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Coming Soon: Devstream #47!


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Join us this Friday for Devstream #47! We're going into the wilds of a new development build with guns blazing. What will Glen and Rebecca find on their back country walkabout of the next Major Update?

Who: DERebecca will be playing with [DE]Glen and offering commentary on their experiences with Update 16 as they play the WIP version of it on the stream! Members of the Dev Team will be on the couch to fill viewers in on what they're seeing!

What: We will be doing a Q&A Session during the Livestream as well as asking questions posted in advance to this thread!

Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes!

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/warframe

When: Join us Friday, February 20 at 2 p.m. EST! Time Zone Converter: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

This thread closes at 10 a.m. on February 20. Get your questions in!

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(Feel free to paraphrase or shorten questions)


Warframe refuses proper progression at every turn. The game lumps players and their expected knowledge too closely together. Core paths of player progression and evolution are neglected. It's readily apparent on the PS4. Enemies don't evolve. Warframes don't evolve. The stakes rarely rise. The game itself very rarely knows when to ask more or less of players. In an effort to make every part of the game engaging for every manner of player, warframe itself assails the reasons for becoming stronger within the game. How does the DEV team plan to achieve core progression within warframe? How does the DEV team plan to improve the gameplay knowledge of PS4 players within the warframe client? How does the DEV team plan to curb players' dependence on the wiki? In what manner will the raid be limited to those capable?  


(18) Will the mastery system ever reflect game advancement, longevity of play, or skill-strength proficiency? This system requires reform before it can be given meaning.


(6) Will enemies ever evolve with level? Rather than base stat increases alone, shouldn't enemies gain new weapon types, gear, abilities, and higher skill-demands?


Will parry and channeling ever become universally viable systems? How does the DEV team plan to complete these systems?


(24) Short and/or light melee weapons would benefit greatly from step-in, what is the DEV team's view on this mechanic?


(17) The Wiki Elimination Act is my plan to eliminate player dependence on the wiki. In an effort to make the information available in-game, I propose a Codex Room in each relay. Each relay will provide players with detailed information about every universal mechanic. The room will be limited in that it will only provide enemy, warframe, and mod information about the current and previous planets. Detailed information about non-prime weapons will be mastery locked. Players will only be able to view the weapons available at their current and next rank. Only the pluto relay will contain void and derelict information. Does DE have any plans to curb wiki dependence?


(19) What sort of content does DE intend to provide for veterans to support the new demands of the legnedary-10 mods? Will there be mastery-locked content with rewards uniquely suited to veterans? 


Assorted Topics for the DEV team to speak on below. Questions may be assumed.



1. Restrict the trade of ranked mods and prime parts using the mastery system

2. Increase switch to melee speed & switch weapon speed

3. Nekros

4. Progression

5. Warframe Evolution

6. Enemy Evolution instead of endless scaling

7. Unfinished Parry System

8. Archwing

9. Awkward combos and too few combos

10. Damage 2.0 Balancing

11. Useless mods

12. Dark Sectors riddled with glitches, unbalance, and lacks incentives

13. Shotguns

14. Ammo Eaters

15. Bi-weekly rotating enemy mod drops

16. Dodge Movement, and Verticality

17. The Wiki Elimination Act

18. Mastery Reform

19. Difficult and Rewarding mission types unlocked through mastery.

20. Larger balancing team

21. Slowly regenerating health

22. Extremely difficult content not centered around making the player weaker

23. Serious bosses

24. Step-in for all melee weapons

25. Power augments that only affect team members changed to also affect the player

26. Assorted comprehensive warframe balancing

27. Better ways to get credits

28. Primary and Secondary shared sniper ammo

29. Kubrow & Sentinel Evolution

30. Nullifiers & Bombards

Edited by Seanjuju
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Why did you decide not to touch Nekros' desecrate? Do you think this skill is implemented into his skills or the general game in a healthy way? If yes, why? And do you think the rest of his skillset makes him worth playing?


Are there any infos about the focus system? Is it still in development or did the idea got dumped? I by myself was quite excited to upgrade my Tenno instead of my Warframes.



Mastery rank right now is only syndicates, emblems and trading. You promised more use for mastery rank several months ago already, but at the moment most people dont seem to take it as a fully implemented element, will we see more use in the close future?



Stealth affinity multipliers were a good step into the direction of a more ninja approach to gameplay that nobody is forced to, is there any more to come? Maybe recompensation fo completing a mission silently?

