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February 13Th: Community Hot Topics!


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I made my votes but wanted to elaborate on each question further


What is your opinion on the R5 Fusion Core changes?


Im a little annoyed that the changes came out before a place for more R5 cores was found. I know DE doesnt want us to feel "forced" into just running T4S but why did you remove the choice? The best way to do this would have been add R5 core drops in all the higher level survivals rotation A and B while maintaining the R5 core drop rate in T4S. You didnt want to force us to farm T4S and yet now you're forcing us to farm other tilesets which doesnt make any sense.


I think stacks of R5 cores should show up in all high level endless mission types across the system. If you really dont want to force us give us a choice of where we want to farm


Do you think friendly fire would add a fun challenge to certain mission types?


Generally speaking, no. No I do not. Im used to playing a lot of the hardcore style FPS games with friendly fire (like Arma 3 and planetside 2) and it must be highly cooridnated with slow and methodical movement to avoid killing allys. I dont believe the majority of warframe players would enjoy that style of gameplay and the game is based around fast movement which is counter to friendly fire.


That said if it was an option I could turn on and off in my options I would be ok with that. Then I could play how I want to and people could play how they want to. Let no one be forced into FF situations if they dont want to be in them. Also DE will need to figure out how to punish griefers that just FF people. We've already seen a ton of problems with vauban and limbo, this will just be one more tool in their arsenal


Do you think the recent Nekros changes have made his abilities more useful?


Absolutely. However I still think nekros needs further adjustment. His soul punch is still weak comparitively in damage and utility. Terrify...well its ok but I think it needs the range back. Desecrate is fine as is. Then shadows is much better but IMO still needs an AI rework to make them more effective.


I would personally like to see some further utility. Perhaps making a recent soul punch target be effected more by other abilities. For example a "punched" enemy may become the target of your shadows. Or a "punched" enemy thats desecrated might have a equal chance to drop an energy orb as well as a health orb. Stuff like that


In your opinion, are the recent Rakta Ballistica changes sufficient to balance it with other syndicate weapons and/or secondary weapons?


No. Not at all. Heres the problem. The big 3, the synoid gammacor, Vaykor marelok, and Telos AKbolto are all excellent weapons. The gammacor is probably the best sidearm in the game right now too. However even the other two syndicate weapons are far beyond the Rakta ballistica. It just needs a major overhaul. Make that charge mechanic increase everything so that you can one shot high level opponnets in the void. Then it'll be in a good position

Will you be more inclined to play Conclave with the upcoming changes?

No. Not at all. For me this is a PVE game. It always has been and always will be. The day that DE forces me into PVP is the day I quit and never look back. I dont want anything to do with PVP so I continue to avoid it.


I dont mind that PVPers have their own thing they can do as long as it doesnt effect my experience. Im happy they have that kind of system. That said, dark sectors still need a major overhaul so PVP stops effecting my strictly PVE experience. Until that changes dark sectors will continue to be a fundementally broken system


Edit: I forgot one


In your opinion, how do daggers compare to other melee weapon types, overall?


Overall I dont find them nearly as useful. Daggers should be fast weapons with high crit damage (not necessarily crit chance) to represent that quick one hit kill weapon if you hit in just the right area. Many weapons such as the dual heat swords, scindo, and more have utility allowing people to knock enemies down with an appropriate move. Daggers have no utility that Im aware of so they should have more potential damage as a trade off. I think giving them innate bonus finishing damage to support finishers and stealth kills would be a good way to go

Edited by kuri99
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Daggers should be fast weapons with high crit damage (not necessarily crit chance)

Maybe it's just me, but all the crit multiplier in the world is pretty pointless without some decent crit chance. Currently, there are only a few dual melee weapons worth modding for crit (Ichors, Cleavers, ...). Single daggers IMO should have a base crit chance of ~30%, so it's worth modding them further in that direction and not just slapping your everyday elemental rainbow on them. They don't have to end up with >100% modded crit chance, like bows do (which is one reason why they seriously outshine snipers - my Vandaltron is happy to reach 62.5%), but let me get above 50% at least. And please, let's get melee crit mods on par with their pistol (if not their rifle) counterparts. 60% crit chance increase is a joke if you start out with 25% base chance at best.

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Daggers shouldn't really be a high damage dealing weapon for ordinary combat, since they're smaller and lighter than every other weapon type.  Instead, they should get stealth finisher bonus damage that exceeds all other weapon types, since it's easy to slide them into an opponent's vitals when you catch them by surprise.


Rakta ballistica's main problem is that it's a ballistica.  Ballistica is a terrible secondary weapon that originally had similar stats to Paris, but when Paris got buffed, ballistica got ignored.  Buff ballistica to the level of Paris or Attica, and model Rakta ballistica off of the buffed ballistica.

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My main issue with Fusion Cores is that there is no way to casually progress your mods in normal gameplay while having fun.


