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Warfurs // United Under Lotuscat // Allied Under T.a.p.i.


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Nickname: Gene Inari

Steam Userpage: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Gene_Inari/

Age: 22

What are your goals in Warframe?: Mostly as a way to relax and socialize and burn time in a PVE based game. I also enjoy collecting all the sweet loot.

Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Teamspeak with us?: Yes! This is one of the reasons I would liek to join.

Why do you want to join Warfurs? : Playing Warframe with fellow furries is cool.

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Nickname: Kalithe

Steam Userpage: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kalithe
Age: 20

What are your goals in Warframe?: To have fun, get better, spend time with the mate, and make new friends :3

How serious are you about Warframe?: I don't get serious about games because I would prefer to have fun, but that can always change!

Do you have a Headset/Microphone?: I do c:

Why do you want to join Warfurs? : I love playing with fellow furs in any game I am a part of :3 Plus, I get to make new friends and learn new tips about this game! Why not? :D

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?: Niet D:

I hope you all consider inviting meee!

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whoops i need a re-invite sorry for the inconvenience


ign: mudkiz


steampage: http://steamcommunity.com/id/mudkiz/


i believe i speak english could be wrong after so many years




my goal is to conquer the solar system...ehm.. i mean save the universe

i have over 1k hours in it and am rank 17

yes i have a headset and a mic youll probably hear my birds in the background if i get on ts

im also a furry and am tired of not having people to play with

i just saw you guys around and was like eh why not my previous guilds so meh now everyone is inactive and we're in a bad alliance so why not


oh you wana know how long ive played too? uh about since update 6 i think?

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Nickname: Ori
Age: 26
What are your goals in Warframe?
Farm farm farm
and break the meta with fun stuff.
Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Teamspeak with us?
Sure, I'm on teamspeak all the time as it is.
Why do you want to join Warfurs?
To have a clan that isn't just a second recruiting channel ~ w~
Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?
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Name : WarbossZion

Ingame Name : Shereen

Age : 18

Since how long do you play Warframe? : 4 months

Do you have a Headset/Microphone (not required, but helpful)? : nope

Why do you want to join Warfurs? : To have fun and to have friends in WF

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member? (And if so, what is their Name?) : Nope

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Nickname: Tokai, Zaiketsu


Steam Userpage





What are your goals in Warframe?

Fun, Getting myself enough credits that I'm not perpetually poor ;-;


Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Teamspeak with us?

Yes, and Yes! :D


Why do you want to join Warfurs?

Duh, a furry Warframe group! <3


Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?

Yes, and by MicSet!

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Nickname : EggOnIce



Age: 20


What are your goals in Warframe?: Fun; acquiring all the acquirable; testing teamcomps and endgame content; going for the leaderboards during events.


Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Teamspeak with us?: Atm, no, I recently got a new desktop and I used to have the laptop one before. Planning on getting one soon, anyways, & yeah I would hang out with the clan on TS.


Why do you want to join Warfurs? : CATS!


Were you brought here by another Warfurs member? : Nope.

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Nickname : Dayhappy

Nickname in Warframe : Dayhappyy



Steam Userpage





What are your goals in Warframe?

Looking to have fun, play together with friendly and chill people, maybe make some friends along the way


Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Teamspeak with us?

I do have a microphone but I'm rather hesitant and shy on speaking since english isn't my native language and my accent is quite noticable.


Why do you want to join Warfurs? :

I have a few friends in it that I've known for a while, was hoping to be under the same clan as they are. 


Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?

Not necessarily brought by them, came here on my own, but my friend's name is Aryarybok.

