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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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Hexer paused to think a moment. "Anything we loot from this ship, if I recall, and a healthy paycheck an entire Corpus guild could retire on and not get involved in any conflict, unless it looks for them." Without another word, he walked carefully downwards into the hole, keeping to any and all metal surfaces so he wouldn't randomly get sucked out into space, and looked for a door he could open.

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"You know, I think Sab's plan might be our best shot. If we sit and wait too long than worse things could happen. So far everything has gone to hell and I'd rather not wait for things to get worse for us. As it is, the rest of the Grineer on this ship probably think were dead after this whole fiasco, so we might still have the element of surprise. With those charges we might be able to blow our way through the Grineer and get to an escape pod before they even know what hit 'em. Problem is though is that if we blow a hole here than we will have another depressurization issue. General, do you think you could find as a door that can open into a room where depressurization wont be an issue? Something really small that we can close off from the cargo bay one we get inside? After that I say we hustle on out and book it to the escape pods, killing and looting whatever we can."


Sebastian waited for the response of his companions. If everything worked out, than the rest of them could make it just fine, which probably meant that someone was going to die along the way.

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"I...I got lost, had to fight some Lancers...and...whatever I'm sorry," Ivan replied.

"What can I do?" He asked.

((Pretty short Ik, sry))

"Go and help Odessa. See if you can wake her. If we can get another pretty much fine person, that'll make this easier." Orion said. He turned back to the control panel, and continued looking through the data.

"We need to find a way out of here." The cephalon said, his robotic voice showing some concern.

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Ivan went over to Odessa and tried to wake her up. "Wake up..." he muttered. "So, any possible ways of getting out of here? I suggest that we find the other remaining strike teams and stick with them," he said. "The more the merrier." He looked at the data Orion was looking through. "Is there any way you can hack into the ship's cameras and see if there are other survivors?" He asked.

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 Nium opened the panel and took the modification out of Four's hand, swiftly working to replace the mod with all the careful operating skills of an AI. When it was done the AI stepped away after closing the panel, handing the removed modification back over to the Trinity.


"Mod successfully installed."

"Thank you Nium!" Four made her way over to the improvised incinerator that was the vent.

Duo checked the subsystems it had installed; the perverbial smile was ear to ear at the sight of a shiny, well energized continuity mod. Duo prepped mentally and physically for crawling through a taste of what's called "Hell". The infested focused its system to shift the amount of spores in Fours body closer to the surface of her skin as she bent down into an quad running position. The next step was doing its best to simulate Ancient strength in any area possible of both the warframe and Fours body (again).

Duo cast the now thoroughly stretched out Blessing and ran into the superheated vent.

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Ivan went over to Odessa and tried to wake her up. "Wake up..." he muttered. "So, any possible ways of getting out of here? I suggest that we find the other remaining strike teams and stick with them," he said. "The more the merrier." He looked at the data Orion was looking through. "Is there any way you can hack into the ship's cameras and see if there are other survivors?" He asked.

"The Grineer have deadlocked their security camera system, so even I can't break that, unfortunately." Orion responded, tapping away at the console.
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"I knew those "lone Tenno operatives" were bullsh!t, finding only like 1000 credits at a time. They probably find caches of a 100,000 credits and Lotus just keeps it all to herself. That or she just expected all of us to die, wouldn't surprise me."





The Valkyr's head snapped over to Sebastian, looking at him with curisoity, and a healthy serving of concern.


"Wait.. you actually agree to my plan? Did I hit you too hard? Did that great ape fry your brains?" Her head shifted and she called out to Hexer. "We might need to get Sebastian a Trinity, his head ain't right."

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Hexer didn't hear either of the two. He was already in the hole looking for a closet or some door he could pry open. A moron he was, unprepared, he was not. Many a foe were felled with the things he carried in the abyss that was his coat pockets.
Though at the moment, all he had were two machine pistols, an absurdly powerful if impractical railgun, his own hacking module, atmospheric shields, a tin of Eclipse mints that was running near empty, three spare slugs for afore mentioned railgun, some armor plates and a box of unknown origin, but used as a container for the dice he always carried around with him. If it weren't for the lack of gravity and pressure, now would be a time he'd be rolling for luck. Since that was out of the question, he simply looked for doors and consoles to open them. Most of the ones he saw were either locked and lacking a terminal, sealed or locked, but on the opposite side of the yawning maw that was the impact hole.


Well, at least he finally found out how Strike-6 felt when that rescue mission went balls-up...someone was bound to be happy to finally win on a bet over Hexer.

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At the Crimson Lotus'


"Nobody likes a smartass," the Prime states flatly as a shot rings out from his Lex Prime, the hot lead piercing Arino's shields and burying itself deep in his shoulder. It wouldn't kill him, but it would hurt, oh how it would hurt! Viral rounds tended to do that, severely weakening the target, as if cutting their health in half. The toxin made you weak; made the bullets hurt more.


Stepping back from the landing ramp, the Prime and his Tenno escort began to walk away as the locks were disengaged from the Liset. As a warning and threat, the Prime aimed his Lex at the Liset, through the glass and to the pilot beyond, moving his hand as if he had pulled the trigger.


