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Your Representative Frame In The Game


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Loki is my favorite for his stealth and his ability to turn the tides of battle. He's mobile and just... awesome




volt is my representative, because he fits my play style really well. run and gun, with a minor in defense and crowd control. also i feel he shows warframe's style really well too. I have my fingers crossed for Volt Prime

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Mesa would represent me best. She's got nomadic spice, which I like and relate with. She's so good she needs to be blindfolded to keep things fun, and I'm amazing at everything I do (except videos game........man can I ever suck at that). And like Mesa, I let that exorbitant talent make my an insufferably haughty personage, to speak to whom you need to go through hell's RNG bush......... I also think she's good looking, and I'm good looking....yep.   

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Trinity has been, and most likely always will be, my favourite Warframe. She was the first Warframe I ever hunted for when I first started playing two years ago. I have played with Trinity the most out of any of the Warframes and have created and theorized several builds over that time (my clanmates can vouch for my beliefs that Trinity can be used both defensively and offensively in her own way).


As much as I would like to imagine Trinity being in his place, I'd have to say that Excalibur is most representative of me. Jack of all trades and all-round decent fellow, in my opinion. :)

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Favorite would have to be Zephyr, she's very tanky with her 3 and has amazing mobility


Representative: Hydroid. I'm that kind of guy that everybody forgets about. I get invited to go places because people need another person, and then they promptly forget that I'm there, and I also don't contribute much. When there's something going on that I can do, though, I take charge (Hydroid's CC with mass knockdown/stun) and help the group out a lot. I also do stuff... with my "powers"... when nobody's looking. >_> <_<

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i dont really think there is any warframe that could possibly represent me


someone who is always trying to push limits and boundarys of knowledge,trying the best to remove people from traditional wisdom,culture,and so on,veiwing those as weaknesses due to there reliance on unshifting knowledge


someone who is generally calm and freindly,yet with no warning having bursts of rage..and then immediatly settling back down to normal afterwards,with absolutely no way of telling what will trigger this


someone who replaces "if it aint broke,dont fix it" with "if it aint broke,your not trying"



how can there be a frame that matches that?

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I don't have a favorite... Can I choose all of them? :D


except... maybe hydroid... he really needs a buff in teamwork. Same with Zephyr... no offense to Zephyr lovers, but she gives little to the team and feels more like a solo frame.


Representative=Mag because She's my first... and even though I haven't played her in a long while, profile says I played her the most... lol

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Favorite frame: Valkyr

Representative frame: Limbo.

A gentleman, a bit off-kilter, if you like me, you'll know. If you don't, you'll know. There is no middle ground. Perhaps a bit more showy than I should be, but aside from all the quirks, I have a set of things that I do as good at as limbo does good at isolation and removal.

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Favourite: tie between limbo, nekros and ash


Representative: nekros, I was always quite grim around people, I like cracking dark jokes and unsettling people, generally being slightly creepy. Also I do things for myself that just so happen to unintentionally help others.

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Ah, amusing question.


Favourite Females: Valkyr, Saryn, Trinity, Ember, Zephyr, Banshee (she's growing on me), Mesa (Actually decent support skills)

Favourite Male: Oberon. Ash and Frost have fallen off the radar a bit. Ironclad Rhino is sort of growing on me though


Representative? All of the frames I use are representative, down to the Sigils that they use, even the weapons have significance.


Valkyr: Being an unrepentant Blood Knight, she's a good way to just...get in a scrap, take an ungodly amount of pain and just throw it all back laughing and asking for more. Similar vein to what I enjoy about Gabranth in Dissidia: Final Fantasy and Painwheel of Skullgirls; no matter how much it hurts, pain and rage is a way to motivate yourself. Bears Humanity Sigil, partly for the irony (Humanity seems almost gone and Valkyr is derivative of Valkyrie...), partly because as much as one can hate it...can't deny there are things humans do that are worth fighting for.


Trinity: Helping other people is something I just do. I may want something, I may need something, but putting others before my own needs is just...how I work. Bounty Sigil.


Saryn: Similar to Valkyr, lets me relish a fight. Why Miasma spam when Venom takes longer? Like the dull spoon, it'll hurt more~ Naturally, Malevolent Sigil.


Ember: I'm rather partial to Hereclitus' analogy of the universe; "Everything is, and forever shall be, as unto everchanging fire". Even if the forest may be burned down today, the ash will fertilise the soil, giving the seeds of the next generation a chance to grow even stronger. Chairman Sigil (leadership is an adaptive position, is it not?)


Zephyr: The wind is free, and the Tengu are something of a mythological favourite. Underestimate the storm at your peril, as the wind will tear down mountains given time. Naturally I use Reaper Prime when running Zephyr, now and then. Yes, bad pun, I know. I wouldn't half mind a Male frame based off the Kamataichii to parallel her, admittedly. Malevolent Sigil again


Banshee: I'm not here to make a scene. I've got a few things I pride myself upon, but I'm adverse to brag or being the centre of attention. She also enables another way to savour my Marksmanship playstyle. Optimum Sigil, seeing as if you're going to do something, aim for the best outcome. Yes, that was deliberate.



Oberon: For better or for worse, most people I know figure me to be some kind of knight and/or paladin. Oberon lets me support others, be it offensively or defensively, and it really is wonderful. Clarity sigil, something any self respecting knight/paladin should have. 


Hmm. Funny to think about the degree of bias going on here but it's not my fault most of the frames I've used (and barring Limbo that's all of em so far) only the listed Females fit my approach to things. Playstyle is quirky.

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