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"I appreciate that mutation is painful, yes. But water is a moderator. It slows things down. Also, it'll help absorb all of that excess heat."

The second vial was almost full. A few seconds later, the final drops fell into the tube and the machines shut down, several wires sparking and electrifying the water. My shields slowly began to degrade.

"EAmorr, it's time to go."

She gave my a thumbs up and ascended, leaving the cavern and heading into the open water. I followed close behind, feeling slight pain as the nitrogen in my blood expanded- the breach in my armour meant that my seal was not 100% efficient. I had acclimatised to the deep. Pushing through the pain, I drew close to the surface, approaching Doc who was floating a few feet below the surface, marvelling at the tendrils of energy coursing around her blackened armour. Around her, the water was still boiling.

"Zantruse! Whatever did you do? I feel so alive! Ha!"

"Well, looks like you're going to need training." I sighed. "Again."

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  • 2 weeks later...

[sorry about the response time, I couldn't think of jack sh1t to type.]

Through the come, there is a brief wheeze as the radiation around Doc spikes and then lowers to it's previous level immediately.

"Vhat type of training? Has zhis varframe twisted into something.. new?"

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"Exactly, and that's the problem. We have no idea what you're capable of. Oh, and before I forget..." I held my hand out, several bodies dropping from a digital swarm. "Cadavers."

Doc rubbed her hand together, snatching the energy orb out of the air as I threw it to her.

"Take that as a boost. We need to go somewhere more suitable for training."


Several hours later, we pulled up outside the Dojo I called home. I had made it myself as a place where I could be alone with my thoughts. I never had the conviction to allow someone else access, until now. I led Doc into a battleground.

"Take that energy and start fighting. We need to find out what you can do."

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This page, took me a day (22 hours actually) to read, hope the DE read this and publish it as the first warframe novel, hahahahaha

(dayum m8, you actually read the whole thing?)

(again, writer's block. feh.)

Doc glances around awkwardly.

"Hah.. hah.. Ja, zhat's a funny one Zantroos."

Doc glances around a bit more.

"But uh... heh, in serious matters, who, exactly, do I fight? Zhere is uh.. no one here."

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(finally have a bit of a break from two school projects, and trying to farm for trinity prime, with no luck. i burned through all 10 of my T2 Sabotage keys and not even a glimpse of the helmet, im well convinced that RNG has a grudge against me)


Zan gave me a look as to suggest that i fight Doc. "oh no, dont look at me, dont you have a practice dummy of some kind that she can smack around?"




"you could fight her you know, you dont have to exploit my anger just to teach her, that seems rather rude."


"maybe, but it could also help you to deal with whatever made you so angry in the first place." 


"i believe you know very well what and who made me this angry, hes on the ship waiting for the cure to be tested on him before we save his cousin"


"fair enough, but holding onto your anger like this isnt healthy for you, you should find a way to get it out before it consumes you"


'I dont think fighting Doc i going to solve my anger issues, besides we dont even know what her suit is or what it can do, dont you think that it should first be tested on a dummy?"

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This page, took me a day (22 hours actually) to read, hope the DE read this and publish it as the first warframe novel, hahahahaha

(unfortunately there's some cross universe stuff going on here, so no luck with it getting published... ever...)

Edited by Trailgamer5
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"Feh, screw it." I turned away from EAmorr, and I pointed to a console. She pressed a button, and barriers sprung up around the arena. I raised my arms, extending them out sideways and exposing myself. "Hit me."


"Hit me."

Doc looked at me, to her own fists and the black armour covering them, then back at me. She shrugged, and walked over to me, pulled her fist back and slammed it into my stomach. Her fist bounced off my shields. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, stop messing around. Hit me."

She punched me again.

"Hit me!"

She came forward again, and this time I caught her fist, catching her off guard. I leaned in.

"HIT ME!" I roared, and she screamed, throwing her arms wide. A small radial burst knocked me back. She looked at her fists, staring at the scarlet energy wreathing them. I grinned. "Good. Now do that again."

She threw her arms out, the pulse radiating from her. I felt my shields take a hit.

"This is... strange."

"Yup, and it's only going to get stranger. Alright, do you see the blue metre inside your helmet?"

"Ja, it says 50."

"What did it say originally?"

"Erm... 100?"

"That's a cheap ability, alright, we'll call that Repulse. Now to see what else you can do. I'm going to attack you, alright?"


I ignored her and darted forward, a powerful blow to her head knocking her down.

"Oh, Zan! Something else has appeared!"

"Go on."

"In the third slot, a small symbol."

"What does it look like?"

"Like a... lance."

"Alright, try pushing your arm forward very quickly."

She extended her arm, a crimson lance erupting from her palm and slamming into me. I winced.

