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Stop Prioritizing Enemy Animations Over My Cc


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This is just ridiculous.

It doesn't matter whether it is a ground pound or just peeking out of the cover, enemies will just ignore the control abilities if they are doing something.


I can't count how many times I died because a scorpion didn't care about a giant wave of fire coming at her and pulled me anyway.


Sure, there are abilities that will CC no matter what. But all of them should interrupt enemy actions, especially if it's something as dangerous as napalm preparing to do his radial knockdown.

As long as I'm the first one to use my ability, he should get knocked down.

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Meh, at least it works both ways. Warframe casting and melee animations can't be interupted by enemy cc moves either.


This is why a crit melee with triple stacked berserker proc is almost 100% invulnerable to CC as long as you keep attacking, its awesome.

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Meh, at least it works both ways. Warframe casting and melee animations can't be interupted by enemy cc moves either.


This is why a crit melee with triple stacked berserker proc is almost 100% invulnerable to CC as long as you keep attacking, its awesome.

I know at least reckoning and likely other cc skills are interrupted, and after you stand up again you preform the animation, wasting time.
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basically everyone is immune to cc while performing cast animation. you can make use of this to dodge enemy knockdown too.


It's a multifaceted bug. Most of my playtime is in solo. I have enemies who on a regular basis will radial slam you while they are prone, while they are airborne, etc. It's not that they sometimes ignore your disables or CC completely, which is very common but they can also cast it while actively being disabled.


I prefer to use divekicks when I can as a quick, effective and cheap method of knocking over choice targets, but it's a random tossup if the enemy gets their radial slam off or not, knocking me down in the process. I have no qualms about being radial slamed before I make contact, that's entirely fair but that isn't what's happening when this bug rears its head. This is independent from if I start my divekick from outside their range or from within their aggro range. Sometimes they get knocked down as they should, showing off a brief red flashing outline and an audio cue to tell me my kick connected. Other times without reason they will ignore the knockdown, despite the red outline and audio cue going off telling me I hit (if there is in fact intended immunity frames the divekick audio and visual cue should simply not play). Other times I will still get the knockdown, but as they are falling to the ground the radial slam effect goes off anyway, even with them going through a falling animation.


The other bug related to this is the status proc bug. If you knockdown an enemy, and then score a status proc while they are slowly getting up, the 'staggered' animation will override the previous animation, effectively springing them up from prone instantly. While they are in this 'staggered' animation they aren't actually staggered, they can radial slam you and in some cases resume shooting you, ignoring the fact the 'staggered' animation is a shorter CC period anyway. Even if the bug where they can act or fire while disabled is fixed you are still being punished for scoring a status proc on a downed enemy by helping them up.


A new bug is some Arctic Eximus (i've only personally seen an Arid Heavy Gunner do this so far) are ignoring my Valkyr's Ripline ragdoll effect. Energy is used, Valkyr does the tossing animation, damage is applied while their frost shield had already been destroyed with no effect. I suspect this might be working against other CC as well and could use some testing with other frames and abilities.


Additionally, with the last universal enemy accuracy adjustments enemies will frequently be able to fire their weapons full auto while being stunned or ragedoll'd.


Then we have enemies' fire originating from 2-3 feet around corners while that particular enemy is stuck in a 'hiding behind cover' animation and cannot be directly fired upon, and this is not in situations where they are 'blind-firing'. The projectiles are spewing forth from thin air while the enemies' guns are at ease by their sides.


I run into these bugs every day I play, running solo, with at least 2-3 instances of them cropping up each mission depending on which faction I'm up against.

Edited by rehspuhkuh
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Enemy knockdown is totally messed up. Not only the animation priority.

The direction in which you will get knocked away to is already set at the beginning of the enemies knock down animation (the squatting thing). Which would be okay if it werent relative to the direction your warframe is facing to. So when you turn by 180° during the animation (while the knockdown is not executed yet) you will get knocked toward the enemy instead of away from it.

What is worse is that the knock down effect is happening regardless of the fact that you already jumped out of the range in time before the animation is done. Since it already tells your warframe to get knocked down in a certain direction at the beginning of the animation and executes the knock down after a timer which is the duration of the animation.


This messes up any counterplay and logic. The whole animation and effect synergy is out of balance.

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Not always. Does the same thing to me when I'm playing solo on my nice fast internet. Things like the grineer heavy radial blast go through once they've started the animation no matter what you do.

I've knocked heavies(napalms, gunners, bombards, etc.) over via melee ground slam before I'm in range for them to activate their ground pound attack and it still plays out and knocks me over. I play solo a lot and that is usually when it happens. Rather frustrating getting knocked down when trying to attempt a ground finisher on a heavy unit because somehow their form of CC activated when they were not standing on their feet.

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I've knocked heavies(napalms, gunners, bombards, etc.) over via melee ground slam before I'm in range for them to activate their ground pound attack and it still plays out and knocks me over. I play solo a lot and that is usually when it happens. Rather frustrating getting knocked down when trying to attempt a ground finisher on a heavy unit because somehow their form of CC activated when they were not standing on their feet.

This is beyond silly. I've seen heavy gunners do their pound while in midair and ragdollized.

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The animation invulnerability that has always bothered me is when a kubrow tries to grapple a soldier and the enemy wrestles them to the ground instead.  It takes forever for the animation to end and the enemy can't be hit by anything even if you're unloading your gun into his back from a foot away.  Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Edited by Ralsk
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