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February 13Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics  

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Friendly fire is an absolute no. Do not feed trolls. It just messes up the flow of the gameplay in numerous ways. I understand hardcore gameplay is starting to become an interesting topic for this game, but leave it for those who actually want it and don't shove it down the throats of those who don't.


As for Nekros; I was messing around with him yesterday on some high level defenses and solo exterminates. I like where he is sitting, but Shadows of The Dead just need more use. They're better than before, and they have a lot greater use when I use despoil and equilibrium, but I wish they could take some more heat off of me, either by being more effective at killing or just drawing a lot more aggro.


Also, I am a bit annoyed that shadows are dispelled when entering a nullifiers bubble. It doesn't make the most sense, but I can live with it, though I'd like to see that changed.

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Dark Sectors would like a word with you.


It's quite obvious PvP is not the main focus of Warframe. It is, however, gaining a larger focus as time goes on. One of the first rules of game design is to stick with the original focus of the game. The end product will be much more consistent as a result. The Dark Sectors could easily have been developed to work really well with PvE. Instead, we have a disaster zone known as the Dark Sectors, a place nearly no one wants to visit because it is ruled by an abysmal, easily exploitable, half-baked PvP system.


PvP should never have gone beyond the Conclaves as just a silly thing to do with friends. The hold it's gaining on the game has gone too far, and it needs to stop.

Oh, who wrote that one?  I love how random forum kids think they know game design better than a company with over two decades of experience.  Also, I don't think you understand the meaning of the word focus.


Dark sectors were PvE at first, and they were even more half baked.


They attached PvP onto a meaningless clan competition and now have a three man team balancing it .  Ye gods the sky is falling now.  You people are nuts.

Edited by Aggh
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R5 Cores

I guess this is fine now, not really sure. Need to investigate.


Friendly fire

Not in a thousand years. I have enough incentive to play solo already...



* SotD - The buff here was nice, but that's the only one that felt worthwhile. Some more QoL would be nice (no bulletblocking, 100% aggressive AI, show the soul cache as little wisps orbitting his arms and legs etc). If it could interact with corpses too (instead of Desecrate doing so), on top of having the soul cache as reserves, that'd be frikkin awesome, but considering Desecrate's existance that will probably never happen (sadly T_T)

* Soul Punch - While more useable, it is still so boring, uninspired and bland. Why can't it, instead of that lackluster "soul projectile", do something unique, like spawn the soul of the target where the target was punched, which we could shoot to hurt the target for increased damage (voodoo-style!) + the target is anchored to its soul, being restricted how far it can move from it (puppermaster-style!) + when the target dies, the soul becomes a Shadow Minion for Nekros (necromancer-style!). Seriously, it could do SO much more! I'm NOT content with Soul Punch, not at all.

* Terrify - Still too uncontrollable. It'd be really nice if it was cancellable (a la Cataclysm, not like Absorb etc). And upon expiration/cancellation, enemies then cower in place for a short moment. That'd be totally sweet. And armor removal... why so niched? Why not just general damage bonus on the targets so its booster has a use against ALL factions?

* Desecrate - While I hate its "meta" of loot bonus and such, and would like it to be completely revamped, I realize that DE are adamantly stubborn about their stuff and want it to stay. But then, why not make it less spammy at least? Such as, make it a duration-based buff that "pulsates" Desecrate-casts or something so we can play more, rather than so often being delegated into just being janitors...



On top of the weird things Archwizard pointed out: Why are they so slow? Why so bad with critical hits? And WHY ARE THEY SO IMMOBILE?! Daggers are not the main problem, Melee in general is the problem


Rakta Ballistica

Lol, yeah what a "buff" >_>

Fix its issues, and give it a PROPER buff:

* Make the burst cost just 1 ammo (both normal and Rakta)

* Increase its critical chance to 50%/60% (normal and Rakta, respectively)

That'd be a good start. Then we could give feedback.



I still don't think I'll touch PvP after the changes. Maybe just a quick look, but there are enough PvP games out there already.

Note: If the PvP stuff have exclusive gear which gives more Mastery points, you're gonna have a biiiiiig problem with me >:(

Edited by Azamagon
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Desecrate should be a passive that I can just put on and forget about so I can move and do other stuff.

Make it so when it's on it uses energy passively and then shields and then health or make it so it is a passive mode that halves energy.

Also none of the skills should stop Nekros in place and be usable while moving.


Friendly Fire?


*Shoots teammates. Teabags corpses.*

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Friendly fire
The way you phrased the question I'm gonna have to say no. It's not the mission types that could benefit in "fun factor" by having friendly fire, FF should be an optional (based on voting) feature of "Friends Only" matchmaking mode.


