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House Of Atreus Recruiting (Read With Care, Please)


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I'm recruiting fellow players for my self funded ghost clan.


- I have a complete set of labs in my dojo, with all researches already made.

- I have high end gear, good enough to solo end game, and I'm willing to help out others on leveling and getting resources and parts.


Attention - Sometimes it takes me a while to answer to PMs or this topic, mostly because I work all day, but I visit the forums frequently, you will be contacted. I had some people come around, ask for an invite, and when I got to it, the person was already in another clan. If you are able to wait for 24h, at max, you will get your spot here, don't worry, a little patience hurts nobody.


Some things that are desired, but not required at all (come around and talk, maybe we can accommodate you even if you don't meet all the requirements):


- Player is 25+ years old.

- Player has a day job and/or family (wife/kids).

- Player is on a GMT-6 to GMT-2 timezone.

- Player has interest in using a wide variety of different frames.

- Communication is fundamental, a skype or teamspeak session can be used.

- Player has at least one set of equipment (prim, sec and melee) potato'ed and at lvl 30 to speed up things a bit.


I ask for these as I´m looking for members with a similar profile to mine, in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts of interest and keep the group active and together, but as I said, I'm open to make exceptions over a quick interview. 


Here are some other things:


- I don't mind your mastery rank, I'm currently only MR14, on MR8 you have access to all weapons, so after that, it is just a "status" thing.

- I don't need you to play every day, I work, I'm a father and husband, so I know we have real lives to attend to, but I want a group that can team up, it is more fun this way, I have solo'ed this far and there are things that cannot be done without a squad, so this is the way I want you to help out.

- I welcome every kind of play style when it is about weapons, as long as we can set up a balanced team regarding frames.


The Dojo, already painted all the viable rooms:






About me:


I'm a founder, but I was out of it for a long time, came back about 7 months ago. I speak Portuguese and English.


My favorite gear:


Frames - Nova Prime, Loki Prime, Mag Prime, Volt Prime, Excal Prime, Nyx Prime, Rhino Prime, Mesa, Vauban, Ash

Prim - Braton Prime, Amprex, Boar Prime, Hek, Kohm, Soma Prime,  Sybaris, Tonkor, Vectis

Sec - Atomos, Vaykor Marelok, Dex Furis, Aksomati, Detron, Akjagara, Telos Ak.

Melee - Glaive Prime (fan of Krull), Tipedo, Scoliac, Fang Prime, Dragon Nik, Ichors


I have a great number of other weapons and every single frame, but it just doesn't fit my style as the ones mentioned above.


I like to farm, but don't mind spending some coin on 75% plat deals, so I can get good gear and mods on trade (have almost everything I wanted by now), I do this because I have limited time, I like to spend most of it having fun with the game, as opposed to just making it another job.


Hope to see you around, I'm online generally after 22:00 GMT.

Edited by nmuaddib
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I will be completely honest with you. I am a new player, but a full time stay at home dad. I play a lot. I just started this past week, but i am almost halfway to maxing out my Excalibur. I am looking for a clan to join because i know that clans have benefits for all members and i want to learn the game more. I also am working on my Ash warframe. My playstyle is a combination of bow and sword. I try to stay stealthy, but when that goes out the door, i just try to kill everything as fast as i can. If i can find a place in your group, let me know. IGN is RemyArnolles

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I will be completely honest with you. I am a new player, but a full time stay at home dad. I play a lot. I just started this past week, but i am almost halfway to maxing out my Excalibur. I am looking for a clan to join because i know that clans have benefits for all members and i want to learn the game more. I also am working on my Ash warframe. My playstyle is a combination of bow and sword. I try to stay stealthy, but when that goes out the door, i just try to kill everything as fast as i can. If i can find a place in your group, let me know. IGN is RemyArnolles


Remy, sent you a PM.

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Updated OP with dojo picture: 2 halls, 5 labs, 4 reactors, duel room, obstacle course and a observatory just to chill. about 70% of the researches are done. I also set an elevator for future expansion. Trade post and vault are on the main hall, and there are 3 transporters to make access even easier to the labs and the training grounds.


Come around!

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May I have an invite?


About me:

Canadian, 25, Full-time job. Mostly active on the weekends. Pretty simple person, looking for a small clan to join.


Rank 18 with virtually everything. Been here since update 10. Can play any style. Glad to provide a helping hand or to contribute to dojo.



