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He is an engineer and tactician, sounds like you.

doesn't fit unwavering integrity though. my life for those that prove they deserve it.

would be far from the first time that i did 'the right thing' regardless of whether it's beneficial to me or detrimental to me.

would be a mix of several Warframes at best, to get that mix of science, brute force when necessary, litheness, and perhaps defensively offensive / cautious or something like that.

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Check out my personal Warframe OC, this guy:

Name: IX-82B Raven
Age: Even he has no clue, perhaps 100-ish? (adolescent)
Gender: He identifies as being male
Warframe: Personally adapted Zephyr named "Zephyrus"
Preferred primary weapon: Latron Prime (and Wraith) named "Bad Decisions"
Preferred secondary weapon: Synoid Gammacor named "Worlds' End", a gift from his "friend" Suda
Preferred melee weapon: Anything big and heavy will do, but "Scarlet Deluge", his Scindo Prime, is his favorite
No one knows why he names his weapons, not even him. He views it as an illogical practice, but suspects that it may have some positive psychological effect.
Raven is a self-proclaimed man of science. Logical reasoning and the scientific method are the best tools we have for understanding the world, and what we do not know must be scientifically and logically discovered and analyzed. Entering into a strange new universe with no knowledge of anything, Raven finds the tiniest actions to be fascinating to logically reverse engineer. Raven enjoys electronic music, using computers, defying the Tenno high council (anything from gender-swapping warframes to selectively murdering elitist founders), sushi, and Cephalon Suda. He dislikes prolonged social interaction, and has an almost inhuman hatred of religion, blind faith, and ignorance in general, as well as Tenno who purchased the founder packages. Most people find him insufferably honest, and he can never understand why honesty is a problem. Having this happen so many times over the course of his life has conditioned Raven to be cautious and distrustful of other people, at least this is why he suspects he dislikes social interaction so much. Politics both intrigue and annoy him, and he will not hesitate to make political statements on behalf of his view of the universe.
Raven's inability to understand concepts that have no logical explanation causes him to be quite a brutal, amoral person. He has no set moral compass nor sentiment for others, as ethics and emotions cannot be worked with logically. He understands that emotions can affect his logical reasoning, and thus does his best to push them down. He views them only as a liability. Despite this, his dampened emotions still break through from time to time in intense bursts of hatred, usually in combat. His most troublesome emotional issue is his misplaced affection towards Cephalon Suda.
Raven suffers from severe chronic back pain due to nerve damage in his spine. Do not ask him about how it happened, nor why the scar patterns on his back almost perfectly match the shape of a Lecta whip.

"You've made some bad decisions in your life, but I've made worse ones."
"You could say I wish Suda-senpai would notice me, but I would probably murder you if you did.
"What the hell are you doing!? This 'liquor' as you call it is highly poisonous!"
"People actually believe this 'religion' bulls**t is true!? And they BASE THEIR LIVES AROUND IT!? How have humans not fallen victim to Darwinian evolution yet!?"
"Cephalon Suda, I am conducting a behavioral experiment that I require your assistance to conduct. Meet me at my clan dojo in exactly 24 hours. The testing will include consuming nutrients, including alcoholic beverages (which I have discovered to only be toxic in excessive quantities), observing a 90 minute long ancient Orokin entertainment video, and engaging in further activities which I will not disclose until the experiment is underway. If you refuse to participate, I will not ask you again, but the experiment will be impossible to complete without your participation. This is all for purely scientific purposes, of course."
"The entire concept of gender-specific warframes is utterly illogical. Warframe choice should be based on personal preference, not an aspect that you have no control over. I once made the mistake of attempting to occupy a female warframe with no adaptations. Fortunately, I was able to almost fully restore my reproductive organs to working order after the ordeal. I was forced to toil for weeks in my foundry to be able to comfortably use a Zephyr warframe. Zephyrus was a male deity in the ancient mythology of a group of humans called Greeks anyways."
"The long term goals of the Grineer are illogical. The Grineer are not self-sufficient. Exterminating all other factions would result in the extinction of their own faction. They senselessly refused to be reasoned with. It would seem as if genetic degradation has affected their mental proficiency. Their battle tactics are utterly brain-dead. They make no agreements for peace, no truces, no cease fires. They act horrifically self destructively. They are an unintelligent species bound for extinction, doomed to failure by their own stupidity. I treat them as what they are: mindless, dying animals. I am more than happy to help them on their way.
"I'm not sure how intoxicated the Tenno high council was when they came up with the idea of founder packages. Instead of any reasonable form of government, such as a democracy or meritocracy, you end up with a plutocratic oligarchy, as well as an elitist group of Tenno who view themselves as a master race simply because they were lucky enough to have awoken from cryosleep while the founder packages were still available, and were wealthy enough to afford them. The actions and viewpoint of this 'master race' of Tenno are absolutely insufferable. The Tenno high council is honor bound to never again release the founder packages. We have but one bloody, murderous option."
"I was IX-82B. At least that was what they called me at work, which was basically all the time. “Live to work, work to live” they told me, enforcing their words with the promise of pain. I worked alongside my fellow co-workers, each bearing a similar designation. Whenever I occasionally glanced over my left shoulder, IX-81B would be there, swinging his energy saw in the same rhythmic motion as ever, and to my left, IX-83B would be doing the same with hers. The cycle of the saws was regularly broken by a brief period of resting and consuming nutrients, before the saws would roar to life again. The resulting scrap would be placed on a moving platform, which would then transport it through a tiny hatch. This was the life of me, IX-82B. I often wondered what was behind that hatch, as well as what was behind the significantly more massive hatch that the “ships” as they called them entered from. I pushed down these rogue thoughts. Questioning the way of the overseers brought pain. This was simply the way it was, the way the world worked, and trying to explain it would only end up hurting. I had no idea how long the routine had lasted for; my earliest memories were of doing the exact same thing I was doing, and had been since the memories were formed. I continued my routine for reasons that I could never quite figure out whenever I tried. Was it because all my coworkers were also doing it? Maybe it was because nourishment and rest were also included in the routine? Who cared anyways, it was simply easier to not think about it and just do my work."
"Do you know why I chose to name myself after an avian native to the Grineer homeworld? It was because of IX-83B and what she did for me. She told me of the wonders of the universe. She motivated me to see what was beyond that tiny hunk of rock. And she was murdered for it. She spent the last years of her life suffering at the hands of Corpus slavery until being shot in my escape attempt. The first song I had ever heard was sung to me by her. She said the song was called 'Blackbird'. Her sacrifice for me was extremely illogical, but frankly, I am glad she made it. My name commemorates her final illogical decision."


Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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doesn't fit unwavering integrity though. my life for those that prove they deserve it.

would be far from the first time that i did 'the right thing' regardless of whether it's beneficial to me or detrimental to me.

Unwavering integrity is a Tenno quality.  All Tenno have it.

Edited by 011100110110000101101101
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My Cocky-as-hell Loki Prime (Seriously, put Mesa's Noble Animations on Loki Prime)


Suave, Debonair, Killer fashion sense, and body language that tends to invite conflict. Plus, I just love egging people on to see how far I can get before they flip a tit.

True, have same animation on him.



Tho, nothing beats Ash with Mesa Noble. Dat &#!.

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