"Okay, looks like that throws the damage you take out into a lance. Nice. We'll call that... Vengeance. Onto the next."

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"Zantroos? Can ve take a break? My hands are starting to hurt."

* * *

I float slowly, farther away from the sun. I am calm, but the light is fading. I am not afraid. I am content. Maybe one day I will see another light. But it seems like blackness is closing in.. my vision begins to brighten, the blackness is fading. I become aware of a low droning sound, intermittent beeps. I open my eyes. I am bombarded by a strong light. Slowly, I become aware. I am on a ship. I am in a cool room. I am laying down, on something hard. An operating light is above me. I have been inflicted with Technocyte. I am calm. Surely I should not be.

I hear the soft patting of footsteps. But they are irregular, struggling footsteps. Someone walks into the room. It is my cousin, he has been inflicted the same. I try to stand to greet him, but only an overwhelming pain and a weak cough escape my mouth. I lay there, still, each breath beginning to hurt worse and worse.

"You're a-awake."

I calmly ask him when it will all be over. All that comes out are fragile whispers, the quiet droning nearly drowns them out.

The only response is a silent stream of tears.

My sight and audibility blur, slowly muffling out into quiet flickers of sound and vision.

I am dying.

I feel no pain.

I am drifting away slowly from the light. I know I will not find a new one.

I try to cling on. Just enough to hear those tears patting upon the floor.

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"Alright, take a break. I'm going to see how the cure has worked on Alad, providing he's taken it. Should be interesting."

EAmorr deactivated the shields, and I stepped out of the arena. I walked through the halls to the hangar, stepping into Deke's ship. As soon as my foot touched the metal, Alad's head popped around the corner. He was still Infested, and panic was clear in his eyes.

"H-Help me."

"Did you not take the cure?"

"If I want to save Deke, I cannot."

I ran forward, following Alad into the operating theatre. As a Tenno, I had seen things that shouldn't ever be seen, but nothing could prepare me for the sight inside. Deke's chest was bristing with Technocyte spores, and the rest of her body was twitching sporadically. I saw the two cure vials on the worktop, far away from the table.

"Why have you Infested her?!"

"She was already Infested, I merely accelerated the process. It's the only way I can save her."

I ran away, heading to an inventory station and morphing into a Trinity. I headed back, using Blessing to no apparent effect.

"Energy-based healing will not do much for her, Zan."

"Alad, I want you to be straight with me. Does she have any hope of survival?"

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My head snapped up in attention, i felt panicked but was unsure as to why. I cocked my head to one side as if listening to something i couldn't hear, something was wrong, very wrong. The feeling crept over me, "Doc come with me something is happening and its bad" Without any explanation i bolted from the room darting around corners and back to the hanger. I was inside my liset with a grim thought in my head, i grabbed my ether sword and slung it on my back, a quick warframe change and i was in my own trinity armor. Doc made it to my liset just as i jumped out and rushed to Deke's. "all you need iz a siren and flashing lights and you would look like an ambulance" "I have no idea what that is" "iz a large van zhat iz uzed to take injured people to place called a hospital, usually red and white in color. But it looks good on you too." back in Deke's ship i found Zan, Alad, and Deke who looked worse than when we last saw her. "Has she had any of the cure?" "No Alad was supposed to test it so we knew it would work , but he hasn't touched it." "Then give her the cure, the worst that could happen is that it doesn't work." Zan noticed my Ether sword on my back, all tenno knew that it was used to "cleanse" our allies that had fallen victim to the technocyte. "its a last resort, if we cant cure her you know what we have to do" i spoke softly, and Zan nodded, we all knew that we had a natural immunity to the virus, but sometimes that isnt enough to keep it from infecting one of us. "give her the cure" 

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I looked at Alad, seeking his permission. He nodded. I took the first vial, loading it into a syringe and stabbing it into Deke's neck. I pulled the trigger, the glowing liquid vanishing into her bloodstream. The effect was instantaneous- she began to shake, the Technocyte spores recoiling as their host was purged of the Infestation. They glowed blue for a second before exploding into dust. Deke' s breathing became slightly heavier, closer to normal, but still far too fast.

"Damn it, the cure hasn't saved her... EAmorr, Blessing."

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I complied the green energy seemed to soothe Deke, her convulsions slowed and her breathing, while still short and shallow, slowedas well. I gripped her hand, she squeezed it, weak but still enough to show that she was awake. I gave a quick scan of her vitals, they were stabilizing steadily. The cure had yet to fully purge what was left of the virus inside her body, it would take time but how much was unknown. "One of us should keep an eye on her until she regains her strength" a solemn nod from Zan. I glanced at Doc, Zan would continue to train her and help her to wield the abilities of her warframe, that left me to keep watch over Deke. "Alad you could easily reinfect her with the virus, it is vital to your cousin's survival that you keep out of here until she is stronger. If you can do that then i can find the formula for the cure for you, not even someone like you should be used the way you are by the infested. If the cure works on you then we can keep the colonies from falling prey to the virus." I was thinking out loud, but there was one thought that i didnt voice, Alad would be indebted to us for curing him. And that was more dangerous than facing any size grineer platoon.

