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How To Use And Mod An Amprex (How To Build An Amprex)



I love all things electric.....usually.  IRL I am an EE.


However the Amprex just does not have much appeal...so far (at level 14).


For the sake of mastery I put my Soma in the display case and after building a bunch of Fieldrons built the Amprex.


So far it has been a bit of a let down.


I am hoping that someone can tell me how to mod this gun to make it into something.  Had it in a T3 survival this morning just to try to level it and I really dreaded having to use it.


First Question(s):

Can it be made into something worthwhile?

Is it worth a Potatoe?


I think some of the problem is:  Damage cannot be increased with 18px-Slash_b.png Slash, 18px-Impact_b.png Impact or 18px-Puncture_b.pngPuncture mods..

I have been trying to mod it this way, like every other primary I have had so far.


Second Question(s):

This is a continuous weapon.  Is their any benefit to tapping fire like I have with the Soma to conserve ammo?

Try and exterminate mission on solo with it and quickly ran out of Ammo.

Edited by (XB1)SwagScapegoat
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18 answers to this question

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It's best built for Critical damage so Point Strike and Vital Sense plus Elementals.  Sinister Reach is good too.


It needs a Cat at the very least but multiple Forma will make it very good.


Ammo mutation is handy but built right will kill stuff very quickly so you'll need less ammo.


The electric damage will combine with just a toxin mod to give corrosive for a quick base to work on.  Or cold for magnetic, heat for radiation.

Edited by Sabreracer
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You wot mate? It literally destroys everything in its path, granted, I am using a max rank ammo mutation and you do need to get close to hit anything. But that arcing can just wipe an entire wave out.


I personally run a viral/electric status build. So multishot, serration, crit mods, ammo mutation, and 3 dual stat mods for viral/electric, most of the time i prefer the electric stun over radiation procs. Or, you could run sinister reach instead of dual stat electric if you feel the range is a bit too short, it also affects the arcing distance as well, so you can hit enemies a level above/below. If they come in like a survival wave it will reach where they spawn, seriously.


I guess in a way, I use the amprex as sort of a debuffer, viral procs very often with around 66% chance and only 2 damage types to proc, and basically doubles damage for all my teammates, and a nice stun to just group everyone together, further increasing DPS with the amprex and other weapons with punch through.

Edited by AlphaSierraMike
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Don't forget the punchthrough! Each mob hit by the main beam will arc the additional... Arcs, multiplying its AoE damage/status by the amount of mobs you hit. It is primarily a AoE gun so I usually use my secondary for single targets when running it.

Edited by Forgotten_Aeon
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To summarize.....


Put a CAT/potatoe on it.


Mod it with punchthrough, multishot, serration, crit mods (Point Strike and Vital Sense), ammo mutation, and 3 dual stat mod (whatever I prefer).


Optional: Sinister reach and ammo mutation.


Thanks......I may find electric nirvanna after all.

Nikola Tesla here I come.

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Don't forget the punchthrough! Each mob hit by the main beam will arc the additional... Arcs, multiplying its AoE damage/status by the amount of mobs you hit. It is primarily a AoE gun so I usually use my secondary for single targets when running it.

What exact mod are you referring to? 

Supposively Puncher damage will not help.   Do you mean point strike?

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As you like electric and judging by your profile pic I'm guessing you have Volt?

Try it with Volt's shield, increases range and damage, A LOT!!


Range goes up to 70 metres, and it adds +200% to the crit damage.

As the Amprex with maxed Point Strike crits all the time, that is a permanent buff when firing through the shield.

In situations where you can use the shield such as defence it is brilliant.


Other frames have nice synergies with it too, for example an Irradiating Disarm Loki.

Cast RD, they all run to hit each other, you shoot the whole mob at once.


I'd go full damage rather than status, status is good no doubt, but many people see the high stat on continuous weapons and forget that is a chance per second, not per shot.

There are honestly better status weapons out there.


Serration, Split Chamber, Vital Sense, Point Strike and :

3x 90% elements and a faction mod for starchart.

4x 90% elements for void (or 3x 90 and Heavy Cal / Sinister reach)


5 forma required if my memory is correct.


