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Buff On Braton Puts Grakata And Burston Into A Bad Spot


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The Grakata and the Burston were always worse than a Braton, but now the Braton got a buff which makes the gap between the weapons bigger than ever.


I do get that people complained about the Braton Vandal being better, but imo the buff the Braton got with this update was bigger than necessary.




Ok, I'll try to add something more constructive to my post by showing where I want to see those weapons.




Damage: It needs to be somewhere between the Braton and the Latron. My suggestion would be pushing it to about 25.


Accuracy/recoil: The Burston should fire a tight spread with little recoil to allow accurate bursts up to medium-long range.

The recoil needs to be low enough to make it unnecessary for the player to counteract the bursts too much as this makes the gun uncecessarily "complicated" to use.

It should be able to score triple headshots up to medium ranges and triple bodyshots at long ranges.


Problem: If the Burston gets balanced to the Braton it may outshine the Latron. If it is balanced to the Latron it is outshined by the Braton. Maybe the Latron has to be buffed as well to get a balance, but that makes the domino-effect take place as then the Snipetron may be outshined even more by the Latron.

I don't think that any of those guns would be OP if they get buffed, though.





Criticals: For the Grakata I'd go further down the path DE already started going down: Crits.

My suggestion would be pushing the critical chance to 12.5-15% to make it a real crit machine if you put crit mods on it.

Edited by Tyrian3k
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Pet theory.  DE keeps teetering around the edges and not giving the burston a real buff because they're going to fundamentally change something about burst weapons in update 8.  It's the only thing that explains for me how they keep overlooking a rifle that dreadfully needs something extra (and I don't think better hip fire accuracy is it).  


I hope it's something along the lines of getting rid of the burst recoil and turning it into a not very ammo efficient, 63 damage latron.  That would give it a strong niche, being able to 1-shot things the latron can't (with a headshot X3), while not having the same casual disregard for ammo concerns.  

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You didnt want a nerf on gorgon. ok fine. Now you complain about braton buff. Give DE some time to balance things out. Balancing isnt as simple as giving everything +20% dmg.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Burston really needs a buff.


Burston could use something. An increase in damage, a reduction of the recoil. Just something, because as it is right now it just seems like a Braton with an unnecessary pause between every 3 shots.

These are very good idead. An additional buff could be a shorter delay in between the bursts.

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What makes the burston so bad?

I just recently got it to level 30 during the operation event and I also have a potatoed 30 braton so I have experience with both.


1)The burst recoil was buffed at one point but still has a bit more kick than it should have.


2)The burston has a 3.3 fire rate compared to the braton's 11.3. Considering how the burston shoots 3 bullets, that's about a 9.9.

Basically, a difference of 1.4 fire rate is sacrificed for a 1 point raise in damage.

This is assuming you can fire right after your first burst, a shorter time between bursts would be nice buff.


3) Burston has a V polarity. Very useful as all the mods that use V should be considered mandatory on a rifle.


*I have no comment on the grakata as I haven't leveled it to 30 yet.

Edited by iexbrood
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I never tried the Braton before, but I do have a Burston. Now that the Braton has been buffed it looks like there is no point in getting a burston. I got it because it had a better punch back then, and I wanted a better rifle why back when I started to play the game. Now the the damage is very close to each other the only thing the Burston really have on the Braton is the polarity. I never used the Braton before, but from what people are saying it seems that the Burston was inferior to the Braton before and now even a larger shadow has been cast from the buff it got.


Now I am considering selling my Burston for a Braton.

Edited by Rafarix
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I never tried the Braton before, but I do have a Burston. Now that the Braton has been buffed it looks like there is no point in getting a burston. I got it because it had a better punch back then, and I wanted a better rifle why back when I started to play the game. Now the the damage is very close to each other the only thing the Burston really have on the Braton is the polarity. I never used the Braton before, but from what people are saying it seems that the Burston was inferior to the Braton before and now even a larger shadow has been cast from the buff it got.


Now I am considering selling my Burston for a Braton.


For me is "Meh" since my burston still having better acc at long ranges than a Braton ( Try putting a Fire rate mod, it will incrase the Acc Alot more) and the V polarity is really handy.


Also the true fire rate of the burston is near to the braton vandal.. if you have "fast hands" or macro maybe a little more.