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My name is PuppyWolf
Steam Userpage
Here is my Steam page :3 http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hyane/home
(Since the game is mature, I have to ask this): 27 >.> I AM NOT OLD!!!!
What are your goals in Warframe?
(Fun, Getting all the cool Stuff, etc...) : Gaming having fun, I also farm A LOT XD so you need help come poke my eye out
Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Teamspeak with us?
(not required, but helpful) : I have a Headset so I can chat and stuffs
Why do you want to join Warfurs? : I was part of Test Alliance before and my friend brought me to this one after I left and came back! I left cause I was offline for a long time XD
Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?
(And if so, what is their Name?) : Otter Dragon which a close friend of mine



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sexy fire 51



Steam UserPage








What are your goals in WarFrame?

To have fun, enjoy the game, and help others out with there missions.



Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Teamspeak with us?

Yes, I do have a headset and microphone, and I would love to hang out on teamspeak with you guys.




Why do you want to join our Warfurs?

(We realize we are a clan for a videogame and that this is not serious business.

Thus we do not expect anything special of our members.

If you're looking to seriously compete and climb atop the clan-leaderboards, we probably would have to point you towards another clan.

Our mission is to enjoy ourselves and help each other.)  I love what you stand for. I would love to be apart of a clan that has this kind of mindset.  




Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?

Yes I was, and his name is Conkor.

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Nickname: Kuro

(if you carry another outside of the game or want to be called a certain way):


(Or PM me your steamname for an alternate way to contact you!):


Age: 25

(Since the game is mature, I have to ask this):


What are your goals in Warframe?

(Fun, Getting all the cool Stuff, etc...) : Fun with friends


Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Teamspeak with us?

(not required, but helpful) : Yes/maybe


Why do you want to join Warfurs? : Friends are there


Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?

(And if so, what is their Name?) : xTysere Bonesaki

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Foxers , Foxdog

Steam Userpage

Steam name is Foxdog (currently)

Steam ID Page is... http://steamcommunity.com/id/foxers/



What are your goals in Warframe?

Get klemmed , have fun, annoy Vay Hek and help fund projects in the clan dojo!

Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Teamspeak with us?

Yeah, recently got a new headset too.

Why do you want to join Warfurs? :

Love the LotusCat icon, love the clan name. Seems like a nice place to join and hang out.

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?


Sidenote! Am currently in a clan atm, but when the time comes for my invite, I shall gladly drop and join this one!

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Krys Vuh'uni, Krys [Pronounced Chris]
Steam Userpage
What are your goals in Warframe?
Fun, coolstuff, taking over wor- Wait...I uh I mean No I would never ever do that....really though help out as I can. *equips stolen halo.*
Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Teamspeak with us?
Why do you want to join Warfurs? :
 Well I wanted to join a clan that I would actually be able to communicate with and feel safe in.
Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?
See this application That one right up there right above mine! ^^^^ That butt brought me to know about Warfurs and want to join. Foxers :3
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Snowy (you can call me whatever you feel like aslong as i can run with it 


Name on Warframe



Steam Userpage




23 (going to be 24 in less than a month)



What are your goals in Warframe?

I want to play for fun . get to meet new furs. take over the entire galaxy with cookies. My main goal is to just have fun with others. help out others whenever i can. 


Do you have a Headset/Microphone and would you hang out on Teamspeak with us?

yes i do . but im quite shy at some points . might be easier to talk to me through skype but im always willing to join in on things


Why do you want to join Warfurs? :

I've been looking for a furry clan to join for awhile. when i started playing this game i had little intrest till a few of my friends dragged me into playing this year. I am always a friendly fur and i'd like to help out when i can.


Were you brought here by another Warfurs member? Nope . 


Just saying this . i was in multiple clans before hand but most of them died out or the people in it were not really nice towards furries themselves and they also never helped out whenever i asked. at the moment im in a clan right now to help out my friends who made one on their own but i was really only doing it just help them out with getting their dojo going. im willing to leave it if i get accepted in here ^w^;

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Alright, all invites until now should be handled but:



Snowy (you can call me whatever you feel like aslong as i can run with it 


Hey Snowy, it says you're still in another clan so I can't send you an invite!

I'll resend it once you're ready!

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