Still "the designated loot guy", sadly.


There's no way daggers should limit my movement. I do not have to slowly stomp with all of my mass just to swing a tiny blade. Not limiting movement (i.e. letting players run and strafe freely) while attacking would be the step in right direction if you want to at least give players some incentive to use them over something -anything- else.


Rakta Ballistica

The word "rakta" means "joke". True story.


Hell yeah!

Edited by Artarrwen
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1st: nekros

while the soul punch & sotd changes are useful, terrify has always been in my opinion a nearly useless power. the fact that sotd & desecrate optimization are on opposite ends of the scale also conspire vs me appreciating the changes. I tend to use nekros as a looter, period. like more than 3/4 of the gamers I suspect.


2nd: PvP

I hate PvP with a vengeance, I started playing this game because there was none of this at the beginning. now that there will be a dedicated syndicate, if I want the content I'll be forced to play it, great...

I understand that there is a need for friendly competition, I do duel with friends sometimes, but I don't like the nearly-obligatory PvP planned if I want the future syndicate stuff

before flames come, I'm not butthurt because I can't PvP, I usually am on the winner side most of the time. It's just that I was sold on the purely coop game & I find it goes against the "tennos vs the universe" feeling

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R5 Cores: I have no real opinion on R5 cores, but I can't argue on making them easier to get.

Friendly Fire: this is an interesting idea, and I think it could be fun as long as it doesn't apply to powers.  I think this might should be a per-player option.  I would also like to point out that a huge number of players would just use this as a new way to troll others.

Nekros: I haven't used Nekron much recently, so I can't really say much other than they look reasonably good on paper.

Daggers:I think that most single daggers just need to be better in general, rather than having a stealth bonus.  Dual-daggers are fine as they are.

Rakta Ballistica: I don't use it, so no opinion.

Upcoming Conclave changes: I am looking forward to this and dreading (no pun intended) it at the same time.  I already play a lot of PvP with friends (only with friends, never with PUGs) and I enjoy the relatively small limit imposed on equipment.  The new PvP seems cool, but I want the old to remain accessible.

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Friendly fire:


Friendly fire works well under pvp, in public pvp matches you take reflected friendly fire, thus you do no harm to anyone other than yourself, when you move that trainning into pre made team matches, f-fire is not mirrored, you have already learned how to play without shooting at your allies, so you can add this degree of difficulty


Now, just putting f-fire in normal pve warframe missions is absolutely unnacceptable, thats why the poll shows a complete denial of this, but in pvp f-fire can even become a balancing tool


Other than that, listing this under "hardcore modes" is inappropriate, because when in pvp your foe can throw a waterfall of bullets without any risk for his team, with also aoe spells with a lot of cc, and stuff, what you have there is a senseless experience, friendly reflected fire in pvp should be considered a normal thing, with reduced damage,  it should be part of the balance.

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I think one of the main issues that holds the game back from being a real great or epic game is the lack of more open world environments.


The layouts in the levels are more corridor based and restricting to the abilities of your Warframe characters. They for more most part are very agile and could move across a larger open map easily.


An open world map would allow players to plan assaults and not just go in gun blazing. Say there was a fort to siege or a goal that makes you strategize on the way to enter the combat.


This would attract a larger base of players. This would be awesome with the new eight player modes that are coming out.


Your Thoughts.

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Are these all really "hot topics" or an obvious attempt at diluting the real issue at hand? Did a large number of your dedicated players lose interest in Warframe because someone suggested implementing friendly fire, or because a handful of people reckon daggers should be more effective?


Please stop beating around the bush and either clean up the loot tables so we can earn cores again at a decent rate, and/or revert the T4S change until you have a better solution. Perhaps the second time you get the same blueprint in a single run it could be cores instead, meaning those who are hunting prime parts don't lose out and those wanting cores/challenge would benefit from longer runs.

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Rakta Ballistica

Problem whit this weapon is in its normal fire is not accurate and weak, charge shoot does ok dmg but charging is  slow and projectile speed is very slow. The syndicate power may be good but that like praising cheery on a cake made of S#&$.



Problem whit daggers is that they have very short range, meh dmg and some times even slow speed.

Why use a Dagger is I can get a weapon whit better speed, dmg, crit and range.

Its only Risk and no Reward.


In other games be it computer or pen & parer :

Hammer=slow, ok dmg, armor ignore or debuff(for plate) or high/long stun chance, long to medium range.low critic chance, good critic

Axe= High dmg, slow, bleed, long to medim range, medium critic chance, good critic dmg

Sword= medium to good dmg, medium speed, second hand Shield or second sword(which changes speed to fast), medium range, medium critic chance, medium critic dmg.

