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February 13Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics  

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R5 Choices:



Ok, needs tweaking (explain)


No opinion


You honestly don't think they lumped the two very different changes together in the poll?


No? because it is very clear to anyone aware of what is going. I very much doubt someone will vote without knowing what the core situation is. Unless you want them to specifically mention the orokin cells being added to T4S rotation.

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Cores need to have higher drop chances on hard survivals, simply because, as the game progressed and more rank 10 mods were released, the demand for them increased dramatically. It's just how the game shaped up to be. We aren't grinding Vor for cronus BPs for 2.5k credits every 5 minutes anymore, things have just 'inflated' because of the way the game grew.


As of now, many players just don't have the time to gather enough cores to even come close to matching their particular needs for fusing. A high rank player sees all those new R10 legendary and rare mods and, well, he wants to level them up. Not to max, necessarily, but even without maxing the demand is rather high. And with the current drop rates it just takes too long, especially considering it also costs credits to level them up. A lot of players don't have that time, especially when rates are so low it feels frustrating and slow to try.


A rate of about 50% instead of 25% would help a lot. Also, more alerts like these, mastery rank locked with fusion core(or similar) rewards. Reward players who grinded for incredibly high mastery ranks with a cookie and a message saying 'we appreciate the time you spent on our game, here's some cores for your convenience'. Perhaps make it a sort of 'weekly' mission set a player can undertake, similar to the sindicate dailies. The higher your MR, the better your rewards.


Even something as small as giving veteran players cores does wonders to make them feel like they should stick around, and that the time they spent wasn't just wasted. If a player is MR10+ then it's fair to say they are ok with grinding in general, but having very low drop chances and such high demands makes it feel frustrating, and that's what kills motivation.

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No? because it is very clear to anyone aware of what is going. I very much doubt someone will vote without knowing what the core situation is. Unless you want them to specifically mention the orokin cells being added to T4S rotation.

Whats wrong with them stating all the changes they did? I find funny people think your crazy if you assume a lot of people don't know whats happened with changes but its okay for you assume the opposite. You can't oppose a blanket statement than make your opposite blanket statement not how it works.

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I feel that all the Rakta needs is the ability to crit like Paris Prime or Dread, no other change is needed for it to be a good weapon, even with its clunky firing mechanism. 


Also, with a crit chance so high it would be the first real crit pistol and we'd be able to finally use all those crit mods that previously had no real use outside of experimental builds.

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R5 fusion cores need more tweaking because higher difficulty should yield better rewards. Void is generally more harder than star-chart missions, and also needs a key... so I don't see why r5 cores drops were changed there in a bad way. Also, there are many other types of missions on the star-chart where rewards needs to be looked at as well (the recent spy 2.0 drop changes were a great start!).


Not only that, there needs to be a non-timed based mission* with high difficulty where good cores are guaranteed. Not sure if this is going to be in store for us in 8 Tenno raids or not, but it really should.



*Timed based missions to me are survival or interception because no matter how well you do, its going to take X amount of time to complete

Edited by Ace_Kayo
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Rank 5 cores need to be more plentiful, or a superior core needs to be introduced.  

Do they need to be? I mean really?


The new Prime mods gobble them up like nobodies business so i see why all the longer term players are up in arms demanding more but for "balance" purposes im not sure making them vastly more accessible is a legit solution because it also means they are vastly more accessible to the rank and file Warframe players.


Weve already got issues with newer players running about MR2 with a loadout most non-plat spending MR7s envy with delusions of grandeur without also giving those P2W players an easy option to have the very best in mod loadouts as well. So few players these days are actually learning the game to become good at it - they just guy stuff and kick &#! alongside the vets.


Still hopefully PvP new modes will really change the meta game in this regards... people are gonna have to wise up if they have relied for far too long on a great loadout instead of garnering actual in game skills as well as  a nod towards team work and synergy to get by.

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Ive played a lot of 60m T4 survivals and on average I was getting 25 R5 cores per game. Thats 5/12 out of the rewards. It cost something like 530 R5 cores to max the new legendary mods, and something like 400 for mods rare mods like Blind Rage.


