Mythos."

Orion slowly stood up. "We've gotten the retreat order, I'll inform command to get a medical unit ready for Mythos." He tried activating his Comms, only for it to come back with static. "Damnit, they've jammed Comms. You need to help Mythos, NOW! I'll find a way off this ship."

He went over to one of the smaller terminals, and started to activate it, searching data for any escape pods on the ship which can still launch.

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"Sir! Communications have gone offline!"
Amritzar dreaded that sentence more than anything else.
"Are you certain? Can we get a message out to the General at all?"
"Negative! Enemy fighters are pouring out en masse, sir!" Replied the communications officer. Almost as if for punctuation, a shot rocked across the weakening shields, staggering the cockpit.
"S#&$. Well, our job was to ensure that when things go wrong, they don't cause too much damage. Gunners! Prepare to bombard the ship! Expend every last shot, and I don't care where you hit!"
Damnit Hex, get out of there.

Somehow, against some logic, the General managed to get to non-electrified ground. And to his suspicions, Schrodinger was not loaded. Three seconds and a single slug seemed to fix that.

The Beast was still holding on by a hairs breadth, and the magnetics in his boots were still there. He was surprised he still had boots, let alone feet. He'd need to work on proper anchoring later, but first...
Three laser dots appeared square in what roughly passed for the center of what was showing of the beast. Two of them were slightly off the mark, but the general area was clear.
...the situation at-hand had to be dealt with.
Unless the Beast had a helping from Lady Luck as well, the last thing it could possibly ever hear before hopefully getting dislodged would be the whine of a charging railgun and a deafening crack as a slug impacted it.
Exactly which railgun impacted, of course, depended almost entirely on how kind Fate was feeling, and if the worlds were round and stood on the backs of great grey beasts, anyone would know Fate absolutely despised Fortune. Mostly due to a certain magically inclined fellow.

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Vandal noticed all communications were lost. "Great... Full retreat and now the comms are gone. "Fantastic..." He mumbled as he looked around. "Listen... If I randomly fall to the ground, just don't think I'm dead hm?" He said to Belrev. "Think I'd rather get in an awkward conversation with a possibly ugly Trinity rather than die, here." He said

"No promises." Belrev half smiled through bloodied lips. He chuckled at the comment about the Trinity.

"Believe me, I too would prefer that over than dying here. Hell I would prefer listening to my oldest brother lecture me on the rules of the Relays. AGAIN." Belrev sighed, smiling to himself as he replayed that specific time in his head.

If anyone wants to see how that memory plays out.

"Ah here we are. The rules of the Relays. Made for my dear littlest brother, Belrev." Denger happily cheered, as he held a golden manuscript. The Rhino was very much in a good mood, compared to the Excalibur who had a look of pure boredom on his face.

"Get on with it Denger. I have a gala to go to with Shay. Well all of us are going anyway. So hurry the hell up." Belrev deadpanned, leaning on one of many pillars in the Orcus relay.

"That I will do littlest brother. Here we begin." Denger started.


"Do not show aggressiveness to fellow Tenno on the Relay grounds."

"They start it, I finish it."

"Do not show hostility to the Relay visitors, such as Baro Ki Teer."

"He deserved everything I said to him. Pompous fool."

"And finally we are at the last rule." Denger sighed while rubbing the bridge of his nose.

At this moment, Belrev smirked.

"Do not throw random celebrations in the highest level of the Relay. That means no drinks, no music, no food, and NO BETTING ON CONCLAVE FIGHTS."

"You have to admit, that party was fun. Did you see how Celorn and I blasted the fireworks effect into the ceiling?" Belrev smiled devilishly, as his oldest brother sighed.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Silver looked at both Vandal and Belrev. He muttered to himself for a moment before announcing:

"Guys, not only is Harley nowhere to be seen, but Quin seems to have gone too. We shouldn't leave without them."

He clutched the only weapon he had left, (the nova prime's dagger) and continued.

"We need to find them. Any ideas?"

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Back at the abomination (finally)...



The rocking caused by the ship's sudden acceleration shook everyone's stance, painfully yanking Sab's anchored Ripline, dangerously wiggling the the damaged support beam Sebastian clung so desperately to, as well as swaying the General's aim. Even the beast was effected, deep grooves splitting the heavy metal floor as the ship's pseudo gravity and the vacuum of space played tug-of-war with it's metal hide. In the struggle, Kardin was shaken free, sending the spasming Rhino spiraling towards the infinite abyss as his helmet began to leak precious oxygen from the crack along it's side. The only thing preventing the brutal, forced evacuation through the crack was his shields, which were steadily taking damage from the vacuum. 


If that wasn't enough, the damaged support beam Sebastian was impaled on was dangerously close to breaking free from the ship. If action wasn't taken soon, both Tenno would be lost to the icy clutches of space.


