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What If Anti-Cc Eximus Units Were Introduced?


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As we all know, currently Warframe's endgame meta is very CC-heavy. Nova is probably the biggest offender with MPrime, but other frames like Vauban also offer skills that trivialize any enemies they hit. That's not a bad thing by itself - after all, Tenno are essentially superheroes, so some stupid mooks shouldn't be able to easily shrug off our powers. However, it makes many missions very predictable and, as a result, boring. I've seen many runs end just because the team works too well and players end up shooting guys who can't even respond.


Various stun break mechanics have been proposed, but they're tricky to implement. So, here's an idea: what if some eximus units could suppress CC skills? Something like this:


Freedom Eximus

Suppresses crowd control skills in a 5m radius. Affected units are immune to crowd control for 5s or until the eximus dies, whichever comes first.


Granted, we already have a unit that suppresses everything, but Nullifiers are very static. They work more like very durable snipers. This template could applied to enemies with more aggressive behaviors, allowing them to lead the charge, so to speak.


Personally, I'm not entirely sure how well this idea would work, but... it could be interesting, at least.

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well they wouldn need to be even need to be eximucsess think it like exsample grineer would have a "squad leader" that could disspell him self and near by untis from debuffs (molecylar,war cry, chaos etc.) but for warframes AI implementing this would be tricky as the AI would need to be dumber AND NOT SAYING nullifier, im saying like some sort of a gas cloud that disspells debuffs

Edited by Z1B1
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Part of what makes warframe unique is how free we are to use abilities to enhance gameplay, taking that away without having more developed gunplay and melee-action leaves warframe rather dull.


Though Im sure some would enjoy the challenge, personally I'd agree with these enemies if they existed solely within nightmare missions, so that those who would like the challenge can go through with it and not everyone gets dragged into fighting enemies they dont like

Edited by Somedude1000
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I'm in, because the only thing I hate about Nullifiers is their goddamn shield damage calculation.


Got a crit-oriented high damage weapon like Paris P? Well F*** YOU! I don't give a $#!7 about how much damage you deal, and crits are nothing to me! Unload ten arrows into me and MAYBE i'll consider droppin the shield.


A level 0 Furis? I GIVE UP!

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Part of what makes warframe unique is how free we are to use abilities to enhance gameplay, taking that away without having more developed gunplay and melee-action leaves warframe rather dull.


"Taking that away" is a bit overdramatic IMO when it's just a guy you can easily shoot. At most, these guys would result in some "OH %@!" scenarios and unpredictability.

Edited by Defendor
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Oh dear lord, no.


The game is a horde shooter with strange powers, take away the effectiveness of our strange powers and you are left with... a horde shooter.

So when the damage skills stop killing and we need CC, that doesnt work either?


If DE went down this route, enemy scaling would need a serious balance pass, and even if they did, the end result would be a game further removed from what got us playing in the first place.

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An enemy that could dispel our skills and be resistant itself would possibly work. Lets say it takes less damage from our abilities and can dispel single target enemies (its allies). This would let us still use both damage and CC abilities, but they wouldn't be as useful due to that enemy being able to counter, but not cancel out our skills.

Having one of them against you would be something to keep in mind, and make you a bit more careful. While having multiple of them could turn out to be very dangerous as they could more rapidly counter your skills.


These enemies would possibly need to be weak vs normal (melee and gun) damage, and/or be rather unagressive. Like a medic with a poor gun for example.

Edited by Lactamid
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Preventing 1 hour + farming? Please yes! This will make game a way more interesting and also bringing huge challenge.


I second this! ;)


Eximus units with a moderately-sized AoE mitigation against our CC effects would be an interesting and challenging addition. Something akin to the Ancient Healer's effect, only not annoying stackable.

Edited by Dualice
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"Taking that away" is a bit overdramatic IMO when it's just a guy you can easily shoot. At most, these guys would result in some "OH %@!" scenarios and unpredictability.


Thats why I said taking that away without better gunplay / melee mate, look at how half arsed nullifier shields ended up being and tell me that the same thing will not occur again with an anti-cc unit, unless gunplay and melee are more dynamic, most will prefer to rely on abilities, so limiting abiltiies probably shouldnt be a thing yet

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OK! Why waste time on trifles? Let's replace all enemies with Stalkers! Don't you have enough tar moas, energy leechers, fire blasters, corrupted bombards, or even these infuriating leapers rolling out of half of your shots??! Stop inventing wheels for spacecraft please!

Edited by Bouldershoulder
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We need a downvote option...


NO MORE NULLIFERS. Of ANY shape or form. They're the CHEAPEST, most "OP" (compared to other enemies) unit in the game. They take on the roles of 3 different units already. This game needs challenge. FAIR, WELL THOUGHT OUT challenge. Not bandaids, not cheap, dirty tricks.

Edited by Marthrym
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This seems like fun. I'd be for nullifying CC but not damage or effects. So even if you use CC skill their damage would apply, and damage modifier/debuffs. Meaning even if I use Molecular Prime the enemies wouldn't be slowed but the 2x would still apply for the duration.


And we either get 1 unit that has a radius OR a 3-4 squad of Void Dispellers (single target dispel and yeah, crappy name but can't think of anything else for now).

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Thats why I said taking that away without better gunplay / melee mate, look at how half arsed nullifier shields ended up being and tell me that the same thing will not occur again with an anti-cc unit, unless gunplay and melee are more dynamic, most will prefer to rely on abilities, so limiting abiltiies probably shouldnt be a thing yet


Well, it won't occur if they don't have any special mechanics related to melee or gunplay. Warframe's basic gameplay isn't the absolute best, but it works fine against almost all enemies, with Nulls and crawling Infested being the exceptions.

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We need a downvote option...


NO MORE NULLIFERS. Of ANY shape or form. They're the CHEAPEST, most "OP" (compared to other enemies) unit in the game. They take on the roles of 3 different units already. This game needs challenge. FAIR, WELL THOUGHT OUT challenge. Not bandaids, not cheap, dirty tricks.

You can't challenge the players when the players have near infinite crowd suppression abilities to begin with.  Any sense of real challenge in this game is lost unless DE can do something about the overuse of perma-CC.  Also, Nullifiers may be cheap on their own, but consider that maybe CC-resistant enemies do not have to have shields or sniper rifles, and perhaps they could even have weak points that break CC resistance when hit, but require great aim to do so.  


In fact, IMO that's what the Nullifier Crewman should be in the first place.  Quit making the shield deflect bullets, apply a small energy riot shield in front of him to deflect bullets (including punchthrough bullets), and make their little nullifier energy backpacks destructible.  Upon backpack destruction, nullifying shield and riot shield go down and they're free to hit,

Edited by Sonitorum
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You can't challenge the players when the players have near infinite crowd suppression abilities to begin with.  Any sense of real challenge in this game is lost unless DE can do something about the overuse of perma-CC.  Nullifiers may be cheap on their own, but consider that maybe CC-resistant enemies do not have to have shields, and perhaps they could even have weak points that break CC resistance when hit, but require great aim to do so.  


In fact, IMO that's what the Nullifier Crewman should be in the first place.  Quit making the shield deflect bullets, and make their little nullifying backpacks destructible so that CC can be applied again.

 this is other vise a good idea but the need for great aim is not neede becuz lazor + punch throu

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No more Nullifier-type enemies...

... Please...


I disagree. They are fun, and bring a worthy challenge to the table. 


Some of us actually like putting effort in, rather than rushing to objectives mindlessly smashing our 4 keys.


The enemy factions need more CC on their side. Hoping Sentients fit the bill, big time.

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