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Coming Soon: Devstream #47!


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The following is one question; feel free to phrase it however you like.


I fear that the feedback being provided by the forums are becoming less useful over time, as the only time that DE reacts is either a bug report or everything is so agitated.


As far as I can tell there are several causes:

1.) quality threads are buried behind threads with arguments and conflicting views

2.) there are too many threads to go though

3.) Players are posting what they think should be in the game and calling it feedback

4.) the only time that what we are talking about and what you are talking about approaches being the same is when you (DE) release new information on the DEvstreams.

4a) Further exacerbated by the need to not over-promise


what can be done to fix the feedback problem in the forums.

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Will Kubrow armor be more then just cosmetics?

Will they have integrated weapons that will allow Kubrows to use additional types of attacks? (puncture,Impact etc)

And if so, will these guns be moddable with Kubrow only gun mods? or mods we already have?

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Question 1


Could we have voicepacks for male & female genders, this could add customisation while not introducing a "canon" voice for individual warframes as they would draw from a shared pool of voicepacks, divided only by gender. Also introducing a volume slider for "tenno sounds" would probably be a good idea, for people who dont like having the voicepacks and also for people who just want to take a break from em.


Also with waframes there could be a wonderfull array of different types of voices, ranging from robotic to normalish all the way to stalkerlike psionic whispers and stuff.


These could be for sale in the market for plat, and the voices could include stuff like pain grunts and combat barks and also depending on the voice pack some emotes could trigger a line.



Question 2


Can we take on raid missions with a smaller party/solo?



Question 3


Can we get larger armor pieces with more coverage? The current chest pieces don't really convey "armor" too much.



Question 4


When will some of the older weapons get a balance pass, most feel underwhelming (snipers especially).



Question 5


When/if ever will charge attacks make a comeback? Jat kittag is still crying in the corner.

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I have 2 questions


1. Will the ship announcer voice ever be coming back most likely in the respective factions language? I found it added a lot of ambiance and frankly I do need to be reminded whether or not the guard rails are there for my own safety


2. Is it possible to have a setting on how far away your sentinel follows you? I don't currently use my sentinel because it makes me feel nauseous when I am going fast and it is at a constant place on my screen.


Thanks for taking the time to read this

Edited by Caleco
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Does DE have any current work for other versions of special melees such as the Sword&Sheild, Gunblade, Claws, and Tonfas?


Can the community vote for a prime weapon (Not the Gammacor Prime because... god...), but for example my Tiberon prime. If I don't hear anything about my Tiberon prime I will resort to drastic measures. Mainly poetry.

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Frost has received many changes over Warframe's life span, and he is in his best state yet. However, his skills still leave a lot to be desired. Snow Globe has been and still is the major reason why frost is so popular, but without it there is no appeal to what this frame has to offer. Do you, think his other abilities should be looked at to further diversify Frost's arsenal?

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Will there more future costumzations such as skins for frames ,colors and weapon skins?

Are there any future art rework on frames like volt frost and so on ?

In addition to the question any reworks on planets in terms of artwork more variety in planets

Will there be more units , bosses or maybe a more funny charcter to add in the warframe universe ?

More on that will we see in planets like earth separate tier that will add places that are tier 3 enemies ?

Lots of us would like to see more costumazation in warframe it adds a lot of creativity by making a unique frame from other player frames ?

And sorry for my English I tried :)

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Will there be any consideration to an option for clan downsizing? Kicking inactive members and having only a handful of active members try to grind for mountain clan material levels has been insane for too long. Being basically a shadow clan in reality but having the material costs of a mountain clan from better more active times is a bummer on trying to finish clan research like the Itzal or collecting pigments.

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Will there be more purpose brought into the game? Obviously, story/lore has been wanted and asked for for a long time and it is much needed. Are the Grineer evil? Is the Lotus good? Are the Tenno even good or are they just mercenaries blindly doing what they are told? Not that killing a crazy amount of enemies isn't fun (otherwise I and many other people wouldn't have hundreds of hours playing), but what is the purpose? Are we trying to stop the Grineer from taking over the galaxy/universe? If that is the case, wouldn't having a mission in a city (complete with civilians) that the Grineer are currently trying to take over or destroy be awesome? It would at least display a semblance of purpose and show some sort of good/evil in this game. Just an example of course. Trying to stop enemies that are "conquering" empty planets devoid of almost any life seems less like a mission and more of a pointless killing spree.


Could we possibly see a mission at some point where the team is forced to split up? What if there was one like when we fought Mesa where we were fighting a mini boss or Grineer controlled frame and we had to split up and each fight it in 4 separate rooms (I say Grineer because the cloning could be the reason for multiple instances of one frame)? Maybe everyone fight separately and then join up right after for the actual boss fight. That would be an epic mission IMO. Would also make people learn to not rely just on teammates.

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Archwing network issues and bugs?


Itzal bugs?


Dual Decurion adjustments?


Guiding missile Lock on notifications or decrease in damage from Hellion class missiles.


Excalibur full skill rework.


Affinity Overflow System: System to transfer extra affinity on maxed gear to fusion material. Rate increased by 5% per installed forma at a cap of 4 for a total 20% increase on equipment in question. System is to be able to enjoy all content with our favorite gear and still max progress on our mods without after to choose between progress and fun.