If you have a high Heavy Caliber you can also add that, at the range the Amprex has, the accuracy loss is negligible.


Edit: The main problem with the Amprex, and possibly the reason you have not seen its true potential, is the delay before it becomes useful.

It needs to have Point Strike and Vital Sense equipped before it does much damage.

With other guns you start to see potential after Serration and Split Chamber are on, with the Amprex you need 4 mods on before it even starts, but then it ramps up quick.

Once are you doing crits with every shot at 4.4x damage it is a big boost in the damage output (you will also do red crits).


I have always felt Crit weapons are slow starters, strong finishers, because of this mod issue.

Edited by Egg_Chen
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Amprex basically works like this:


No Catalyst: Okay

Catalyst: Good

Catalyst + 1 Forma: Awesome

Catalyst + 2 Forma: Great

Catalyst + 3 Forma: Greater

Catalyst + 4 Forma: Greatest


I got it back up to 30 after my second forma, need to pop two more into it before it realizes its true potential.  With just a Catalyst, it's a really good weapon, and I was running around with it at Rank 30 and six mods 'til I could acquire the forma to boost it further.


Arguably, any weapon with 4 forma in it is pretty great.  The thing about the Amprex isn't that it sucks, it's that it starts off with no polarity slots.  It would be great with just a catalyst if it came with just one polarity slot.  It's an expensive weapon in many ways, but well worth the investment in the end.

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I love all things electric.....usually.  IRL I am an EE.


However the Amprex just does not have much appeal...so far (at level 14).


For the sake of mastery I put my Soma in the display case and after building a bunch of Fieldrons built the Amprex.


So far it has been a bit of a let down.


I am hoping that someone can tell me how to mod this gun to make it into something.  Had it in a T3 survival this morning just to try to level it and I really dreaded having to use it.


First Question(s):

Can it be made into something worthwhile?

Is it worth a Potatoe?


I think some of the problem is:  Damage cannot be increased with 18px-Slash_b.png Slash, 18px-Impact_b.png Impact or 18px-Puncture_b.pngPuncture mods..

I have been trying to mod it this way, like every other primary I have had so far.


Second Question(s):

This is a continuous weapon.  Is their any benefit to tapping fire like I have with the Soma to conserve ammo?

Try and exterminate mission on solo with it and quickly ran out of Ammo.


Yeah, you're just modding it wrong. The weapon doesn't have a projectile to Slash, Impact or puncture with. As an EE, you should have realized this from the very start(JK). After I stuck a potatoe on it, it just trashed everything. I'm upto my 3rd Forma since making the the weapon this past weekend. It's all about criticals. It's definatly a top 5 weapon.


Here is a three forma build: http://warframe-builder.com/Primary_Weapons/Builder/Amprex/t_30_20020003_128-1-3-132-3-5-137-0-10-140-2-5-141-7-5-153-5-3-159-4-5-403-6-3_137-7-128-7-140-9-132-8-159-9-153-9-403-5-141-6/en/2-0-47


You can swap out Sinister reach with Heavy Caliber, you would need a 5 forma build....

Edited by (XB1)AnyOLName
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Having been working on upgrading this weapon, I feel the pain. First go round with this weapon is a tad underwhelming. It is actually a slog and I can't imagine it without a catalyst from the get go. That said, now I have 4 forma on it and have it back to max level and this thing just mauls groups of mobs.


I concur with just about everything said so far in the thread.


I am running Serration, Shred, Metal Auger, Split Chamber, Ammo Mutation (because no bullets is sadness), Point Strike, Vital Sense, and Sinster Reach. I swap out Vital sense with an elemental if need be - and my go to is Wildfire for Radiation hilarity. So far I forma'd 3 Vs and a dash. Thinking if I get another forma out of the Void, I may put another Dash on it.


This is the first weapon I have had that pop's red crit numbers. In fact, it is rare to get a white dmg number now. This and the Phage are my go to primaries now.

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My Amprex is currently at 3 Forma running this build:



-Heavy Caliber

-Point Strike

-Vital Sense

-Critical Delay

-Hammer Shot

-Split Chamber


I'll need to forma it twice more to fit on a final mod, but for now it works wonders.