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"The other alternative is that you take the cure too, Alad."

"Yes, I know. But I think I'll keep hold of my Infestation for now. It could come in h-handy."

"Well, if that's the case, get out. Let EAmorr work. Doc, with me. We still have two more abilities to uncover."

I left the lab, Doc following close behind. She waited as I changed back into my Loki, the Trinity morphing out of shape and my stature changing. I took out my Tonbo. Doc looked at the wicked blade with slight fear.

"That looks... sharp."

"It is. Don't worry, you can't be killed in the arena. Question: What melee weapon do you like using?"

"Erm..." She pulled a saw from her back. "Ubersaw."

"Alright then. Follow me back the the arena."

I waited for her to settle in her place, both of us standing at the same time. I pointed the bill of the blade forward, and she held her saw by her head, her left hand stretched forward. I darted forward, and as I passed, extended my reach. She saw it coming, managing to duck almost all the way out of the way and dragging the tip of her blade down my arm, the cylinder filling with blue red liquid. She extended her hand, a crimson lance hitting my leg as she cat Vengeance. I noticed the cylinder emptied out as she did so. She closed in again, and this time, I let her hit me, making it appear as if she was winning, watching the red fill the cylinder. When it was completely full, I changed tact, turning invisible and jumping over her, delivering a barrage of kicks and slashes that sent her reeling. I backed up slightly, preparing for a charge as I turned visible again, and Doc went wide-eyed as the blade approached her neck. She brought her arms up, impenetrable armour springing up and depleting the cylinder.

"Hah! Ubercharge."

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  • 2 weeks later...


No-one's replied in almost 2 weeks, so I'm going to declare this thread dead. We had a good 9-month run, so I'll just put a neat "ending" here. Feel free to contribute afterward, note that I will not likely follow up on anything.

Never mind!


It took a few days, but I eventually trained Doc in the ways of movement and abilities. She's quite insane, but she's a brilliant fighter. Good at healing, too. Blew the medical expertise of the Trinity and Alad V right out of the water, and patched up Deke like it was nothing. When I asked how she did it, she just shrugged. Trade Secrets, she had said. I didn't press the subject.

Once Deke had awoken, Alad had taken the cure. Deke had cried- actually cried- tears of joy as he woke up clean and we unstrapped him from the table. They soon kindly requested that we- Doc, EAmorr and myself- vacate from their ship. EAmorr and I went to leave, Doc vehemently refused, preaching that the ship was her home too, regardless of whether a berserker and a madman inhabited it as well. I shrugged and left a radio frequency, as did EAmorr.

"We've seen what's hiding around the system. I'm just a Loki, I can only do so much in open combat. Saying that..." I went to the Inventory Station, the four of them watching as my armour changed- still a Loki, but Prime.  "I do seem to have had a bit of an upgrade."

EAmorr left soon after, her stealth pod vanishing from sight. I left moments later, peeling away from the Corpus vessel, the nose of my Liset into outer space.

"Operator, are we going anywhere in particular?"

"No idea, Ordis. We'll see what happens, eh?"

Edited by Adman99
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(god sorry I've been so busy lately, but I can't let it end here, otherwise consequently stating my futility on the forums.)

Ten years later, 8066, in orbit around Pluto, Aedromis station.

"Vesydus, you're only eleven years old. You're too young to be operating a turbulence drone."

"Contrary to your presupposition, Apprentice Myroh, I am unconditionally capable of regulating this apparatus, due to my fond comprehension of it's dynamics."

"Well- you might get hurt, and.. break something."

"Did I not disclose my unwavering discernment five and four tenths of a second ago, Eris Myroh?"

"I have to think about every sentence you say just to understand y-"

"Fascinating. Center your scrutiny to the visual aperture, Myroh. It appears to be a Liset, a mobility lifeforms dubbed Tenno used to transport. It is active, and is docking near our sector. You must conduct as I investigate."

At the docking station..

(I'll let whomever continue.)

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Vesydus pulls Myroh down behind a crate.

"Silence, Eris. It may perceive us if we cause any activity on it's radar. It utilizes movement and sound to sense matter with ease. I must lock it in so it does not do bodily harm."