So that would take 22 60m T4 survivals to max out one legendary mod, which is 22 hours of gameplay, assuming you didnt need to farm for the T4 keys and the 1.6m credits. If you did need to farm credits, you would get 660k from your survival runs (also adding a 5k bonus assuming you picked up credits from enemies) leaving 1m left to farm. Assuming you have easy credit keys on hand like say 34 T4 captures and you speed run them taking 5 minutes per game with loading and such thats another 2 hours. 


Of course that mod will /probably/ need to go on a weapon/frame thats been potato'd with a forma.


Thats 24 hours of gameplay if your luck is decent for one mod. 


Personally, I think that was already quite reasonable for players that have quite a bit of things ranked up already and just wants to make their builds a little bit better. If someone wants to go wild and farm constantly for days for them thats their prerogative, they'll do that anyways wherever the drop rate is best, or if someone like me wants to play a couple missions and do something else (like work on building new weapons, getting daily standing, farming neural sensors e_e, do some alerts, mastery etc) its still reasonable to achieve within a decent amount of time.


I think them added to the star chart is great, there are still new and lower rank players that need access to cores, they've also got a lot to rank up too outside of legendary mods (vault mods in particular) and I wouldnt mind taking a break and playing another few missions but imo the void was made for players with higher tier gear and high tier needs.


I think mastery rank alerts are also great for cores and other rare materials, but I think they should stack even further say rank 0-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-## and that it simply means they get more of said item or perhaps a bonus like a affinity/credit/resource/standing boost for that mission depending on mission type/rank. They deserve something extra for ranking every frame/weapon in the game. Ive even been thinking you should add something special like a potato, 24hr booster, weapon slot or warframe slot as a reward at the end of your rank up test(s) or at milestone ones like 5/10/15/etc... maybe even a selection you can choose from like you have on syndicates.


Cells need to go out of T3/4 keys and those need to be replaced with neural sensors. 


All in all, I think R5 core packs should be restored in the void, and the star chart core drops should remain. Cells need to go. We need more planets or the void need to drop neural sensors. Mastery rank alerts are awesome there should be more of them.






I dont play Warframe for PVP, I can do that any and everywhere else, I play for the PVE. Im not against players who enjoy it but nothing you do to it will make me ever play.  :P




(Im sure some of my math is off but it should be pretty close.)

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The Core Issue

what is your opinion on the changes to R5 core rewards?

What are you asking here?

Use a T4 key, and (in the case of T4S) often get 10-15 R5 cores per 20 minutes, or

Don't use a T4 key, and get 2*25% R5 packs or 1*50% R5 pack per 20 minutes.


T4 keys are waaay not rare enough for that to even be a debate.


Edit: I completely ignored the addition of Orokin Cell packs to T4, as it didn't occur to me that that was part of the question.

If it is: Get them out of T4.

At least 'crap' Primes can become Ducats.


Do you like that R5 cores are easier to get without spending void keys?


From a purely efficient perspective, the change is a net loss.

From a... idk, 'broader' perspective, the (R5) rewards in T4 were hugely disproportionate compared to anything else.

From an 'artificial scarcity as gameplay goal' (or whatever that'd properly be called) perspective reducing the T4 rewards (instead of increasing other rewards) makes sense.

The above being the case, adding R5 packs to non-void missions was a not-necessary change to make.

Overall? I'm displeased by the lessened availability of R5 cores, but content with the changes that were made.




Friendly Fire

How do you think friendly fire would change how you play Warframe? Would you enjoy the challenge of friendly fire in certain missions types? If so, what missions types do you think would benefit from it? 

'Would it?' - unquestionably, since I don't usually play solo (except for syndicate missions).

'Would I enjoy it?' - Very probably, as an optional mutator toggled before mission launch. As a blanket change? Depends what it would entail.

1) Would it affect radial abilities?

How about M Prime explosions? Mirage Discoball beams?

Syndicate bursts?

2) How often would I end up playing a public game with a troll/griefer?





Nekros Changes Aftermath

Last time we discussed Nekros in a Community Hot Topics, Soul Punch and Terrify were voted as the most in need of a revision. Do you think the recent changes to these two abilities make them more valuable? If not, what other changes do you think are necessary? Desecrate was voted the least in need of a revision and subsequently has been left untouched. Do think Nekros’ is well-balanced now?

