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Coming Soon: Devstream #47!


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Usual question time owo 



Will we ever get clan-tech only weapons again that can't be bought with plat? and maybe have a proper mastery rank tied to it? This leads to my next question.


Will we ever get real rewards from the mastery system besides loadout slots and a higher daily reputation limit thingy? And will weapons ever get tied to an appropiate rank because a Boltor Prime or Soma prime shouldn't be available to rank 0 and 2 already, being two of the most powerful weapons in the game.


Yay, Bonus question!


Will melee ever get a buff  damage wise to be up to par with all those wepons like Soma and boltor and what have you?


Maybe any sort of buff for going melee only? Sprint boost? shield boost? yada yada?

Edited by DJ_Vauban
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WIP = work in progress... That's ok.


At the moment I only wait for fixes


I'm not burned out or bored, I don't want immediate buffs or major re-balances.

I'm mostly tired of glitches and I'm scared of what U16 can bring considering how many "unfixables" haunts Warframe.


Please, read our reports, respond and react.

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Will kubrows and nightmare mode ever get looked at again? i feel as if its been forgotten and if this is the year of quality i would like a few more variations of nightmare modes and more mods!!


Also can we have a more suitable solution to weapon blueprints than increasingly difficult costs SUCH AS other weapons.


Finally when can we have an actual use for all those alloy plates and nano spores we have? currently the only resources in the game are neurodes, O cells, nueral sensors etc.. because we have enough of the rest, i know i have never once thought....hmm i need salvage

Edited by Asgroth
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Will come! I'm always curious about what will you show us on your devstreams. Gotta know all the things! :D


Also, I have some QUESTIONs


1. Allow players to use skins on prime weapon. Yeah... that's not a question.


Will we be able to use skins on primes again?


2. I would LOVE to see some additions/improvements/changes to the Dojo. Any planning going on?


3. Is there any chance for cephalons other than Ordis to be introduced to work with the Tenno on their Liset (or/and in the field)?


Orids has limited quotes and became kinda... boring. People surely would pay plats to replace him. Having an ability to choose would also add some more customization to the game.


4. Any updates on merging normal missions with archwing into hybrid missions?

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Will we ever get a type of story mode, unique to each frame, to maybe show that frame's history, creation, personality, and such, with full cutscenes for each one? (Full cutscenes, such as dark sector cutscenes for example)


Doing this could also give the boss that drops the warframe a bit more story to him/her aswell. For example, we have no idea where Alad V found Mesa, and maybe we could see the process of her being corrupted due to the collar.

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Are you ever going to partner with Lego for a Lego Warframe Minigame using warframes to destroy a small map and collect the pieces to 100%?


Can we have a 3D fight on the water tiles with mechanics such as mobs being called to protect the boss from above while people have to DPS the boss and keep it moving to cause a whirlpool effect to open a giant vault underneath full of aquatic mods?


are the event mod drops in spy 2.0 loot table a glitch?

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Player created content? How and when?


We've had the skins and I know devs talked vaguely about it but surely half the assets can be made by us. Art team can spend time on the real stuff and leave the itsy bitsy skins and even some models to the community (IMO).



Player created maps/quests as discussed? Update?


Focus? (yeah I know...)

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Hey DE


routine questions incoming :)


> When are the shotguns buffs coming? U16 or even later?

>Will water have some effect on archwing powers in the underwater levels? (inhibitor? enhancer? or nothing?)

>When Is Excalibur getting a 3rd generation Helmet?

>Is the melee  charge attack returning in U16 ?

> Will Lephantis be reworked one day? Or is he in your eyes already close to perfection?

> Can we get dual dakra prime? Please ? x)

>How's the mios sword coming?

> any progress on Nef anyo and Derf anyo?

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Quality of Life Changes


1.  Can we get more config slots for weapons / Warframes?

2.  Can we be allowed to name said config slots instead of Config A, Config B, Config C

3.  Can we be allowed to assign the Warframe power slots instead of them being hardcoded in the same order for each Warframe.  This will allow those of use who use controllers to map single target powers to R3

4.  In the market, while looking at weapon blueprints, show the highest level you have attained with that weapon so you don't have to switch to the Codex to find out

5.  Can we be allowed to see other players energy levels in our HUD?


Boss Difficulty


1.  They just straight up need to be much harder and maybe scale with player Mastery Rank / Conclave rating




1.  Can we remove Serration / Point Blank / Hornet Strike / Pressure Point and Split Chamber / Hell's Chamber / Barrel Diffusion and allow each weapon to acquire these traits through leveling up

2.  Can we have a reason to use elemental resistance mods?

3.  Can we fix Equilibrium to still replenish Energy / Health when the opposite is full?  Currently, if my health is full and I run over a health orb, it will not restore my energy

4.  Can we roll all individual ammo scavenger auras into one general ammo scavenger aura?  They currently don't fit the "benefit all teammates" role auras seem to be meant to do


Endless Mission Types


1.  Can we get a reason to stay past rotation C?

Edited by (PS4)LunaticGunner
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1. Will we finally get the large number of mods that were accidentally obtainable about the time U 10 was released I believe.

2. I understand with the recent changes in frames and introduction of augment mods the Focus mechanic had to be rethought and redesigned. Can you tell us what we can expect from Focus now and if it developers need more time to redesign the mechanic before it can be implemented.

3. Recently we received a statement saying that void rewards will not be touched for a while. This was after the community voted for the expansion of prime items being spread across the void. Has the idea to spread rewards been scrapped or is it going to be an actual thing?

4. About events and tactical alerts: so far electric dual stat mods are unobtainable, do you plan to make them obtainable soon and also make other event and tactical alert mods available by a non-time limited means of obtainment?


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 1.When will melee get his fair share of quality? (stances,animation polish).


 2.Please fix the telepathic enemies. (if one person sees you, the whole world sees you). Go for metal gear style stealth or splinter cell.


 3.With the new improved physics , is it possible to implement scarves and hoods into warframe?

Edited by Shaden73
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As a new player. I managed to rank up fast. I just started playing last October and now am MR18. But the last few weps (Stalker drops and archwing)and solar map I need to finish will get me no where near MR19. I see a lot of weps on my codex that are not attainable at the moment. And Excalibur Prime really bugs my OCD. I have all the other frames though. I guess I became a collector. My question is. For us newer players is it going to take us a year to get MR19? Just trying to get TA Weps and trader Weps? As of right now some of my interest in Warframe is lessened because I no longer have anything I can rank up. I love Warframe and have spend quite a bit of money on it. (2 Prime Access's + Plat buys) So I hate to just stop playing. But I do find myself only playing 1-2 hours a day now instead of 12-16 that I was. (Yes I have no life. Retirement sux).

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1. Will there be additional game-modes for the revamped PvP system?

Such as:

Team Deathmatch

Free For All Deathmatch

King of the Hill (either Free for All/Team based)

Objective Attack/Defense

PvP Interception


2. Will there be Archwing PvP (and subsequent Archwing PvP game modes)?

I feel like this could be very viable; Archwing is still "young" and the arsenal not yet overwhelming, so balancing for PvP seems like it might be easier. Plus, high speed PvP combat would be the bees knees!



3. Will PvP-based mods (mods rewarded from PvP play) be usable in PvE? Or will they be PvP use only?

I ask this because a lot of PvE players are worried that there will be PvP mods usable in PvE which gives PvP players an edge over players who don't want to play PvP in PvE game modes

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