Edited by Genoscythe
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Who: DERebecca will be playing with [DE]Glen and offering commentary on their experiences with Update 16 as they play the WIP version of it on the stream!




"offering commentary on their experiences with Update 16!"


so the update is tonight?

Edited for clarity

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will there be a feedback section for enemies/mobs on the forums? I feel as if the general feedback forum is too much stuff to wade through specific enemy feedback


heres an example





only 2 specific enemy threads amongst the general feedback section



I think it'd be much easier for the devs if there was a way to look for any insight on enemy reviewing from the players.

Edited by TylerFreeman
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Will the new water tileset use the larger map space created for Archwing? If so, will there be extended travel though water depths between undersea compounds before disembarking from sharkwings?


Melee combo counter could use a dramatic reduction in number of hits, in lieu of any changes to melee mechanics that might mitigate or negate this issue. Like, more abilities that rack up the combo counter. e.g. Excalibur's augments.


Ducats being attainable via any other means. Perhaps as rewards from the rare resource caches.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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My short list of questions:


1. Will there be any changes for Kubrows? I`d love to see some armors on them.

2. Will there be any new sentinels? Its been a long time since the last one, and it was a primed version of existing one.

3. Will there be any changes in factions? Will we see new enemy types at last? Sentients? Laser-dinosaurs? Anything?



Edited by Vicious_D
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1) Will we get to see the Sentients anytime soon?Anything to show?(Same question for the queens)


2) What's the status of Mios?


3) When are Frost,Volt & Trinity getting cloth physics?


4) Can we have a "restart mission" button for solo?


5) We got cool syndicate allies. Can syndicates get real death squads based on their own troops?(their current squads don't really fit)


6) Do you have work in progress to show for the enemies of the tenno submissions? (Juggernaut,Manic Grineer,Disgorger,Arcbomber,Riot Moa?)


7) What is that new move mr Geoff talked about last devstream mr Scott worried about?

8) Do you have work in progress to show about  Parkour 2.0?

9) PC players using keyboards still can't do the basic walk action.Can you do something?


10) Have you thought about making melee use more than one key, for instance by using the reload button instead of using pauses during combos, or adding a light/strong attack mechanic based on which button is pressed?(reload button is free when you're sword alone!)


11) Spy 2.0 came out and is great. However, Stealth improvements must follow this addition. Have you worked on Stealth 2.0 features? (lure items, fixed pathing issues, air stealth finishers,alternate paths,ledge mechanics,climbing...)


12) Mirage's eclipse uses a light/shadow mechanic. Why can't we use this to better sneak around & avoid detection for every frame? Being able to shoot/shut down the lights would be really useful too for that matter!


13) Will you do the same you did with Hek's key to infested Alad V (and next bosses involving keys)?


14) We often have problems with hostages, syndicate allies,kubrows,shadows & other friendly AI. Can we expect a way to give them simple orders to control them better? It would be really practical because they tend to have pathing issues,stick to cover when we want them near us,focus on a specific enemy,etc...


15) Can we expect better gore effects & hit detection in the future? Killing an enemy feels unsatisfying sometimes,when they do this "flailing arms" death animation instead of getting impaled/cut in half...


16) We got to see some time ago alternate Nekros & Vauban sets. What do you have to say about Season 3 helmets?


17) Proto Excalibur is a cosmetic everybody loves! Will other frames get alternate skins aswell? (Proto-Ash,Blaze,Proto-Zephyr or something?)


18) Do you have concepts to show about the new planet revamp? The new boss revamp?(I guess it's Nef & Derf Anyo)


19) Have you ever thought about an Orokin void assassination key?

20) During the last tennolive, you promised that more pets than kubrows would come. Do you have some news about that?(people dream about the reptiles from that tactical alert,a bird-like companion...?)

21) I heard that Jeffrey Golem is coming. Will he replace Phorid? Will you rework our famous bigger charger?

22) When will the badass pre mission dioramas return?

23) Will we have archwing <--->ground missions(& vice versa), like in that recent trailer?

24) When will you add mrs Rebecca's idea in the forums?(the general board with everything in the works)

25) I read on the reddit that nunchuks were planned. It's amazing! Do you have other ideas of original & unique tenno reinforcements?(new weapon mechanics,new weapon types...)

26) My thread about grab attacks got featured in a community hot topics thread. What do you guys think about it? :)


27) When will quests be replayable?

28) Quests started great with cutscenes from Vor's prize. Will we ever get more cutscenes like these for the "story mode"? More entrance/end of mission cutscenes?

