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Which Are The Most Fun And The Least Fun Frames?


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Nova is the least fun for me.


Nullstar becomes passive after activation, and does the attacking for her, so it remains inactive. 


Antimatter Drop is slow and kind of annoying. I rarely use it, because I find it tedious.


Worm Hole is alright, but it doesnt really make for fun (to me) unless I'm trolling my friends.


Molecular Prime is incredibly useful, but because it is so passive, it is usually more fun for others than for the caster. In addition, the slowness that it causes makes missions drag on, unless they use negative Power Strength, which just makes her life frantic.

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all frame r fun. i cant choose between them but there r some least used frame in my arsenal
these frame r fun for ppl who just like kill things with press 4 2 win. but still they hav some other ability to consider making this game fun.
but the least used frame for all frame is valkyr i'm not gud with this frame :l

try the least used frame to give u more fun than the others.

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Most fun for me has to be Loki, I play as him almost half the time I'm on. After that it would be Nova, followed by Valkyr or Ember


Least fun for me is Frost, and I imagine Rhino would suck for me as well. I love high mobility and they just can't bring it.

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a lot of rhino bashing around here.... hahaha


I myself dont really play rhino as well


say what you will about rhino but he is in my opinion one of the more self-actualized frames in the game he has a mobility skill, damage resistance skill, damage buffer skill for himself and squad, and an effective crowd control, no non-sense magical particle effects and just straight out serious battlefield control


granted with corrupted mods and "maximization" going on there are rhino users who only tend to stick to spamming and others who use iron skin as a means to "door hero", maybe thats why there such a negative stigma on rhino but "fun" is a subjective term, and possibly those people are having fun, if its getting in the way of your fun, you can always leave said mission, if you're host you can always threaten to disband squad, if its serious as T4 you can always voice mission specifics before starting, we're never forced to play this game in any way


then  as for frost one can simply be the globe guy but in defense missions I have used a kit specializing in range, efficiency, and duration with ice wave impedance all i can say is freezing carpets, rapid snowstorms, and impenetrable ice fortress, more fun than globe only thats for sure


to stay on topic most fun for me right now is melee only hydroid 


least fun for me is melee only hydroid 


survivals for R5 cores is very dire for melee only hydroid, the bullets come from everywhere *shudder*


game over, man, game over...

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  • 3 months later...

Most fun:

Vauban for cyro-shield and laser door

Mirrage for multiple weaponary.... trap door, unlimited mine with limited time, hall of mirrage to split your loveheart


Least fun:

Saryn ..... imba miasma, decoy can be fun though rarely work :<

Hydroid ...... tentacle everywhere.... even at place you dont expect @_@ ... his first 2 ability is fun... puddle also fun.... except it doesnt pull anymob at certain area

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Limbo is probably my most fun frame to play with, he can decimate with the right build. Also people don't seem to mind about Cataclysm as long as you don't keep loot in there so I don't get many complaints

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For me I find my go to frames (and most fun) lately to be the following:

1. Loki - The best solo frame hands down for syndicate dailies. Also great on most mission types. This is prob due to Invis being an awesome power.

2. Excalibur - I know there are more potent frames out there, but playing Excal is still damn fun. Another great frame for most mission types. Can't wait until his new power set goes live.

3. Banshee - I tend to prefer frames with utility powers over I win button powers, and Banshee is all about utility. I wish she was a hair less squishy though.

4. Zephyr - Again great utility with mobility, damage avoidance, and an ultimate that provides good damage and CC. I'd use her more if her #2 wasn't a big pile of well... #2.

5. Volt - Well because it's Volt. Ya his ultimate needs a buff, but Volt is still a great frame that is good for many mission types.

The frames that I avoid or are necessary evils:

1. Ember - I used to love this frame back when I started playing. Now she just can't compete on any front. I seriously hope she is next in line for the same treatment Excal is getting, because she is one of the best looking frames still. Please DE remove Accelerant or bring her powers up so they are competative to other frames before using Accelerant.

2. Limbo - Allow pickups in the rift. That is all it would take to greatly improve his playability from annoying to fun. Right now he is mostly a trolling frame.

3. Mesa - I loved the idea so much of a gunslinger frame. Unfortunately she has been reduced to a farming tool. There is zero fun playing her because most of the time it's just sitting in Peacemaker mode and holding a mouse button down (yes I know even that can be bypassed).

4. Nekros - He suffers the same fate as Mesa. His powers need some help. Soul Punch should be a cone attack. Terror should be recastable even if there is a target still under the effect. Shadows need to be less &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; on their AI. If his other three powers were tweaked like this, he would become something more than just press 3 a lot to farm.

5. Saryn - I admit I have abused her Miasma as much as the next player. The problem is that there is no synergy between her powers. You build her for Miasma and you pretty much make her other powers useless. You build her for duration to make her other powers good, then Miasma becomes unusable. I think the fix is simple. Just make Miasma do all its damage instantly without being affected by duration. Then people can build for duration to make her entire power set usable.

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For me most fun frames are: Power Frost, Ash and Mesa

Least Fun are: Mirage,Trinity and Banshee. I am not saying this frames are bad, they are great but I dont enjoy playing them.

In between I enjoy playing Excalibur,Oberon and Nova

Edited by Zarlockk
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As far as the most fun frames...its hard to really list them. I like quite a few frames, but I like them for different reasons. I'd say my top would be Nekros, just because he is one of the few frames that I use every one of his skills. On top of that he's really balanced offensively and defensively. His soul punch isn't that great, but I use the Soul Savior mod, so I can instant revive fallen allies. Then he has the Fear ability, so he makes all the enemies run away. That I find to be extremely useful in defense and survival missions. The there is desecrate and well...that's awesome haha His ult lets him raise the last few enemies you killed and have them fight for you. I usually wait until I kill 2 or 3 OP mobs and then raise them back. As far as the least fun, most people will probably disagree with me...and I'm sorry for that. I'd say Banshee, Nyx, Frost, and Zepher. All of those literally felt like a chore to level. I just didn't find much fun in them or their skills, not to say their not useful but I'm not a huge support guy. 

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it depends of the person honestly.I find Banshee fun (really fun) a lot of players don't agree with that and prefer other frames by example.

I don't find Saryn spam 4 fun,a lot of players do.It depends on the person.

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Being able to turn off your ability to be damaged at will is a wonderful tool.  You can also play him pretty fast paced, since with a bit of getting used to you can use cataclysm just like Snow Globe.  With a bit of power efficiency, you can also use riftwalk/banish as a trump card.  Good if you get swarmed by eximuses, or even G3.  When you're just in over your head...  pop some abilities and rebalence the fight.  


Just don't expect teammates to appreciate a preference for Limbo.  L has a somewhat justified reputation as a troll.  Never use banish on teammates unless they specifically ask for it.  Never use cataclysm in groups unless the entire group is okay with it.  

Edited by Zezakh
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