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Coming Soon: Devstream #47!


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will there be improvements to how we are detected? Right now, one guy (even a roller) seeing us alerts the whole room and the next. I think giving us time to take that one guy out before he could detect anyone (prolly shouting or using his radio).


Will there be improvements in readability of enemy paths? like maybe the radar shows the direction the enemy is facing.


Improvements with silenced weapons and stealth takedowns (enemies shout way too loud right now when taken down via stealth)?




will there be any change to how stamina works?


melee combo counters decaying too fast?


melee buff or tweak to make them on par with ranged weapons. I dont just mean increase damage but some sort of mechanic that would make players who chose melee over ranged feel like they made a valid choice (not necessarily a BETTER choice but a VALID one).




Is there a point in time where new content will be slowed down a little to allocate more resource into balancing and fixing the game? I.E too much new stuff (although they make the game interesting) might make balancing a nightmare (which could ruin the game).


what are your plans with damage mods like serration? has there been any thoughts about removing them? if so how will the weapons and enemies be balanced to compensate for this?


enemies, any progress with the NPC accuracy? the sniper tweak was really good IMHO.

any changes to bombards and nullifiers especially corrupted ones? bombards seem to be able to lock onto you without LoS. the missile blends too much with the environment. with the damage, the fire rate, the AoE, and the tankiness of the bombards homing might be too OP.


Nullifiers have high defenses and high damage. The sniper accuracy tweak, like i mentioned addresses this indirectly, but going up to nullifiers isnt always a very good idea. any thoughts on how they could be tweaked? personally i think they dont need the damage output they have. they provide godly defensive support for others to deal damage for them. a corrupted lancer can do a pretty significant amount of damage if we cant kill them fast enough let alone a heavy gunner or a bombard.


void drops:


R5 cores were allocated to the star chart but the void drop table esp t4 got further diluted with orokin cells. There are already 2 planets in the star chart that offer orokin cells and corrupted Vor already drops it.  So why orokin cells? lore purposes? build requirements for prime gear (but anyone who goes into t4 will already have a decently upgraded gear)?. if the drop tables have to be diluted for gating game content can we have something else besides orokin cells? not sure what this would be but can definitely ask the community what they think is fair for t4.


Last devstream, DE Sheldon mentioned that there could be a way to reward players who go the extra mile and stay in endless void missions longer. Can you share any thoughts on how this could be done? what are your plans?


Non void drops:


dual stat mods and void keys in spy mission

R5 cores in interception and survival mission


These are good incentives for players to play the star chart more.


are there any more plans with star chart drop tables?


progress with spreading the void drops into the star chart (might be paraphrasing here) as DE Steve (might be someone else) mentioned




forgot to ask WIPs on dragon frame? new stance? new maneuvers? SHARKWING? shotgun buffs? sniper buffs (do we need it)? dagger buffs (not a fan, but might try)? scythes?

Edited by philsillius
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Ive been playing for a while now, and im mastery rank 9, but i dont feel the whole rank system is rewarding enough, especially after rank 8 where everything is unlocked, is there a way to to improve on this? 


It would be nice to get Clan/Alliance sigils as well as the already existing badges.


The angstrum still uses bow ammo, reducing your total bow ammo limit to 32


Corrupt Nullifiers! They need a nurf!


Also, the drop rates for Neural sensors is really really low, it might be just me, but its easier for me to get forma than the sensors.


It would also be nice to see a small increase in the max daily standing.


But most importantly: When can we trade with Darvo???

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Pets in general, but more particularly Kubrows, have had no significant changes made in a long time and have been seemingly ignored. When will we see proper changes made to the Kubrow maintenance system as well as pet balancing?

Will the colorable prime gold be eventually transfered to all things prime? (Warframes, weapons, etc?) This feels like a good step forward in the game's customization.

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Just want to ask a question about what we can do about ressources that new/old Tennos have a lot but they are not usefull. 


For that a player got a interesting idea. He call that an Energy flux injector.


The principe is simple: add in a dojo a machine where Tennos can brings some items (nano spores, command module, alloy plate and salvage, ect…) , that machine consume items continously but during that time the clan can have a buff in a stat (from 5 to 10%).