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PvP is all about proving who is the best and which Warframe. When it comes to warframe that have immortality such as Rhino, Valkyr do you find it unfair for some players? Is their existence of a possible mod only for use on PvP that let's you surpass slightly immortality? With the new system DE will be applying I think their are some mods only for PvP and some others for PvE so what's the possibility that this new system brings?

That's all

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Lots of questions to ask, so little chance of being noticed. The biggest question on my mind is, will the Bombardiers and Nullifiers ever get balanced so the missions in the Void will once again have a decent flow? The new enemies have disrupted one of the most important areas of the game, and for someone who isn't using Synoid Gammacor yet because I like actually firing a pistol, shooting the nullifier shield 10 times from a distance before it even drops, then having to reload to finish him off, is very frustrating. Sure, I could run up and slash him to death, but often there are multiple enemies there so it is better sometimes, to keep a distance. Also, if a bomber is hidden in his shield, it pretty much means being toast in a matter of seconds. 

Take T4 Defense for example, maybe I'm not a very skilled player but, why is it that when bombers hit my Frost's globe, it does damage through the globe without dropping it? I've dropped many times out of nowhere cause either a bomber hit the globe or a Nullifier shot me from a great distance, and they seem to penetrate the snowglobe. Has anyone from DE played a T4 defense and noticed how much more difficult it has been made? I am not complaining about it being a little harder, but it is much much harder and for someone that has spent the time to get his gear up to snuff, I am disappointed that I spent that time getting stronger, only to be made weaker by this new addition. 

Also, I was talking to someone during a game, and he told me that the rockets have been made even MORE accurate in an update after their release. Is this true? He told me he has been doing a wall run to fly right over them and he still gets hit. 

We all know the addition of those enemies were some form of punishment for what you called "players abusing the game" by farming, by using a map that was designed by you and no exploit was causing the issue, only a solution to the issue of getting 30 rep per exterminate mission. 

I will probably continue to ask the same question in the future, because I want to know when DE will listen to the community and balance out the absolutely ridiculous enemies being way too overpowered. 

IF this gets read, but is not going to be talked about on the Devstream, but you want to hear my idea on how you could fix the issue with these enemies being too strong, and at the same time, please the community AND breathe new life into some of the Warframes that don't really ever make the cut into high level void play, message me here or in game and I can provide you with the list I made about a month ago detailing what could be the best solution. 

To sum it up, the question I'd like to be asked if this is too much to condense, is will the Nullifier and Bombardier issue be resolved any time soon? This is the first online game I've ever played, where the purpose of the addition of new enemies was not to be a new challenge but more of a punishment for high levels players, and also a disruption to the flow of the voids. Not all of us camp in a corner for 2 hours, some of us actually solo or play T4's with random people that sometimes, aren't very good. 

Edited by shiftintoGTR
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So many Questions:

*Can we expect be able to look at inventory when we are in our dojo in any upcoming update?


*Are you looking at adjusting affinity challenges so that we only get those that can be completed? (No pistol kills in archwing missions, no hacking consoles in the void?)


*Will kubrow cool down times ever go away so we can change for different types of missions? 


*Since void rewards are looking like they will stay at the new forma drop levels, has it been considered to have forma bp’s be sellable for ducats? (Maybe for 5 ducats?)  It's not uncommon to get 3-4 in a row now, so this would be a huge morale boost to have something to do with all of them. 


*Do you view removing Natural Talent from rotation c in interceptions as a reasonable request? Any hope here?


*Should PS4 players expect the same change from cores to orokin cells in T4 survival? Is there any chance this will be changed to something a greater portion of the community would find useful? (Most T4 regular players don’t need many o cells if any at all). I am very excited that I will be able to get packs of R5’s while I’m key farming, but am hoping T4 survival might get adjusted. I have joked about getting bo prime ornaments in T4 survival before, but those would be way more useful than more orokin cells.


*In your opinion, should a “no-life” gamer be able to keep up with getting everything in the game and eventually maxing all mods? What would be a reasonable amount of time for that to take? There has been a lot of debate on one of the threads over whether it should be possible or not, just wondering how you guys feel about this.


*Has adjusting credit costs for fusing mods or trading ever been discussed? Do you guys feel they are at a good level?


*Shotguns…is a buff being considered or was the prime mod the fix for that?


*Do you feel like the changes to interception are now complete? Are you considering any changes to make it more possible to solo them the way we used to be able to?


*Any hints about if/when the void trader items might repeat? If prime access items will ever repeat?


*Will the kubrow den entry be fixed in the codex?


*Will our profiles be fixed so that they correctly show archwings and archwing weapons at the proper rank instead of unused?


*I’ve read that the alerts are random, but are alerts for the Ketos and Slipstream helmets in the rotation? I’ve been doing a Tenno helmet rain dance with googly eyes on for some time with no luck. Maybe this has angered RNGesus. Any ideas on a better method? Do I need to consign my firstborn kubrow?



Thanks for the awesome game!



Had to add:


I played a few missions on Augustus, Mars for T4 keys last night and RNG smited me with repeated Nat Talent drops. A bad luck streak, yes, 75% of my runs gave Natural Talent at rotation C. But it does beg the question, is there any plan to ever take Nat Talent out of rotation C? Does it seem reasonable to have an interception that only drops T4 keys on rotation C?

Edited by (PS4)Bowjangelz
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