Soul Punch: Can't say I noticed a difference. It still isn't a 'quick-cast' like .e.g Fireball, so it interrupts reloads, etc. and model orientation isn't usually a huge concern.

Its damage is still unimpressive, and (more importantly) its CC against secondary targets is still unreliable in my experience.


Terrify: Better, because you can achieve complete coverage due to the removal of the 'can't recast while active'. The tradeoff being 'Just hit 2 a few more times!'

... Which is a lot like Desecrate. Though, thank Kickbot Terrify isn't subject to RNG for its effectiveness, just to '# of enemies in range'.


As to SotD and Desecrate:


Their stats are less than half the issue. Maybe less than a third.

Due to damage asymmetry, equal level creatures will soak up damage just fine.

But when, A) Shadows don't draw increased Agro and B) due to AI, my Shadows spend most of their time crouched behind a chest-high wall... >_<

My Shadows don't usually die before timing out.

The added damage might help if they ever shoot stuff, but I don't expect it to, given scaling being exponential (or some such).





No 'Desecrate chance affected by Power Strength, up to 100% at <threshold> Str'?  >;[

(I mean, assuming no mechanical change *coughChangeToAuracough*, ideally it'd just be flat out success but that might be excessive.)



Changes have been a slight QoL improvement (Shadows not blocking doorways = <3), but none of this has addressed the underlying problems that are inherent in how Nekros' skillset works.

Even after these changes, Nekros gameplay will still be is still ↑+3333 Terrify Terrify SotD *Collect orbs/drop plates*



What other changes are necessary?

*** Remove fail-chance from Desecrate, either through straight-up making it autosucceed, letting it affect every corpse once, or making its chance of success affected by Power Strength.

* Give Nekros additional methods of filling his Shadow pool, e.g. all Desecrated corpses get added to the pool, 'Soul Punch'ed corpses get added to the pool, idk.

Question being 'quality' (Player chooses specific creatures to kill to be able to Shadow) vs. quantity ('Just throw more Guardsmen Shadows at it').






Do you think daggers should infer a bonus while stealthing? In your opinion, what should the bonus be? How do you think daggers compare to other melee weapons, overall? Should they have a niche purpose or should they be comparative to other melee weapons in all circumstances? 

Daggers seem to me to be victims of Damage 2.0.

Their niche is (supposed to be) fast, close-up, armor-piercing attacks.

But between (low range and) low base damage on the one hand, and elemental damage keying off total base damage (and ignoring the base damage type) they're simply outshone, as far as damage goes.

Which leaves coptering, which they're very good at... But there are other melee weapons that are nearly as good, and can actually kill stuff besides.

e.g. I used a Ceramic Dagger for around a month. It was great.

Then I discovered the Dual Ichors, and that was the end of that.

Excellent copter potential, elemental damage that coverts completely to Corrosive or Viral(+Radiation), and crit-capable to boot.




Rakta Ballistica

What are your thoughts on the recent Rakta changes? Are they appropriate or are there additional changes you would suggest? 

Better now (because Impact is the losing I/P/S damage-type in Damage 2.0, imo. Good proc, bad damage-type, as opposed to Puncture's bad proc, good damage-type and Slash's middling-to-good and middling, respectively).

I still don't like the weapon, but at least it kills stuff better now.

I mean, it's still worse than any other syndicate weapon, imo, but meh. Not everyone can be a winner.


What would I suggest? Depends what role you want the weapon to fill.

I kinda like my idea, though:

Change charged-shot to hitscan. (Original post was about making the Raktallistica OP.

Change damage-type to Finisher.




And increase the crit multiplier so I can use the weapon's base damage(-type) instead of having to stack elemental damage (since that builds off the flat base amount and ignores the damage-type, which is bad for the above changes).





Upcoming Conclave changes
Do you think you’ll PvP more with the balance changes that are coming? Do you like the idea of restricting conclave gear? Do you like the idea to have separate balance for PvP and PvE?

Possibly, if balance requires; and absolutely. As long as Warframe uses Damage asymmetry, you have to separate PvP from PvE if you want any kind of competition other than 'I saw/shot you first'.