The slug fired from Schrodinger detonated directly in front of the Grineer monster, the explosion freeing it's claws and loosing the hulking beast from the ship. Due to it's greater mass, the monster was quickly sucked out of the remains of the room, the creature quickly vanishing as it was enveloped in the darkness around them.


With the abomination no longer a threat, the group could now focus on survival, but one final obstacle presented itself. Shells rocked the ship as they collided with it's hull, sending reverberations throughout the ship that both threatened to shake the General from his perch and sent more painful vibration's down the Ripline attached to the warped column.



Meanwhile, in the scorched room...



The room shook around the group, threatening to steal their balance from them, but in return, revealing their escape. A carbonized corpse near the edge of the room crumbled from being disturbed, revealing a scorched grate that the body hid. 


The ventilation shaft beyond the bifurcated, one end leading to the previous room while the other lead to their initial destination. Returning to the previous room would give the group ample time to make their escape, but venturing forth could provide them with invaluable information at the cost of escape time.


Before the group could make their decision, however, one problem presented itself. The carbonized body that hid the grate also trapped the immense heat from Azelie's World on Fire within, turning that section of the shaft into an industrial oven. While the group could theoretically cross the section before their shield's gave out from heat damage, the problem of getting the unconscious Tenno without a suit through would prove difficult. Even if she was an Ember, the myth that elemental warframes were immune to the element they controlled was proven false time and time again. The group would need to find a way to quickly cool the vent before carrying her through, else she'd be cooked alive.

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Silver looked at both Vandal and Belrev. He muttered to himself for a moment before announcing:

"Guys, not only is Harley nowhere to be seen, but Quin seems to have gone too. We shouldn't leave without them."

He clutched the only weapon he had left, (the nova prime's dagger) and continued.

"We need to find them. Any ideas?"

"Start looking. Keep an eye out, look for ANY clues or signs of their presence. We can't leave them behind." Belrev said, getting up in the process.

"Where to start..."

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Mortae nek wayrd, veymoren praak.

The words were not said. If they were, Lady Luck would've slapped him for uttering such ungentlemanly words. Even if they were rather apt.

Hexer would've liked to be able to ignore the shaking, but since he wasn't a certain Ash, that wasn't an option. Drama was very difficult to maintain. As such, after falling over a couple of times, he decided to crawl away to safer ground.
Also, coms were disabled. He shouted something rather untoward into the vacuum that no-one, unless Comedy decided to pull the strings, would've heard. If they did, there would be a lot of cannons, night workers, elephants and suitcases irrevocably insulted.


Then it hit Hexer. The coms were dead. 

Amritzar would probably be setting targets on the ship at this point.
Another string of curses were unheard as the General scrambled to safer ground. This time, a certain Ash and an army of desert-dwelling denizens would be gathering outside Base with far too many pitchforks and torches than physically possible.

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Quinn was in shock. She hardly reacted to the actions of the Grineer, not even offering a response.  She pressed her knees into her chest as she embraced her legs, trying to find any sort of comfort in the cold, brutal ship of the Grineer. She was captured, and likely to be experimented on or used for some sort of vile experiment... or worse. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to think of anything that could offer her hope. All that came to mind was her sister, and her clan. They were the only ones who would care enough to save her from such a terrible fate in her mind.


Sebastian was hurt violently by the shacking of the ship as the beam rattled inside of him, tearing at his inner flesh. He cursed violently and tried to deal with the horrid pain. "OH COME ON!" He shouted to no one, enraged by the absurdity and cruelty of the situation. He smiled as the Beast went flying into space, but his brief joy was replaced by fear for his life. He could feel the beam coming lose, and he knew he hadn't much time before he joined the Beast. His shields wouldn't hold up out there. He frantically looked around for something to save his life. In the midst of his panic, the crate he went flying through was still in the ship, caught in the fray between the gravity of the ship and the vacuum of space. He had one shot. He rerouted energy from his shields to energy reserves, just enough for two bounce pads. He planned out the trajectory as best he could, considering he was from a fixed position. He looked at the crate and tried to get an idea as to where it is he would move towards. He would be sent onto the ground, but there were small gaps in the flooring, enough to fit his fingers in. Now was his chance. He only had luck to work with, anything could screw up his trajectory enough to the point where he would be sent out into space. 


"Here's to bullS#&$ luck!" Sebastian shouted as he slammed a Bounce pad behind him. The force ripped him from his spot, sending him towards the crate. He cursed, again, from the horrid pain of being ripped away so hard. as he went towards the crate he took out another Bounce pad and readied to slam it into the crate. As he approached he placed it on the crate, immediately sending him to the floor of the ship. As he was dragged towards the hole of the sip, he frantically moved his hands about until he found a grip in the floor. He grabbed on for dear life and looked around to. get an idea of his new situation. He was okay for now, the ships gravity didn't make holding onto the floor too difficult, but in his state he would not be able to hold on forever. But at least he was off of that beam.