Here a link where he explain with more details:



I look forward to hearing from you guys and good work!
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Three questions.


1. Are there kubrow AI improvements in the pipeline? I often observe my kubrow being wailed upon by enemies while just standing there.


2. Are you considering a way to 'help' or 'encourage' players that are new to Archwing? When I first started it I hated it, and thought it was ridiculously hard, and never wanted to play it again. I only stuck with it to earn the mastery points for it. But as I leveled up my archwing and found mods for it, and got better at it, I now like it a lot and can't wait for more Archwing content. I witness a lot people that claim they hate it and won't touch it because of 'bad' first experiences with it, they often cite that it is too difficult or they don't get it. 


3. What are the plans for the next console update? Will consoles get a pre-U16 update?


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One problem I feel has been plaguing certain Warframes is in regards to how certain frames are forced ot pick and choose from their powers. For example, Trinity has Energy Vampire and Link. Link strongly benefits from a mod like Continuity which allows the power to remain active for a longer period of time, but this negatively affects Energy Vampire, where the energy pulses are slowed and less efficient at restoring team energy when Continuity is active. This has made it so that you have to "Build for a power" as she and some other frames have powers that completely destroy the effectiveness/efficiency of other powers when you try to enhance them (and not even by use of nightmare mods).


Meanwhile, we have several other frames that can take any sort of basic enhancement mod like Continuity and reap a bonus to all of their powers with no negative consequence. Will frames like Trinity ever receive a once-over on their powers to make it so that basic buffs on one power doesn't debuff another?

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Dear DE, here are a few questions I have.


1. Fixing Regen on Sentinels so they don't die imminently after re-spawning. Maybe have it timed.

2. More sentinels, like one that is infested and dispences health orbs and one that uses an ability similar to desecrate that scavenges more loot.

3. More Companions.

4. An option to NOT HAVE SYNDICATE ALLIES SPAWN... I always kill them off because I don't want them.

5. Fix Kubrow Den in Codex

6. More planets.

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It's not the first, and wont be the last time I use these questions



1 - Dual/Akimbo customization: let us customize each one of the guns/blades of the dual/akimbo stuff. Each Magnus with different colors on Akmagnus (or different skins) for example. Same for Dual Zoren, Dual Heat Swords, Akzani, etc. 


2 - Devstream Overview: can we have the questions you guys take to the stream written on the Overview? I'm sure I'm not the only one that can't watch the stream with audio for my own reasons, and even with audio, English isn't my language, and I rarely understand what you guys talk (you talk too fast!).



now a new one question


3 - Prime Color: I waste a LOT of money buying the last 3 Prime Access because of the extra gear. I'm not asking for special care, because I don't believe in this, but the product I spend the money no more correspond to the product I paid for, and I feeling disrespected by it. I paid for "product A" and you changed it to "product B".


 I understand you guys are making this game better in all aspects, but, just like the change with the color paletes, I would love to see a option on the menu to "Legacy Prime Color". I like the gold on Prime stuff, it's one of the reasons I use it, and I know I can use some colors to looks like gold again. But It's not what it means to be, and I don't want all my prime gear to have only 3 color schemes to customize. If you can use this from Nova Prime on, no problem, Nova/Soma/Vasto Prime are designed to be that way and we all know that it would be that way, but the previous Prime gear are other thing.




Thanks for the hard work with this game, keep it up, it's awesome.

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1. Is there an ETA on U16?


2. Any artwork (or information) of the new enemy faction that was announced a few devstreams ago?


3. About the Dragonframe:

3.1. the color you choose wll be representing the dmg type you choose but wil that only be elemental dmg or normal dmg like puncture, slash and impact too? Also how will Black and white Energycolor work?

3.2. Any Artwork you could show? Or maybe even playing with it?

3.3. Will it come with a quest or will it drop?


4. Kubrowarmour? Whats the status on that?


5. Additional Pets other then Kubrows? Like Birds for example.


6. Any Information on how we going to rebuilt the destroyed Relays? Event or quest?


7 (personal question). Will we get the chance to get the Excal Proto Skin again somtime? I missed it back when it was avaible cause i was on Holiday and i would love to get it.