29) Charge attacks are coming back! Can you approximately say when?

30) Have you thought about a Boss rush mode for the maddest players out there?

31) Mirage & Zephyr got a passive abilities. May we have passive abilities extended to other frames too? Elemental resistance % for Ember,Frost,Volt & Saryn seem really logical.

32) When will syndicate leaders actually lead us through the entire mission? I find it a bit disappointing that they only do a little comment in the beginning. (imagine the Steel Meridian leader's version of "It's the grineer!")

33) Can we have a metallic colour palette?(with the actual texture of silver,gold....?)

34) Warframe & Nintendo : Yes or No?

35) Wouldn't it be great to give an awesome reward after a successful mission with no  alarm raised?

(36) Bonus : Is Typhus planned?)

37) What's the status of difficulty settings?

Thanks for reading, and keep working on the best free-to-play TPS of 2014! (and 2015 I hope)

Edited by unknow99
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Potential questions:


You made the off comment of "save your Vay Hek Beacons" when you put him back on the regular Star Chart.  Is there a idea on what purpose they may serve in the future already in the team's heads? Can you hint at what? Perhaps... the rest of the Grineer Council will make an appearance?




Personally, I never opposed Key Bosses as I felt it was the start a good theme (one keylocked boss and one keylocked planet for every faction, with Mutalist Alad and the Derelict being the highlights of this for the Infested). Is this something you plan on revisiting in the future, or will more bosses simply be put back on the Star Chart?



I'm sure no one's even given it much thought yet, but with the introduction of the updated J3 coming soon(ish), off the top of your heads what would be cool Archwing Bosses for the Grineer and Corpus?



We're barely a month in, but I'm curious: we know big things will be coming from the Grineer and there are things on the horizon for the Corpus - but will we see any new Corpus characters?  Currently, their numbers are rather limited - Frohd Bek, Darvo, Nef, Alad (are we still counting him?) Compared to every other Grineer and their mother.



Because the Corpus don't like to tick the Tenno off, their hands have been exceptionally clean throughout this entire thing - of course, that means we don't have many Events or Quests that directly link to them.  Are there any plans to change this?  And what would spark such a chance in priorities for the Corpus?

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The death animation from pre dmg 2.0 is somewhat lost nowadays - are you planing to re-implement them ?


How it the work progress on Mios doing ?


can you give us  some concept of your own on Dragon (the lancer) Frame ?


Will Mastery rank requirements go a rework?


Are you planing to fix "coptering" and launching ?


are there plans for additional armor parts for frames ?

by additional: forearms, thighs, abdomen, neck...

Edited by Cracken
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these recent changes to nekros are nice but he is still mainly used for desecrate. his abilities are still too weak in comparison with most of the frames. he's also the trickiest frame to mod due to having most of his abilities depend on duration/range/strength etc

question: is a complete rework of nekros' abilities being considered?


if not then at least consider having light units not override heavy units for the sotd pool.

Edited by -Scourge
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Everytime the Void Trader shows up its all about the Ducats.

- Do you consider the option to include ducats in Void Missions? (not as a endscreen-reward, more like an Item you can find in a special container or in a "Void Vault"-room?

more about this Idea in this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/401372-orokin-ducats-on-the-ground-just-laying-there/  (by Mastikator2) 


- What about an option for players to turn the "auto-select the last mission" on/off ?


- Can you give us a little hint about the next event? (when?, about what?, yadaya)


- Do you have any new concepts or w.i.p art of the upcoming Dragon Warframe?

(Maybe it is to early to ask something like that.... but a lot of people would like to see something :3


U16 is just around the corner /around the block/ SoonTM..or something like that^^ 

- What will be the title of the upcoming Update 16?  (maybe Sharkwing written in ComicSans?...no?...okay (._. )  )

Edited by Fabpsi
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1) Will there be a cure for the stupid and annoying kubrow cancer/ hunger, which is the leading cause of kubrow deaths (think of all the sad puppy ads on TV but in space)

2) Possible ETA for U16 or an ETA for the ETA or the ETA for the ETA for the ETA.....

3) Next Prime Frame?

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Are you going to implement a Ninja Run feature(As seen in metal Gear Rising) to make parkour easier even if it means not implementing it fully, only making parkour somewhat easier and bearable?


Ever going to to more with that chainsaw gun?


Ever going to make unique weapons more fun?




Are ye ever going to address the issues many people have with timed attacks?


it does not fit the game well and can be hard to do in a heated battle, not to mention that people are admitting to not bothering with combs due to the difficulty of doing them and the fact that it's hardly rewarding, not to mention the fact that it also slows you down making it worse than quick melee.


