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Ask A Cephalon, March 4


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Cephalon Cordylon, are there any pacifistic tenno? If so, how does the lotus deal with them, and what sort of roles do they tend to take?

I'd like an answer to that.

Because I've always assumed they're the ones in survival who search for goodies. 

The ones in defense who extract the cryopods

The ones extracting the Hijack objectives... 


I feel like they just pick stuff up and put them down. 

Edited by (PS4)theelix
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Dear Cordylon,

Although current circumstances make this letter short, as I am defending a Tenno cryopod from an ever increasing wave of Corpus crewmen and MOAs, I have but one urgent question.

Why are our reinforcements taking so long to get here?


Don't get me wrong, it's not hard to defend or anything, the Corpus don't seem to realize they're heading into our Vauban's bastille field at all, but I counted at least 10 waves of grunts, and Lotus said reinforcements were coming 9 waves ago.


Hugs and kisses,


Edited by Lukap99
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Interesting answer on the Towers. One can easily imagine that the space inside does not follow the artifical horizon that most ships in the solar system follow. So we might easily run up and down constantly. It's not like we can look out of the window to check unlike in our Dojos or the Relays.


Anyway, i think i just go with these questions each time until one is answered or Adam tells me to think up some new ones.


Do the Grineer have any ties to the Orokin like the Corpus do?


What's up with the potted plant in the Steel Meridian room on the relays? I would ask him myself, but you know... Tenno... speaking... the rules.


Where did Naked Nick go after the Tenno canceled his job as cryo pod tester?


Are there more rooms in our home ship behind the Arsenal and if yes, why is Ordis not letting us in?


Do Tenno need to breath or just their Warframes (we can see breath comming from the Warframe in cold temperatur areas).


What unit of measure is used in the post Orokin era? Did meter, litre and kilo survive or did the Orokin come up with their own units?

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Do you have any data on the "Derelict creature" that is occasionally reported to be seen throughout the Orokin derelict vessels?


How exactly did the infestation get into the derelicts?


We, the Tenno, have decent idea of how big our lisets are compared to us, archwings, and even the relays, but are there any official measurements or diagrams depicting exaclty how big other vessels, like corpus and Grineer cruisers, colony ships, and Orokin Towers and derelicts are in comparison to our stealth ships?


How exactly do Tenno get in and out of the liset? We can see that there is a rotating pod of sorts on the belly of the liset, but there does not seem to be any way to access it from within the liset itself.

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First off, I'd like to say thank you for doing your job, data management is a hard, important, and often forgotten task.


Second, I'd like to know who manages the data from our codex scans. Does the data get sent to you, or does Ordis handle it all?

Edited by Larkary
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i have questions that I sure has until yet to be answered. Who is the lotus? what is her purpose in this entire situation? what does she gain from us working so hard to retake the origin system from the grineer corpus and the infestation? And last question what will it take for the lotus to be a bit more up front with us about the tenno history. we know nothing but our powers and fighting capability nothing more. who are we exactly? what is our true purpose in this shelled existence?

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Hayden Tenno as an Immortal Being - Confirmed by existing lore on the T-Virus? What do you know about Hayden Tenno?


Megan confirmed here, on the forums (after the release of the proto-armor skin), that there were indeed direct connections between darksectOr and Warframe...more than spiritual connections.


What role does Hayden Tenno have in our universe? If the technocyte virus truly grants immortality (Lephantis?), then is there a possibility Hayden is still alive? 

Edited by (PS4)NearlyDedicated
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