7.1. Will there be other Skins like that in the future?

Edited by Evers
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 Any hints regarding next possible prime? Also since so many bosses are being reworked or at least re-skinned, Is it possible that Stalker can get his appearence updated? Stalkers' helmet is fine as is but maybe he could wear his sigil also i considered him a bit of a bounty hunter due to the fact regardless of whats happening his attention is only directed at his target. Because of this i can imagine Stalker with a custom immortal skin with tribal tattoos on his arms that glow red and kneepads to go with the stalking bounty hunter theme.

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There are currently 22 corrupted mods, all from one source, resulting in heavy dilution. Could you take a look at this?


Eximus units currently only drop Oberon parts, which is not only a band aid, but also very disappointing. How about giving them the droptable of their normal counterparts, with a higher chance for rare drops? If you can't put Oberon elsewhere (for now), it drops shouldn't be affected by it.


Can you rethink the way keys are awarded? Survival and Excavation key rewards are fine, as they are guaranteed at B rotation, but Defense and Interception don't have any guarantees. Playing to C rotation for a CHANCE at a key is often disappointing (*cough* Natural Talent). Also, T4 Keys are currently Interception exclusive, and that gamemode is not only not liked by everyone, but it also gets annoying.



Also, what Quality of Life improvements (like Rewards for each mission node being shown ingame?) can we expect for U16?


EDIT: Oh, and since we can already access missions from the Relays, any chance we could get that feature for the Dojo Observatory?

Edited by UltimateSpinDash
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Nekros is squishy as is Volt, Limbo and Loki but their powers make up for that where his dont, any chance on him getting a Defensive or high damage skill change?


Nekros suggestions for each skill.

Soul Punch just a animation change to a punch like oberons smite and not a gear throw. 

Switch Terrify to skill 3 and desecrate to skill 2.

Increase Terrify range.

Shadows of the dead change to souls of the dead where souls come from his body and go into enemies to cause heavy dots and if kill a small explosion. 

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Looking for group overhaul?

Any plans to add features to better allow players to see where the action is at such as all available public matches with filters?

Example: Players can search up active games without objective complete within the category of excavations.

Second Example: Adding a call to arms feature allowing players to request aide in a mission – perhaps add a function to give credit bonus to those that join and stay till objective completes.



Any plans to improve communication between players and DE staff?

Giving more life to up vote system.

Adding feature to gaining player feedback without having them going through your forums.

You can’t force players to add to the discussion, but you still should attempt to reach out to them.



Any plans to address formas and their appearance in the void?

Any new player will have a certain amount of joy finding these; yet unlike all the other rewards in the void, formas fall off in value as you acquire them in excess.   They start to give players a sense of defeat when appearing instead of other tradable or reusable rewards.  This defeating feeling is at its highest when appearing on Rotation C of T4 void missions.  Rewards of 20-40 minutes shouldn’t have your player feeling this way.

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1. Address RNG (system check to prevent getting same reward from last; defense, interception, survival etc)


2. Mobile Defense to drop number of rewards with number of terminals hacked.


3. Re-visit Void tables (remove Forma BPs, keep Forma etc)


4. Questions from other posts.



I've been obsessing over RNG.

Edited by Shinobi-kun
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OMG!  This is exactly why I hate forums.  No one reads them before posting.  So many repeat questions and requests for total reworks to things that were changed just 2 weeks ago.


I do however have one question, and I don't think I've seen it anywhere else on the thread:


In the goals for the year, there was a listing for the ability to downgrade the tier of a clan (shadow to ghost, ect.)  Is there an ETA for this?




Ok, one more question:


Are you ever going to give us the option to tell the syndicate operatives to stay home or to dismiss them in-mission?  It takes too long to let them die.



And here's a helpful list of things to do for everyone wanting a more difficult gaming experience (because you have total control over how hard the game is):


 1) Set matchmaking to solo

 2) Remove your companion

 3) Use frame / weapons which you label as "inferior"

 4) Remove all mods

 5) Stop playing just Mercury missions

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