Edited by Chroia
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I'm disappointed to not see radial nuke farming addressed on this community hot topics round-up. It's been an issue for several patches now.  You've tried to roundabout address it with Nullifiers and reducing rewards from farming spots, but that doesn't address the problem that the rest of Excalibur's and Saryn's kits are completely overshadowed by how easy and cheesy it is to ult spam. It just doesn't suit them thematically. If I'm playing a melee oriented frame the burden of optimal play shouldn't push me towards mashing 4.


Reference threads:






The By the Numbers shows the huge disparity between the power output of Excalibur and Saryn compared to frames that are more thematically suited to that aoe caster role: Mesa, Mirage, Ember, and Mag. Why are our melee frames outdamaging and outrepresenting our casters?


I'm very curious to see what the results of a community wide poll would be on this issue.

Edited by Ryjeon
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as an avid necromancer I really like what you did with nekros's terrify  which I basically use with desecrate to outlast a lot of other top tier frames. these changes have pushed nekros in the  top 5 of my most used frames.


 on a side request with the nullifiers blast from their rockets, it really needs a nerf or tone down some, no matter how high your shields are and youre in the blast radius even by 1m it takes all your shields which shouldn't be. the frames doesn't have enough slots to fit defensive+ augmented mods + others that will boost powers or abilities<< and I've tried a myriad of combinations on all frames  except E. prime which I don't have.


 armor on the frames  (valkyr and others that have high armor doesn't need it) really needs redoing to stand up against these blasts.

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Friendly Fire

In my opinion, this should never be an option. For one, it will lead to endless griefing and less enjoyable gameplay in most situations. And two, how exactly would massive, AoE Warframe powers be balanced for such a thing? Say a Saryn uses Miasma, the entire team is dead. Nova uses Molecular Prime, everyone is slowed to a crawl and blows up from nearby enemy deaths. Nyx uses Absorb to save herself from going down and takes out the rest of the team with 5k damage. Even taking 75% reduced damage from friendly abilities wouldn't be enough in most cases, so the sheer amount of work required to balance everything seems pointless. Then there's crit and status builds for guns...


Maybe, maybe friendly fire could be a thing in Nightmare missions but, even in that case, there should be an option for hosts to disable it. The only somewhat legitimate place I could see for it is in the upcoming PvP arena stuff but, again, endless griefing.



One of my most used melee weapons is the Fang Prime; they eat Grineer, are good against Corpus robots (Viral handles the Crewman), and are even pretty good against Infested due to the Swarm Moas' constant armor buffing. My problems with them? Completely lackluster stats outside of the high Puncture damage (low crit, low status) combined with slow, clunky, and inaccurate animations/attacks (being 'locked' into an attack is a problem with most stances though) and, obviously, short range. The same can be said about single daggers, though single daggers are usually faster.


I'd like to see several things done to daggers: make them more reliable when it comes to actually hitting a target (Gnashing Payara's 360 degree slice looks great, but is damn annoying to use), make them specialized in targeting weak points in some way (higher crit chance and/or more finisher combos?) and, to springboard off the finisher combo suggestion, maybe even add chain takedowns specifically for daggers, allowing users to make up for the weapons' short range by dashing between different enemies (essentially, a controlled version of Ash's Bladestorm). That last idea could be applied to any melee type, though it'd have to emphasize each weapon type's strong and weak points (axes and hammers are slow but maybe have AoE, swords are middle of the road, dual weapons could strike multiple enemies at once, etc.).



**On a related note to daggers and melee weapons in general, can we please see more Puncture-oriented ones in the future (also ones that have all 3 stats, not just Puncture + one other stat)? Currently, for Puncture-focused melee weapons, we have: Fang, Fang Prime, Ceramic Dagger, Heat Dagger, and the Halikar. Every one of those weapons is statistically worse than most other weapons in the game, mainly due to extremely low crit/status chance. I suppose the Halikar is "the best" because of it's 15% status chance and ability to disarm an enemy, but it's still not a great weapon and I'm not really a fan of thrown weapons.

Edited by Ailith
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Suggestion for cores subject: Award 1 core/minute in survivals(maybe double it when you reach 1 hour, to make long runs rewarding), and x cores per interception round, where x is the amount of nodes you control when the round ends, 1 core every 50 enemies in exterminates, etc

Apply a similar reward to every mission type, everything's now viable and everybody's happy(or not...) :)


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Its going to be interesting to see if anybody is OK with the rakta changes....Rakta Ballistica needs an overall buff in damage, or some actual viable crit percentage added to it. I mean Vaykor Marelok has 20% crit chance AND 35% Status, come on now. Why are you so afraid to buff this gun?


