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Ask A Cephalon, March 4


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Are advanced AI such as you still being manufactured, or was that technology lost as well?


What happened to more deadly orokin-designed ships? Is anything known about them or were they lost before the cryostasis?


How large do you estimate the percent of unexplored orokin ruins to be? It seems that corpus would already loot them all during all this time.


Do corpus produce true AI for their proxies and then bring them down to spec with ascaris technology, or are they simple drones?


It is known that corpus have mind-altering technology, but what about grineer? Do they have some sort of a one-shot brain-writing machine to free themselves from growing every clone mentally?


Where do corpus take so many people to turn into crewmen?


How much energy does such a powerful intelligence like yourself consume?


Is the Limbo theorem slash suicide note popular between cephalons? Ordis seemed to like it.


How big are the biggest nanoforges still operating? I get an impression that tenno have the best of that world.

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OH, the mighty Hermaeus Mor......I mean Cephalon Cordylon, as a tiny Tenno, I sincerely ask you, who is the infamous Hayden Tenno. Does he hiding somewhere in the Void or just a urban legend among the Tenno community? 

We do very evil things to those that make elder scrolls references here...

What do you know about Hayden Tenno?

Already Asked my man lol well have to wait

I'm assuming that Hayden/God is not spoken of that much lol

Edited by Lighter2017
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I know, but if we keep repeating it Cordis might actually answer.

Not if you say his name wrong he wont! But honestly Steve or someone might actually host a dev stream about Hayden as it has been circling around the forums recently for the past 2 days after I started a discussion...

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Not if you say his name wrong he wont! But honestly Steve or someone might actually host a dev stream about Hayden as it has been circling around the forums recently for the past 2 days after I started a discussion...


Whoops :D

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Why can't Ordis queue up duplicates of one item to craft within his foundry even though he can forge multiple different items at once? Is it a limit in his programing? Are our foundries perhaps not adequate enough to handle such a task? Is it due to the fact that he is a damaged cephalon in need of repair?


Will we ever repair poor ordo?

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so my birthday is tomorrow and my question is: approximately, how old is the oldest Tenno? (also, how old are you Mr. Cordylon?)

The last time the first appeared he was 29 but that was pre-orokin era :)

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Cephalon Cordylon,


Since my awakening I find myself unable to recall key facts regarding the tasks the Lotus assigns to me.


I seem to be equipped with some form of teleport-device that I am instructed to use when capturing Grineer and Corpus persons of interest. The screams of my targets seem to indicate this process is painful, but then so is getting shot. Could you explain the device and process for me, I appear to have not been given a manual. Also could you explain why we do not use this device when rescuing prisoners?


The Lotus identifies the containers we fight to defend as "Warframe Cryopods" regardless of their Orokin or Corpus design, however, the inhabitants do not appear to wear Warframes (as I was doing when I awoke) and do not appear to be Tenno. Obviously I'm happy to rescue non-Tenno innocents in cryo-stasis, but why are their cryopods described as "Warframe Cryopods" and why were they placed in Orokin/Corpus cryopods in the first place? Have they been asleep since the end of the Old War like me?


Forgive my questions but I don't like going into a mission without a full understanding of the forces, resources and reasons for conflict.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Ordis asked me recently if I remembered the Old War, something he's asked from time to time, which I usually don't bother replying to.  But the last time got me thinking, what happened in the Old War?  And more importantly, who am I?  Everytime I try to think about it my mind blanks and my head starts to hurt horribly.  It's been two years since I was woken from cryosleep and I'm no closer to learning the truth.


Cordylon...who am I?

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