Almost 500 electric damage, 2.8 fire rate, 150% crit change, 5.6x crit damage, almost 50% status. Basically rains down crit crits.



Having been working on upgrading this weapon, I feel the pain. First go round with this weapon is a tad underwhelming. It is actually a slog and I can't imagine it without a catalyst from the get go. That said, now I have 4 forma on it and have it back to max level and this thing just mauls groups of mobs.


I concur with just about everything said so far in the thread.


I am running Serration, Shred, Metal Auger, Split Chamber, Ammo Mutation (because no bullets is sadness), Point Strike, Vital Sense, and Sinster Reach. I swap out Vital sense with an elemental if need be - and my go to is Wildfire for Radiation hilarity. So far I forma'd 3 Vs and a dash. Thinking if I get another forma out of the Void, I may put another Dash on it.


This is the first weapon I have had that pop's red crit numbers. In fact, it is rare to get a white dmg number now. This and the Phage are my go to primaries now.



With Amprex, you should never see white numbers as soon as you put a Point Strike on it.

Edited by Killazang
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the amprex isn't going to shine until you forma it a few times. be warned


as far as the build goes, it needs to consist of crit mods, punch through, status chance, and damage mods that aren't type specific (like serration or heavy cal)


then you can choose whatever elemental concoction you want

Edited by J1ffyLub3
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Install Sinister Reach. The mod totally changes the mecanic of the weapon - turns it from a small AoE around the target you hit to a massive chaining effect that can clear an entire room.


As for damage, the weapon relies heavily on crit mods. The three most important mods are Serration (like on every weapon), Point Strike, and Vital Sense. If you're trying to save space, you can use a Rank 7 Point Strike with a minimal loss in damage (but you lose redcrits, which are fun).


The weapon unfortunately does not come with any polarities, which can make modding it without any forma or catalysts a real pain. For now, get those 3 damage mods into it and see how you like it, and try out Sinister Reach and fall in love. Then drop in a catalyst and start working on all the forma. 60%/60% mods can be used to save space; the damage loss is generally made up for in the increased number of procs.


Ammo mutation can be critical for long mission types, this weapon burns through your ammunition pool fairly quickly (but it's worth it, imo).


Heavy Caliber is somewhat overrated. Yes, it'll add more damage than other choices, and the accuracy loss isn't bad at close range, but it really decreases the effectiveness of using it at long range through Volt's Electric Shield, and it costs a LOT to level up. The damage increase isn't all that amazing; if you're using SR and Ammo Mutation, you're probably installing HCal in place of Stormbringer, for a damage increase of only 10%.

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Having been working on upgrading this weapon, I feel the pain. First go round with this weapon is a tad underwhelming. It is actually a slog and I can't imagine it without a catalyst from the get go. That said, now I have 4 forma on it and have it back to max level and this thing just mauls groups of mobs.


I concur with just about everything said so far in the thread.


I am running Serration, Shred, Metal Auger, Split Chamber, Ammo Mutation (because no bullets is sadness), Point Strike, Vital Sense, and Sinster Reach. I swap out Vital sense with an elemental if need be - and my go to is Wildfire for Radiation hilarity. So far I forma'd 3 Vs and a dash. Thinking if I get another forma out of the Void, I may put another Dash on it.


This is the first weapon I have had that pop's red crit numbers. In fact, it is rare to get a white dmg number now. This and the Phage are my go to primaries now.

If you have 125% critical chance, you will not see white numbers unless your target is immune to crits, because you have over 100% to crit.

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There are three different types of weapons in this game

Some weapons that open up the more it's leveled.

Some weapons don't open up until a couple of formas.

Some weapons that don't open up.


Amprex is definitely the second type due to relying on both crits and damage which is already a minimum of 5 slots right there, three are high slot cost with two of those being R10. Without crits, it's more like a tickle machine that won't get you very far. Is it worth a tater? Yes it is BUT if you already don't like the way it  handles and you're hard up for potatoes, dump it and move on.


Hint though, if you decide to dedicate some effort into it, punch through is important for chaining weapons.

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