Edit: Oh my...People ARE actually ok with it... This is heartbreaking.


I voted yes because I love the taste of Red Veil tears... and because it doesn't sound that bad on paper (it isn't Synoid Gammacor level, but it isn't Lato level either).

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Modded right and it becomes a syndicate tier weapon that is insanely powerful, and well over the 2000 damage range which is within the category of superior secondary weapon firearms. Its a beastly weapon with a TON of damage. WELL BEFORE whatever it is DE did to it, and whatever they did do to it doesn't change the fact it already has some of the highest damage in the game compared to most weapons as a whole. Rakta Ballistica doesn't need a buff. I can imagine other weapons that need reworks, but not that one. It works fine, and dishes out plenty of damage.

You cant be real. MOST weapons can dish out damage if "modded properly" (How many formas did you need?) The rakta ballistica may be a powerful weapon in its own right, but compared to any other syndicate weapon, its a literal piece of garbage. I mean this is comparing it to ANY syn weapon. I mean the take the marlok and compare it to the vaykor. Thats a sizable increase overall. (not even gonna bring up Gammacor) 


My point, and everyone elses, is that compared to other syn weapon buffs, its just not quite as good.

I voted yes because I love the taste of Red Veil tears... and because it doesn't sound that bad on paper (it isn't Synoid Gammacor level, but it isn't Lato level either).

fair enough. Red Veil tears are pretty good.

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Friendly Fire




(364 votes [66.30%])


lol scrubs intensifies


Don't listen to them DE, Warframe hardly has any challenge, so you can fearlessly implement anything that will make game more difficult

I cant even begin to take you seriously with a name like that, yet you call nay sayers of friendly fire "scrubs"? I dont think you have any idea what a scrub is, which is ironic as hek considering your name.

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No friendly fire please: in concept it sounds cool, but there is enough trolling going on without having to worry about getting shot in the back by somebody who thinks it's funny.  Because it's not funny.


Rakta Ballistica: I'm on PS4 so we haven't got the buff yet, but one thing that was taken away from all syndicate weapons was the ability for the AOE attack to get you back on your feet during bleed-out.  This was heartbreaking, and while I understand that it made all the syndicate weapons very powerful, why put it in the game if you are going to take it away?  At the very least, replace that with a weapon mod (rare) that does the same thing.   Please.

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No friendly fire please: in concept it sounds cool, but there is enough trolling going on without having to worry about getting shot in the back by somebody who thinks it's funny.  Because it's not funny.


Rakta Ballistica: I'm on PS4 so we haven't got the buff yet, but one thing that was taken away from all syndicate weapons was the ability for the AOE attack to get you back on your feet during bleed-out.  This was heartbreaking, and while I understand that it made all the syndicate weapons very powerful, why put it in the game if you are going to take it away?  At the very least, replace that with a weapon mod (rare) that does the same thing.   Please.

Rakta never had this anyway. Rakta is an energy restore weapon not a health restore weapon.

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No friendly fire. Please god no. This allows players who like trolling or being a general nuisance to just kill those they dislike, forcing other players to use revives unnecessarily. We do NOT need this. The only place I could see this being a good thing is in a coordinated squad for the additional fun, but not with randoms, EVER.

Rakta never had this anyway. Rakta is an energy restore weapon not a health restore weapon.

Either way. This is something that was not game-breaking, and should not have been removed.

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Friendly Fire




(364 votes [66.30%])


lol scrubs intensifies


Don't listen to them DE, Warframe hardly has any challenge, so you can fearlessly implement anything that will make game more difficult


I guarantee if friendly fire was added to any mission, people like me would go play it PURELY to team kill.

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Friendly Fire would get me to not play Warframe with other people ever again, simple. That's how it'd be changed. Too many bad experiences waiting to happen, both on purpose an accidentif that came into play.


So yeah, that's my only opinion for now. I'm very, very, very strongly against it in any form in a true co-op environment.


Adding in non-hostile-killable-team-targets... why would that be a challenge? Just super annoying.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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