De has decreased and spread Fusion Core pack rewards. This says to me that the rate at which they were being obtained, or the singularity of the mode of attainment was not how De wanted things to be.


Either of these reasons, as well as these primed mods, suggests that DE doesn't see mods as things that should be focused on and increased incessantly, but as goals pieces of gear to be progressively worked on over time through our playing around the starmap/void, and having fun. If this is the case I believe reward tables are not where the focus should be.


As players play Warframe I assume the majority look at the options and decide what would be the best use of there current time: "What would progress my goals the most?" Many times for me, I'm having to chose between doing what I love (leveling, forma'ing, building new loadouts, playing Archwing) and progressing mods I know aren't going to go anywhere in any decent way without me actively grinding some repetitive reward table.


I believe Fusion Core drop rates of enemies may be an answer. Or perhaps using Affinity Overflow as fusion material (affinity gained on items of max rank. Perhaps the transfer rate of A.O. to Fusion Material can affected number of forma attached at a cap, rewarding both all play, and gear enhancement).


Both can be controlled based on enemy difficulty, i. e., harder enemies have better core drops; maybe even chances for multiple drops on high level enemies each been a different roll, and the fact that harder enemies give more affinity than lower enemies. The affinity one begets the buffed usage of affinity boosters. But I'm not sure if the increased revenue for booster purchases is something DE would like or dislike. Love for your creative/vision often trumps profit in a creators eyes.


These two options give players like myself the ability to not feel as if we're trading progress for pleasure when we play the game just to enjoy different aspects of it. They are by no means meant to be the only options, just examples to convey the point that:



TL;DR: Warframe is a fun game clouded by restrictive forms of progression. A system that can be used on all choices of play and rewards further progression, not only solves the desperate nature of core farming, but alleviates the compulsion to do so.



I put a lot of thought into this. Hope someone at least reads this stuff.

Edited by (PS4)SilverKarasu
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What is your opinion on the R5 Fusion Core changes?

I think the changes are bad.


R5 Cores should be find-able anywhere, especially in the Void.


Do you think friendly fire would add a fun challenge to certain mission types?

No, it would not be fun in any missions.


It would be "cool"/"realistic".

But if it's implemented,

players will become the number 1 cause of death to players.

Have you seen how most people play this game?

It's hard enough not getting killed by the void defence lasers.


Do you think the recent Nekros changes have made his abilities more useful?

Yes, the changes have made his abilities more useful, but he needs further revisions.


Desecrate needs a range and desecrate chance buff.



In your opinion, how do daggers compare to other melee weapon types, overall?

Overall, daggers are weaker than some other melee weapon types.


The only good dagger is Fang Prime, and it's just okay.


Machete needs a major buff bad.


In your opinion, are the recent Rakta Ballistica changes sufficient to balance it with other syndicate weapons and/or secondary weapons?

No, the Rakta needs further adjustments to be balanced with similar weapons.


An easy way to do it is to make id do more damage and have a higher crit chance.



Will you be more inclined to play Conclave with the upcoming changes?

Maybe, I’m not sure if I will play more Conclave.


I haven't even tried Conclave yet.

But I have done plenty of Dojo duels though, and they are fun, but not the same.


Having to use pre-made setups does sound like it would make it more balanced.


Edited by General_Durandal
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I'm only going to talk about the some of the topics here and bring it into something else. Overall I'd say that the core move was a step in the right direction but the problem with it is that since they're only in the hardest planets in the game, players are just going to go there. The loot was just moved and there's no real difference other than players not being modded well enough being able to get help from people looking for the rewards. The problem with this game is that its not rewarding enough, and in my opinion, it's because of the hustle for money behind the design of the game and ultimately, that's what hurts it. People are in trade chat every day offering ridiculous amounts of plat for objects the aren't that big of a deal. Think about the prime access, people sit around playing the same missions for hours on days playing the same missions to get 1 piece, and when you get tired of trying you have to pay 60 to 70 dollars for a new skin with minor buffs. I've played the game for half a year and now i'm being basically begged by my newer clan mates to help them farm the best gear when i just wanna jump in start up another forma and leave. I think the problem with the game is the game itself. The whole thing runs on RNG and that's the problem. There's no dedicated way to earn everything. That's why people that know what they're doing only fight in certain places. I'm one of em. Neural sensors have the best CHANCE of dropping out of alad v. Cells have a CHANCE at dropping from Lephantis or Ruk. The problem with this game is that its all about chance, and even when you land right you have to go through an extra grind to make the item you just spent hours farming useful (300 rare cores for r10 rares). You have to wait half a day for weapons, a full day for 1 forma, and pick up hundreds of cores to max 1 mod, and buy slots to keep the weapons you worked your balls off for or sell it otherwise. Why? because money. I'm not calling DE greedy. I'm saying that they don't have to be so shy with what they're giving their players. And they've shown this. Poison stat mods are a guaranteed drop from corrupted Vor. The once awake quest (which is one of my favorites) gives a story and teaches you about how to play the game better, and it's guaranteed for the fire damage mods, which isn't in the game at all outside of that. Name a place where you can learn about the grineers biggest weakness being radiation and viral damage. The wiki, youtube, those don't count. Why? Because they aren't in the game. And no one knows about the codex until it's basically too late. I didn't start collecting scans until I was forming weapons with the right element builds. Calypso, Mogamu, and AGGP, taught me how to play the game instead of the game itself, which is a fail. There are more problems i can pull out but my point is pretty much made. If you want this game to be better, then you need to take a look at what you're putting your players through and what you're pressuring them into and give your entire game an overhaul. because nothing is going to stop them from complaining and whining about how much of a grind this is until you make the game more rewarding and get out of our wallets.