The current system has a nice promise, but it executes poorly and make quick melee for convenient for not dying.


Melee Combos Take Too Much Concentration And Aren't Even Worth Doing.


Not Sure If I'm The Only One Who Feels This Way Regarding Melee Combos


Combo String System(Using The Reload Button) - A Better Combo System


How about holding down "use" "Switch" and "Reload" keys to execute different combos maybe even for quick shot ala Devil May Cry("Switch" key)? Holding down melee for either charge attack or another combos. You already got holding down "block" and "back" down, even holding down "Sprint" Speeds up the flow, but ultimately fails at making you as fast as quick melee.


Or you can tap those buttons to switch to another combo(can even include a sorta sub-stance where they stand differently based on what you switched to)


What would make the current system more bearable would be showing a cobo string branching off into different combos strings and as you push a button, the buttons on the string would highlight basically telling you where you are in the combo.


And when are you going to improve quickening?


It makes no sense that you take away Fury's speed and give it to a mod that ruins your energy pool. 80% loss in efficiency just to get back the speed you lost with Fury's nerf. Fury should have NEVER been nerf and Quickening should NEVER make you lose 80% efficiency. You have Corrupt Charge" that you can use instead for better results with way less efficiency loss. If fury is going to be 30%, then quickening should not have efficiency loss at all, having to channel is god enough. I can reach more speed with using Volt/Valkyr, why even use Quickening. it's so useless. Energy drained in a few hits of a mob. Energy Restore can barely keep up and even using that is too much. 


In the end, timed attacks don't have to go, but hold attacks should be implemented as an alternative. it would be similar to hotkey, but would have that Devil May Cry 5 feel.


Even magically switch between each melee weapon with each button press by materializing them using nanotechnites(Or Nano tech)...


You have Sword, Scythe, galive equipped, hold or press each button i mentioned earlier to materialize them r simply have different combos for the same weapon.


And you should speed up the animation of each combos, there is no reason for them to be so slow and get you killed.


Melee Quick Shot




Melee Stance Mod Stat Rework (Multi-Hit/multi-Shot In Place Of Additional Mod...


Dagger Stance Attackspeed Bug?


Alt Fire And Zoom In Are Separate Keys. Why Don't They Work As Such?


Impact, Puncture And Slash Are Meaningless - What are ye guys going to do about this?



You even going to fix this?


Even the Glaive slide attack is strong than it's thow damage. Are you going to reverse this?


Also Mirage Hall of Mirror clones cannot toss the Glaive with it equipped. I do however see them toss it when it's not equipped, but only when hosting, much lke the dread issue especially with thunderbolt. You going to fix this?







You guys ever going to start adding new tiles to old tiles again with each update or at least major update? The old tiles are getting boring and repetitive especially the age old ones.


You ever going to add custom player created tilesets like you said you guys would do?


You ever going to give kubrows an auto loot system like a trained pet and even sniff out enemies?


Would you be able to transfer to each planetary lobby w/o going back to Liset and have Ordis fly the Liset to your location. It would make the Liset similar to a "My Room" feature.


Would you be able to access the star chart and begin missions from the lobby without going into liset?


Would there ever be an HQ lobby?







Ever thought of disabling energy drain trap doors until U15 for the sake of sword alone?


Every going to make alerts adapt any infested tilesets and other missions?


Infested missions ever going to go dark?


Invasions ever going to get new music, tilesets, planets, missions(Ext is boring, tired and broken), and more meaningful rewards?


Ever going to allow credits to add up based on time spent in endless missions and alerts?

(In the time spent moving up to wave 10, i could have done upto wave 5 twice over and earn double the credits of going to 10 and triple going to 15 and quadruple for 20 and so forth. Something is seriously wrong here)


Ever going to simplify Void keys and make T1-T4 keys rather than T2(Insert Mission here)?

It's a convoluted mess and there is no definitive way to even get precisely the right key which means you must deal with awful trading and pray you can use the wrong key to get the right one.which hardly happens.


Ever going to put Void key rewards back in normal missions? See no reason why they aren't there in the first place?


Every going to make T1 keys appear after 5 waves/5 minutes, etc. happen more often and T2 for 10 and T3/T4 for 15?


You guys ever going to streamline the escape menu more?

Rather than click on "Equipment" then click Arsenal, you hover over "Equipment" then hover over "Arsenal" and click it.

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