Even with changes im going to still with my sleeper op burston.

Edited by Dasmir
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The Grakata needs to get +40 ammo from pickups instead of +20. I haven't leveled mine enough or put a spud in it so I have no opinion on how it handles late game, but I do know that it's working against itself with the ammount of ammo boxes it goes through. Low damage per shot and high ammo consumption just don't work with minimal ammo income. If I could spray more without wasting 3000+ credits on ammo boxes every level, my opinion of the Grakata would vastly improve.



As for the Burston, it causes me too much eyestrain. It's decently accurate so I focus on a target while aiming only to have the screen jerk sharply every time a bullet leaves the chamber. Removing the screen kick and reducing the recoil in general would greatly buff this gun.

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I get that they both need buffs but you should not have to bring the Braton into this.  While it may or may not be intended the way some of you are going about this is asking for nerfs to the braton and not buffs to both the Grakata and Burston.

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I used to think the Grakata needed more ammo, but mine is level 23 and with the mods I put on it I can already tear through everything the game can throw at me barring bosses. I no longer need to empty a clip to kill one enemy but with proper burst firing I can even drop multiple grinneer. The Grakata is godly against corpus with the convulsion mod. Throw on armor piercing and laugh.

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They are tier one weapons so they should be bad. However, the burstron has always been pretty horrible in my opinion, an increase in it's overall accuracy (reduce the derptastic spread) would go a long way in brining it back up to par in my opinion.

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They are tier one weapons so they should be bad. However, the burstron has always been pretty horrible in my opinion, an increase in it's overall accuracy (reduce the derptastic spread) would go a long way in brining it back up to par in my opinion.


No, before patch the burston was in pair in terms of dps against other rifles just no one used it becouse of the "Wahh wahh i cant handle the recoil wahh" just that thing made 80% player base throw it a trash tier wep.


Now with the braton buff at least i know less player are going to use the burston and thats mean is going to be far away from nerf bat

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The Grakata doesn't need more crit, in fact, that's part of why it's so bad, DE doesn't seem to realize how bad crit is. It's current 7.5% chance for 100% extra crit damage translates to 0.675 extra damage per shot, increasing it's crit chance to 12.5% would only increase this to 1.125, while 15% would only increase it to 1.35. It honestly doesn't matter how much you buff crit on it, between relying on RNG, and how weak it is, it will never be worth it.


You could seriously buff it's base damage by 1, and remove it's crit, and it would be stronger than it is right now, that's the hilarious part. And even if you do that, it has nothing special to distinguish itself from the Braton, it's less accurate and less ammo efficient. I suggested this in another thread, but buff it's base damage by 1, then add bonus damage for hitting a target with enough bullets. Say every 5 shots add 1 bonus damage per shot up to a max of +3 or the like. This would make it most effective as a focus fire weapon, especially at shorter range because then you might actually get some headshots.


As for the Burston, I bought both it and the Sicarus and I've been leveling them together, and they both actually seem pretty decent. The problem with the Sicarus is it eats through ammo too fast for a semi automatic pistol, but the Burston, being a rifle and thus having over double the base ammo, doesn't have that issue, even if it's damage is lower than the Sicarus. The real problem is the Latron overlap, and this is something DE is going to have to figure out. Should the Burston be better than the Latron at mid and short range, perhaps, having better overall damage if you are accurate?

Edited by Xrylene
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Personally I don't find the Burston that underwhelming. I'm able to repeatedly triple head shot targets at Latron ranges, so either I have amazing skill, or I'm just doing something differently. 

Not that I'd be against a buff, because that could only  be a good thing in my eyes.


Personally what I'd like to see is the trigger reset removed. Even with a 70% speed trigger mod, the Burston has an irritatingly long reset after each burst, and it varies as well. It's almost as though after each click of the mouse, the gun waits for a random time period, before registering the next click. sometimes long long after the last bullet has left the muzzle. Please rectify this DE. Burst fire dosn't work like this in 2013 why should it in 3014+ 

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Burston doesn't need an accuracy boost. It doesn't need a recoil reduction either, since it's a simple matter of technique to land 2 or 3 headshots in one burst. But now it's pretty much just easier to go full-auto with the Braton.

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