Vesydus, clothed in mere royal blue, waving, civilian robes, unprotected, begins her dash to the emergency lockdown console, 10 yards away, right in line of sight of the mysterious, once thought to be long-gone Tenno specimen.

"Vesydus!" Myroh shouts loudly in fright.

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Vesydus pulls Myroh down behind a crate.

"Silence, Eris. It may perceive us if we cause any activity on it's radar. It utilizes movement and sound to sense matter with ease. I must lock it in so it does not do bodily harm."

Vesydus, clothed in mere royal blue, waving, civilian robes, unprotected, begins her dash to the emergency lockdown console, 10 yards away, right in line of sight of the mysterious, once thought to be long-gone Tenno specimen.

"Vesydus!" Myroh shouts loudly in fright.

The Tenno simply cocked his head to the side. Then, he quickly drew his Detron and blasted Vesydus. All of the pellets seems to land far from her. The closest, landing half a dozen inches away from her left, was the most deviated shot. This was a warning shot.
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Vesydus's eyes widen in shock. She hastily presses a button on a titanium-brandished collar fitted for aesthetic detail on her neck, it slides over her head, unlatching itself to appear a protective mask.

as per example/ plague mask esque. plague_hunter_ii_by_pyxelated.jpg

Vesydus rushes for the emergency Serro, something traded in from a large company for scrap metal. Grasping it defensively, Vesydus dashes behind the Tenno, and kicks them in the back and jabs them with the electrical side of the scrapping tool simultaneously.

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Vesydus's eyes widen in shock. She hastily presses a button on a titanium-brandished collar fitted for aesthetic detail on her neck, it slides over her head, unlatching itself to appear a protective mask.

as per example/ plague mask esque. plague_hunter_ii_by_pyxelated.jpg

Vesydus rushes for the emergency Serro, something traded in from a large company for scrap metal. Grasping it defensively, Vesydus dashes behind the Tenno, and kicks them in the back and jabs them with the electrical side of the scrapping tool simultaneously.

The Tenno simply swung around, dropping the Detron and pulling out his Jat Kittag in a hotizontal motion. Effectively blocking both strikes. "And what do you hope to achieve in doing that!?" He grabs the Serra and wrestles it out of her hand, tossing it to the side.
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Another liset docks and a nova prime, colored black, purple and silver instead of gold jumps down. "Ordis, i swear to the lotus if you don't stop steering us into mine fields i'm going to dismantle you myself." after a pause she responded "Ordis, you cant even make those remarks, i don't have a mother" Already having noticed the girl and the oberon, the nova strides over her only visable weapons being an orthos prime and a vaykor marelok. "Tell me tenno what do you hope to accomplish in fighting a child?" The nova crossed her arms as the girl moved to stand be hind her and noticed the sigil on her back relating her to the highest rank of the steel meridian. "these are colonists, the tenno are not supposed to harm civilian people, so what do you have to say for yourself?"

Another Tenno jumped out of the nova's ship this one a normal rhino armed with only a galatine, he knelt down next to the girl "Go back behind the crates with your companion" with i pat on the head he gently nudged her towards the crates. 

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"I wasn't even going to fight her" He sighed. "She was locking the doors so I gave a warning shot. She then pulled out a Serro and decided to poke me with it. I only blocked, then you 2 came along." He stands fully back up, picking up the Detron and facing the newcomers. "If we have a misunderstanding, I can clarify it with you." Something tells the others that by "Clarify" He meant beating it into their skulls.

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Vesydus sprints behind the crate in panic, screaming;

"Eris! Eris! Oh god no! NO!"

Myroh has been shot in the chest multiple times.

Myroh whispers, voice faltering: "Vesydus... I... will not.. make it.. take my things and go.. quick.."

Vesydus screams in protest. "NO! I'm not leaving you-"

"Just.. go!"

Vesydus rips the amulet off of his neck, and kicks the tight-fit ventilation open behind her guardian. She slides in, dragging herself hastily away from the scene. A few minutes later, she drops into a workshop-esque place, only accessable by the ventilation. She grabs an intimidating crossbow, ammunition puncturing bolt-like bolts, inside filled with cyanide mixed with sedatives. She loads the sedative-only bolts into a pouch and puts on a more protective, intimidating black robe, and pulls the hood on. She pulls off her current boots for steel-tipped ones, and fastens a couple belts around her robe to keep it secure. Finally, Vesydus slips on black gloves and the amulet, and climbs back to the room where Myroh was shot.

Vesydus sneaks back behind the crate, loading in a sedative-only bolt. She raises her crossbow, and shoots the Tenno with the Detron straight into unconciousness. She runs up to the unconcious Oberon, and loads in a cyanide-sedative bolt, preparing to aim straight at his head.

"This is for terminating the only genetic family I had, you-"

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