For added incentive, two Elytron's flanked the Liset on either side, their weapons trained on the Liset should they attempt to retaliate.


In the Waste Disposal area


The room wasn't large, so it didn't take the Drahks long to sniff out the Tenno. Luckily, or maybe not so, floor separated, oxygen quickly leaving the room as the cold embrace of space greedily poured in. The snarling and yelping of the ferocious Grineer hounds was quickly drowned out by the deafening silence of space. Silver's experience would be less than comfortable, among the stinging sensation of capillaries in his eyes bursting, he would hear two loud pops accompanied by stinging pain in each year. If he could muster the strength to open his eyes, he would be able to see little crimson spheres glistening in the star light.


But luckily, he was a Tenno, gifted him roughly two extra seconds before his insides became outsides. Two crucial seconds that were the difference between death and near-death. A second before both he and Harley were turned inside-out by the forces of space, the group would suddenly thump against the familiar, metal interior of a Cichlid. They would also be met with the sounds of Corpus expletives and rounds rattling the ferrite hull. Well, all of them except for Silver and Harley, but at least the Mirage was unconscious.

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Hitting the floor of the Cichlid, Belrev began to cough violently. It was a miracle that they got out in time, or he would've been mushed. Of course Kage would be barking for no reason too. Being in space after everything that has just happened, was not pleasant. Even if it was for a few seconds.

Looking to his companions, Belrev smiled. He was RELIEVED to see them alive still. But of course his thoughts moved onto more unpleasant things.

Like Quinn's abduction. He would try to look into it, if it is even possible.

But there was a couple of good things on his mind.

A nice cold drink back at base and a well needed rest.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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"Doing alright?" Belrev asked as he pet Kage. As he waited for a response, he kept his head lowered due to the rounds that kept hitting the ship. He then looked to the unconscious Mirage. He felt bad for her. Losing a sibling is a experience that he himself has been through. Countless times. Each time taking a greater toll on his damaged heart.

It made him relieved that he didn't bring his brothers along. For they could be in Quinn's place if he had.

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At the Crimson Lotus'

"Nobody likes a smartass," the Prime states flatly as a shot rings out from his Lex Prime, the hot lead piercing Arino's shields and burying itself deep in his shoulder. It wouldn't kill him, but it would hurt, oh how it would hurt! Viral rounds tended to do that, severely weakening the target, as if cutting their health in half. The toxin made you weak; made the bullets hurt more.

Stepping back from the landing ramp, the Prime and his Tenno escort began to walk away as the locks were disengaged from the Liset. As a warning and threat, the Prime aimed his Lex at the Liset, through the glass and to the pilot beyond, moving his hand as if he had pulled the trigger.

For added incentive, two Elytron's flanked the Liset on either side, their weapons trained on the Liset should they attempt to retaliate.

In the Waste Disposal area

The room wasn't large, so it didn't take the Drahks long to sniff out the Tenno. Luckily, or maybe not so, floor separated, oxygen quickly leaving the room as the cold embrace of space greedily poured in. The snarling and yelping of the ferocious Grineer hounds was quickly drowned out by the deafening silence of space. Silver's experience would be less than comfortable, among the stinging sensation of capillaries in his eyes bursting, he would hear two loud pops accompanied by stinging pain in each year. If he could muster the strength to open his eyes, he would be able to see little crimson spheres glistening in the star light.

But luckily, he was a Tenno, gifted him roughly two extra seconds before his insides became outsides. Two crucial seconds that were the difference between death and near-death. A second before both he and Harley were turned inside-out by the forces of space, the group would suddenly thump against the familiar, metal interior of a Cichlid. They would also be met with the sounds of Corpus expletives and rounds rattling the ferrite hull. Well, all of them except for Silver and Harley, but at least the Mirage was unconscious.

Maxi simply smiled when the prime pretended to shoot her, placing her hand on the controls of her Liset. The Liset's engines roared to life, and the Liset ascended into the air, followed by the Elytrons. It slowly moved out of the docking bay, before suddenly jumping out of the area the second it was clear from the dojo.


When the floor separated and they fell into space, Silver's main objective was to make sure that he didn't accidently let go of Harley, and go drifting off. He held her tight, closing his eyes as he fell into the cold and obviously uncomfortable vacuum of space. This was followed by his body reacting, with both his eyes and ears stinging like never before. He held Harley incredibly tight, his natural instinct taking over.

Not like this. Not like this. Not like thi-

His thoughts were cut short when his body suddenly slammed against a hard surface, obviously the interior of the Cichlid. His grip on Harley was still tight, and they both lay on the floor of the Liset for a second. Finally, Silver let go. He fell onto his back, disoriented from the slam and his body's reaction to space. His breathing was ragged and fast, and he rolled onto his chest. He slowly pulled himself up, looking at Harley. At least they both were alive.

His view was distorted for a minute before it returned to normal. The stinging slowly faded, but the effects were still there. He'd need some medical attention after this. He sighed, looking back down to the ground. This mission had gone badly. Vandal had gotten injured, Harley went temporarily insane and Quin had been taken by the Grineer. He didn't even know if the other teams had survived.