Dagger= Very fast ,low dmg BUT very high critic chance, very high critic dmg, short range, best stealth dmg weapons, oftent poison weapons or have secondary propriety (poison, bleed,armor ignore or life steal)


Daggers in Warframe don't have any thing special, other weapons are better at everything.


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Friendly Fire:

Several posts above this one have already stated the horrible consequence of player abusing friendly fire. And let's face it: every time there's a mechanism that allows for potential detrimental results for other players, someone is going to abuse it hard. Take for example Limbo's Banish ability,  which was more often abused to prevent other players from getting gun kills, rather than the benign intent of granting immunity and energy replenishment.


In addition, current warframe gameplay is so hectic most of the time, it's almost impossible to prevent players from hitting each other most of the time. Users of ogris and penta already suffers from this drawback, as accidently hitting nearby teammates will most often result in the round exploding in their face. Imagine if friendly fire were implemented...an ogris misfire from a teammate will most likely kill everyone on the team at once. Punishing the entire team for one man's near-inevitable error is just unreasonable.

Rakta Ballistica:

I'm grateful that DE has finally taken an interest at the inept rakta ballistica. However, we can all agree that the current buff is not nearly enough to make it on par with most secondary weapons in general, let alone the syndicate variants. I would suggest giving it the following:

1.A huge buff to critical multiplier and chance (probably somewhere around 2.5x and 50%. Remember that pistol crit mods are much weaker than their rifle counterparts, therefore we must compensate with higher base values.)
2. A 20% increase to base damage.
3. Change of recoil pattern: remove the horizontal recoil pattern, as it actually hinders players from hitting targets. Perhaps making it vertical would also do the trick.
4. Making it silent: making the rakta ballistica the true assassin's weapon of choice. Also synergizes well with DE's current agenda of promoting stealth gameplay.

Finally, applying the above buffs, albeit in a smaller scale, to the standard ballistica would also solve the weapon's current issues.

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now that there will be a dedicated syndicate, if I want the content I'll be forced to play it, great...

[...] I don't like the nearly-obligatory PvP planned if I want the future syndicate stuff

If they do it right, the PvP Syndicate will only give out stuff that you can't use outside of PvP. Like general frame augments that are useless against AI enemies. At least that's what I hope for.

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I think core drop chance from "filler" enemies should be much more than the specialized ones. This way, crewmen, lancers, chargers, and the like will supply new players with enough cores for reasonable progression, while vets can use their specialized farming techniques to get cores without being funneled into interception, survival, or void to get cores. The numbers would be up to DE, but I feel like this would be a good change.

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The Core Issue
In the last Community Hot Topics, many Warframe players voted that they would like to see some rewards moved out of the void and onto different nodes. Since then, R5 cores have been moved out of the void and into different missions  (disclaimer: the Community Hot Topics and the R5 Core change are not causally related).


Now I don't think this is good because it says players want to see some rewards moved out of the void and onto different nodes, but they only moved out R5 cores which were the second most sought after reward after prime parts of course. They didn't get rid of orokin cells and they also didn't switch it to a resource like neural sensors which only have one other drop planet. I don't agree with this because then DE will think they did good with this change.


EDIT: However if they were added into excavation missions with a highly common drop chance, then I think more players would play excavation.

Edited by DaedricToast666
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The R5 changes should be in two clearly different categories: Star-Chart and Void. Blurring the two together and asking everyone to vote on whether the changes were good is in my opinion extremely devious.

I know right I made a thread about that in GD but people aren't responding to it very well... mind you I could of written it better 

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The R5 changes should be in two clearly different categories: Star-Chart and Void. Blurring the two together and asking everyone to vote on whether the changes were good is in my opinion extremely devious.

It isn't blurred together. If you read the very first part they mention both the void and star chart.

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At the moment with the R5 changes and adding Orokin cells to drop table makes me want to hear from the devs about what exactly their vision of the R10 mods being ranked completely is. What I mean by that is who should be able to max these before the trader brings more, how do the mods get ranked up, and do the devs feel these should not be completely ranked up. After I see those answers then I could more easily state how I think it should be tweaked. At the moment I am happy to know they are on the star chart as I have very few T4 keys as I do not farm for them.

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It isn't blurred together. If you read the very first part they mention both the void and star chart.

R5 Choices:



Ok, needs tweaking (explain)


No opinion


You honestly don't think they lumped the two very different changes together in the poll?

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