Frame: Trinity/Ash

Primary: Dread/Braton Prime/Tigris

Secondary: Brakk/Telos Bolto

Melee: Dakra Prime/Glaive Prime

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May I have an invite?


About me:

Canadian, 25, Full-time job. Mostly active on the weekends. Pretty simple person, looking for a small clan to join.


Rank 18 with virtually everything. Been here since update 10. Can play any style. Glad to provide a helping hand or to contribute to dojo.



Frame: Trinity/Ash

Primary: Dread/Braton Prime/Tigris

Secondary: Brakk/Telos Bolto

Melee: Dakra Prime/Glaive Prime


King, I sent you a PM, welcome!

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Hi there! I'm interested in joining what seems like an awesome clan for stay at home/work from home dads like me. I started playing Warframe a couple of weeks ago and I truly enjoy this game. My wife actually saw this thread from the Warframe app and suggested I join as it looks like something I would really enjoy (especially cause I don't get out of the house much). I have kids as well and game almost every night after they've gone to bed lol. Anyway, my IGN is gravemaker87 and I'm excited to hear from you :) Have a great day!

Edited by gravemaker87
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Hi there! I'm interested in joining what seems like an awesome clan for stay at home/work from home dads like me. I started playing Warframe a couple of weeks ago and I truly enjoy this game. My wife actually saw this thread from the Warframe app and suggested I join as it looks like something I would really enjoy (especially cause I don't get out of the house much). I have kids as well and game almost every night after they've gone to bed lol. Anyway, my IGN is gravemaker87 and I'm excited to hear from you :) Have a great day!


Gravemaker, welcome to the clan! Sent you the invite, lets get together, we can setup a fast track for you to get going on the game, I can help you get all planets unlocked if you haven't done that yet.





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Hello, I'm very interested in joining your clan and I'm hoping you do reply to this post as I am a stay at home father with one child. I'm an twenty year-old guy who works as a Taxi/Cab Operator full time, working 5 - 7 days (6:00am - 2:00pm) GMT time. Maybe we could catch up, game maybe give each other man-to-man advice as we play if you're interested :) Personal Message me if you wish to talk more, as I may not be able to notice later thread replies.


Good luck with your clan otherwise!

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Hello, I'm very interested in joining your clan and I'm hoping you do reply to this post as I am a stay at home father with one child. I'm an twenty year-old guy who works as a Taxi/Cab Operator full time, working 5 - 7 days (6:00am - 2:00pm) GMT time. Maybe we could catch up, game maybe give each other man-to-man advice as we play if you're interested :) Personal Message me if you wish to talk more, as I may not be able to notice later thread replies.


Good luck with your clan otherwise!


Hey N30N, nice to meet you, I just sent you a freind request and also a clan invite, let's get together online so we can talk a bit, but I guess you are welcome to the clan, it is nice to have another family guy in!!

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Hi if you are still recruiting i would like to join


I am 22 y old no job just studying in college


ING : jimiose

time zone : GTM +2

MR : 10


Hey Jimi, I will get to your request as soon as I get home, welcome to the clan!

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Hey well Im been looking for a clan in the game and yours seems to interesting not only that but you look like a good leader too.


Well after awhile of being solo I come to realize the game can be more fun with people to chat with while playing. After reading your rules well maybe Im not sure if you will let me join and I don't wanna lie about being older and that kind of stuff, but I will post my info and let see what you think.


My info:


Im costarican. I speak spanish and english very well althought sometimes I do mistakes :(. 20 years old still studying in college so no job yet...


For now my main frame is Mag maxed. Im willing to try more frames in the future if it is posible.


My playstyle hmmm....I actually not have one when playing solo I like to be stealthy but I often use the extreme offensive when playing online since people seems to be desperate to finish the mission.


I can use either skype or teamspeak to chat.


My IGN is Wolfeingmer.


Sorry for the edit btw. 

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Hey Wolf, nice to meet you. These days I've been trying something different, If there is a spot, I invite the candidate to the clan, even if he does not fit the profile. This way I get to know you a little better, and if you and the clan are a fit, perfect, if not, my experience tells me that people leave on their own, without causing any problems.


I'm at work right now, as soon as I get back, I'll take care of your invitation, welcome!


About being a good leader, well, I have not been online as much as I would like (sometimes people leave because of it), but when I do, I try the best to help the clan members (sometimes even people that are not in the clan), I pretty much have and have done everything I wanted to in the game, so I find fun in helping others, either playing or passing knowledge about the game, both sides are welcome to the club.


See you soon.



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