His body felt like sh*t. In the few seconds that he was in space without a helmet, the insides of his body would've been damaged somehow. He's not a medical expert, but he knew that he's lucky to survive. He's happy that Harley survived, too. At least she didn't have to go through all the pain he just went through.

He slowly looked to the pilot of the Cichlid.

"Great....timing....." He managed to say to the pilot. "Any longer....and I'd be dead....and so would everyone else."

Edited by Agent_Maine
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"I dont have drain bamage!" Sebastian said. "I mean, brain damage. I just think that given the circumstances that thats our best course of action. Now then, Hexer... Hexer?" Sebastian could not see Hexer in his limited field of vision. "General, where are you? We should stick togther while we formulate a plan!"

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"We aren't Silver. Not yet anyway." Belrev chimed in, leaning up against the wall in a sitting position.

With his free hand, he pressed a disc against his rib cage. Damned scorpion scratched the hell out of his rib cage. Oh and the cybernetic Grineer did too.

This is going to hurt like hell. He thought as he activated the disc. The familiar feel of the chemicals eating away at the bacteria stung. A lot.

After that, he checked his inbox. What he saw brought a small smile to his face. At least there was some positive energy flowing.

"Now we can relax and recover!" Belrev said in mock excitement.


Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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"Doing alright?" Belrev asked as he pet Kage. As he waited for a response, he kept his head lowered due to the rounds that kept hitting the ship. He then looked to the unconscious Mirage. He felt bad for her. Losing a sibling is a experience that he himself has been through. Countless times. Each time taking a greater toll on his damaged heart.

It made him relieved that he didn't bring his brothers along. For they could be in Quinn's place if he had.

He put his head down as well, he shrugged and sighed. He couldn't speak now and he really wanted too but that Captain had to be there didn't he? He's going to get what he really deserves. Really.

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Nium watched as Four cast the blessing and darted through the vent, picking up the Ember off the ground. He turned to Ghostar.


"SInce we can't afford to leave Azelia here I'll hold onto her while you and Four go for the objective. I'll be staying behind you two."

"Alright. Don't stray that far behind." Ghostar said. He turned and went to the vent, and climbed through it behind Four.
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Duo was clawing through the vent with a clear sense of urgency. The longer it stayed inside, the weaker the armors shield and natural armor got. It kept reaching forward, sinking the claws into the vent, one in front of the other and making progress at a satisfying rate. Fours teeth were grit from her bio-response to this level of strain.

The first layer of spores burned away. The weakened shield and the second layer were left. Duo could see where the vent split and had to make a choice: Self preservation or finish what Four started? Second layer was burned away, leaving a minute left before the infested started to cook. Duo did a mental "coin flip" and chose to tear into the intel room.

The grate was melted away happily, and Four tumbled out of the industrial oven. There was steam coming from her armor but she was alive; hot, thirsty, and terribly sweaty but alive.

"I'm gonna have to rest before trying that again...whew..."

Edited by Exoteran
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Ghostar darted through the vent behind Duo/Four at top speed. Due to the fact that he didn't have layers of spores protecting him, his shields were going away pretty fast. His warframe slowly heated up as he tried to ignore the pain and continue. His shields gave way, and his warframe heated up even faster. Each part of his body which was touching the vent was burnt, and still burning. Finally, he came to the end as Duo/Four jumped out. He darted out of the vent, falling to the ground as his warframe was steaming, just like Duo/Four's.

He groaned before looking at Duo/Four. "Let's....never.....do that again."

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Nium listened closley to the vent, hearing all the thumps and bangs as the duo moved through it. Sounds like they weren't having a good time, and they had shields too. Azelia wouldn't have a good time...


There was one thing going for her however. The bot would be faster, a lot faster than the other two. Things such as the heat, pain, fatigue nor injuries would slow it and the synthetic muscles of the robot were just naturally faster.


The AI drew his Coliac, using the whip as a make shift rope to bind the Ember's arms around its neck. It'd be a lot faster if Nium wouldn't have to worry about awkwardly carrying Azelia. 


With a last quick sound check to make sure the vents were vacant and the other end non-hostile the AI began darting swiftly through the ventilation. Nium pressed its body against the floor of the vent, making sure the Ember's back didn't come into contact with surfaces unless absolutely needed. The shields went and Nium began taking self damage from the heat, but this did nothing to slow it until Nium had literally jumped out the vent opening, swiftly undoing the Soliac tie and letting the weapon clang to the ground, no time to retrieve it as the Ember was laid down and checked for wounds.


She'd suffered hefty burns, most on her back with some patches around the rest of her body, these injuries immediately being sprayed by nanites intended to heal. With the patient well and under control Nium looked up at the other two.


"How did you two go?"

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"Besides the excruciating heat and burns on multiple parts of my body, I'm pretty much fine. How's Azelie?" Ghostar replied, slowly sitting up and looking at the proxy.


He looked back down at the Ember, still applying nanomachines. "Burned, but nothing terrible. I can heal her."


He looked back up. "After I'm done I can help heal both your burns, but then we have to get moving."

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