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Sab was having a right ol' time in her current situation, stuck between a limp rock and empty void with a tearing force waving in between. This hell of a time was made even more evident by the screams of utter pain and anguish that shot out of her throat, flipping the big one to her self control. 


These levels of pain weren't exactly new to Sab, she'd suffered it before but never without the ability to finely pulverize the thing causing said pain. It was much easier to handle when you could give the Lancers shooting you a taste of their own medicine. But you can't exactly pulverize space, at least not without some wacky ancient Orokin space magic.


To make things worse was the state of her Riplines, slowly thinning and dimming as the Valkyr's energy pool was used up. From its appearance the lines wouldn't last the turn of a minute.


This was where that flying space potato was going to come in, having been anchored to a stay support beam by the fierce vacuum. Sab provided the sentinel its home, and loosing your home owner wasn't exactly profitable. Converting all its energies to jets the Carrier fought against the vacuum of space with a power and fury that could only be spawned by a fierce determination, spawned by money. Greed's jets crawled he AI off its station and to where it was needed followed by an equalized force to keep the companion stationary against the vacuum of space. A few seconds were all it needed.


With a soft click the Carrier began to fire where it was, three meters from Sab and shooting into her stomach. The gunfire smashed against her armour and quickly broke through, piercing into her stomach. Blood sprayed out with more intense screams from the Valkyr, the Riplines dimming greatly and threatening to break.


A last when its job seemed done the Carrier's back half exploded with the propulsion systems, sending the carcass spiraling out along with the now constant trickle of Sab's blood, who now lay silent apart from the inaudible heavy breathing. But one thing was different, the Riplines, now fueled by energy supplied by Rage, were thick and sturdy, set to last longer than the Tenno herself would under these conditions.

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"Wait. I just remembered something.." Belrev started, as he motioned Corion over to him. Even if the Sentinel left, the bubble was still present, should Belrev's allies need time to recover.

"Corion, play the recent transmissions." Belrev ordered gruffly, as the Shade sentinel did just that. For viewing purposes, Corion always saved the transmissions linked to his owners comm channel.

"ENOUGH OF THIS FARCE! SHIP MASTER, BRING ME MY TROPHIES!" The voice of Vay Hek played aloud in a recording.

Looking to Vandal, Belrev's red eyes lit up with sudden surprise.

"It seems a certain Grineer politician is involved with this predicament in someway."

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"He or someone else. He mentioned trophies." Belrev started.

'Note to self. Don't think of family during missions. Distracted easily.'

"If any of the twins were to be taken. The questions would be how and why..." Belrev asked himself.

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Duo was still searching for a way out despite noticing the corpse's secret long before. Fire + infested...not the ideal combination. Well getting out wouldn't be a problem really, but dealing with an Embers unbridled heat? Pass.

Fours head snapped towards the crumbling corpse. "Um...everyone? I found a way out..." She hesitantly called back to the rest of the team. The metallic claws gently scratched at the wall. Unless someone was stronger than her or had a method of...wait a second...

"Thaaaats right~" Four is a Trinity

She willed the "secret" compartment for her medicine and felt around for a few moments. She knew Four had keep at least SOMETHING in there......oh hello, what's this? What was pulled from the enclave was vibrant module brimming with energy. (well...whatever this thing is Four must have been working on it...)

"um...do any of you know what this might be?" Four skirted over to the rest of the group, showing off her new discovery.

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"If...I was keeping it in here and it's still this active I guess? I probably forgot about it" She replied to Ghostar with unbent curiosity, still set on the module. "Maybe it's a special augment or something of the like..."

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Meanwhile, at the breach...


Harley began to panic when her cry wasn't returned. She fought harder through the Grineer horde, completely unaware that Quin was already gone. Or perhaps she knew, but refused to accept the truth? Regardless, the battered and bleeding Mirage continued to desperately fight on, the space around her quickly shrinking as more Grineer fell in behind the ones she killed.


She sank her left Cleaver deep into the collar of a Lancer. Too deep. The handle, slick with blood, slipped out of her hands, leaving her with only one, dull hunk of metal to defend herself. Her mind was racing. Tactics weren't a thing anymore, she was surrounded; out manned, out gunned, and out of ideas. She threw her right Cleaver will all her might, a nearby Trooper staggering back in pain. The Tenno did everything she could to stay alive; she bent down and picked up the fallen weapons around her, expending their entire clips and tossing them as she frantically felt around the floor for anything she could use to defend herself. Even at point blank range, she managed to miss the majority of her shots, but at least her erratic behavior and bizarre display gifted her some breathing room.