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I think that Nekros need higher health or a life steal passive where all attacks give 15% of the damage done back as health.


Daggers need to get 75% crit chance when attack an enemy from behind


If there was friendly fire then i would stop playing the game because of all the trolls there would be...it would be like Limbo's banish but worse.


The rakta ballistica is still a pile of @#$% and need to be much better. I would recommend a 50% crit chance on charged attacks with a 2.5x multiplier and increased damage to 120 per charged shot. Yes thats is a little OP but it would be on par (if not better) than the rest of the syndicate weapons).


Fusion cores need to have increased drop rates as well as players being able to find them in crates and lockers. They should come in packs of 3 or 5. No more farimg would occur for this aspect of the game and we would see better builds, less noobs and more time to actually have fun.


i like conclave and will play it when it is updated and released.

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Friendly fire is a terrible idea, and I'm amazed that it even made it this far. 


This ^^^


Keep the entire design mantra around single player balance and improvements.  Conclaves should be a side thought, unbalanced if needed for SP balance.  


A big no to Friendly Fire.

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FF,.. Thats a BIG NO NO!!!


Friendly fire in a game like WF, would impose the, (biggest yet) thread to the games survivalbility imho,...


NOONE is gonna enjoy, 10 yrs old Trolls, doing nothing else than loggin into a game, killing the whole team, before anyone can react, Trolling us in the chat, and leave laughing,...or even worse, 10 yrs old Russians,.. trolling us in Russian on the voiceover,...

Edited by D3ST
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As always people. The Friendly fire would be part of its own mode. Stop overreacting and respond to the idea in its actual sense of;

you and your regular group are playing with a Friendly Fire enhanced version of a mission to increase mission difficulty and enjoyment.

Edited by TypeSaber
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As always people. The Friendly fire would be part of its own mode. Stop overreacting and respond to the idea in its actual sense of;

you and your regular group are playing with a Friendly Fire enhanced version of a mission to increase mission difficulty and enjoyment.

To start enjoying friendly fire, the whole concept of damage mechanics should be reworked first, as well as this terrible AI.

Edited by Bouldershoulder
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that could be true if not for first answer "Yes, it would be fun in almost all missions." to the question


It´s one option you can vote not the only existing one.. so nope you´re wrong.


The real interesting question to this topic is the text:



Friendly Fire
We’ve highlighted some hot topics on “hardcore” modes in previous Community Hot Topics, and the source threads for this topics suggest another way to add additional challenge to Warframe. How do you think friendly fire would change how you play Warframe? Would you enjoy the challenge of friendly fire in certain missions types? If so, what missions types do you think would benefit from it?
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The real interesting question to this topic is the text:

They have made enough of salad to this game, time to make it consistent. Either everywhere, or nowhere. Everywhere sucks 'cause damage mechanics suck, 'cause exponential scaling, 'cause low survivability of warframes, 'cause insane weapon damage, 'cause AI sucks, 'cause enemies ignore inertia moment and do 360° turns shooting right into your nose without losing accuracy while we slide on the ground even during simple running. So no, thank you.

Edited by Bouldershoulder
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Friendly Fire
We've highlighted some hot topics on “hardcore” modes in previous Community Hot Topics, and the source threads for this topics suggest another way to add additional challenge to Warframe. How do you think friendly fire would change how you play Warframe? Would you enjoy the challenge of friendly fire in certain missions types? If so, what missions types do you think would benefit from it?

And people are giving answer according to "ALL mission" types. And i don't see anything wrong here - thats how psychology works.


Its the same for this question:


Do you want to be stinged by a bee?

A) all the time

B) sometimes

C) newer

D) no opinion on the topick

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2 of the 3 players you used for your "source threads" are well known among the PVP community.


the 3rd player you picked, is very inexperienced. all you simply need to do is go through all the replies to figure out which of the 3 it is.


if you want good feedback I suggest listening to those that have spent countless hours in PVP and preform well VS most of their opponents. not those that join in 1-2 games and then call for many changes.

Performing well in a broken, poorly designed game system doesn't speak to someone's ability to talk game balance.  DE is rebuilding PvP balance from the ground up for a reason.

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