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May 6Th: Hot Feedback Topics


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Will you guys ever allow us to choose level of mods according to our wish, if we have already unlocked the corresponding lvl ?


(Like :- I got a level 9 serration, but i want to use it in a lvl 5 gun. So i should be allowed to lower the level of serration to lvl 3 so that i can use it on my newbie gun and when i got more mod  power, i can change the level of the mod to higher ranks)

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Ember 4th skill still the same, useless ,super low damage, super low range , super low duration, should be remade with something different, its the same skill like overheat with lower damage/duration and different animation . 


Nyx Psyonic bolts broken, miss targets.


Saryn first skill , broken, not spread venom at max level and max reach mod.



I rush for good, i dont like ninja TURTLES!

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Ember 4th skill still the same, useless ,super low damage, super low range , super low duration, should be remade with something different, its the same skill like overheat with lower damage/duration and different animation . 


They fix this on update 8 man, they already stated it

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Heyyyy.... maldita sea tiene que avisar cuando areglan el juego, se me puso lag y sin querer vewndi el plano de FROST PRIME.... porfavooor no es justoooooo todo porque actualizan... ahra como vuelvo a co0nseguirlo

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and when will level rise????? I already have 30 level warframe  and all my guns /////////////////

I think this might be as good of a fix as you think. One of the most common problems game developers have is the concept of what I refer to as "Eternal Progression" (Yeah I stole it from the Mormons, leave me alone!)


This is why I suggested adding various challenges to the game instead. Raising levels does nothing because...the new level cap will be met. If you make it infinite then some players become Gods while the rest rot. This is another problem with the free-to-play model as well. Payers should not be above competition from non-payers.

IMO they have done an excellent job of keeping this game balanced. Now they need to work on keeping the veteran players busy.

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I think this might be as good of a fix as you think. One of the most common problems game developers have is the concept of what I refer to as "Eternal Progression" (Yeah I stole it from the Mormons, leave me alone!)


This is why I suggested adding various challenges to the game instead. Raising levels does nothing because...the new level cap will be met. If you make it infinite then some players become Gods while the rest rot. This is another problem with the free-to-play model as well. Payers should not be above competition from non-payers.

IMO they have done an excellent job of keeping this game balanced. Now they need to work on keeping the veteran players busy.


There is just lacking endgame right now. Essentially, by the time of "release", when beta status ends, the devs should come up with some sort of a player-driven gameplay, that would allow people to forget about all the levelling stuff and concentrate on playing the way they play best.


Right now the closest we have is mod farming the defence missions, which is... Wrong. 


Also, from my point of view, having enemies be challenging in game mechanics kind of way, rather than "it has tougher health/more shield/harder armour", would be the perfect thing to have at some point after the point, where the fully-levelled gear belongs, is reached.

Edited by GTG3000
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There is just lacking endgame right now. Essentially, by the time of "release", when beta status ends, the devs should come up with some sort of a player-driven gameplay, that would allow people to forget about all the levelling stuff and concentrate on playing the way they play best.


Right now the closest we have is mod farming the defence missions, which is... Wrong. 


Also, from my point of view, having enemies be challenging in game mechanics kind of way, rather than "it has tougher health/more shield/harder armour", would be the perfect thing to have at some point after the point, where the fully-levelled gear belongs, is reached.


Yes, the DE do know about that. If you watched the last LiveSteam, Steve clearly stated about it being which is... Wrong.

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I think defense rewards should be better got to 5 and the reward was streamline we went to 10 and stopped but our reward was heated charge I think rarer mods should be higher up and harder to get and conversely the low level mods easier to get.

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Why was down voting removed ? I taught it to be a good measure to know if people agree or disagree with what someone has said. To many down votes means people don't agree with what you just said it's as simple as that. I don't see why people have to interpret it as: THEY HATE ME !!! TROLLZ !!!

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Why was down voting removed ? I taught it to be a good measure to know if people agree or disagree with what someone has said. To many down votes means people don't agree with what you just said it's as simple as that. I don't see why people have to interpret it as: THEY HATE ME !!! TROLLZ !!!


Because some people like expanded answers, and if they don't get one, they start wondering, what a person, that couldn't just walk away from their, no less, most unique and awesome feedback/idea/suggestion/fan-anything, was thinking.


Also, because some people went out on downvote sprees, and it looked quite ugly.

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I think defense rewards should be better got to 5 and the reward was streamline we went to 10 and stopped but our reward was heated charge I think rarer mods should be higher up and harder to get and conversely the low level mods easier to get.




Totally agree with this. Based on my experience, 3 most common rewards are Heated Charge, Hellfire and Streamline. I suggest that at least it's a guaranteed rare (not just streamline) for level 15 and above and increase the credits given by 50% (based on credits for that defense mission) at every checkpoint starting from level 10. Maybe you can give 2 mods (1 rare + 1 uncommon) for level 25 and above and 3 mods (2 rare + 1 Uncommon) for level 35 and above as a reward. I used to play up to level 35 with my friends but we found out it's not worth it as the mod drop is getting less, we need more ammo just to kill a monster at higher level and more time spend on it. At least we have some incentive to do higher level defense mission. Your consideration is very much appreciated. :)

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I think defense rewards should be better got to 5 and the reward was streamline we went to 10 and stopped but our reward was heated charge I think rarer mods should be higher up and harder to get and conversely the low level mods easier to get.

I think the reward for 10 should at least be better than what was offered for 5. Or maybe make the rewards accumulate.

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