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Warfurs // United Under Lotuscat // Allied Under T.a.p.i.


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Nickname: Gold

Steam Userpage: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Agraydragon/

Age: 27

What are your goals in Warframe?
Discovery, unlocks, more experience in the game.

Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us?:
Yes x2
Why do you want to join Warfurs? :
I need help unlocking unique parts requiring a Dojo/Clan. Group Farm runs.
Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?:
Yes. Exar.



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Name : Xendrax

Ingame Name : whitewind24

Age : 28

Since how long you've been playing Warframe? : Since early beta; 150+ Hours

Do you have a Headset/Microphone (not required, but helpful)? : Yes

Why do you want to join Warfurs? : To play with a fur-friendly clan; also dojo, to train and get better. 

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member? (And if so, what is their Name?) : Nope

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Steam Userpage: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198833975640/
Age : 20
What are your goals in Warframe?

: Having a good grindy time/learning more about the game. Rocking 7 hours, haha.

Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us?

 : Yes
Why do you want to join Warfurs?

: Being able to speak to other furs, and just have a good time.
Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?
(And if so, what is their Name?)

: N/A


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Sucks that you guys are full, but it'd be cool to be on the waiting list or something.
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/aurantiaca/
I'm 20, been playing the game on and off for close to 2 years, to get the sickest fashionframes, socialise and occasionally grind MR when the mood strikes.
Got a discord and mic, wouldn't mind joining the server.
Wanted to apply because I've got another friend in the clan, think it's a great name and emblem, and I'm not really looking for a 'serious' or 'competitive' environment, just one to have fun in.
Thanks in advance.

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Steam Userpage: MrPhawks

Age: 19

What are my goals in Warframe? Well mostly to just have fun. I'm also here for the loot. But mostly just to have fun.

Headset/Microphone ✔️

Discord ✔️

Why do I want to join? Well I've been in and out of a lot of clans. They have either fallen apart due to drama breaking out. Or alliances just destroying clans making us separate. I've also been in some clans that I had no idea were really toxic and into scamming people. I'm not a scammer myself. But as soon as I heard that the Warlord of said clan was banned and would be returning under a new account I high tailed it out of there. I'm looking to join a clan that's not just going to be around for a little bit. And you guys seem like you'll be around for much longer.

What brought me here? Just searching up Warframe Furry Clan.

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Clanless and hoping to get into a kind furry clan eventually. Hoping some space opens up soon. :3 I'll join the discord in the meantime~
In-Game Name:
Steam Userpage:
How long have you been playing?
263 hours. I've played since 2013 but for the first several years when the game was more content-barren I didn't play very much.
What are your goals in Warframe?
They change day to day, though I'm a big fan of theorycrafting and testing out new builds and loadouts. I play games like Warframe and Diablo 3 to relax.
Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us?
I have a Blue Snowball, it's a really nice mic. I'm always on Discord, absolutely.
Why do you want to join Warfurs?
I've been a furry for awhile now and have been engaging more and more in the community over this past year especially. I'd like to join with a like-minded and open community, and I don't think I would join anything other than a furry Clan in Warframe.
Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?
No, I actively went searching for a furry clan and came across this group. :3
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Nickname: IglooMcgoo 

Steam page: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198837529274/

Age: 18

Goals: To get stronger and play with my friends

Do I have a headset and would I join in with the discord chat: I do have a headset, but I prefer to talk to people in small groups. 

Why do I want to join Warfurs: It's the same clan as 2 friends I play with regularly. 

Was I brought here by another Warfurs member: Yes, Furlock and TomaTanuki 

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Neon (IGN is Neonhusker)
Steam Userpage:
What are your goals in Warframe?
Grinding for items until I complete my collection of epic loots, and make friends xP
Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us?
I have a headset, and can/would love to join in for discord get togethers
Why do you want to join Warfurs?
Because i'm a furry, and I want cat lotus on my shoulder. <w> Oh and I already have a friend in warfurs!
Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?
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  • 3 weeks later...

Nickname: Mark or Bane

IGN: Darknecron

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/MarkOfBane

Age: 26

What are your goals in Warframe?

Gotta catch'em all!

Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us?

Yes and yes!

Why do you want to join Warfurs?

Used to be in the clan, but left because I stopped playing WF for like 2 years. I miss having furry peeps to game with.

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?

