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Coming Soon: Devstream #47!


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And info, updates, eta on solution on this?



The next time the Baro pops up im only going to be able to get cosmetics cause i cant connect to people. And Im not soloing the void to get enough bps worth hundreds of ducats. 


And hopefully the cosmetic is just something that's 50 cause if it's 2 pieces that are 75 each.... that's going to be a trip.

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Most games that are MMO like or have CO-OP missions like this but the game goes on after you finish the story. PvE games. For example when you finish a game like Destiny they leave you with a cliff hanger like the tower still needs protection and there's much more darkness out there.


So my question is will warframe ever have a story. Will warframe ever have a series of quest that you run in a chronological order so that you get some type of story out of it. You could unlock two quest every mastery rank.( assuming its that long) Most games main campain last 6-12 hours idk how long warframes could last.


Another example being vors prize it seems like a great way to start, but where would the lotus bring them next.

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1) Will we get a vastly improved mini-map (that shows where the enemies are in 3 dimensions) for both the current Archwing missions & the upcoming underwater missions using Archwings?


2) Will the new underwater missions be in Update 16?


3) Will underwater missions have dangerous animals (e.g: electric eels, giant squid, sharks, stingrays, etc.) and environmental dangers (sharp coral reef, entanglement in seaweed,etc.) ?



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1) do you plan on buffing scythes and machetes anytime soon so they scale into late game better? (Along with a new stance focusing on speed and maybe a machete reflecting the old ways of the past like the nikanas)

2) new weapons for some of the unpopular catagories? (Scythes, hammers etc)

3) updates on parkour 2.0?

4) I understand ash is the space ninja of space ninja, but he doesn't really feel like so... Any plans on buffing him or giving him Passives? (Maybe a quick dash instead of rolls?)

5) any status on charge attacks? I understand alot of new weapons weren't around before melee 2.0, anything with Nikana or claw charge attacks?

6) the color selection system doesn't feel like there's alot of freedom, is there any plan to have a color slider (like in photoshop) for people to get the exact shade of a color they want within that pallet they're choosing from?

Edited by YakkoWarner44
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Is there any chance you can tweak grenades? Put a marker on it?


They really hard to notice, i can see them only if i notice throwing animation and even then its hard to notice where they land.
They explode really fast, even if you do roll to the side they will kill you anyway.
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Will it be possible to give are kubrows elemental type damage and can that also give them a cosmetic effect as well. Like how I put a fire mod on my melee weapon and the fire is coming off the weapon.


I believe that it would be cool to see my kubrow with a flaming claws or given different abilities because of the mod.

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Why did you nerf Braton Prime's max ammo capacity, but yet continue to buff others? Both Grakata and Braton Prime have same magazine size, but Grakata has more ammo than most rifles (750), while the Braton Prime got nerfed from standard amount (375)? If it is because you are concerned that it might be "too good", why not nerf Boltor Prime this way? Also, why are other heavy ammo eaters, like Amprex and Synapse, still using standard 540 ammo capacity, when the Glaxion and Soma Prime get more ammo? Will there ever be any kind of consistency? 

Edited by Valafor
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How likely is it that Energy weapons such as the Supra and flux rifle will be changed to ammoless ones?

They are numerically weaker than other weapons in the same category and could use some love

It has been asked for quite a bit in recent topics, and has been up for vote in community hot topics, but we haven't had a straight answer on it.

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1) Are there any plans on further melee system reworks? 


 Many Warframe players are still not pleased with the current melee system (including myself). With the introduction of melee 2.0, a lot has changed but still, many melee weapons are not viable for high level content. Can we expect the dev team to focus some of their attention on further melee balancing (like channeling dmg multiplier increased for heavy melee, crit dmg/chance increased for daggers or other melee weps, revised combo multipliers and lower stamina drain for blocking/attacking)? 

2) Can we expect more mission types that replace old-fashioned but boring xp grind? 


Spy 2.0 was very refreshing change and (to be honest) it's a viable AND very good way to gain a lot of xp with just a bit of skill/vigilance. Why not rework other mission types to give high affinity bonuses for better performance - some alternative to current grinding nodes?

3) Due to the upcoming bosses reworks (J3, Regor or Nef Anyo) I have a question about current boss encounters for a change. People replay assassination missions only when they need specific resource or blueprint to drop, some are not even considered boss encounters anymore (both versions of Alad V for example). Are there any plans to change that, buff some existing bosses, give better rewards for playing those assassinations or higher affinity gain for a boss kill? 



4) When can we expect more Archwing improvements, mainly content wise? Archwing is currently very boring and poor Warframe feature. We need more enemy units variety, more mission types with not only Archwing related rewards, more Archwing weapons, Archwings and more Archwing related tilesets variations. Will we ever get that? 

[More of a fan concept/wishful thinking - can be ignored]

5) Quick question. Is there any possibility to make clan Dojos more connected with Warframe economy? Feature to create a spacecraft convoys in our Dojos that would travel through-out Tenno relays/ different colonies gaining our clan rare/or common resources and credits. Clan alerts to defend convoys attacked by enemy factions etc. 


Edit: [DE]Rebbeca, if you decide to take a question from above, feel free to modifiy it as you see fit so it'll be forwarded better to the dev team. 


Edited by darkhades2012
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Q1. Are there any plans to expand some of the other notable moons in the solar system, like Io, Titan or Earth's moon, into full mission sectors in style of Phobos and Europa too?


Q2. Why are the Skana and Lato currently the only tutorial weapon choices which aren't MK-1 variants with stronger regular versions?

(I bet the Excalibur statue we see in most livestreams behind you would be happy about this being changed.)


Q3. How many people on the team are working on the Warframe and weapon balancing? Is it only Scott or is there a team for that? With the ever increasing number of weapons you add to the game, it seems like a sisyphosian* task for just one man to balance all that, while also being responcible for other parts in development.


*In case the name confuses someone. Sisyphos is a figure in greek mythology, forced to push a stone up a hill only to see it roll down again, having to repeat that action every day.


Q4. Why do you put new backround lore regarding the Orokin into the Warframe descriptions instead of giving it it's own section in the codex?


Q5.Has the idea of introducing a manual knockback recovery option, aka. "manual handspring", gone anywhere or have you dropped the concept for now?

I recently got the Handspring mod and it shows that the animation for such an option is allready in game.


Q6. Based on her design it looks like Mesa finger and thumb are supposed to become fused to her Peacemaker to use them. Currently the pistols just float in mid air using the normal pistol animation.

Do you plan on actualy giving the Peacemakers the right animation anytime soon?


Q7. Is there any chance for the old Grineer Sawman to come back?

Edited by Othergrunty
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Will there ever be maps that are entirely stealth only like the data rooms in spy 2.0 with hidden passages and paths integrated into the tileset?

Will deception get the spy 2.0 treatment?

Do you plan to do anything with Hijack in future?

More prime sentinels?

Is DE illuminati?

and will there ever be an oberon buff?

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