But it didn't last, the Grineer realized just what Harley had become, and they were no longer afraid of the 'warrior god'. As she bent down to grab an Ignis, a Lancer slugged her in the jaw, flooring her. Still very disoriented, her hand happened upon a Lancer shield, which she quickly pulled close to her. If she hadn't pulled the shield up, the Trooper who had shot her with his Sobek would have opened her chest cavity up. Forcing herself up quickly and shakily, her fleet slipping in her own blood a few times, Harley with her shield with a surge of adrenaline, knocking Grineer aside until she was thrown back by a greater strength. Falling back into a lucky one-handed back flip (Lucky that she; A.)didn't break her wrist and B.)actually executed it in her state), she happened to land on a Scorpion, either knocking her unconscious or killing her on impact. Mind still in a bloody haze, Harley grit her teeth and grabbed the Scorpion's machete, letting out a defiant cry that was quickly drowned out by the chaos in the room.


And even though she was in such a sorry state, she was still pushing in the direction from where she heard her twin's shout for help. The Tenno wasn't in her right mind, blinded by her determination to rescue what wasn't there. If someone didn't stop Harley, she was going to kill herself in the sea of Grineer, and from the looks of it, she was going to need to be dragged out kicking and screaming.

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Silver heard the chaos as he searched for any sign of Harley or Quin. He went to the breach, only to see the flood of grineer attack and surround a crazy Mirage.

Silver stood there for a second before calling out to Belrev and Vandal: "In here!"

He then activated rift walk, before going and banishing Harley to the rift. From the grineer's view, Harley would have just disappeared.

He grabbed Harley by her shoulders and got a tight grip on the raging Tenno. "Harley, calm down! We've gotten the retreat order. Where's Quin?"

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Silver heard the chaos as he searched for any sign of Harley or Quin. He went to the breach, only to see the flood of grineer attack and surround a crazy Mirage.

Silver stood there for a second before calling out to Belrev and Vandal: "In here!"

He then activated rift walk, before going and banishing Harley to the rift. From the grineer's view, Harley would have just disappeared.

He grabbed Harley by her shoulders and got a tight grip on the raging Tenno. "Harley, calm down! We've gotten the retreat order. Where's Quin?"


How Silver spotted her among the thrashing crowd of Grineer was a miracle in and of itself, but Harley wasn't in her right mind. He'd be able to see it in her dark eyes, not even a flicker of energy in her black irises. She was too numb, under too much stress, couldn't think straight. All she knew for sure was that her sister's cry had come from beyond this wave of cloned flesh.


And to her, Silver was just another Grineer Lancer in her way. She grit her teeth, and with no warning whatsoever, she slammed her head into his, hard enough to shatter his face and send the top half of his helmet skittering through the legs of a nearby Lancer. Blood trickled down from her forehead, but she didn't care, she had to get to her sister. Woozy from the headbutt, she lost her footing and fell, simultaneously falling out of the rift as well. A simple kick to the head was all it took to remind her what she was doing.


She wrestled to her feet and continued to fight, quickly breaking away from Silver as she savagely threw herself from Lancer to Lancer, swinging her stolen Machete with brutal consequence. Her breathing was labored and animal-like, she grunted like a savage beast, she roared like a nightmarish monster, "GIVE ME BACK MY SISTER!!!"


Her violent display didn't phase the Grineer, but boiled their blood, making them attack harder and more savagely. It wasn't long before the Grineer crowded around her again, ribbons of crimson flying about as the Mirage continued her dance of death with increased fervor. Each Grineer felled was met with a torrent of blows and lead, ravaging the frenzied Tenno and ultimately keeping her conscious.


It wasn't long before the wave of flesh swallowed her up again, separating her from Silver as he now faced a mob of frenzied Grineer of his own.

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Strike team 423, do you hear me? Sab? Anyone...


Nium had received the transmission from command. It was cut off, sure, but the general message was conveyed. Get the hell out, and fast. Arino had already done that and every fibre of his synthetic being urged Nium to do the same. But the one thing potientially held him back, the thing he'd found out.

When the vent was discovered the AI did a quick cross reference with the ship map to find out where it led, discovering it went both to their escape and original objective. Gemini was still recharging, so if this operation were to be carried out it was with the help of his squadmates. They had the element of surprise and with the comms down the Grineer wouldn't be able to call for help: But they might be too strong, thry might not have tome to escape or, worst case scenerio, it's a trap.

"One way of the vent leads to the exit, the other leads to our original objective." Nium interrupted, synthetic voice devoid of emotion. "We can either choose to go to our original objective and uncover either valuable information or a trap, or we can choose to escape now before it's too late. The choice is yours."

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