I originally discovered Warfurs' page on FA via an icon on someone's FA profile. Don't recall whose profile it was, though.

Edited by Darknecron
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Nickname: Kreth
In-Game Name: Kreth_Soul-Weaver
Steam Userpage: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198012046412
Age: 26
What are your goals 
in Warframe? Everything, I'm a bloody completionist. 
Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us? Sure, why not. Makes missions a lot easier.
Why do you want to join Warfurs? Need a clan and figured, may as well go with some people who can relate.
Were you brought here by another Warfurs member? Is the Google machine a member?
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  • 1 month later...

Hey I joined about four years but this year I decided to leave the clan and join one a few of my friends where in, sadly that did not go so well as they have all stopped playing since and it was in effect a dead clan, so I would like to rejoin this clan if its possible.

As it has been awhile I thought I would redo the application again to help reflect the more recent data heh.


Nickname: Lostalpha

Age: 24
What are your goals in Warframe? : To have fun and enjoy a bloody good game hehe.
Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us? : Yes I have a headset and am ok with hanging out in discord
Why do you want to join Warfurs? : Because I was previously in it and it was very fun and enjoyable and I rather regret leaving.
Were you brought here by another Warfurs member? : Was all them years ago but he has stopped playing since though I do try to get him back into it, almost successful I think hehe.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nickname : Silent

Steam Userpage : silentwolves059


Ingame Name : silentwolves


Age  : 31

What are your goals in Warframe?


How serious are you about Warframe?  : Casual


Do you have a Headset/Microphone?

Why do you want to join Warfurs?  : just reapplying after a long absence 

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?
was old member

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nickname: Fozu
Steam Userpage: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Methunas/

IGN: PictureCaptcha
Age: 21
What are your goals in Warframe?: ~100% content completion (or as close to it as possible)
Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us?: Yes, and yes (depending on the situation)
Why do you want to join Warfurs?: I have been looking for a good furry clan for a bit
Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?: Nope, Google search
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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope I can still join this.

Nickname: Vora

In-game name: MateB30

Age: 15 (hope it isn't a problem)

How long I have played? : A few months

Microphone: Yes, I have a mic, but it's not very good. I usually talk on my phone on Discord.

Why do I want to join? : 'Cause it would be fun to play with people who have the same interests as me! And I'd like to make some friends aswell if I'm at it.

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Nickname: Zazi
In-Game Name: Hyenamonster
Age: 24
What are your goals in Warframe?: Looking to complete as much stuff as I can. Collect warframes, learn endgame mechanics, fashionframe, new content, etc.
Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us? : Yes and yes, definitely if it's a bit more active of a discord. I'm a little voice chat shy, but I can warm up to people. Forgive me if I become a human(furry?) textbook, I like this game and can help others who are newer.
Why do you want to join Warfurs? : Looking for a more active clan to be a part of. Something furry would be even more entertaining since I usually keep that part of me quiet unless around others in the fandom.
Were you brought here by another Warfurs member? : Nope, found ya on FA.
I've got something like 800+ hours according to steam, and I'm MR15. Been playing since the beginning of this year so you could say I'm a tad obsessed. I'm in a not-so-active clan right now, so let me know if there are any slots open!
Edited by Hyenamonster
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Name: Aleksandar
In-Game Name: AlexTheWaff
Age: 19
Why do you want to join Warfurs?: Meet furries who play the game, ask for help with things I don't know etc.
Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us?: I do, but probably won't voicechat.
Edited by Alex The Waff
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Name: Iian
In-Game Name: Whatevents
Steam Userpage: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Havelingthrough

Age: 18
Why do you want to join Warfurs?: I play Warframe a lot, and it would allow me to be with a group I tend to follow while playing Warframe!
Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us?: I do! And I would love too.
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  • 1 month later...

Name: Danni

In-game Name: Lumileopardi312

Steam Userpagehttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198117444688/

Age: 23

Why do you want to join Warfurs? I'm just getting into the game and I think it'd be really cool to be involved with other furs! Don't have to worry about mentioning some fur-related joke or whatever and other people start judging me. 😂

Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us?: I do, and I wouldn't mind hanging out if I have any energy left over from work to chat ^-^

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  • 1 year later...
What are your goals in Warframe?
To have Fun with my friends
Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Discord with us?
Why do you want to join Warfurs? :
I have Friends in Warfurs
Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?
Yes : Cipher-Fox
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